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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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Realizing that, try this. Read a post out loud, using all of the punctuation and pronouncing words as they are spelled. If someone were to be in a physical conversation do you think that things like being able to pronounce the words they're saying and put the words where they are supposed to go in a sentance will make them sound more or less credible?


If someone does not understand the english language particularly well, why should I accept that they know the nuances of a system being discussed in english?


......Wow seriously? Not everyone knows English you ignorant ****. That doesn't mean they don't know what is being talked about. Stop acting high and mighty just because you know only one language.

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......Wow seriously? Not everyone knows English you ignorant ****. That doesn't mean they don't know what is being talked about. Stop acting high and mighty just because you know only one language.


Seriously? because that same person just gave faulty information. I'd say that validates my skepticism.

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Okay, wow, thanks for the heads up! I didn't know that the person you chose made EVERY CHARACTER I created on the server would be related to him/her. That does suck... A way around it though would be to put characters you don't wan't related to this guy on another server. BUT that means that you'll have to start at level one again! But another way around this is to actually allow transferring characters onto other servers. By this for example I mean; You create a character, lets say a Jedi knight, on a server you thought your friend was in, you realize he's on another server so you transfer the character you wan't into that server...


Hope it wasn't too confusing :D

And you can't play with your guild, nor send gear or credits to your character nor benefits from your legacy level.


Does not sound that great to me

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The Legacy system in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will allow you to create your very own family tree, connecting each of your characters together and unlocking a host of skills and abilities that would otherwise be unobtainable. Watch this Developer Dispatch to learn about what Legacy is and how it will continue to evolve with the game.


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I thought I was alone in this, so I'm glad you Bioware folks understand, but any time I meet a person in Real Life that I dislike and consider an enemy/rival, the first thing I always do is suggest we share a surname from now on.

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Sorry, but it has no logic.If any family tree had a force sensitive character in it, what does all this mean, that all members on that family can use Force?It's like everyone could be a Jedi in this univers. how come? (sorry for my poor english)


Well think of the Force Sensitivity as a type of dominant or recessive gene. When a force using dad gets with a non force using mom, the child could be either because of genetics. Think back to biology.

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also i have a recommendation. i think you should be able to add other players (if they agree) to your legacy system. I have a brother that also plays the game and it would be cool if we could be brothers in-game too.


This would be an absolutely fantastic idea. This would actually make the story ever more deep because of people you could meet along the way. And then when ever you don't want to be part of another person's legacy, you could just "betray" them.

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I thought I was alone in this, so I'm glad you Bioware folks understand, but any time I meet a person in Real Life that I dislike and consider an enemy/rival, the first thing I always do is suggest we share a surname from now on.

I lol'ed

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So... can women marry women, cuz i haven't made any male characters yet. :D

AGAIN, you DON'T have to use the legacy if you don't WANT to.

...Bunches of whining babies that just need something to complain about...





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I don't care about the legacy system at all. I wouldn't use it so it's the same if they release it or they don't, for me. Let people who like it, play it.


I'm also one of those who thought they'll be new races available. When I realized that it's just an unlocking thing of "old" races I was kind of disappointed.


However I care about the patch because of the new gear and the color matching. I can't wait to equip my assassin with those torn rags! Cool-looking! I wish they used their time in creating new gear and new planets, areas, quests etc than this family tree thing. The game would expand way faster. But eh......anyway.


Just a few questions come to mind. Your Juggernaut brother is the Emperor's Wrath and you, the Marauder brother, are the Emperor's Wrath? How many Wraths does the Emperor have in the same era?


And then, the Peace Treaty of Coruscant is broken in my father's time and now we have a new peace Treaty of Coruscant to break again? The family tree is a bit odd. A bit messed up timeline. But I don't mind it existing in the game for those who want it, once it's not consuming a lot of the developing time from really expanding the content of the game (planets, areas, quests, ships, classes, races, houses, weapons, armor, class abilities etc). I'd like to have a Dominator on my own.




Other than that, I love the game and I play it a lot.


I think someone mentioned the option to have the hood down or wear it. I thought about it too and I like it.

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Right now they think they are in charge. So they do what they want. And what they want to do is play you for a fool.


But when the knucklehead running this show realizes that he's going to be designing websites for Grannies if he doesn't get people to resubscribe he will give you whatever you want.


Because the truth is you are in charge. You and your Visa card.


And the sooner they figure that out, the better.





Man that's the biggest truth in the world. When people realize it the world will become a lot better as a whole and not only in games. But.....


As for the game. I really wish what you say about not adding new solo content is false, cause otherwise I won't be around for long. Anyway will see about it. I will play the game as long as it lasts. When it's over I'll get another.

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Can you link me to something promising that kind of thing? Your lack of punctuation and grammar makes me suspect your reliability.

Actually, you didn't until just now. But you'll find that things like grammar, punctuation and spelling WILL make you seem more trustworthy in general.


Since when not having English as a native language means you're unreliable?

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Realizing that, try this. Read a post out loud, using all of the punctuation and pronouncing words as they are spelled. If someone were to be in a physical conversation do you think that things like being able to pronounce the words they're saying and put the words where they are supposed to go in a sentance will make them sound more or less credible?


If someone does not understand the english language particularly well, why should I accept that they know the nuances of a system being discussed in english?


He did it.

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Seriously? because that same person just gave faulty information. I'd say that validates my skepticism.


That's a pathetic grasp from a moment to generalize your false opinion.

Edited by Varnast
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Realizing that, try this. Read a post out loud, using all of the punctuation and pronouncing words as they are spelled. If someone were to be in a physical conversation do you think that things like being able to pronounce the words they're saying and put the words where they are supposed to go in a sentance will make them sound more or less credible?




If someone does not understand the english language particularly well, why should I accept that they know the nuances of a system being discussed in english?


Because knowledge of English grammar and spelling has nothing to do with an ability to understand the game.

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I remember reading the OP and watching the video, but I don't recall a definite date of when it'll come out. I am continuously waiting because I do have a level 50 Pureblood Sith and I want to try that race with the Republic Classes, Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent. I do have a bounty hunter and remember that an NPC said in story conversation (to my alien BH) that "Alien Bounty Hunters rank below protocol droids in the acceptance of the Empire." I wonder how that'll change in dialogue with a Sith Pureblood.


Which is also why I am eager, because I wonder if some dialogues like that would change for a certain race. Also, someone on the Test Server said it'll come late this month, but no definite date. Ugh. I can't wait.

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This is cool. Everyone I know has been wishing for something like this. The wepon skill of a jedi and the speed of a bounty hunter! How is that a bad idea? Anyone got a clue when this thing starts though? Oh, and to all you haters who say this is a bad idea you guys need to stop hating on things that you have no idea about.
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I can truly understand the family tree aka legacy ideas but I do believe that somethings are just to far. Pureblood Sith Jedi and smugglers, BH with lightning abilities are a bit extreme if they do come to pass. For the legacy I would lie to see things a bit more possible in the realms like a Sith Warrior or BH Twi'lek. I also wold like to see it an option to take a second legacy name for each level 50 character maybe I would like a human and a twi'lek legacy without them intertwining with ech other. What about if the legacy name I have chosen for my main doesnt match my alts or my imperial toons? I know that I can choose to exclude it in the title name of the character but no option is available to create a new legacy for that toon. An example is my main is a Twi'lek Jedi Guardian involved with Kira (like so many other players) has taken a legacy name that I feel totally fits him and his profession yet I also have a human smuggler carrying the same last name. I would have like to have started a different legacy with my smuggler and tied it into my human imperial agent which could actally make sense in the overall scheme of things. Now the legacy tieing these toons together would and could give reasonable options to any class special abilities that could function due to legacy for both. Too me this would be understandable. I can also understand that many characters may be force sensitive enough to have special abilities like a BH with a force push may not be as strong or as accurate as a guardian but enough to make a player want to use it. Again I kow there are hundreds if not more posts on this subject and noone will probably even read this but I still wanted to chime in on the subject.
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So... can women marry women, cuz i haven't made any male characters yet. :D

AGAIN, you DON'T have to use the legacy if you don't WANT to.

...Bunches of whining babies that just need something to complain about...






I think yes, you can have 2 same-sex characters be a couple in the family tree.

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I can truly understand the family tree aka legacy ideas but I do believe that somethings are just to far. Pureblood Sith Jedi and smugglers, BH with lightning abilities are a bit extreme if they do come to pass.


This I can agree with, but I'd like to say you should watch the 1.2 Patch video speaking about that. I know abilities that carry over to different classes will nerfed in combat, because the main purpose of those abilities that are past down are for Legacy RP.


As for Sith pureblood means they were born with stronger sith genetics and force sensitivity, usually they're raised sith because of the empire's treatment of them but they're not pureblood because they're sith (it's confusing).


It's possible but extremely rare for a pureblood to be completely non-force sensitive (there's one of these on Voss), and a pureblood can seek redemption (the jedi knight's companion lord scourge joins you for this, and he's the one who killed the jedi exile.)


So, not impossible or spitting the face of lore, but extremely improbable.

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