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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Trust me, you're not the only one. :D Hopefully patch 1.3 will be released in good time, so we can start getting info about 1.4.


+1 internets to you :)


I'm guessing that 1.4 won't be until the Autumn or later if it's as big as we're currently theorising in terms of content.

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that is a very good point i would like to see some of the story characters come back as companions... Jaxo perhaps?


I don't think jaxo will be able to come back. in the trooper story arc

you can choose to let her die. so if they did add her back they would also have to put in a not-jaxo for those people who have already killed her,

and by doing so once again make the choices that are suppose to matter be just more smoke and mirrors

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One bug zen master is enough for me. Crezelle might want him, though. :p



*jumps in, grabs, runs off* HUZZAH

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Has anyone seen mention of anything related to same-sex relationships for toons who have already gone through the entire story with the romancable companion? When they roll out this feature, will there be a "reset" for that storyline or will it be like with the races, "you can't change the race of your toon because you can't be reborn. Roll a new toon."


Just curious as I haven't seen anything and don't want to get too far with certain toons if it is irreversable.


Thanks! :D

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Has anyone seen mention of anything related to same-sex relationships for toons who have already gone through the entire story with the romancable companion? When they roll out this feature, will there be a "reset" for that storyline or will it be like with the races, "you can't change the race of your toon because you can't be reborn. Roll a new toon."


Just curious as I haven't seen anything and don't want to get too far with certain toons if it is irreversable.


Thanks! :D


that would be cool..then again it would be worth it to see corso's face if i dumped him for akavi >:3

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that would be cool..then again it would be worth it to see corso's face if i dumped him for akavi >:3


hehe Then it would reflect real life a little more there. That has happened to people I know (not with Corso obviously).

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Has anyone seen mention of anything related to same-sex relationships for toons who have already gone through the entire story with the romancable companion?


Nothing has been mentioned.


When they roll out this feature, will there be a "reset" for that storyline or will it be like with the races, "you can't change the race of your toon because you can't be reborn. Roll a new toon."


That would be nice considering I leveled with my main already.


I kind of doubt they will do something like that and we who have leveled will be out of luck.

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Has anyone seen mention of anything related to same-sex relationships for toons who have already gone through the entire story with the romancable companion? When they roll out this feature, will there be a "reset" for that storyline or will it be like with the races, "you can't change the race of your toon because you can't be reborn. Roll a new toon."

Like stuffystuffs said, we haven't had any news from BioWare on this. I'm guessing we'll get that question answered after the patch that brings in SGRs is officially announced as next in line. And we haven't had news on that either, other than "this year". :D


However: I don't think there's anything to worry about. I tend to really work on raising my companions' affection, and I've noticed something about how that goes. Since you only get certain companion conversations after certain story points pass, and then you get all of them at once, it seems likely that people with high-level characters will end up with all their new romance 'missions' available at once.


Let me explain: while playing my male Sith Warrior, I decided to go for the Vette romance. I mean, seriously, why not. :p I got her affection up really high, but after the first few conversations, there was nothing. Then, after I finished a planet - Alderaan, I think - I suddenly had four different conversations waiting, including what I think was the start of the romance. Because my affection with her was high enough, when I reached the appropriate story point, all of those missions were available.


The same thing happened with my Smuggler. I started giving lots of gifts to both Risha and Akaavi, and got their conversations right away, as I was clearly already past the story points for them. This led to rather quick romancing. It also led to a fight between them, which was hilarious.


So like I said, I don't think there's anything to worry about. I think it's safe to say BioWare will handle SGRs' technical stuff the same way as the current relationships, so someone who has level 50 characters and high affection with the appropriate companions will likely get a ton of romance missions in a row. BioWare knows that this is important to us; they said as much in the guild summit. I highly, highly doubt they'll design the system in a way that would keep people from going through the new romances.


that would be cool..then again it would be worth it to see corso's face if i dumped him for akavi >:3

...I'd feel sorry for Corso if I wasn't laughing so hard. :D

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1.4 is officially a heavily companion related update, just an FYI.

do we still not have an ETA , as in This year, this quarter?
1.4 simply put.

I have to ask, do you have a source for this? I just watched a video for the 1.3 update - which likely means it's coming fairly soon - and they said they can't talk about what's coming next. I'd love to see any kind of information on 1.4.

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I have to ask, do you have a source for this? I just watched a video for the 1.3 update - which likely means it's coming fairly soon - and they said they can't talk about what's coming next. I'd love to see any kind of information on 1.4.


Actually the devs seemed to have shutdown that whole thing, apparently 1.4 is super top secret, there was information going around TORwars, TORhead, etc... but it states that such things have been removed at the requests of BioWare.

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