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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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My thread was closed, and I was asked to continue the discussion here. so here was my post.


I've recently started playing on the recently released Oceanic servers. We are at or near capacity. At the proposed maintenance time. There would be a queue for these servers.


By holding maintenance windows in the middle of peak oceania play times, our fully populated servers will end up like yours, as players are more easily lost when they are unable to play the game, even if they want to. eg. "oh, swtor is down, might log back into <insert other MMO here>". These are players that would not have been lost if the downtime was not during prime-time. Even moreso for the Oceanic servers, which have just recently been released, and not entirely 'hooked' some of the players.


Of course someone who pays less than me is entitled to less than me. If someone Pays more, they get more.


I'm not to worried about the 10 hours of play time. But if you look at gaming demographics. The average gamers plays primarily in the early evenings. So from your 168 hours, 56 are spent sleeping (8hrs a night ) 50 are spent working, or traveling to/from work.


This gives an Average player around 6 hours on a weekday, and if they wanted to 24 hours on a weekend, or around 55 hours of reasonable play time,


$15 for 200 hours a month of potential entertainment is great value. But the argument here isn't in the value of it. But the comparative value. Put it simply,


If I pay the same as someone else, I expect the same service as someone else.

If I pay more than someone else, I expect better service than someone else.


Bioware appeared happy enough to support a multi-tiered expereince with their pre-order and collectors editions. so "Pay more, Get More" has already been established.


Placing "potential new customers" above "existing paying customers" is a poor decision from a business point of view


This post ended up being much longer than I thought it would be .


TLR - Thanks for AU servers. Don't stiff paying customers in the pursuit of new ones.


Well said...

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My thread was closed, and I was asked to continue the discussion here. so here was my post.


I've recently started playing on the recently released Oceanic servers. We are at or near capacity. At the proposed maintenance time. There would be a queue for these servers.


By holding maintenance windows in the middle of peak oceania play times, our fully populated servers will end up like yours, as players are more easily lost when they are unable to play the game, even if they want to. eg. "oh, swtor is down, might log back into <insert other MMO here>". These are players that would not have been lost if the downtime was not during prime-time. Even moreso for the Oceanic servers, which have just recently been released, and not entirely 'hooked' some of the players.


Of course someone who pays less than me is entitled to less than me. If someone Pays more, they get more.


I'm not to worried about the 10 hours of play time. But if you look at gaming demographics. The average gamers plays primarily in the early evenings. So from your 168 hours, 56 are spent sleeping (8hrs a night ) 50 are spent working, or traveling to/from work.


This gives an Average player around 6 hours on a weekday, and if they wanted to 24 hours on a weekend, or around 55 hours of reasonable play time,


$15 for 200 hours a month of potential entertainment is great value. But the argument here isn't in the value of it. But the comparative value. Put it simply,


If I pay the same as someone else, I expect the same service as someone else.

If I pay more than someone else, I expect better service than someone else.


Bioware appeared happy enough to support a multi-tiered expereince with their pre-order and collectors editions. so "Pay more, Get More" has already been established.


Placing "potential new customers" above "existing paying customers" is a poor decision from a business point of view


This post ended up being much longer than I thought it would be .


TLR - Thanks for AU servers. Don't stiff paying customers in the pursuit of new ones.


I agree. The times need to be adjusted to avoid a prime time outage.

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I agree. The times need to be adjusted to avoid a prime time outage.


I think you misunderstood me. I'm so happy about Oceanic servers, that I will gladly put up with the regular outage period.


What is wrong in this instance, is Denying paying customers the choice to use the product they have paid for, in favor of attempting to capture new customers.


As was said before. If the servers aren't burning down. There should be no reason ever to take them down during anyone's prime-time.

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due to the way the world is round(lol amazing fact) it is always going to be "someone" primetime.



Question is, who gets to decide who judges such a thing.



Well game is made by Americans so it is there call, and there priority is clear and somewhat expected. :(

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Don't fix the game and people get mad...

Fix the game and people get mad...


A patch has to happen at some point, and it is inevitable that it will affect someone's play time. We just have to roll with it and let it go.


unless this is yet another patch to fix problems with weekend invites that should never have been put into place without testing. Or yet another 1 issue fix for pvp. Either of which could have waited till the tues patch.

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I am an Aussie player based in Western Australia. Need to remember that these are ASIA PACIFIC servers, not Oceanic. Small difference, but an important one. The region includes Hong Kong and Japan and other Asian countries. Their timezones are more inline with Western Australia, not the Eastern States.


A 2am CST downtime is 3pm for Western Australia, 4pm for Japan. 4 hours of maintenance ends at 7pm/8pm for us. So moving the window a couple of hours later would have a much higher impact on significant portion of the ASIA PACIFIC region.


As for me, the 3pm downtime is bad as it impacts my playtime with someone who happens to live in the US, and I play on a US server. By the time the servers are back online they are asleep.


Even WoW made no attempt to stagger maintenance until after many many years, for us Tuesday nights were a write off as the game went down around 6pm and was often still down at 2am or even 4am. There are technical limitations which can prevent a staggered maintenance, largely because they allow people to play on any server set regardless of their region.


It is just something we have to factor into our schedules for now.

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due to the way the world is round(lol amazing fact) it is always going to be "someone" primetime.


True. It's always 5 O'clock somewhere :).


But It's a question of degrees.


At the moment, on the Screw-people-over meter. Heres how it Stands


Oceania - 7

Europe - 3

America - 0


We should find the happy medium that screws everyone over equally. (or rotate the screwing over, so we all go REALLY screwed, but far less often).


But that is for the other thread.


In this thread. The patch tonight offers no benefits to currently subscribed players. So it is just Bioware chasing new Subs at the expense of existing ones.

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Another annoyed Aussie here.


I can live with Tuesday nights being down. Its mid week and with a wife and kids, I shouldn't be playing anyway.


But Friday nights, after I get them all asleep, is THE prime time of the week for me to game.


To read that this is just to fix something that is a hiccup with their weekend promo....grrr.


To make matters worse, I skipped my 4am out of bed for a few hours SWTOR before work this morning, thinking the sleep would do me well for tonight. Doh!

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You have nothing better to do on a friday night than play swtor, I feel sad for you.


I, on the other hand, feel sad for the ignorant juvenile bastards that dont realize that for working dads (and moms) friday night is a perfect evening for unwinding with some SWTOR.


Kids in bed - check

Not working - check

Girlfriend occupying the television with uninteresting programs - check


Perfect opportunity to play



"nothing better to do on a friday night" does not equal "I dont have a life"

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Is this patch going to be 1.2 or just some random patch to nerf our classes , they dont want to change the time, they would have to come into work early over night there time.



from what iv seen first hand the cust service needs some work, last week i spent 3 hours on the phone talking to 6 diffrent ppl to get a issue fix i was in so meny words told im s.o.l



i got my how was our service email to fill out LOL i was like really are you kiding me, so i let loose 5 min later some high up gave me a call then he got his boss ON THE LINE and the issue was fix, lol he said no1 should ever go through what i had to go through. since then everything has went ok.


1000 credits this gets "closed thread lol"

Edited by jimmyjediknight
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Im pretty sure if you got kciked at 9pm on friday you'd be pretty pissed. Dont be ignorant.


I wouldn't. I'd accept that they must have a good reason for it and do something else for the down time.


It's not sacrilage to admit there is more to life than this game.


Oh and don't presume to know what I would or wouldn't get mad at.

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The patch fixes some issues they have had with Free weekend pass accounts being able to continue playing after the weekend has finished.


It contains nothing of value for any currently subscribed customers.


It could easily be delayed until the next scheduled maintenance. But instead, Bioware are placing the value of potential new customers, above the value of currently subscribed customers.


In any customer service job, it is common knowledge that it is cheaper the keep an existing customer than to gain a new one. And that once a customer is lost to you, it is much harder to gain them back.

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I agree. The times need to be adjusted to avoid a prime time outage.


Like another poster mentioned which makes a lot of sense. The world is round (crazy fact huh? lol :p), so no matter what time they decide it is someone's prime time.


The issue is that it's affecting YOUR prime time to play, oh but hey if they listen to you, who cares what happens to the others right?

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I have other things to do on a friday then this lol, the time does not bother me, but some ppl might have work ,school and that is ther only time to play... what they might call a emergency patch might not be a emergancy for us, ppl are playing now so it cant be that big of a emergency. Edited by jimmyjediknight
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There is alot of rude ppl in this world, if it dont affect them they could careless, now if it affected them it would be #$*%(%*$(%($*%)*^( ***, just like in game there are ppl who are butt heads in the game servers.




Like another poster mentioned which makes a lot of sense. The world is round (crazy fact huh? lol :p), so no matter what time they decide it is someone's prime time.


The issue is that it's affecting YOUR prime time to play, oh but hey if they listen to you, who cares what happens to the others right?

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Sounds to me like some sort of emergency patch. They don't patch on Friday's for nothing. Anyone know the cause?


They have done this twice before an neither time the fix was urgent. This is apparently to fix their screwup to do with the free trial weekend. So basically their paying customers can go to hell.

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Gotta love when ppl compair this to wow News flash this ant wow, Took wow awhile after release to get where it is. I was with wow on release, along with, sto,ddo,swg,eve,dc universe. I really cant stand wow now populated with raid raid raid raid pvp pvp pvp , its old an dry, I really dont care much for pvp,


This is star wars not wow so stop saying well wow does this wow does that, if you want to see wow go play wow, theres a reason your here and not on wow lol.


every mmo thinks it has to copy the wow mold, we dont have to copy a game that has become more dry then your sister in laws turkey

Edited by jimmyjediknight
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Like another poster mentioned which makes a lot of sense. The world is round (crazy fact huh? lol :p), so no matter what time they decide it is someone's prime time.


The issue is that it's affecting YOUR prime time to play, oh but hey if they listen to you, who cares what happens to the others right?


This issue is that it ALWAYS affects our prime time. If it was shared around, It would only be 1 week in 3 or 4, and it would be the same for all the other regions.


The other issue is, that this patch is not a hotfix to some exploit, or a bug-fix that could not wait. There are no sensible business reasons for bringing servers down for 5 hours, outside of a regularly scheduled maintenance window to apply a patch that is not Sev1

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This issue is that it ALWAYS affects our prime time. If it was shared around, It would only be 1 week in 3 or 4, and it would be the same for all the other regions.


The other issue is, that this patch is not a hotfix to some exploit, or a bug-fix that could not wait. There are no sensible business reasons for bringing servers down for 5 hours, outside of a regularly scheduled maintenance window to apply a patch that is not Sev1


I hear you dude, it sucks but they do what they have to do. There is 168 hours in a week, average of 730 in a month, they're taking away about 10 hours and about 40 hours respectively to do maintenance. That's such small fractions compared to the overall sum.


No matter what region you are in, somehow some way you're gonna get shut down due to maintenance at any point in time. Sure you may argue that we Americans get less prime time outages, however this is an American game based on American soil. They will work according to America's scheduling because they apply patches and hotfixes globally rather than regionally.


I don't know if you noticed, but a major issue right now in game is a low population of players in servers. They haven't discussed a fix or any idea as to how they will solve the issue.


This Weekend Trial Pass is something of a temporary fix, they're trying to give new and older players a chance to play the game. IF (because I'm not gonna pretend I can tell the future), IF this strategy works it may bring in some new players to try out SWTOR and maybe interest some people. So in a way they aren't wasting your time entirely. All for the greater good. It sucks but you either look for a game that suits your preferences or, and not to sound like a jerk, deal with it.

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