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SWTOR is only good for PvP


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I truly love the PvP in this game on all my toons but I have completely given up on PVE.


That's fine cause PvP is just that great but IDK if I'm willing to pay $15/month to PvP when I can do that for free in COD.


Bioware please lower the sub price to $5 bucks and I'll stay lol & you can restrict me to pvp only. Even then it's too much $ lol but I stay.

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ok bye bye


I'm not going to hate on you cause you hated on me. SwTor is not doing too well atm and it's obvious, that doesn't mean I want it to be that way. I hope they bounce back and at least become a good game for casual gamers, I mean that's the majority of gamers anyway.


However, imo $15/month subs don't succeed these days. Unless your product is worth $15/month people wont pay for it because they already know what $15/month should get you from an MMO.

Edited by Quintan
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I can't stand a few things. First, someone saying they are leaving. No one cares. Really. We don't.


Second, whining that a game barely out doesn't have as much to do as games out for years.


The only mistakes they have made is creating a game engine that is horrible. And starting with too many servers. Whoever decided on how many servers to start with should be fired.


We will see how many are playing in a few months. Until then, anybody calling the game a failure or a success is doing nothing but making a guess.

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I can't stand a few things. First, someone saying they are leaving. No one cares. Really. We don't.


Second, whining that a game barely out doesn't have as much to do as games out for years.


The only mistakes they have made is creating a game engine that is horrible. And starting with too many servers. Whoever decided on how many servers to start with should be fired.


We will see how many are playing in a few months. Until then, anybody calling the game a failure or a success is doing nothing but making a guess.


You either don't read or don't know how to. #1. No one said they are quitting anything #2. No one said anything is a failure or a success #3. I guess I could probably sell you a cheap version of a great TV for the same price as the real great TV. Since you're probably willing to pay for it.....

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Make suggestions on how to improve the PVE instead of turning into a pvp freak. I'm only level 25 but I've enjoyed the questing very much so far. I can imagine you run out of things to do at level 50 unless you're a gear junkie but they will add more content later. The 1.2 patch has already promised it.
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I have multiple 50s and have no intention of quitting this game. i love it and i think its awesome.


oh, and i have never been in a warzone. i'm strictly pve.



not everyone likes the same things.


It's ok little nooblet, I understand but don't worry once you know what I'm talking about you will look back at this and remember when you where a total MMO NoB.


Enjoy your game folks !! Sincerely I really do hope you enjoy it, I would not want to take that away from anybody as long as you are having fun it's all good. I wasn't sure when I posted this but now I am definitely going back to WoW with it's old textures etc, it's just a much better gaming experience overall. I think BW either doesn't have the man power or skill or have more subs than they expected and are content with what they have. Anyway, IDK... SwTor is too much less bang for my buck I guess but have fun and who knows if a miracle happens and this game becomes worth playing or goes F2P I will return. BTW I predict that all server groups will either become 1 server(or something like that) per server group 2-3 weeks after 1.2 or this game will die.

Edited by Quintan
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The only mistakes they have made is creating a game engine that is horrible. And starting with too many servers. Whoever decided on how many servers to start with should be fired.


So many people forget that they didn't open up with this many servers. The game launched and was hammered by all the people playing, they had to open up new servers because of the queue times. The big mistake they made was opening up even more servers because of all the people whining that they still couldn't get on.


Like I've said before, one of the biggest mistakes any game can make (or anyone selling something, for that matter) is to always give the customer what they want. The customer is, in fact, NOT always right.


It's ok little nooblet, I understand but don't worry once you know what I'm talking about you will look back at this and remember when you where a total MMO NoB.


If you had any credibility left to make your opinion worth listening to after your original post, saying you think they should get rid of something just because you don't like it, you just lost it with that last post, attacking someone else for enjoying something you don't, like "how dare you have an opinion that differs from mine!"


Most of us have probably been playing MMO's since at least before you could tie your own shoelaces.

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So many people forget that they didn't open up with this many servers. The game launched and was hammered by all the people playing, they had to open up new servers because of the queue times. The big mistake they made was opening up even more servers because of all the people whining that they still couldn't get on.


Like I've said before, one of the biggest mistakes any game can make (or anyone selling something, for that matter) is to always give the customer what they want. The customer is, in fact, NOT always right.




If you had any credibility left to make your opinion worth listening to after your original post, saying you think they should get rid of something just because you don't like it, you just lost it with that last post, attacking someone else for enjoying something you don't, like "how dare you have an opinion that differs from mine!"


Most of us have probably been playing MMO's since at least before you could tie your own shoelaces.


Whatever I didn't attack any one and I never said they should get rid of anything. where do you get all this from? Read.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not going to hate on you cause you hated on me. SwTor is not doing too well atm and it's obvious, that doesn't mean I want it to be that way. I hope they bounce back and at least become a good game for casual gamers, I mean that's the majority of gamers anyway.


However, imo $15/month subs don't succeed these days. Unless your product is worth $15/month people wont pay for it because they already know what $15/month should get you from an MMO.


1. PvE is fine. Personnally having a blast.


2. PvP (at least "world" PvP) = GANK Fest with level 50's camping speeder points and ganking lowbies as they get off the speeder ( e.g. Jung Ma: Imps camping Reps on Tatooine)


3. There is no F2P. In the end one pays more than a monthy sub. ALSO most but not all F2Ps usually turns into PAY to WIN.

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1. PvE is fine. Personnally having a blast.


2. PvP (at least "world" PvP) = GANK Fest with level 50's camping speeder points and ganking lowbies as they get off the speeder ( e.g. Jung Ma: Imps camping Reps on Tatooine)


3. There is no F2P. In the end one pays more than a monthy sub. ALSO most but not all F2Ps usually turns into PAY to WIN.


The last is more true than it should be, but that's how cash shop based games went.

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