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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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You guys who are arguing Star Wars cannon, is that really what you want? Jedi with rocket feet?

Don't worry we're getting Iron Man gear set too.




On another topic did anybody notice that you are obliged to write down a legacy name even if you don't want to use any at all?

Edited by Deewe
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Don't worry we're getting Iron Man gear set too.




On another topic did anybody notice that you are obliged to write down a legacy name even if you don't want to use any at all?


That is why you have the option to simply hide it and not show it to anyone at all.

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I have seen the Agent final cut scene.


I attempted to go back to the spaceport where it took place, and could not.


It's not a real place.


It's the place where the cut scene takes place. That's it.


Stopping threats means doing flashpoints and operations at the Imperial Fleet.


Believe me, when you see the cut scene for Agent it's over.


I'm uninformed? I heard one of the developers say that they were never going to make more storyline solo material. They would have to bring all of the voice actors back.


It's not going to happen.


Deal with it.

Sigh. Here we go.


Why would stopping threats to the Empire entail you going back to that spaceport, exactly? You can't go bsack there because you would never NEED to go back there. Secondly, can you post a link to that comment? Because I'm fairly certain that whenever they add a new Flashpoint, they have to bring the voice actors back anyway.

I've wasted enough time on you.


I consider this conversation over.


Sorry, but it looks like you're wrong BWHORN. Personally I've never heard of a dev claim the class stories are final as they are I even remember them claiming the opposite. Didn't take me too long to find confirmation.

Edited by Runeshard
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Don't worry we're getting Iron Man gear set too.




On another topic did anybody notice that you are obliged to write down a legacy name even if you don't want to use any at all?


Go to preferences, under social you should find the option to either hide your legacy name completely, show it as a surname or show it as a Legacy title.

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A bit over dramatic aren't you? I mean your post(s) read something like "Gasp! They are implementing something that will make people want to keep playing! The horror! The! Horror!"


We'll see how the game looks in about 6 months, people have been saying it's going to fail for months now yet the subscription numbers as of the last of Feb was 1.7 million, not counting the Australian/Asian servers, so we'll see.


I think "we will see" is always a reasonable attitude.

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Sorry, but it looks like you're wrong BWHORN. Personally I've never heard of a dev claim the class stories are final as they are I even remember them claiming the opposite. Didn't take me too long to find conformation.


I said they are not going to do any more solo class content.


They are apparently going to do more Heroic Daily missions.


So life after the cut scene will be returning to Corellia, Voss, and Ilum, and doing the same daily missions over and over again.


That's not really a story.


The guy you quoted is the PvP. Flashpoint, and Operations developer.


PvP, Flashpoints and Operations are group content, not solo content.


I don't do any of those now, and I don't plan to do them in the future.


I said in my own post, the post that you quoted, that "stopping threats" to the Empire meant doing flashpoints and operations from the Imperial Fleet.


So, why don't you get off my junk?


And it's confirmation, not conformation.

Edited by BWHORN
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The guy you quoted is the PvP. Flashpoint, and Operations developer.


PvP, Flashpoints and Operations are group content, not solo content.


I don't do any of those now, and I don't plan to do them in the future.


And it's confirmation, not conformation.


The article still states what it states, making you completely wrong about them being unwilling to bring back voice actors as well as about them not adding more to class stories.


Oh, and nitpicking a typo? Sign of desperation perhaps?

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The article still states what it states, making you completely wrong about them being unwilling to bring back voice actors as well as about them not adding more to class stories.


Oh, and nitpicking a typo? Sign of desperation perhaps?


i dealt with this in a previous post.


I was unable to finish the existing Heroic Missions on Corellia because there weren't enough people on the server when I played that planet.


So having more of them is not an improvement in my situation.


By the way, last night I played an epic game of MLB 12: The Show, between the Astros and the Washington Nationals. The last two innings almost gave me a heart attack.


So, it's not like I'm obsessed with this.


I am going to move on with my life.


Have a nice day.

Edited by BWHORN
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I really like the race options detailed in the video, I do have a few suggestions (mainly things that I personally would really like to see implemented):


1) An option to change characters' races that have already been created PREVIOUS to the legacy system going truly live to an unlocked race. I, as a player, put a lot of time and effort into leveling, earning valor and social ranks, etc and I really don't want to have to delete a character just to be able to change their race once I get something unlocked.


2) As far as unlocking races, I understand that once you reach level 50 with a particular race you will be able to use that race for other classes that normally do not have access to it. Is that going to be a permanent ability granted to the Legacy itself, or if, for instance, I want a Miralukan Sith Inquisitor, will I have to have a level 50 Miralukan on the Republic side forever? I ask this because I prefer to spend my time on one faction, and I really am aiming to have a 50 of each possible class combination on the Sith side.


Thank you for all your hard work Bioware, keep up the great work!

Edited by Ovlos
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Hi All,


I hope I'm not doubling up on a thread here, but I was wondering whats going to happen with multiple legacy names when Bio allow the transfers they have been promising us (hopefully in line with the 1.2 update).


For example: I have a lv50 on a US server with legacy name and have re-rolled a new toon on the AP servers, which now has a legacy name as well.


When transfers are made available for us, i was hoping to move my 50 over to AP, but I will then have 2 conflicting legacy titles on that server. If i have the option i'd rather choose legacy name #2 as I made a mistake on my first one :( and now have to live with that permanently.



Will the higher level legacy title over ride the lower?

Will we be given a chance to choose which one we want as the permanent one?

Or will we simply not be able to transfer to that server due to legacy conflict?


I understand that this scenario probably only covers a small player base, but is something that could affect some players. If there is already a discussion on this, please link me the thread :cool:





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Go to preferences, under social you should find the option to either hide your legacy name completely, show it as a surname or show it as a Legacy title.

I do appreciate the tentative to help.


However I knew that. I just don't want a legacy name at this point for a few reasons.


  • I want a few different last names or titles for my characters.
  • Until the game becomes more mature I don't want to choose a legacy name I would regret later on
  • At this point I'm undecided for my main legacy name as I did not yet write my legacy story.

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I really like the idea of the Legacy System granting shared benefits to all of a player's characters on a single server. It sounds like it will offer replay value beyond simply seeing other class stories. Plus, it does tie into the movies in the sense that they are about the Skywalker family. However, I would point out that many characters in the movie are not Skywalkers, nor are their families even featured. Han and Chewbacca are completely unrelated to each other and to Luke and Leia (expanded universe marriages notwithstanding as the video specifically referenced the movies), yet I would argue that they are no less a part of the same Legacy. The same for Obi-Wan, and Yoda, and - depending on how far you want to go - Boba Fett, Tarkin, Piett, etc. All these characters are tied to the same Legacy without being family.


I say all this because there is an aspect of the Legacy System that I frankly do not care for, and that is that the Legacy System does imply familial ties between all characters. Around the :45 second mark there is a comment that players sometimes like to pretend that their characters are related. The Legacy System does not facilitate that choice, but rather imposes it upon players. And yet, if we are using the movies as examples, I see no reason that characters must be family in order for their stories and experiences to be linked. Han Solo was a part of the Skywalker Legacy despite having a different last name. I love the idea of connecting characters through the Legacy System, and I think enabling familial ties between characters is a clever idea (LotRO's family trees were a neat option for roleplayers), but I would like to see greater freedom in choosing which of my characters are in fact family, and which are family friends.

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i dealt with this in a previous post.


I was unable to finish the existing Heroic Missions on Corellia because there weren't enough people on the server when I played that planet.


So having more of them is not an improvement in my situation.


By the way, last night I played an epic game of MLB 12: The Show, between the Astros and the Washington Nationals. The last two innings almost gave me a heart attack.


So, it's not like I'm obsessed with this.


I am going to move on with my life.


Have a nice day.

We're not talking about Heroic Missions on Corellia. That post dosen't adress any daily missions in the least. They aren't adding new Heroics, they're planning on continuing class story arca.


It's good that you're starting to move on from this, but I'd say that keeping your subscription just to complain is obessing, at least to some degree.

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People love to hate, to each his own i guess,

personally i'm having a lot of fun playing and with 1.2,

this legacy system that has so much potential and the continuous adding of bug fixes,

new features and improved performance, i hope to be playing this game for many years to come.

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People love to hate, to each his own i guess,

personally i'm having a lot of fun playing and with 1.2,

this legacy system that has so much potential and the continuous adding of bug fixes,

new features and improved performance, i hope to be playing this game for many years to come.


good thing about haters, you know a game is doing well because there ARE haters, lol hell look at WoW.

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I like the legacy system, but I hate that it is tied to the surname.


I'd rather all my characters were NOT related and were able to have their own last names.


Plus having fathers, sons, grandsons etc., between your characters doesn't work because the story progresses for them at the same exact time.


Additionally, since my level 50 Sith Warrior is a human, apparently I've lost out on this racial unlock thing which is highly disappoint.


Further, I'm not sure I want to see a bunch of Sith pureblood Jedi running around.


All of this.


I have two characters that would be related... everyone else in my list wouldn't know them from Leia. It's very frustrating that now all my alts either MUST be related somehow, with the exact same surname, or they don't get any surname at all.


And how am I supposed to play them as a family even if I want to play them as a family? I can't play more than one character at a time. Kinda hard to stage a scene between conflicting sides like that... unless they're leaving notes for each other on the dinner table? ("Dad, out killing Jedi. Will p. be late. Thank Mom for sandwiches. Malgus.")


And yeah... got screwed over by playing Human also. They should at least allow a Human 50 a Cyborg unlock. It's not like Cyborg is a genetic trait.

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At first I was like sweet, nice.


After thinking about it I am now saying GAY.


Guys the sithpureblood is dark, and according to the history of these sith all, ALL, lightside sith are dead. They would have killed them. The history of these sith makes the legacy a cheap come off of candy.


WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE: was made 9 NEW species to play whether in the legacy system or not that would make far more sense. I want a cathar jedi so badly a species really that isn't hmanoidal unless they are hybrids, species like notalans or or like master gnos dural. EVERYONE wants a WOOKIEE.

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At first I was like sweet, nice.


After thinking about it I am now saying GAY.


Guys the sithpureblood is dark, and according to the history of these sith all, ALL, lightside sith are dead. They would have killed them. The history of these sith makes the legacy a cheap come off of candy.


WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE: was made 9 NEW species to play whether in the legacy system or not that would make far more sense. I want a cathar jedi so badly a species really that isn't hmanoidal unless they are hybrids, species like notalans or or like master gnos dural. EVERYONE wants a WOOKIEE.


Wrong if all the 'good sith' are dead then why is Lord Praven now a padawan in the jedi order? (play the jedi knight story if you don't know who that is)

agreed we want WOOKIES!!!!!!!!

Edited by Caadeus
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people need to stop complaining on how others are playing and how there are not any new species realize this is only the first game they made ever think that they will make an expansion and for nerfing certain toons this isnt wow so stop trying to turn it in to wow i didnt pay 60 dollars for idiots trying to get the game masters to nerf certain toons to their advantage the way the game is setup and the update is perfect if you dont like it then quit and leave the game to real star wars fan and those who want to relax and enjoy gaming
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At first I was like sweet, nice.


After thinking about it I am now saying GAY.


Guys the sithpureblood is dark, and according to the history of these sith all, ALL, lightside sith are dead. They would have killed them. The history of these sith makes the legacy a cheap come off of candy.


WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE: was made 9 NEW species to play whether in the legacy system or not that would make far more sense. I want a cathar jedi so badly a species really that isn't hmanoidal unless they are hybrids, species like notalans or or like master gnos dural. EVERYONE wants a WOOKIEE.


You really believe that any society could exterminate all good/lightside individuals among them? Some would always slip through, there are examples of this in the game itself already:

(The following spoilers are in regards to the JK story, just a heads up in case you'd rather not know specifics)



Lord Praven for example



Throughout history several societies have tried to "cleanse" themselves of a certain kind of person or thinking or other, I can't think of anyone who's actually succeeded, there will always be some who escape such a purge. This is often shown in fiction as well, just take the Drow society as an example. Not only is it plausible that there are lightside purebloods, it is certainty.

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