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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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still. i dont think ill ever adjust to a trooper or a smuggler as having force powers. especially as i never head of any in star wars before this..


I'd like to point out that the Bounty Hunter Aurra Sing (Clone Wars era) was apparently a Jedi dropout. She specialized in Jedi killing and political assasinations, she tutored Boba Fett when he was starting out and became an Imperial Agent under Vader too.


I don't know much else she's a BH and uses the equipment as such. Why she doesn't use the Force? I don't know. But when she left the Jedi, what if she decided to be a Trooper or a Smuggler instead? They tried the Academy, they dropped out, they became something else.


I see plenty of potential with Legacy. Being able to put some races where I wanted is nice(I originally wanted my SW to be Rattataki). The solo perks, like a mailbox, GTN terminal, etc I can see being very helpful. Granted I have two main concerns;


1 - Having to decide if my Legacy Name fits with all my toons . And whether I want to have all toons on one server or across two. (I have 1 server for Force users, another for the rest, with 1 name for each)


2 - That with an over abundance of Legacy abilities, there might be an overcrowding and lack of diversity among classes. ie Having one class/character seem like ALL classes at once. (I hope my idea got across not sure I explained that clearly)


Overall, I see things that would be VERY helpful and things that I'm just not sure about. I'll just have to wait and see. Sure there might be some rough patches, but it's to be expected (Just look at WoW patches. It usually takes less than 48 hours before another mini-patch comes out to fix issues with the big one that just went live).


I've said my peace. May the Force be with you all.


P.S. I'd like to see Togruta (maybe Nautolans too) become a playable race. But that's a separate issue for another time.

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Fix the UI and let me have some macros, Make a raid generator like the PvP Que system. The Legacy System will draw a few players back in Patch 1.2 but it will fade like it is now unless you Cater to endgame Pve/PvP. The game is cool but who doesnt like to customize their UI? Edited by Cionide
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Actually, ALL, if not most, of the class endings are very open ended and can go somewhere in the future. Here are a few examples:

Knight- Find the actual, weakened, and mortal Emperor and kill him

Warrior- Crush Republic forces as the Emperor's Wrath.

Agent: Stop threats to the Empire throughout the galaxy

Trooper: Continue to perform military missions.


I think it's pretty general, uninformed, and inaccurate to say there will never be any more solo content.


In addition, it does not MAKE you roll any alts. Even beside the solo Legacy features, it's not like you really need those bonuses. Most people are doing just fine without those bonuses.


I have seen the Agent final cut scene.


I attempted to go back to the spaceport where it took place, and could not.


It's not a real place.


It's the place where the cut scene takes place. That's it.


Stopping threats means doing flashpoints and operations at the Imperial Fleet.


Believe me, when you see the cut scene for Agent it's over.


I'm uninformed? I heard one of the developers say that they were never going to make more storyline solo material. They would have to bring all of the voice actors back.


It's not going to happen.


Deal with it.

Edited by BWHORN
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Fix the UI and let me have some macros, Make a raid generator like the PvP Que system. The Legacy System will draw a few players back in Patch 1.2 but it will fade like it is now unless you Cater to endgame Pve/PvP. The game is cool but who doesnt like to customize their UI?


....You shouldn't need macros. At all. Raid generator......Took how long for blizzard to give their players a raid finder and it doesnt even have all the raids on it so i doubt we'll see a 'raid generator' anytime soon, let alone a friggin Flashpoint Finder....getting sick of asking in general for (worse case) 30mins just to get the black talon/esseles over and done with on my new alts

Edited by Caadeus
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Have you guys been listening to what they say at all?


Nowhere in the video they stated you need to make NEW characters for the Legacy to be available.. From this I deduct that it'll work for existing characters.


BUT if you specifically want a new race, and have 8 characters, then yes, I'm afraid you should make room for a new one by deleting an existing character. Unless ofcourse, they expand the character slots..


And I'd still like some clearance on my own question; own characters only, or like LOTRO, can you also have other players in your Legacy Tree?


And any excuses if the sentences are faulty, English is not my native tongue..

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I have seen the Agent final cut scene.


I attempted to go back to the spaceport where it took place, and could not.


It's not a real place.


It's the place where the cut scene takes place. That's it.


Stopping threats means doing flashpoints and operations at the Imperial Fleet.


Believe me, when you see the cut scene for Agent it's over.


I'm uninformed? I heard one of the developers say that they were never going to make more storyline solo material. They would have to bring all of the voice actors back.


It's not going to happen.


Deal with it.

Sigh. Here we go.


Why would stopping threats to the Empire entail you going back to that spaceport, exactly? You can't go bsack there because you would never NEED to go back there. Secondly, can you post a link to that comment? Because I'm fairly certain that whenever they add a new Flashpoint, they have to bring the voice actors back anyway.

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yeeaaah right.

there is a history to that game and you guys just can't do whatever you want. an imperial agent or a bounty hunter is using force abilities???


and a pure blood sith plays a jedi or a trooper??? thats the big hit with legacy system and you are even proud of it???


and if a member of a force sensitive family goes bountyhunter than because he isn't force sensitive


why would i risk the overheating of my weapons when i can shoot with lightning.



ummm cause in the star wars lore there's never been a politician who doesn't use the force even though she can... or an Xwing fighter who still uses a gun even though he has a lightsaber. Or different races that dont act evil even though they're known for it... All your arguments are invalid. In fact it's even better for the RPs in the game. Your a bounty hunter who has a cousin who's a jedi(or sith) and after training to become a bounty hunter who find out your force sensitive and incorporate those skills into your skill set.

I think these legacy upgrades are going to be great for the game

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Ok again. the bolded part. Each class doesn't have their own story. A sniper, which counts as a class, has the same story as a Operative..which is a different class. oh it all boils down to nothing.


Actually, those are Advanced Classes, both the same Class. Ouch... :)

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Just gonna pick on three points

1. if we were able to use more then one companion for fp's and heroics *** would be the point of joining a guild? especially if you're one of those hardcore Op people that have columi or better for all ur companions and yourself. Seriously you'd prolly be able to run an op with just yourself and another friend+companions if you could use your companions. Would completely take away the social part of the game. its an MMO for a reason.


simple answer: not everyone joins guilds...stop being selfish.


2. The last name thing with leia and luke, Duh course they had different names leia was raised on alderaan by the organas and luke was raise by their actual relatives (even said in the movies that it would've been dangerous to keep them together so leia was adopted). So yea having the same last name on every char is not necessarily 'dumb', that'd be the same as saying a whole family is dumb for having the same last name..


this is stupid...a chiss and a human shouldnt have the same last name. being affiliated through the same group is one thing, but every toon being stuck with the same last name is infantile thinking at best.


3. if you want your 'jedi' sithpureblood to have sith armor then dont roll a jedi roll an actual sith *facepalm*


this is stupid too...if YOU want a sith on the empire side that looks like a sith then YOU roll one. my personal preferences are different than yours. and i have more of an imagination than you do...obviously...because i dont need simple things like this explained to me.

Edited by Anathar
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simple answer: not everyone joins guilds...stop being selfish.


Agreed, people should be able to play in different ways as they choose. Team play is a big pro of MMO's but I don't see that it should be required.


this is stupid...a chiss and a human shouldnt have the same last name..being affiliated through the same group is one thing. but every toon being stuck with the same last name is infantile thinking at best.


It's a legacy name. It's only a family name if you choose it to be. As far as I could tell, there are not just family relations in the legacy tree.



this is stupid too...if YOU want a sith on the empire side that looks like a sith then YOU roll one. my personal preferences are different than yours. and i have more of an imagination than you do...obviously...because i dont need simple things like this explained to me.


I believe in options. And people don't seem to have a lot of imagination. I have family in Mexico but I am from Europe. I don't see the problem either with having relatives or associates on the other side either.

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Sigh. Here we go.


Why would stopping threats to the Empire entail you going back to that spaceport, exactly? You can't go bsack there because you would never NEED to go back there. Secondly, can you post a link to that comment? Because I'm fairly certain that whenever they add a new Flashpoint, they have to bring the voice actors back anyway.


I've wasted enough time on you.


I consider this conversation over.

Edited by BWHORN
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There is so much broken stuff that needs to be fixed already, but I am just playing the game, and enjoying the content. When I unlock the legacy stuff I will figure out how to deal with it too. So my characters are in no way shape or form related to each other :eek: (gasps of horror from the devs) ... I don't see that stopping me from using the legacy system.
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Did anyone else notice that the Twi'lek Jedi had jets coming out of her feet?


You guys who are arguing Star Wars cannon, is that really what you want? Jedi with rocket feet?




If you want to use this legacy system you HAVE to create a new character.


If you unlock a new species you are going to have to create a new character in order to use that unlock.


It is designed to keep you playing the game while playing the same content over and over.


There is no other point to this system.


They're going to charge you 1.5 mil for a new species unlock?


How many hours of gameplay is that?


It's not an add on. It's pure manipulation.


The other things that you can unlock should have been in the game from the start.


Mail in your ship? Seriously. I have to pay extra for that? I don't have a radio on my ship?


Like Tom Petty said, "While we celebrate mediocrity, the boys upstairs want to see, how much you'll pay for what you used to get for free".


Just wait until this game is going broke, and all of these little tricks they are playing will come to an end.


They will sell you anything you want for a small cash fee.


They will give you all of the new species you want- wookies, transdosians, ewocks...


They will sell you force powers and ship mailboxes and your own personal sex slave.


Right now they think they are in charge. So they do what they want. And what they want to do is play you for a fool.


But when the knucklehead running this show realizes that he's going to be designing websites for Grannies if he doesn't get people to resubscribe he will give you whatever you want.


Because the truth is you are in charge. You and your Visa card.


And the sooner they figure that out, the better.


So.... do you really want Jedi with rocket feet?


That decision is ultimately going to be up to you. You and your Visa crd.


Me? I'm not so cool with the rocket feet.


I would rather not see Star Wars turned into a joke.

Edited by BWHORN
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simple answer: not everyone joins guilds...stop being selfish.




this is stupid...a chiss and a human shouldnt have the same last name. being affiliated through the same group is one thing, but every toon being stuck with the same last name is infantile thinking at best.




this is stupid too...if YOU want a sith on the empire side that looks like a sith then YOU roll one. my personal preferences are different than yours. and i have more of an imagination than you do...obviously...because i dont need simple things like this explained to me.


how is joining a guild selfish?

not going to argue over the legacy system we all are going to be stuck with it anyways when it does come out.

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Actually, ALL, if not most, of the class endings are very open ended and can go somewhere in the future. Here are a few examples:

Knight- Find the actual, weakened, and mortal Emperor and kill him

Warrior- Crush Republic forces as the Emperor's Wrath.

Agent: Stop threats to the Empire throughout the galaxy

Trooper: Continue to perform military missions.


I think it's pretty general, uninformed, and inaccurate to say there will never be any more solo content.


In addition, it does not MAKE you roll any alts. Even beside the solo Legacy features, it's not like you really need those bonuses. Most people are doing just fine without those bonuses.


I guess you dont know me. i love the all kinds of grind fest games. Grinding a toon to me give me a lot to do in game. I never skip the voice in the missions. I take my time and enjoy the game.


I now have 2 servers filled with toons that i made to lvl 18 and higher. i started this game on december 18th and yet to this day i still dont have a lvl 50 toon. I only play the game because im a star wars fan. my problem is i cant stay on on toon too long so i go a do another. I love the story mode so i play it again and again so i never get tired of grinding.

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Perhaps you're right, but let me try from a different angle. There are these 8 really awesome class quests in this game, and I would very much like to experience them all. But it's not like DA:O where I can just do the origin quest and then delete the character because the rest of the game is 99% the same.


I've got alt characters of almost every base class on each faction, but somewhere between the middle of the 2nd planet and some point on the 3rd planet, I just get really put off by doing all the same content again, despite the "dialog options". I've tried levelling via space combat or PvP on a couple, but that becomes tedious after a while as well (PvP not as much, but I bought the game for the PvE/story). It's almost like there's this big barrier to entry to experiencing all the class story content.


I get that BW needs to do this, to a degree, so you don't get even more people whining about how there's nothing to do, and that it's too easy to burn through the content too quickly. But at the same time, I wish there was some sort of legacy reward that unlocked a "story mode" or something, so I could somehow experience the other class quests without it feeling like a giant grind.


You can assert that I'm not "alt material" or whatever. But the simple fact of the matter is that I can't think of any game I've ever played through more than twice, or maybe three times in the case of the most amazing games I've ever played. I don't think any game will ever exist that's so mind-blowingly-good that I (or any other typical person) would sit through eight times over.

Guess I'm not typical then, I must have played through the Baldur's Gate series over a dozen times by now and I'm thinking of doing it again. I'm kind of a diehard when it comes to games I like. I had about 34 characters when I played City of Heroes.


You have my sympathies, it must really stink to want to experience the class stories but not being able to keep your motivation up.

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Fix the UI and let me have some macros, Make a raid generator like the PvP Que system. The Legacy System will draw a few players back in Patch 1.2 but it will fade like it is now unless you Cater to endgame Pve/PvP. The game is cool but who doesnt like to customize their UI?



i think in my opinion the the ui thing is really not that inportant. Pvp/pve should be separate. Pvp should be only pvp no pve players allowed. Pvp servers should be set up to level you toon to the max level with rewards as you advance in you levels. levels come in this idea by killing other players or npc characters and so on.


pve/rp servers should be set with no pvp/dueling at all. they should be set to story mode flash points and other great end game stuff.


In my opinion if it is done like this or some thing close to this will have stopped all these nerfs. but all in all every thing looks good and will be that way for a lot of people

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Did anyone else notice that the Twi'lek Jedi had jets coming out of her feet?


You guys who are arguing Star Wars cannon, is that really what you want? Jedi with rocket feet?




If you want to use this legacy system you HAVE to create a new character.


If you unlock a new species you are going to have to create a new character in order to use that unlock.


It is designed to keep you playing the game while playing the same content over and over.


There is no other point to this system.


They're going to charge you 1.5 mil for a new species unlock?


How many hours of gameplay is that?


It's not an add on. It's pure manipulation.


The other things that you can unlock should have been in the game from the start.


Mail in your ship? Seriously. I have to pay extra for that? I don't have a radio on my ship?


Like Tom Petty said, "While we celebrate mediocrity, the boys upstairs want to see, how much you'll pay for what you used to get for free".


Just wait until this game is going broke, and all of these little tricks they are playing will come to an end.


They will sell you anything you want for a small cash fee.


They will give you all of the new species you want- wookies, transdosians, ewocks...


They will sell you force powers and ship mailboxes and your own personal sex slave.


Right now they think they are in charge. So they do what they want. And what they want to do is play you for a fool.


But when the knucklehead running this show realizes that he's going to be designing websites for Grannies if he doesn't get people to resubscribe he will give you whatever you want.


Because the truth is you are in charge. You and your Visa card.


And the sooner they figure that out, the better.


So.... do you really want Jedi with rocket feet?


That decision is ultimately going to be up to you. You and your Visa crd.


Me? I'm not so cool with the rocket feet.


I would rather not see Star Wars turned into a joke.


A bit over dramatic aren't you? I mean your post(s) read something like "Gasp! They are implementing something that will make people want to keep playing! The horror! The! Horror!"


We'll see how the game looks in about 6 months, people have been saying it's going to fail for months now yet the subscription numbers as of the last of Feb was 1.7 million, not counting the Australian/Asian servers, so we'll see.

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The legacy system looks fantastic. So PLEASE don't nerf it when people start whining that it's unfair that those who have put in the time to raise our legacy levels get skills and abilities that they don't...


I also think it'd be cool if we could arm the "pets" that I hear will be available... I'd love a mini tauntaun with a frickin laser beam on its head ;)

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