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Arsenal Spec and Huttball


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I switch between Arsenal and Pyro about 3-4 times a week depending on how i'm feeling that day. I've done quite a bit of pvp as both but Huttball just seems to be the Arsenal's bread and butter. Everytime i get Huttball I Play defensive line so to speak. I try to stay up on the middle platforms as much as possible, and don't stray to far from mid ever.


With a 15s cd on jet boost and my RP knockback I can keep enemy ball carriers off of my platform and enemy melee dps out of my face in in the fray of my teamates almost indefinately. Enemy ball carriers tend to be tanky and the armor pen from TM/HVGC makes them pretty squisy and helps my teamates do a little more dps on em to burn him down faster.


I know this is kind of a troll post :p but i honestly am wondering if other people notice this/do this too. I see a lot of arsenal mercs that chase enemies, or stay on the lower levels, or even try to run the ball. Not trying to tell anyone they're doing anything wrong... hey its your 15 bucks do whatever the hell you want, but the way i see the class it just doesn't seem that good at being aggressively offensive.

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I honestly don't like the middle metal platform, people LOS me easily. Being by the vents and moving up onto the platforms has worked better for me, especially if the ball is along the outside more often. Waiting for people to run by and knocking them into mid is awesome, or launching them up the ramps (people FLY when you get it right lol)
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I switch between Arsenal and Pyro about 3-4 times a week depending on how i'm feeling that day. I've done quite a bit of pvp as both but Huttball just seems to be the Arsenal's bread and butter. Everytime i get Huttball I Play defensive line so to speak. I try to stay up on the middle platforms as much as possible, and don't stray to far from mid ever.


With a 15s cd on jet boost and my RP knockback I can keep enemy ball carriers off of my platform and enemy melee dps out of my face in in the fray of my teamates almost indefinately. Enemy ball carriers tend to be tanky and the armor pen from TM/HVGC makes them pretty squisy and helps my teamates do a little more dps on em to burn him down faster.


I know this is kind of a troll post :p but i honestly am wondering if other people notice this/do this too. I see a lot of arsenal mercs that chase enemies, or stay on the lower levels, or even try to run the ball. Not trying to tell anyone they're doing anything wrong... hey its your 15 bucks do whatever the hell you want, but the way i see the class it just doesn't seem that good at being aggressively offensive.


I play linebacker as well tbh, and it is tons of fun and oh btw we win more. There are valid "tight end" strats too (discussed above) but nothing like 2 BH on D keeping the recievers blocked/locked/in the pit


i have mentioned exactly what you say before, but to each his own... glad i am not the only one though.

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My mercs only 44 so you can disregard everything I'm saying, but in the sub50 bracket you cant really do that.


Sub50 on my server... nobody knows how to carry the ball. All you see is me trying over and over again to carry the ball with my lame 30% AR and no mobility.


Not to derail or anything, but my other chars a 50 jug and I like the people who think they are defending and sit on the ramps. I know you have two knock backs and a stun, but my resovles probably full anyways and yours most likely isnt. I can force push you back towards your goal even farther (or out of the way compltely) and leap to you/someone else again or use my aoe stun.


Wouldnt suggest staying up there vs teams with warriors.

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When playing in a PUG (which is 90% of the time), usually nobody gives a crap about the ball so I have to pick it up myself and score, even if mercenary is one of the worst ball carriers.


I have an even better one for you. I am a Merc full spec healer and there are times when even I have to go after the ball simply because the three other players in the center simply refuse to do it.


You know you are in a bad group when the healer spends any time with the ball.

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As an arsenal spec BH you have a limited amount of things you need to focus on doing. From the OP's original post you covered those tasks quite accurately. I would add just one thing however. If you are on the defensive side of the map, your job is to do exactly what you described rain down death on anybody who tries to use the lower scaffold to reach the goal line.


But if you are on the offensive side of the center area then you can play a pivotal role in scoring. That roll is to be a quick and easy target to pass too. Your job isn't to push the ball. Your job is to catch it and pass it off to anyone in possition to get past the first line of obsticles.


We Merc are not known forr our mobility and we make for horrible ball handlers most of the time. But we can play a key roll of getting the ball past the first line of defense and eventual score.

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im still a big fan of voidstar case of the damage i can put out, pretty much a arsenal merc and a healer can kill anything but a healer with guard from a tank, so its just sit in one spot defending a door blasting the soft targets, voidstar <3
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Well, I'm more the agressive type of player in Huttball.

Usually I stroll around the center platforms clearing them for our runners, delay/destroy/displace any chasers.

When in position I also try to be the first pass target on higher ground or at least be a leap target for warrior runners.

If I get lucky to have a healer and by chance a guard on me, I go to rampage mode, place myself into the middle of action and deliver death and destruction - which in return, binds often enough forces that our runners can just walk to the goal line.

This is where the arsenal spec really shines - if you're backed up by some people, not much can be done against you, while you lay waste on your opponents (this is also very true for the other wz).

On the defense I found myself being a bit weak, as we don't have that many tools to stop a coordinated attack, especially against fast moving targets on multiple platforms. I've seen snipers and operatives doing much better in that position.

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