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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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So once again, you take servers down on a friday night at 9pm during oceanic prime time for 4 hours for a patch. I mean what the hell!!!!


How many americans do you have on at say 8am or 6am friday morning? You need to select a new time because the current one is *********** awful.

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So your complaining about a 4 measly hours, when before that time you can play and after that you have time until next maintenance?


From 1am? Friday night is the best night to do stuff.

Edited by Yndras
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4hrs that is in the middle of prime time for him. I understand the frustration. Could you imagine the fires that would exist in this forum if they took the servers down for even 2hrs from 6PM to 8PM Eastern US time? wow...


To the OP: I understand man, and I really don't see why they can't take the Oceanic and Euro servers down at times that don't impact those players as much. BW just seems to like the efficency and money saving strategy of "Fix it all at the same time, who cares who we piss off!".

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Hey look its another OH NO I am going to die because SWTOR is having maintenance threads.


Actually the OP isn't complaining about maintenance, or that he'll die because of said maintenance. He's complaining about the time. BW does maintenance in the early AM North American time to impact the least ammount of North American players. That is a smart business decision because you give the most ammount of people access to your game when they want to play (which is generally later in the day) and only impact a small percentage of the playing / paying population.


IMO (and this issue doesn't even impact me since I'm from Canada) if they can do that courtsey to the North American playerbase they should extend that same courtsey to both the Oceanic players and European players. The maintenance on those servers (regardless of where the server physically is) should be at a time that impacts the least ammount of players from those regions.

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Actually the OP isn't complaining about maintenance, or that he'll die because of said maintenance. He's complaining about the time. BW does maintenance in the early AM North American time to impact the least ammount of North American players. That is a smart business decision because you give the most ammount of people access to your game when they want to play (which is generally later in the day) and only impact a small percentage of the playing / paying population.


IMO (and this issue doesn't even impact me since I'm from Canada) if they can do that courtsey to the North American playerbase they should extend that same courtsey to both the Oceanic players and European players. The maintenance on those servers (regardless of where the server physically is) should be at a time that impacts the least ammount of players from those regions.


You must be the most intelligent person on these forums. Not only do you get what im saying, you also say it much more Eloquently.

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Actually the OP isn't complaining about maintenance, or that he'll die because of said maintenance. He's complaining about the time. BW does maintenance in the early AM North American time to impact the least ammount of North American players. That is a smart business decision because you give the most ammount of people access to your game when they want to play (which is generally later in the day) and only impact a small percentage of the playing / paying population.


IMO (and this issue doesn't even impact me since I'm from Canada) if they can do that courtsey to the North American playerbase they should extend that same courtsey to both the Oceanic players and European players. The maintenance on those servers (regardless of where the server physically is) should be at a time that impacts the least ammount of players from those regions.


Yeah, I don't have a horse in this race, but I just don't see WHY they can't accommodate differing time zones. I imagine a pouty IT guy stomping his foot, adamantly refusing to implement the plan for no good reason other than he doesn't want to do it. I worked with an IT guy like this once. He'd get all whiney and passive aggressive is something messed up his routine. It wasn't that he couldn't do a task out of turn; he simply didn't want to.

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You have to start staggering maintenance windows Bioware, this is ridiculous.


You can't "stagger" emergency patches and fixes, and I realize something may NOT constitute an emergency to YOU, BUT it MAY be severely limiting to thousands of other players.

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You have to start staggering maintenance windows Bioware, this is ridiculous.


"Have to"?




YOU have to just learn to deal with it.


Maybe they will do it in the future, but until they do you just have to find something else to do during maintenance.

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With a game that has global distribution, there does not exist a time that won't piss SOMEBODY off. They choose to do maintenance at a time that is best for America, since that is where they are based, and I'll bet that globally, it is also the time with the lowest server load.


Does this suck for you? Yes. I truly feel for you. But whining about it will accomplish nothing.


There are only two ways to avoid maintenance during SOMEONE's "prime time:"


1) Never do maintenance, and the game will be a broken pile of crap within 2 months.


2) Someone invent a way to patch the servers from outside the time-space continuum. Pick me up a few Phasers and Blasters while you're there. :D


While there are server farms for each region, they are not independent of the main servers in Texas, and staggering the maintenance could have major stability ramifications for the entire network. Do you WANT SWTOR to be as prone to crashes on patch night as WoW? If not, then the way they are doing it is the solution.


In other words, suck it up and deal with it, because it's not going to change.

Edited by Becvar
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You have nothing better to do on a friday night than play swtor, I feel sad for you.


why not actually attempt to see what the guys saying? he has a valid point.. instead you attack his personal life. kudos to you. I hope you feel better for ditching on someone else.

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why not actually attempt to see what the guys saying? he has a valid point.. instead you attack his personal life. kudos to you. I hope you feel better for ditching on someone else.


He doesn't have a valid point. Maintenance is what it is. Whining about it will change nothing.

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Maintenance times are based on the least players online over all the servers. not just the US servers.


If it was just the US servers it would likely be another hour later and shaft the EU even more......


With a patch first then ask region system they have to maintain all at the same time. While maintenance times then start to clash, even with regional service you still get massive forum rage come patch time.


This system means that no matter where you are and where you paid for your game you can access them all with one account and one client. It also means that everyone gets the patch at the same time. This is important to many.


No systems perfect and this ones probably not the best but its unlikely to change.

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