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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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That's not the only place you'll find such things in the game either. However, it's quite unfair to say it's "framework" already in place. Just keep the context of where this is taking place in mind - some people would say that Vette's reaction to the F!SW asking for clarification is quite telling ("Shut up, please? Crazy Sith channel turn to mute?" plus affection loss). Yes, that reaction could be due to Tivva being her sister, and that's the way I read it - but that's not the only way it could be read.


Just in case people are wondering about why I jump on these things so negatively, it's because I hate to see people get their hopes up, only to have them crushed when the NPC they (and their characters) have set their hearts on turn out to only be OGLI. (*cough*AshleyWilliams*cough*)


That's the way I read her reaction as well, but the basic framework IS there. I believe they pushed the rest to the backburner to address the more serious gameplay glitches and other issues first. Hey, I'm just glad they're adding it in!


Also, I said "most noticeable". Yes, I've seen hints to it elsewhere, but none are quite as telling as that one. :)


And as to Ashley... such a shame. :o But tbh, Liara is better anyhow. :D

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Er, what is all this going around about Republic Trooper having a possible same sex romance? o_O


Someone misread a thread and thought it was talking about a same sex romance, when, in fact, it was about a bugged opposite sex romance.


This thread.


The mistaken poster linked to this post


That's the way I read her reaction as well, but the basic framework IS there. I believe they pushed the rest to the backburner to address the more serious gameplay glitches and other issues first. Hey, I'm just glad they're adding it in!


Also, I said "most noticeable". Yes, I've seen hints to it elsewhere, but none are quite as telling as that one. :)


And as to Ashley... such a shame. :o But tbh, Liara is better anyhow. :D


I love Liara, my canon Shepard is a Liaramancer... But I liked Ashley a whole lot and got very excited when it seemed like she'd be available to fem!Shepard. As much as I'm happy the male Kaidenmancers got their guy, it still stings you know. (If Samantha Traynor had a deeper romance, I probably wouldn't have been as stung.)


And to tie this back to SWTOR - I hope the developers at Bioware understand that variety is the spice of life.

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damn, how did i miss that one.........:o


Ya know I gotta say that she for some reason just doesn't do it for me. Bastila however I did very much so like from KOTOR. But then I say this as a straight male though.


As I think about it some more though I think my hesitation with Satele might be because she reminds me too much of an old friend of the family from years back.

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Ya know I gotta say that she for some reason just doesn't do it for me. Bastila however I did very much so like from KOTOR. But then I say this as a straight male though.


I remember using a same-gender mod for KOTOR so that my female characters could romance Bastila.


Good times ^_^


P.S. I was pleasantly surprised when I recognised Vette's voice as the same voice actress who did Mission Vao.

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And during the FINAL conversation of the Agent Story arc if you decide to go Independent, you can say something to the effect of "What should I call you?" and she actually says her real name. Damned if I can remember it, though. :p


This is old but I can answer...her real name is




I think you have to ask her what her real name is on Corelia to hear it.


That was totally the highlight of my Agent's ending.



I just started a new Agent on Dalborra (to play with my SO, and at the expense of my planned Trooper :(), and she just met Kaliyo (in fact, she's currently sitting on the Imperial Fleet with her BH partner-in-"crime" awaiting the next time my SO and I play them), and I was knocked on my bum when I was reminded of how attractive at first sight she is. So I just wanted to say I completely understand where people are coming from with her - it's just unfortunate that evil bloodthirsty mercenaries just don't do it for me (or Jan'neria - and maybe not Zavi (my newly minted Sniper), but only time will tell with her).


Kaliyo fits really really well with certain IA's but yeah, not all of them (same could be said of Temple).


I think someone like Watcher 2 would have appeal to both LS and DS IA's. I don't think it will happen, but wishful thinking and all that.

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I remember using a same-gender mod for KOTOR so that my female characters could romance Bastila.


Good times ^_^


P.S. I was pleasantly surprised when I recognised Vette's voice as the same voice actress who did Mission Vao.


Ya know I hadn't thought about it but now that you say that, it is the same person isnt it. Seems appropriate though, a young impressionable blue female Twilek being voiced by the same person who previously voiced a young impressionable blue female Twilek.



Sorry for the off topic folks. Just reminiscing a little I guess.

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I remember using a same-gender mod for KOTOR so that my female characters could romance Bastila.


Good times ^_^


P.S. I was pleasantly surprised when I recognised Vette's voice as the same voice actress who did Mission Vao.

Yah, I remember doing that with Viconia way back in Baldur's Gate II. :D Never did that with Bastila, though; my female KotOR character was much more interested in Juhani. If we someday get a female cathar SGR option, I'll play any class of any alignment to romance her. Just sayin'.


Ya know I hadn't thought about it but now that you say that, it is the same person isnt it. Seems appropriate though, a young impressionable blue female Twilek being voiced by the same person who previously voiced a young impressionable blue female Twilek.

It took me a bit to realize it, but sure enough, it is the same voice actor. I think I remember an early companion video talking about how a lot of people had wondered why Mission wasn't a romance option (it's because she's underage), so that probably helped the decision to make Vette romanceable.


The 64K credit question here, though, is whether or not she's impressionable enough for SGRs, or if a female SW will be stuck with Jaesa. I dunno, kind of seems win-win to me. :p

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Yah, I remember doing that with Viconia way back in Baldur's Gate II. :D Never did that with Bastila, though; my female KotOR character was much more interested in Juhani. If we someday get a female cathar SGR option, I'll play any class of any alignment to romance her. Just sayin'.



It took me a bit to realize it, but sure enough, it is the same voice actor. I think I remember an early companion video talking about how a lot of people had wondered why Mission wasn't a romance option (it's because she's underage), so that probably helped the decision to make Vette romanceable.


The 64K credit question here, though, is whether or not she's impressionable enough for SGRs, or if a female SW will be stuck with Jaesa. I dunno, kind of seems win-win to me. :p


Ahhh, Juhani. She went on to be a Mass Effect 2 OGLI for male Shepard. :D Courtenay Taylor, who played Juhani and Jack. ;)

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It took me a bit to realize it, but sure enough, it is the same voice actor. I think I remember an early companion video talking about how a lot of people had wondered why Mission wasn't a romance option (it's because she's underage), so that probably helped the decision to make Vette romanceable.


The 64K credit question here, though, is whether or not she's impressionable enough for SGRs, or if a female SW will be stuck with Jaesa. I dunno, kind of seems win-win to me. :p


I'm prolly being sensitive, but your use of the word 'impressionable' there bothers me. She doesn't need to be any more or less impressionable for SGRs than for OGRs.

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Hello all! I'm a long-time lurker, first time poster to this thread.


While I was reading another thread concerning which companions would be friends, I got to thinking how Bioware might most easily and most cost effectively deploy their SGRA options. The tentative conclusion I came to was that for each class they could generate one entirely new companion that brings some fresh personality to each class story while also rewriting one old companion per class. Since each class already has 2 damage and 2 tank companions, my suggestion would be for the new ones to be healers (the JK in particular could use one for the early levels!)


This would be my dream team (when I say "adapt" I mean alter the existing script to allow SGRA).


Jedi Knight: Adapt Kira, add a male trooper (heavy Aim armor, cannon).

Jedi Consular: Adapt Zenith, add a human female smuggler (medium Cunning armor, pistol)

Trooper: Adapt Elara, add a male Jedi medic (light armor, 1-hand saber+focus)

Smuggler: Adapt Corso, add a female Jedi spy (light armor, 1-hand saber+focus)


Sith Warrior: Adapt Dark-side Jaesa, add a male Imperial Guard (heavy Aim armor, tech blade+generator)

Sith Inquisitor: Adapt Andronikos, add a female Bounty Hunter (heavy Aim armor, pistol+generator)

Bounty Hunter: Adapt Torian, add a female Pure Blood witch (light armor, 1-hand saber+focus)

Imperial Agent: Adapt Kaliyo, add a male Sith Lord (light armor, 1-hand saber+focus)


I could go into why I think each of these archetypes fits well into the current mix for each class, but then my post would grow unconscionably long. x.x; My main point is that I think for each class there are already existing characters who could work well for SGRA, and my secondary point is that new companions could work well in the alternate healer slot.

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I'm prolly being sensitive, but your use of the word 'impressionable' there bothers me. She doesn't need to be any more or less impressionable for SGRs than for OGRs.

That was a poor choice of words on my part, and I apologize. I was going off of what Hyfy, said, and sort of thinking about the SW seducing Vette, and it came out wrong. Sorry for any offense. :o


I could go into why I think each of these archetypes fits well into the current mix for each class, but then my post would grow unconscionably long. x.x; My main point is that I think for each class there are already existing characters who could work well for SGRA, and my secondary point is that new companions could work well in the alternate healer slot.

Welcome to the thread! I like your ideas for new companions, but I don't know if BioWare will take the time to make completely new companions for something like this. Since we know SGRs are coming in a content patch, eight new companions would be a ton of work for just a patch. :eek: Hopefully, any new companions we get somewhere down the line will be romanceable by both genders.


...and my female BH would have her black little heart broken if she couldn't romance Mako. :(

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Yeah, I don't think there will be new companions yet.


They'll show up in a game expansion.


Since this is a 'patch' I think they will only add in SGRA's for those companions that they claimed were intended for it but they ran out of time. Unfortunately, I don't think every class will get an SGRA for both genders right now.


That will affect what characters I level in the next year for sure. I already have my main toon on hold for this in the hopes that female IA's will get Kaliyo (or someone).

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Yeah, I don't think there will be new companions yet.


They'll show up in a game expansion.


Since this is a 'patch' I think they will only add in SGRA's for those companions that they claimed were intended for it but they ran out of time. Unfortunately, I don't think every class will get an SGRA for both genders right now.




If that happens, that would suck way too much.

They already screwed up in 1.2 with warzones. And the crafting community is not finding all the awesomeness promised either.


Since they haven't commit to anything in terms of ETA, they better do it right. Leaving out people to rush the content would be a bad call, again.

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SGRAs will be coming at the same time as new story content, so I think there's a good chance that there will be new companions, perhaps in addition to new romances with some of the original companions.
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I just wish....


~~That I could have a proper romance, for my beloved Sith Warrior.~~




Waiting... waiting...it will be worth the wait though, I just know it, and I do hope, that we get some of the companions, that we are wishing for. :jawa_biggrin:


I'd love it we'd get an ETA, or even a sneak peak, that would be so cool.


Sorry the only thing I can think of every time I see him is

. Which is strangely apropos as well.



Edit: Which does make you wonder if the story writer for that part was....well for those who know will understand.

Edited by Hyfy
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After reading this article I was wondering if this meant whether they might make certain old characters sgra-available or whether they were goign to simply make new ones that were instead.

Welcome to the thread! :)


Unfortunately, we don't yet know how BioWare is handling SGRs. A common theory around here is that completely new companions would be too much work for a patch, so many of us think that the current companions are going to become available for SGRs. Earlier this year at the guild summit, one of BW's people said that they knew who they wanted for SGRs, and it seems more likely that they'd be referring to existing characters with that, especially since one of the devs said "Blizz". :D


But we shall see. BioWare has said they won't be releasing any info about SGRs until they're done, but the story patch is coming out this year. So we have less than eight months to wait. :o

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Sorry the only thing I can think of every time I see him is
. Which is strangely apropos as well.



Edit: Which does make you wonder if the story writer for that part was....well for those who know will understand.


Now that you mention it, Quinn seems to have that mooooooooollllllleeeeeee moleymoleymoleymoley in EVERY one of his companion customization options. At least the ones I've seen. :D

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Greetings everyone,


We recently had to remove several posts that had veered into off-topic territory. We'd like to remind everyone that the topic of this thread is the implementation of same gender romance arcs in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Discussions about the acceptability of this feature or discussions about attitudes toward same gender romances in-game or in the real world are not appropriate for these forums.


Thank you for staying on-topic and for remaining civil! Please continue your discussion.


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Another theory of mine is...I notice some companions already react favorably to courting items given by same gender, i.e. Kira so I am pretty much betting they are candidates.


Unfortunately, I think there is very little correlation between who takes courting gifts and who will be a romance option. In fact, some romanceable characters right now only take the courting gifts after the romance has been triggered. Companions who take these gifts for a small affection gain include M1-4X, Bowdaar, Guss and Talos, who as far as I know aren't romanceable for anyone.

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