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8 Second Stuns...


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Does anyone else feel these should be changed to 6 or 7 seconds?


If my trinket is down from a previous fight but my resolve bar is no longer full, there is absolutely nothing stopping someone from capping a turret or door.


Now, I realize that often its people who trinket the 4 second stun and then get hit for a full 8 that are the ones losing here. If you don't know how to manage cool-downs properly that's your problem. But sometimes there really is nothing you can do.




As a merc I used my timed missile on operatives/smugglers if they try to pull this trick on me. I trinket the first 8 second stun and immediately fire my missile. They stun me but 4 seconds later the missile goes off and they don't get a cap. Most classes can't do this though (especially since dots no longer stop a cap).


Also, the answer "always keep two people on defense" doesn't work when you have at least half a warzone full of pugs.

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Personally I love using it with my merc healer in the 10-49 bracket If I need to get away to survive... Hit him with my instant 4 second, then anticipating the break cuz he wants to kill me so bad, I'm already halfway through the cast of my 8 second stun... Then I run away and heal myself :D


I think it's fine how it is.... I don't think it's by accident that max stun is 8 seconds and cap time is 8 seconds also

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Mez vs stun...




My point is still valid.


It's not semantics and your point is not still valid.


A stun ALWAYS lasts it's full duration. A mez breaks as soon as you take damage, i.e. from a dot. 2 complete different mechanics and 2 complete different uses.

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Mez vs stun...




My point is still valid.


It is not "semantics" they are entirely different game mechanics. Also staying more than 10 yards from the objective counters it.


I do love when they all blow their trinket, then huddle up for blind so i can cap tho.


L2P. Stop nerfing the game to suit your skill level.

If they give in to you, they need to give in to lowest common denominator skillwize, and you will see PANDAS in next expansion.

Edited by Dmasterr
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It makes it so you have to worry if you want to put 1 guard on a door nothing wrong with it.


You can still single guard, just just have to have the intelligence to put 1 and 1 together. Longest MEZ is 8 seconds cap time is 8 seconds so if you stand away from the node they have to spend 1+ seconds to travel to the objective to start the cap making a CC breaker a moot point.

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It is not "semantics" they are entirely different game mechanics. Also staying more than 10 yards from the objective counters it.


I do love when they all blow their trinket, then huddle up for blind so i can cap tho.


L2P. Stop nerfing the game to suit your skill level.

If they give in to you, they need to give in to lowest common denominator skillwize, and you will see PANDAS in next expansion.


Just stay 10 meters from the target?


And if you're trying to capture a neutral target?


Operative uses stealth dart on you and starts capping.


You either trinket and get a Flash Bang or don't trinket and he caps.


And in this case it really is semantics. Both are abilities that stop you from doing anything for a certain amount of time. In the context I'm describing the person who is CCed isn't taking damage so there is no difference between the two.

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Just stay 10 meters from the target?


And if you're trying to capture a neutral target?


Operative uses stealth dart on you and starts capping.


You either trinket and get a Flash Bang or don't trinket and he caps.


And in this case it really is semantics. Both are abilities that stop you from doing anything for a certain amount of time. In the context I'm describing the person who is CCed isn't taking damage so there is no difference between the two.

Sleep dart fills your resolve bar. We can not use flashbang until your resolve has ran out. You have plenty of time to if not kill us, at least get some distance from the turret... since flashbang is 10 yards.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Just stay 10 meters from the target?


And if you're trying to capture a neutral target?


Operative uses stealth dart on you and starts capping.


You either trinket and get a Flash Bang or don't trinket and he caps.


Stealth dart completely fills the resolve bar.

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It is not "semantics" they are entirely different game mechanics. Also staying more than 10 yards from the objective counters it.


I do love when they all blow their trinket, then huddle up for blind so i can cap tho.


L2P. Stop nerfing the game to suit your skill level.

If they give in to you, they need to give in to lowest common denominator skillwize, and you will see PANDAS in next expansion.



This is off point, but do you have to use different coloured text? It doesn't help get your points across.


Now, more on point I don't think it should be changed. If a player manages to pull that combo off on you then good for them.

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Also remember that if you ask Bioware to nerf something because of your skill level... them giving in to your QQ is most detrimental to YOU.

Because it means they will give in to the QQ of a guy even less skilled than you, and nerf YOU next.

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