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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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I prefered DS Jaesa and didn't think Quinn was a very good choice. I was thrilled and then sad that Pierce wasn't an option, especially after he hints at the end of the conversation that he "likes his new duties." I don't think anything negative about those that wish to pursue Quinn, that's the joy of a roleplaying game. I just don't understand it. I won't argue with the people that like him, but could you give me some reasons as to why you would like that companion for SGRs?


Quinn in general:

- I like that he's so uncomfortable about flirting. It's refreshing.

- I like that he's kinda dorky.

- I like his "unhealthy doting" and submissive behavior.


Quinn in relation to SGR:

- His "unhealthy doting" goes for warriors of both genders.



As for Pierce, I didn't like him at all. That said, I do wish he had been a (full fledged) romance option for those who do like him.

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Fair warning: DS Jaesa is bat guano crazy. To give you an idea, her combat lines include, "I'll taste your blood!" and "This is so much fun." This is a spoiler for the DS Jaesa storyline, so enter at your own risk.



She sets on a personal crusade to wipe out all LS Sith in the galaxy. She does respectfully ask for your permission of course. I also about died laughing when she asked if she could more or less have a one stand stand because, "I was raised a Jedi and I am STARVING." Afterward, she states that she doesn't know if she killed the lover or not. It made me go :eek:


Ah well, you know what they say about crazy women and straightjackets. :cool:




Hear hear! He really rubs me the wrong way, and I've thought about why. His devotion to Darth Slob and the results from that are part of it. Quinn has a very unhealthy way he dotes on my SW or anyone with enough power. I mean really unhealthy; you could do just about whatever you want to him and all he does is meekly reply, "Yes my Lord."



I wish I had taken the DS pts against him while I had the chance. I should have force choked him and made him PAY for betraying me :mad:



Other than Quinn's wonderbread personality, there seems to be some severe co-dependence issues. He isn't very well fleshed out imho and it reflects in way I roleplay my SW. Most people are tools to Kit and she doesn't care about the individual. Pierce, Vette, Broonmark, and Jaesa are all real to her. Quinn, on the other hand, she sees as nothing more than another useful tool she can use or dispose of as she pleases. My SW is more than just a little sociopathic. However, she can love and wants love. It's just not be found among her shipmates currently.


I don't think anything negative about those that wish to pursue Quinn. I just don't understand the appeal. I wouldn't argue with the people that like him, but could you give me some reasons as to why you would like that companion for SGRs? I'd like to get some perspective from other players. ;)




I wish I had thought to strip Quinn before that scene. For whatever reason, even though Pierce was fully equipped, he still showed up in that scene in his undies. Ah, Pierce. :jawa_angel: My Tidus Pullo(sorry, reference to the TV show Rome), and the guy that seems tailor made for my DS SW.


As a roleplayer, if my bisexual SW doesn't have someone she likes,(and she doesn't see Quinn as even a remote choice) she'll probably start killing people at random. At this point she only kills who she feels she has to. Using D&D alignments as an example, my SW is Lawful Evil(Dark IV.) My(semi-retired) Sorc is completely nuts and is Chaotic Evil, making every DS choice for the Evilulz(no LS points at all.)



I prefered DS Jaesa and didn't think Quinn was a very good choice. I was thrilled when I got to have my alone time with Pierce. Then I was kinda sad that Pierce wasn't a LI option, especially after he hints at the end one of the conversations that he "likes his new duties."


Edit: I wanted to add that both my husband and myself felt like we missed a huge part of the story by rolling females. My husband's Imp character is a Dark V BH. He eventually pursued the romance arc with Torian to see that other side of the story. That and we both thought Torian was a total sweetie. :)


Yes, DS Jaesa IS a few nuts short of a Snickers bar. She's also a riot! Her first "one night stand" with a male SW is basically the same wording from the video I watched on youtube. She says in a REALLY hot sultry voice "I want you..." to the SW. When I saw that, my jaw dropped.


Yeah, Quinn is a complete dingleberry. lol


And with the Vowrawn thing, I was actually using Vette at the time, so both Quinn and Pierce were on the holocall and both were in their skivvies. I know the crew in skivvies during holocalls thing is a glitch, but in that case, it was weirdly appropriate and added some much needed, if unintentional comic relief. :D


Only time I used Quinn at all during my entire playthrough was against Baras at the very end of the class storyline. I fitted him out from the GTM on the Fleet. Then, being a Pureblood, I jackslapped him upside the head when the fight was over. Just for him being a complete suckup and brownnoser during the entire game. :p


Yes, I recommend Pureblood for EVERY class once Legacy goes live. :D

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Wish they would give us an update on which companions are gonna be added to sgra. Having to daly talking to them even with max affection just to not miss out on the cut scenes. :(


I hate to break it to you, but we are very, very unlikely to hear anything more about which companions will get new romance options until they are ready to release the patch to the test server. Bioware pretty much never releases story spoilers if they can help it.

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I hate to break it to you, but we are very, very unlikely to hear anything more about which companions will get new romance options until they are ready to release the patch to the test server. Bioware pretty much never releases story spoilers if they can help it.


I'd rather know ahead of time . Just so I can finish the other conversations with the ones that aren't . Seeing how in the upcoming patch. You have to finish off all companion missions for that companion and cut scenes in order to get the buff unlocked.

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I'd rather know ahead of time . Just so I can finish the other conversations with the ones that aren't . Seeing how in the upcoming patch. You have to finish off all companion missions for that companion and cut scenes in order to get the buff unlocked.


I would like to know, too, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. They do not share this kind of information until release, never have as far as I can remember.


I get how frustrating that is. When it turns out there is no way to reset and no way to pick up a romance in the new content, but only through the original 0-10k affection conversations, then I'll have to reroll three of my characters. And if it turns out the companions I've grown attached to aren't romanceable, I'll probably abandon the characters altogether.


This feeling of characters beind temporary or unfinished, waiting for something, that's awful and I think we should actually be told what to expect. But I don't think it will happen.

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Everything is optional. The only time it isn't is if you click that option in a cut scene. I find male/female romance arcs make me feel ill, so i just don't get my companions affection to that level.


I feel the same way. I clicked one flirt option with Andronikos just to see what happened, and it made me feel very uncomfortable. Not doing that again. But giving me an option I might enjoy isn't going to take away any options already available.


I'd seriously love to pair up my evil, snarky sorcerer with someone like Kallyo. She's lovely.


But while we are leveling the playing field a bit in the direction of romance options, how about giving us girls a slightly greater choice in our options? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't each class get exactly one female companion? That's not what I'd call a choice. Compare to two or three humanoid male companions, and one or two (male) alien/robot companions (not forgetting one of the robots is female).


So to sum up: more girls I can cuddle please.

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I feel the same way. I clicked one flirt option with Andronikos just to see what happened, and it made me feel very uncomfortable. Not doing that again. But giving me an option I might enjoy isn't going to take away any options already available.


I'd seriously love to pair up my evil, snarky sorcerer with someone like Kallyo. She's lovely.


But while we are leveling the playing field a bit in the direction of romance options, how about giving us girls a slightly greater choice in our options? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't each class get exactly one female companion? That's not what I'd call a choice. Compare to two or three humanoid male companions, and one or two (male) alien/robot companions (not forgetting one of the robots is female).


So to sum up: more girls I can cuddle please.


Actually, there is at least one class that gets two females: the smuggler. And both of them are available as male romance options. Not that that will necessarily affect whether they are available for SGRAs but there it is.

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Actually, there is at least one class that gets two females: the smuggler. And both of them are available as male romance options. Not that that will necessarily affect whether they are available for SGRAs but there it is.


I sit corrected. Not tried smuggler yet and it's not obvious from the images available. It's a step in the right direction. And I do like that one of the robots is actually female. A shame none of the monsters are. You don't get female monsters much.

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+1 in support of this


Female IRL, Female Jugg in game... tho im still around level 25.. have seen a few video's of a future companion i'll be able to get - Jessa.


I dont limit my love to men IRL and hope i dont have too in game either.


The age of people being afraid of this kinda thing has been coming to an end for a while now.... video games and government seem to be slow to the realisation tho :p

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I feel the same way. I clicked one flirt option with Andronikos just to see what happened, and it made me feel very uncomfortable. Not doing that again. But giving me an option I might enjoy isn't going to take away any options already available.


I'd seriously love to pair up my evil, snarky sorcerer with someone like Kallyo. She's lovely.


But while we are leveling the playing field a bit in the direction of romance options, how about giving us girls a slightly greater choice in our options? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't each class get exactly one female companion? That's not what I'd call a choice. Compare to two or three humanoid male companions, and one or two (male) alien/robot companions (not forgetting one of the robots is female).


So to sum up: more girls I can cuddle please.

The Smuggler, Sith Warrior, and Imperial Agent all get two female companions, and for all of them, both companions are romance options.


One of the things we've discussed before is if the fact that most classes only have one female companion means that those companions will be available for SGRs. I'm hoping that's the case, for several reasons; those reasons are named Kira, Mako, Ashara, Jaesa, Elara... :D


I agree that the game in general needs more female companions, though. I tend to find female characters more interesting than male ones, so my characters tend to have the female companions with them most of the time, whether they're going for the romances or not.


Also: welcome to the thread, always good to see new faces here. :)


The age of people being afraid of this kinda thing has been coming to an end for a while now.... video games and government seem to be slow to the realisation tho :p

Well, BioWare has had same-sex relationships in their games since Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which came out back in 2003. A lot of people (myself definitely included) were surprised and disappointed when we heard that TOR wouldn't have SGRs in from the start. But they are amending that mistake.


And welcome to the thread as well. :)

Edited by MusedMoose
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The Smuggler, Sith Warrior, and Imperial Agent all get two female companions, and for all of them, both companions are romance options.


My noob credentials are showing. Good to hear things are better than I realised. Of the four classes I've played (one to 30 and the others to early teens) only one has had a female companion (the lovely Kaliyo - I swear I only play Agent to run around with her).


And welcome to the thread as well. :)


Thank you! Hope I can contribute something useful.

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I have to say, after reading this and related threads, that I'm surprised and delighted to see so many lesbian gamers playing TOR. We should all get together and start a guild. Edited by G-Girl
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First off, to the new posters, welcome to the thread! Everyone on this thread has been very polite and respectful of one another. I'm proud to say that overall this is the case. The first incarnation of this thread started on Jan 17th. This is incarnation #5 and its still going due to constructive discussion. Any fresh thoughts or even just questions are always encouraged here. :cool:


I know sometimes it's hard to keep hoping when so little information has come our way. It can be frustrating for sure, but I have faith in Bioware. It seems like the devs are taking this seriously and not letting any controversy stop them. However, it will make speculation easier once we know who is going to be available for SGRs.


Okay ladies and gents, if you could pick a companion from your current toons to SGR with, who would it be? :D I'd probably go with Kira to start with. I'm romancing her as Khaz(male) and it would be intriguing to see the possible dialog changes as a female JK. She's my favorite companion thus far from the toons I'm leveling. The other choice is DS Jaesa, because of her enthusiasm with embracing the Darkside. I also want to see LS Jaesa be romance-able by all; from the videos I've seen, she's more mellow as LS.

Edited by natashina
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First off, to the new posters, welcome to the thread! We try to be polite and respectful of one another. The first incarnation of this thread started on Jan 17th. This is incarnation #5 and its still going due to constructive discussion. Any fresh thoughts or even just questions are always encouraged here. :cool:


I know sometimes it's hard to keep hoping when so little information has come our way. It can be frustrating for sure, but I have faith in Bioware. It seems like the devs are taking this seriously and not letting any controversy stop them. However, it will make speculation easier once we know who is going to be available for SGRs.


Okay ladies and gents, if you could pick a companion from your current toons to SGR with, who would it be? I'd probably go with Kira to start with. I'm romancing her as Khaz(male) and it would be intriguing to see the possible dialog changes as a female JK. She's my favorite companion thus far from the toons I'm leveling. The other choice is DS Jaesa, because her enthusiasm with embracing the Darkside. I also want to see LS Jaesa be romance-able by all; from the videos I've seen, she's more mellow as LS.


i'd find temple fun; i keep saying this, but her and i are like peppermint patty and marcy, the way she follows me around, calling me " sir" :cool:


kaleiyo is a no-brainer, but i honestly wouldn't touch her.


i'm on board with the idea quinn would be a seamless fit.

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I have to say, after reading this and related threads, that I'm surprised and delighted to see so many lesbian gamers playing TOR. We should all get together and start a guild.


Lots of LGBT guilds around, Mine is run by a lesbian couple, and there's about 4 of us. The rest are gay guys or our token straight ones. It's fun when you find a good one, but very hard to find. Oh and you'll probably need reroll to find one, I had to.

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i'd find temple fun; i keep saying this, but her and i are like peppermint patty and marcy, the way she follows me around, calling me " sir" :cool:


kaleiyo is a no-brainer, but i honestly wouldn't touch her.


i'm on board with the idea quinn would be a seamless fit.


Temple is a blast, and I just found out she's down with the Chissness! :D


As for Kaliyo, I rode her as far as possible without marrying her, then broke it off with her after I got Raina. Besides, I made sure my Agent was wearing a space rubber every time with Kaliyo. I still find that line ironic when she says "Just because she's a Jedi doesn't mean you won't catch something." after I "socialized" with Ki Sazen after guaranteeing her safe passage to the Empire for her and her Nikto buddies.


But seriously, Kaliyo has NO room to talk about maybe having a bad case that goes unmentioned....


That said, I think Raina may just be the most beautifully done character in the game. She has that Halle Berry thing going on!

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Temple is a blast, and I just found out she's down with the Chissness! :D


As for Kaliyo, I rode her as far as possible without marrying her, then broke it off with her after I got Raina. Besides, I made sure my Agent was wearing a space rubber every time with Kaliyo. I still find that line ironic when she says "Just because she's a Jedi doesn't mean you won't catch something." after I "socialized" with Ki Sazen after guaranteeing her safe passage to the Empire for her and her Nikto buddies.


But seriously, Kaliyo has NO room to talk about maybe having a bad case that goes unmentioned....


That said, I think Raina may just be the most beautifully done character in the game. She has that Halle Berry thing going on!


i find her to be a quinn with a spine and a set of female chromisones



but then again i have odd taste for being in the vector fangirl swarm

i still say kaleiyo has more bugs on her than any he might have tracked into my ship


i'd totally be intrigued how theyd do a lokin SGR

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I have to say, after reading this and related threads, that I'm surprised and delighted to see so many lesbian gamers playing TOR. We should all get together and start a guild.


You don't have to be one to wish having SGRs added to the game.:) In fact, the reason I want them is because I like to play characters that are the exact opposite of me and do things in video games that I wouldn't do IRL. Which is why I say, the sooner SGRs get added to the game, the better. :D

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You don't have to be one to wish having SGRs added to the game.:) In fact, the reason I want them is because I like to play characters that are the exact opposite of me and do things in video games that I wouldn't do IRL. Which is why I say, the sooner SGRs get added to the game, the better. :D


My husband is much the same way; he likes roleplaying in the game as something he isn't. And a bit of who he is as well; he loves explosions and tinkering with things he shouldn't. :D


Which companions do you have your eye on for SGR?

Edited by natashina
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Just a note for everyone, especiallly the newer posters here. Please be careful with the way you word your enthusiasm or anger. Check your privilege and prejudices.


This thread is the only place we have to discuss same-gender romance in any kind of detail, so we have a responsibility to make everyone who may wish to join feel as welcome as possible. There are ways to talk about promiscuous characters without reducing them to objects that you can use and discard. There are ways to talk about characters you don't like without alienating everyone who does like them. And please, cover spoilers with spoiler tags. A lot of people have not played more than one or two classes and do not want to know beforehand everything they can expect from their companions.


This is no way a prescription of how to behave, I am merely asking for my own sake and hopefully in the interest of the thread as a whole that we all watch out for one another.

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Just a note for everyone, especiallly the newer posters here. Please be careful with the way you word your enthusiasm or anger. Check your privilege and prejudices.


This thread is the only place we have to discuss same-gender romance in any kind of detail, so we have a responsibility to make everyone who may wish to join feel as welcome as possible. There are ways to talk about promiscuous characters without reducing them to objects that you can use and discard. There are ways to talk about characters you don't like without alienating everyone who does like them. And please, cover spoilers with spoiler tags. A lot of people have not played more than one or two classes and do not want to know beforehand everything they can expect from their companions.


This is no way a prescription of how to behave, I am merely asking for my own sake and hopefully in the interest of the thread as a whole that we all watch out for one another.


And this is why you're one of my heroes on this thread. I agree that we have to watch out for each other. If we don't look out for one another, who will? I may have my issues with some companions, but I have nothing but respect for those that feel different.


At the end of the day, it's all about the roleplaying experience you wish to have. As far as the companions I don't like, I ignore them. However, I like reading the opinions of other posters. I'm excited to see new faces posting every night. :D


A little more OT: LS Jaesa for all! SGR/OGR people unite!

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