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Can't wait for all the FOTM Marauders to hit 50


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Yes, Carnage is the bursty tree, but I was referring to the class in general in my original post that he quoted. Since 80% of marauders/sentinels are annihilation/watchman specced, the average Marauder isn't very "bursty"...just steady, high damage.


Carnage/Combat, during the brief period where the ArPen debuff is up, and Rage/Focus, during the bomb are about the only times Marauders have any burst. Compare that to the way PowerTechs/Operatives have been, and the average Annihilation Marauder is a lot closer to steady sorc damage than strings of big crits. That was my only point, not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.


Ah, I thought you were only talking about Carnage. But, yes, Anni isn't even close to being called (bursty). Anni Marauders are meant to outlast our opponents by setting a high pace, bleeding opponents, and healing bleeds. If I really need burst, I'll stack 3 Anni and go super saiyan (Bloodthirst+Adrenals+Relics) and start Annihilating+VS+VT-ing all over, mixing in bleeds. But all my attempts at burst can't compare to the frontload that PT's or Ops have

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Lots of mellee class have complicated rotations. But most people that play this game have naga mouse or macro keyboards. Some even have voice activated commands.


So the whole, this class has a harder rotation so they shouldn't be nerfed is not really a valid point.


I'd like you to point out when anyone said that ever,


:) You're grasping at straws


EDIT: Grammar

Edited by jitsuo
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How is 100% better?


It breaks when you deal damage so about it's only use is to dodge graphically telegraphed damage. Increased movment speed with longer duration gives its way better gap closing and new target selection.


It's probably worse if you are bad... other than that...


dots, aoe, fire, acid

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i love these mara elitest posts. so people are ***-holes for playing an "easy" class but when they roll a "harder" class they are ***-holes because they wont know how to play them. i hope some of these FOTM roll you in your own class so i can watch you run to the forums and cry about BW ruining your game experience
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I'd like you to point out when anyone said that ever,


:) You're grasping at straws


EDIT: Grammar


I was responding to the rotation debate in the second page. I stopped reading your posts because we clearly have 2 different playstyles and 2 different specs and you obviously don't grasp the complexity of mine.

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Watchman can put out a tremendous amount of damage in a 4.5-6 second window. That's burst. Your view of burst is in far too short of a time frame.


The conditions for Watchman to get there require the application of multiple stacks over a longer time frame than the 4.5-6 second snapshot your taking. Maybe if you freeze frame the end of a fight that's been going on for a while with a Watchman, you can call that Burst, but when you consider what it takes to get there in terms of Juyo stacks, Overload Saber stacks, Cauterize refreshes, Merciless buffs, I still disagree with you.


Watchman (the popular spec) Sentinels kill you with patience and a slow burning death, maybe I'm just too stubborn but I'll never consider that burst. I'm not saying it's weak, but I think your view of the average Marauder/Sentinel's burst is not taking into account what it takes them to get there.


I totally agree though, with all those conditions met, your DoT ticks and Merc Slash/Dispatch if you get them low enough could add up to a tremendous amount of damage in 4.5-6 seconds.

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The conditions for Watchman to get there require the application of multiple stacks over a longer time frame than the 4.5-6 second snapshot your taking. Maybe if you freeze frame the end of a fight that's been going on for a while with a Watchman, you can call that Burst, but when you consider what it takes to get there in terms of Juyo stacks, Overload Saber stacks, Cauterize refreshes, Merciless buffs, I still disagree with you.


Watchman (the popular spec) Sentinels kill you with patience and a slow burning death, maybe I'm just too stubborn but I'll never consider that burst. I'm not saying it's weak, but I think your view of the average Marauder/Sentinel's burst is not taking into account what it takes them to get there.


I totally agree though, with all those conditions met, your DoT ticks and Merc Slash/Dispatch if you get them low enough could add up to a tremendous amount of damage in 4.5-6 seconds.


The thing is, it is burst, but it's backload. Anni gets stronger as the fight goes on, PT and Ops can unload their burst right at the start.

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A serious FOTM player is actually really good about researching / training themselves before they truly hit pvp


They will also level via pvp, teaching them the basics by the time they hit 50 purely based on their gameplay pre 50

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:confused::confused: Mara is really not that hard to play. All you have to do is watch your procs and hit your keybinds on time. I understand it can be hell to play if you're a clicker but any competent player with keybinds can play the class rather well.


Not many people say this is hard class to play. It is just harder then most (...most) other classes.


Playing a video game is not hard. Try running a business or raising a family. It is all perspective.

Edited by Ravenolf
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A serious FOTM player is actually really good about researching / training themselves before they truly hit pvp


They will also level via pvp, teaching them the basics by the time they hit 50 purely based on their gameplay pre 50


I'm pretty sure a fotm player is just a player that chases fotm classes. A player that has that "grass is greener on the other side" type of mentality. Since the fotm class is fotm, this further encourages that particular mentality.

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i love these mara elitest posts. so people are ***-holes for playing an "easy" class but when they roll a "harder" class they are ***-holes because they wont know how to play them. i hope some of these FOTM roll you in your own class so i can watch you run to the forums and cry about BW ruining your game experience


Spoken like someone that couldn't hack it. :D

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Well, I'm one of the people you're talking about. I dropped my full BM sage for a sentinel.


I'll certainly admit, the sentinel is more difficult to play, but I have gotten the hang of it, and now my suspicions about the class being OP have all been confirmed.


From 10-39... it was rough, I was averaging around 120k damage per wz, and really not having much of an impact. But, I knew it was only going to get better.


The minute I turned 40, it was a whole new world. Now I average 230k per game, consistently killing people 2v1, and that's when I'm playing solo. If I queue with one of my healers, it's game over for the other team and I almost always crack 300k and completely dominate the game.


All the sage/sorc players who were actually good, will have no problem picking up this class and destroying people with it.


But you're right, there are a lot of bad players who will probably be even worse after switching to sent/mara.

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Well, I'm one of the people you're talking about. I dropped my full BM sage for a sentinel.


I'll certainly admit, the sentinel is more difficult to play, but I have gotten the hang of it, and now my suspicions about the class being OP have all been confirmed.


From 10-39... it was rough, I was averaging around 120k damage per wz, and really not having much of an impact. But, I knew it was only going to get better.


The minute I turned 40, it was a whole new world. Now I average 230k per game, consistently killing people 2v1, and that's when I'm playing solo. If I queue with one of my healers, it's game over for the other team and I almost always crack 300k and completely dominate the game.


All the sage/sorc players who were actually good, will have no problem picking up this class and destroying people with it.


But you're right, there are a lot of bad players who will probably be even worse after switching to sent/mara.


It's good to see someone doing well with the class. Marauders have a higher skillcap and higher potential than most other classes. Problem is, there are players that couldn't hit the skillcap with Sorcerers or PT Pyros or even Arsenal Mercs. Those players will be laughably easy because a clueless Marauder is EASILY the easiest kill in the game.

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The minute I turned 40, it was a whole new world.


While I'm happy for your success in a class transition, you have to understand that this isn't exclusive to Marauders. Level 40+ toons (of any class) have far more combat options and abilities to utilize over other players which can (and does) result in domination. Some classes can even do this from earlier on (My 30-ish PT basically has all his abilities and Pyrotech just wrecks face). The level 50 ball-game is kind of another hurdle that you have to jump over.


I've seen a lot of people complain about doing well in PVP but then bombing as soon as they hit 50. They'll blame it on gear, class, whatever, but really it's just the abilities and talents that were making them so much better than lower levels (as well as more experience from playing longer). It's not like the 1-49 bracket where the ability difference is so large that as a level 49 Marauder you can 1v2 (or even 1v3) a bunch of lower level Marauders by having a bunch of cooldowns and talents that they don't. As soon as you ding 50, you'll get a moderate wake-up call and have to re-adjust, because everyone else will be on equal footing with you and then some (because of gear and having more experience with level 50 PVP).

Edited by Swarna
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Sent/Mara aren't hard, if u have use a macro.


My wife's plays a Sent as her main, this is her first MMO. She does just fine with her Naga mouse and a simple macro that hits the next best ability in her "rotation".

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Sent/Mara aren't hard, if u have use a macro.


My wife's plays a Sent as her main, this is her first MMO. She does just fine with her Naga mouse and a simple macro that hits the next best ability in her "rotation".


"This game is so easy, I have a mouse that plays it for me so it can't be that hard to play.


Also, that macro makes you a terrible Sent. Not because of the macro itself, but because there's no room for changing it up.


If you're using a set rotation for a Mara/Sent in PvP, you're gonna be crap.

Edited by jitsuo
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Sents/Maras are easy.


My 8 year old son is killing it as a watchman. We also just picked up a rescue dalmatian under a year old, and he already is a leet grav round spammer. Neither can touch my 86 year old grandmother that is the servers top smuggler scrapper. Too bad she got nerfed.

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Not everyone making a Mara/Sent is doing it for FOTM. I have been itching to play one for a while now. I have been eagerly waiting for 1.2 so I could use the race I wanted. Being a fan of the clone wars I can finally make my Rattataki style Ventress PVP toon. I think two lvl 50 BM's before all the fluff came in can justify me rolling one and tinkering around with it. :D
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I know that the OP and most other maras/sents suffer from a severe case of "special snowflake syndrome" but guess what guys, you've been a highly represented, FOTM class since the game came out. There are easily as many maras and sents as there are sorcs and sages.


It also just isn't a "hard" class to play, it's absolutely hilarious seeing all of these kids that think they are special ranting and raving about how "so many people roll maras and sents only to give up on the grind before even reaching 50". It is simply a myth.

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They aren't hard to play. They're hard to play well.




Mara/Sent are either extremely hard to deal with or they melt like butter under a hot knife. I've never ran across a player who was just "so-so" with this class. Some of the best players I know play Mara/Sent and play it well. All of the others are just a minor annoyance.

Edited by TheronFett
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Mara's are faceroll? Then what are Mercs/PT's/Sorcerers? ;)


Why is a maurader complaining about powertechs? Mauraders **** powertechs. You're like one of 3 classes that actually do well against us 1v1.


I'm looking forward to all the FOTMers because either:


A) All the mauraders claiming it's a really hard class will have to eat their words

B) All the FOTM rollers will get rolled over because the class really is hard, and they won't be able to hack it.


One of those two things is going to happen and it's going to be great. Because frankly, I'm tired of both groups :D

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Why is a maurader complaining about powertechs? Mauraders **** powertechs. You're like one of 3 classes that actually do well against us 1v1.


I'm looking forward to all the FOTMers because either:


A) All the mauraders claiming it's a really hard class will have to eat their words

B) All the FOTM rollers will get rolled over because the class really is hard, and they won't be able to hack it.


One of those two things is going to happen and it's going to be great. Because frankly, I'm tired of both groups :D


Yes, I'm TOTALLY complaining about PT's. Please use reading comprehension. I said if Marauders were faceroll, then PT's are drooling on the keyboard until one key gets heavy enough to press down.


As I said, the skillcap is high and the class is complicated. I'm sure I can put my 5 year old cousin on and have her PLAY a Marauder, and she'd play to the extent that most Marauders do in WZ's, terribly. I'm saying that you either play it well or are crap, no in between. There are Marauders that don't seem to ever lose or die, and others who can barely get out of the spawn zone. The FOTM re-rollers will encounter that hardcore.

Edited by jitsuo
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