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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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Thread deleted on PTR, hope it stays alive here... Because we really need new content fast before wind starts blowing through server fleets...


In the last couple of weeks, our guild lost over 20% of active 50's to other games, due to the fact that they have the alts they want, full rakatta, battlemaster, sufficient legacy and yet they have nothing more to do on this game that would entertain them or make them stay... Since some of them are not even paying their subs, it's a slight chance we'll ever see them again...


There is not 1 day that goes by that we do not get 1 leave notification from one of our members. And yes, we have 16 man raids going, we have organised PVP, yet people are BORED and NEED NEW CONTENT...


Before our guild empties, do please release the long-awaited update...

Edited by RiteOn
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If Bioware realises this patch bugged and incomplete, they'd lose way more subs than if they were to wait.


Bad suggestion is really, really bad.


Might be a bad idea, but how about... it should have already been tested and released... Postponing updates is not doing a good service to player base in any way you wanna take it...

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With the state that 1.2 is in at the moment it would cause even more people to leave if it went live now.


There is even part of 1.2 that hasnt even been downloaded to the PTS yet.


Do you also know that 1.2 only brings in 1 new OP, 1 new flashpoint and I think it is 1 new warzone? Not much in the way of new content.


1.2 is mostly graphics changes (new UI), legacy system and class/crew skill changes.

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OMG Give this man what he WANTS NOU!!!




I do not want anything, nor act in a self righteouss way... I am merely saying that if they want to keep subs, they should consider my point of view aswell.


When the plethora of game to choose from (WoW, Tera, GW2, D3) is gonna threaten the solidity of the player base, arguments like mine make for a good bussiness model to counter that...

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With the state that 1.2 is in at the moment it would cause even more people to leave if it went live now.


There is even part of 1.2 that hasnt even been downloaded to the PTS yet.


Do you also know that 1.2 only brings in 1 new OP, 1 new flashpoint and I think it is 1 new warzone? Not much in the way of new content.


1.2 is mostly graphics changes (new UI), legacy system and class/crew skill changes.


And mostly nerfs.


Ooh, what fun things we have to look forward to! More grinding is just what we needed! :D

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To put it mildly, 1.2 needs more work.


And to put it midly again, by the time the work is finished, there might be no one around to appreciate it. Hell, I am exagerrating, not exactly no one, but then again, a game that has raid-based end game for 16 man might want to have some guilds with over 16 members still left, right?

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If Bioware realises this patch bugged and incomplete, they'd lose way more subs than if they were to wait.


Bad suggestion is really, really bad.


Indeed, Its along the same line of: What if Bioware released SW:TOR while it was still buggy and glitchy like in Beta.

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Indeed, Its along the same line of: What if Bioware released SW:TOR while it was still buggy and glitchy like in Beta.


It's in the line of:


1. Release bad game because you are greedy.

2. Fix the bad game before people leave.

3. People leave anyway cause there's no new content.

4. Rush new content and then:


a. release buggy and make people leave


b. take your time and hope enough people left


Seems either way, my argument has even become pointless at this point. People ARE just gonna KEEP LEAVING...

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Man the game was so fun the first 2 months though... these guys suck at customer service, response, admiting any sort of fault... much less correcting it.


I dunno about 2nd part, not my line of concerns but 1st part, 1st 2 months EPIC !!! And that is my concern. I want that feeling BACK !!!

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Not to cast a doomsday forecast so early... but I do believe this game will end up in the same fashion of Star Wars Galaxies... An empty shell.


It's too nice, to end up like that. I hope that somewhere in BW attic, there is still someone that has some sense of reality left and will prevent this game from going to the MMO bin...

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What's the big deal? No one is going to be playing this game after Dec 21, anyway. That's when the world ends and we all get to do... Well, whatever you do after the world ends. Edited by mathisk
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If people can't stay with a new game for 3 months, then they're probably not going to stay regardless of the content updates. Just ask Trion (Rift) who blows out content faster than any game...ever.


Yes, but:


a. 1.2 is too much eyecandy and fixes, too little content

b. 1.2 postponed several times

c. 1.2 is too many things that should have been there on release day and too few things that should be in a new patch with fulfilling content


Dragging it on forever is of no use to anyone anyway...


And hell yeah, when you look at content, it's the amount, not the frequency. I can deal with 1 update every 6 months if it keeps me playing for the next 6 months...

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If people can't stay with a new game for 3 months, then they're probably not going to stay regardless of the content updates. Just ask Trion (Rift) who blows out content faster than any game...ever.


Its the same with any game for years now. People will leave, and find reasons for that, almost regardless of what you do. SWTOR so far has done better in keeping subs than just about anyone since the release of WOW, with the possible exclusion of EVE.


Today, you cant ask for much more than that.

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