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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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The Legacy system in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will allow you to create your very own family tree, connecting each of your characters together and unlocking a host of skills and abilities that would otherwise be unobtainable. Watch this Developer Dispatch to learn about what Legacy is and how it will continue to evolve with the game.


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yeeaaah right.


what i saw till today is freekin me out. seriously guys?????

mixing the talents from class to class and even mixing the races is just a stupid and bad idea.

there is a history to that game and you guys just can't do whatever you want. an imperial agent or a bounty hunter is using force abilities???




and a pure blood sith plays a jedi or a trooper??? thats the big hit with legacy system and you are even proud of it???

if a pure bloods son or daughter betrayes the side and go republic the father would hunt him/her down and kill mim/her only through pure pride.

and if a member of a force sensitive family goes bountyhunter than because he isn't force sensitive. i can track und hunt down people as sith as well. but if i can use the force as lets say bounty hunter why would i risk the overheating of my weapons when i can shoot with lightning.


i don't konw, i just don't get it what should be fun on that system. epic battles rise between different charakters like the fight between boba fett and darth vader or like jango fett against obi wan.

that fight wouldn't be epic anymore if obi wan had also a jet pack and jango will use force telekinetic don't you think.


that would be for me a reason to quit the old republic because this system is just plain stupid. according to the gameplay to the lore, to everything.

what happens is the game becomes a huge senseless sponge where everybody can do everything.

why should i play other classes then?? thats the reason to play it. a chalange!!!! to explore something new.


but what i saw in the trailer you guys posted gives me the creeps. a jedi with a flamethrower???

you really managed it to get every fun out of the game. the list is that long so i stay only to that point. all i do is playing the classes through their story because thats just the only thing that makes fun at all.

if its not buggy, its just not fun to play or senseless like for example the crew skills.


i am very disappointed in that. i just keep on going playing my story lines through. for that i love you. the voice over story telling class lines are amazing and either thrilling or just fun to play.

long live the casual players because for mmo players this game just don't have anything if the legacy system like it is comes.

Edited by Thoratok
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I'm actually pretty excited about the family tree feature - I've had several of my characters and their interpersonal relationships defined in my mind for upwards of two years. I do wish there was an option for romantic relationships short of marriage, though, and a master/apprentice relationship.
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Diversity is GOOD. How many times have you heard people say "well, if everything was the same that would just be boring..."


This allows the full gambit of species/class choice and legacy ability unlocks if you want it. Nobody is going to force you to do it.


Step out of your 'lore' cocoon and realise that not only will this allow for more expression, challenge and diversity it's a NEW (albeit old) timeline with a NEW idea.


Have you watched "Sherlock"? It's not set in Victorian Britain, it's set in contemporary times. It's just as good and just as relevant as the original book setting.


Embrace the change! Explore your SW inner-fantasy-demon-child.

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I'm not really impressed by it, maybe that will change when I see it first hand, perhaps it is deeper than I'm expecting, but considering the highest level unlock is level 35 legacy for a neutral GTN, I'm kinda disappointed.


I am currently level 49 legacy and hoped for something better than whats been added, although they did say this is just the start, so I will live in hope they improve it over time.


As for the abilitys tied to the heroic moment skill, force choke every 10-15 mins? go back to the drawing board tbh, it's hardly worth a hotkey.


And lastly, why is there a Guardian wearing the space suit? it is STILL light armor in 1.2, only an idiot would wear that right now.

Edited by System_TOR
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I'm excited with Legacy, but have to admit I am disappointed that we didn't get NEW playable humanoid species that area already in the game (ie: Togruta). lol I'd roll 100 characters if that's what it took to unlock that species.
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To the people that say that this is insane:


Luke Skywalker was just a random gunner, yet he still had the force in him, making him able to force his lightsaber into his hands while in the ice cave (episode 5). He had NOT trained any force abilities yet but could still do it.


Also, Leia Skywalker could feel that Luke was in danger and where he was (end of episode 5) even though she didn't know the force was strong in her. She was just a NORMAL GUNNER and could still do it.



This makes COMPLETE SENSE and stop saying it's going against the lore.

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I'm interested, but would really prefer if species unlocks were cross server. My guild all rolled Empire on one server and Republic on another, so we'd not get tempted to hop to the winning side in PvP, and so we could play all advanced classes on both, and so we could have an Empire appropriate surname and a Republic one. We now feel as if we made a mistake that will cost our gameplay.


Can something be done about the "name your legacy" box that appears? My wife hasn't thought of a name she is comfortable with, and having to close that box every time you zone for 10 levels is getting old! If you don't wish to display it, naming doesn't seem to make any difference mechanically.


Really looking forward to how conversations change when you are, say, a Sith Pureblood Jedi. I presume they will, as wanting to do this properly was the main argument put forward when other races weren't done.

Edited by Darzil
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I think there are a lot of neat things to this and I'm looking forward to it. I'll just be kind of a whiner on one thing though--I'm not crazy about putting roleplaying benefits behind a legacy gate, and especially not a gate tied to social points, which I've found very difficult to get. I'm a roleplayer, but I do play at weird times of the day, and even when I have been able to group, I'm lucky to get a few social points for an hour of grouping because of the way points are all tied into conversations rather than something more sensible like objective completion. *grumble grumble*


Anyway, I'm not losing sleep over not having access to better emotes, social clothing, whatever, but really, I'd rather just have them available by default. What's the harm? It's not as though a nice emote really advantages you over other players.

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So how is this going to help people that already have multiple 50's?


Unlocking new species is not going to make them want to reroll the same classes just to have, maybe for some. But I know I dont want to go through the grind again.

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Reading some of the posts I'm always impressed that so many people find ways to complain about things that didn't exist yesterday. More freedom and flexibility in a game like this is a very good thing. And anyone who plays more than one character in an rpg has those relationships implied right from go. This is a very exciting way to flesh out those relationships in a way that moves along the storyline of your character in a way that you do anyway. At least I do.
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I'm in the same boat as Darzil, d/t not being able to be in multiple guilds on one server our guild has an Empire server and a Republic server, so without any cross-server sharing of Legacies this racial unlock really doesn't have much of an impact. As well, sounds like you only get one new toon of the unlocked race? Pretty limited for making the trek to 50--and once the level limit goes up, does this level requirement go up as well?
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So how is this going to help people that already have multiple 50's?


Unlocking new species is not going to make them want to reroll the same classes just to have, maybe for some. But I know I dont want to go through the grind again.


*Shrug* you can't please everyone all the time. I don't think the average player has a ton of lv50 alts already.

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Finally we get to hear about what's in store for the new legacy system and pretty much everything I saw was focusing on tweaks for new or alternate characters.


That's all fine and dandy for NEW characters. What do you have for those of us that have multiple 50's? I can play a chiss Jedi now... woohoo - Too bad I already have a human jedi. la-ti-da... =/ Race doesn't change the story!


Will changing the race from human to chiss be possible w/o paying EA/BW a healthy lump sum payment for ever single character?


Are the advantages for the newly created legacy characters going to be extended to the existing characters or will we be force to reroll?


Will previously enabled legacy content be removed if the character that unlocked said content was deleted?


Will we be granted more than 8 slots per account for the new legacy combinations?


Edit: Typos.

Edited by Ragoric
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