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So, Which Ship is Your Favorite?


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X-70b Phantom = Aston Martin

Fury = Mustang/Camaro

Defender = Suburban

BT-7 Thunderclap = Pickup Truck

XS Freighter - R/V

D5-Mantis = Cargo Van (usually including sleazy driver)

Edited by Tyrloch
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X-70b Phantom = Aston Martin

Fury = Mustang/Camaro

Defender = Suburban

BT-7 Thunderclap = Pickup Truck

XS Freighter - R/V

D5-Mantis = Cargo Van (usually including sleazy driver)


X-70B Phantom: Considering the Imperial Agent is basically James Bond, I will go with the ride I first saw in a James Bond film. The Lotus. :)


Fury: DEFINITELY the Camaro of the Imperial Navy. :D


Defender: Old School Corvette from the 50s.


BT-7: HMMWV or "Hummer" to the civvies.


XS Freighter: The Pickup Truck to me. lol


D5 Mantis: Yeah, I'll go with a U-Haul van with laster turrets. :p


Just my comparisons. lol

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The Thunderclap is my favorite because it's so endearingly ugly, much like an A-10 Warthog.


^ this


I love the Thunderclap. When I fly it, I just want to lay waste to Imperials everywhere, despite my main being a marauder. It just feels like a true warship, and that's the point. It's supposed to be a war ship.


I also like the Phantom. Damn is that a sexy ship.

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I like the 3 ships




BT-7 thunderclap


X-70B phantom


D5 Because it reminds me of a big praying mantis and i do love those. :cool:


BT-7 Because its like the B-wing i would fly in X-wing. :)


X-70B Because its like a covenant ship from halo. :D


But i wish you could repaint and decal your ships (please BW bring out ship paint and decals)

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Phantom. It looks so... different from the rest. It looks more like a luxury yacht, love it.


That's because the phantom is a luxury yacht. It's part of the storyline that it's a luxury yacht outfitted with some hidden heavy firepower. Think along the lines of pretty much any car driven by James Bond.

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Smuggler ship.


Jedi ship looks like a hammerhead shark minus the teeth and fins; i.e. stupid


Thunderclap is okay but the internal layout is horrible

Edited by Moitteva
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