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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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Yes you will be able to do that but you will have to put them in to a famlay tree if you no what i mean or not mate.


So it's confirmed that I would be able to make a red/black Zabrak Jedi with this? Or a Blue or green Twi'lek Sith?

Edited by NRVNQSR
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Yes but you will have to wait till pacth number 1.2 come out life on the mean servers ok.


Can you link me to something promising that kind of thing? Your lack of punctuation and grammar makes me suspect your reliability.

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Can you link me to something promising that kind of thing? Your lack of punctuation and grammar makes me suspect your reliability.


No, it's true. When you unlock a species, you unlock all of that species' customization options regardless of the species' original faction. So, like your example, you'd be able to make a red-skinned zabrak on the Republic side and a pale-skinned zabrak on the Sith side--once you've unlocked the zabrak species.

Edited by Dezzi
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No, it's true. When you unlock a species, you unlock all of that species' customization options regardless of the species' original faction. So, like your example, you'd be able to make a red-skinned zabrak on the Republic side and a pale-skinned zabrak on the Sith side--once you've unlocked the zabrak species.


Splendid! Then my level 50 Twi'lek Guardian will allow me to make a Green Twi'lek Sith! Since the only option Empire side that's even close is more yellow >.>


I know it sounds kind of stupid, but that actually matters to me, since I'm doing something unbelievably nerdy with my Imperial characters ^^;

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PPL that are flipping out calm down, you can not use these abilities in pvp, and are only used as heroic force moment, with a long cool down. being able to use another skill is not the end of the word. wait for the update and play before crying. It takes any mmo about 14 months to work everything out.
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Or maybe they just want to be able to get laid? Isn't LOVE forbidden by the Jedi Order?


falls under the category of wanting to be their own person. Besides Jedi ARE allowed to ****, its just discouraged because it can LEAD to attachments. Obviously not all the time, but you get the idea where they would think that.

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Actually, you didn't until just now. But you'll find that things like grammar, punctuation and spelling WILL make you seem more trustworthy in general.


You need a reality check, English is not everyone's first language here and comments like this makes you look ridiculous.

The guy misspelled a word, so what?

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You need a reality check, English is not everyone's first language here and comments like this makes you look ridiculous.

The guy misspelled a word, so what?


Realizing that, try this. Read a post out loud, using all of the punctuation and pronouncing words as they are spelled. If someone were to be in a physical conversation do you think that things like being able to pronounce the words they're saying and put the words where they are supposed to go in a sentance will make them sound more or less credible?


If someone does not understand the english language particularly well, why should I accept that they know the nuances of a system being discussed in english?

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Realizing that, try this. Read a post out loud, using all of the punctuation and pronouncing words as they are spelled. If someone were to be in a physical conversation do you think that things like being able to pronounce the words they're saying and put the words where they are supposed to go in a sentance will make them sound more or less credible?


If someone does not understand the english language particularly well, why should I accept that they know the nuances of a system being discussed in english?


I can do it too!

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Realizing that, try this. Read a post out loud, using all of the punctuation and pronouncing words as they are spelled. If someone were to be in a physical conversation do you think that things like being able to pronounce the words they're saying and put the words where they are supposed to go in a sentance will make them sound more or less credible?


If someone does not understand the english language particularly well, why should I accept that they know the nuances of a system being discussed in english?


Get off your high horse.

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I think it's time for all the haters to find their centre before Jackie Chan Makes a Man Out of You! Honestly he does a great version of the iconic and beloved Mulan track in Catonese.


But back to Star Wars, everyone recite the Jedi Code with me:


There is no EMOTION; There is Peace,

There is no IGNORANCE; There is Knowledge,

There is no Passion; There is Serenity,

There is no Chaos; There is Harmony,

There is no Death; There is only the Force.


Cool the jets, you're not helping yourself by going overboard. I mean you don't like the new Jedi armour? Fine, you don't HAVE to play them. I myself have pure vanity pieces and look like a traditional Jedi Knight. New armour is always **** anyways, they're testing the waters and if you were any one of those designers, you'd make a ****** outfit you like, but others despise, but ha ha you have the job.


Legacy? Grow a pair. Other servers to make other characters. Not like you can run two characters at the same time unless you have 2 seperate accounts, 2 heads, and an extra set of arms, not to mention another computer. Not to mention they don't HAVE to be part of the Legacy, in fact they don't even need to have the fancy last name at all in any capacity. Besides we're still in Year One of the game, there is a ****TON stuff left to do/fix, etc, so relax. Time will tell and heals all wounds.


Cross species across factions? Being that nearly all my characters are human (with one Cyborg and one Miralukan) I don't give a crap. Why should you? All it does is create the option to exist if you want to fufill any goofy Roleplay fantasies and even give ground in logic to a Dark Side Jedi or a Light Side Sith (Infiltrators!!!!)


As for the bonus content? There are TONS of Force Sensitives in Star Wars who didn't become Jedi or didn't til long after they've established as something else (Kyle Katarn anyone? Corran Horn?) There can be smugglers who have a few Jedi powers like Force Push or Jedi Mind Trick or perhaps Force Choke or Meditation? Also, Aurra Sing was a former Jedi Padawan, you don't think she knows a few Force tricks? Didn't think of that did you? Or Asajj Ventress, who was a Jedi Padawan, turned Dark Jedi, turned Sith Apprentice, turned Bounty Hunter. You don't think SHE might've picked up a few skills?



Leave well enough alone. It's just there for those who want it to indulge. You do not need to if you do not want to. Get it? Got it? Doubt it...

Edited by Noviru
borderline rude
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The relationship options are ally, child, spouse, adoptive child, rival, and sibling. This is a nice variety of options and I approve of same-sex characters being able to be set up as spouses. But I was hoping for a Master/Apprentice or Mentor/Protégé option. I have three Sith characters who I view as the master, the master's apprentice, and the apprentice's apprentice, and I'd like to be able to indicate that in the Legacy tree.


This just shows how detached the devs really are from the game they created. It's a freakin Star Wars game! Master-Apprentice should have been the first damn item created for the legacy tree.

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Not like you can run two characters at the same time unless you have 2 seperate accounts, 2 heads, and an extra set of arms, not to mention another computer.


Ahh, those were the days, running a full EQ group on two PCs and a work laptop. Auto-attack and macros and no need for the MM part of this MMORPG crap.

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