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Why does everyone hate patch 1.2?


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I call COMPLETE ******** on that. Just today, I read a complehensive review on the new OP, where people took 1.5 hours to kill the first boss STORY mode, then they could not kill it hard mode




Well..... lollermittens has become somewhat famous for his skills at exageration, fabrication, and hyperbole in the interest of prosecuting the game in a negative light.


Got to hand it to him though.... hes got skills.... they just are not of much value in the forum here. :)

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Am I crazy or did they remove the 1.2 patch notes? I thought I first read it in "Patch Notes" in the News & Updates section, but maybe Im mistaken. (Im not being sarcastic to the OP, I really cant find it now lol)




It has always been my opinion that it made no sense to have gear progression in PvP, and 1.2 is not doing away with it, but its a step in the right direction not having to grind valor to get the good stuff. PvP means player vs player, not players gear vs players gear.



Legacy is sweet if you like rolling alts. This game was made with alts in mind, 8 completely different stories, ppl seem to forget this.



1.2 is what Bioware wanted the game to be at launch, so Im interested to see how it plays.

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I'm happy with 1.2


Get to unlock race/class combo that weren't available before.


Spirit level 1 is great.


New WZ sounds great, more is better.


Love the new armor, well most of it.


No more color crystal limit.

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There's a lot of good and bad coming down the pipe.


The Good: New Op, FP, WZ; camera autoswivel fix; moddable endgame gear; class retuning; new GTN, lots of other stuff


The Bad: class retuning; old gear won't be moddable; the Legacy System (see sig); no more credits from WZs (forcing PVPers to PVE to earn credits)


Thank you for weighing the Pros and Cons :) It makes sense

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I'm really unhappy with 1.2 right now, because of the unnecessary nerfs/buffs, the ugly new gear, the fact that PvP weapons still don't have removable color crystals, that champion and centurion gear get's useless (and you even can't transfer their set bonus to orange gear), you don't get credits for warzones any more, modded endgame gear will not get upgraded correctly, and some more things I can't remember right now (check yourself, you will find something).


Ohh, you heard? Biochem reusables can now be used only once per combat for example (or so they tell).

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People will whine over EVERYTHING. If they put out patches fast, people complain that the servers are down. If they put them out slowly, people will whine that they aren't fixing THEIR imagined gamebreaking issue. If they fix imbalances or make changes to better the game overall, they are ruining something, for someone, always. If they bring out new content, some will whine that they are pushing new stuff out too fast, or, too slow.


The best thing you can do is completely and utterly ignore people who cry about patches. Look at the patch notes yourself and/or go to the PTS or wait till the patch is out.

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People will whine over EVERYTHING. If they put out patches fast, people complain that the servers are down. If they put them out slowly, people will whine that they aren't fixing THEIR imagined gamebreaking issue. If they fix imbalances or make changes to better the game overall, they are ruining something, for someone, always. If they bring out new content, some will whine that they are pushing new stuff out too fast, or, too slow.


The best thing you can do is completely and utterly ignore people who cry about patches. Look at the patch notes yourself and/or go to the PTS or wait till the patch is out.


LOL your signiture is perfect for what you just said

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But also I have not seen it yet. Downloading the PTS now and can better input. And yes expect a lot of class corrections. Since some are OP at this time.


What I really hope for is outfits that looked as good and beta weekend 1 and 2. The last beta weekend was when the graphics was stripped down.

Edited by Romiz
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Same old same old. Where is the new innovative content, i dont see it, all i see is "basic MMO" stuff that was meant to be in at launch.


What worries me the most is, how many patchs after 1.2 will it take to fix 1.2. We all know there track record with bugged content.


There needs to be a lot more communication going on with there testing atm,1 or 2 posts a day that are irrelavant to the testing phase won't cut it. They can't even provide us the means to test it properly With the xfer systems they have for it.


Have you even touched the PTS? My experience on there has been.. better graphics, UI customization is INCREDIBLE, and further optimization.. making it run extremely smooth.


The additional content is very well done, and polished. Bug free so far.


Again, have you touched the PTS? If not, you can stop posting about 1.2

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I am hearing allot of controversy about game update 1.2 what is it all about? I hear something about pvp. To me, people seem pretty upset but I don't get why exactly. Could someone paraphrase to me the pros and cons of patch 1.2?

New pvp & pve group content but no new solo content apart from some storyline quests that will open up Correlia dailies.

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New pvp & pve group content but no new solo content apart from some storyline quests that will open up Correlia dailies.


Yeah, how dare they make multiplayer content for a multiplayer game. Will the travesty never end?!

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BW could have made it, but now they got the SOE virus and will make a second NGE.


Every patch so far are poor and still the game is full of Beta bugs that should not be ingame at this time! Fix one silly thing, bug five new ones...


Rep faction is dying, Rep market is F up with people selling lvl 11 items for 50000 credits... and not much to find when you search...


Jump over to Imperial and the WZ is Imp vs Imp... market is full and everything is easy, quest going faster, flashpoints can be done solo, armour looking great... it's great the first hours playing then you get bored doing WZ where you fight your own faction all the time and when everything is super easy it also become boring...

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Most of the people here making fun of "rage quitters" are probably the main reason why they are 10yrolding the game.. They have no idea what BW is doing to classes because they are simple button mashers.. true story
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Because the simple village people dislike change.

It scares and confuses them.

So their gut reaction is to grab pitchforks and torches.


Once you go through this a few hundred times over 30 MMOs spanning back decades, you just realize patches like this are perfectly normal.

It's not "game breaking", it's not anything that the fearful masses pretend it is.

And life will roll on, and swtor will continue to be played.


About 1 week after the patch, the unwashed forum posters will have plaed more then 2 minutes of it, rather then just read patch notes, the start trolling on other stuff again.


This patch is just the latest thing that those who like to rant have latched on to attack.

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There's a lot of good and bad coming down the pipe.


The Good: New Op, FP, WZ; camera autoswivel fix; moddable endgame gear; class retuning; new GTN, lots of other stuff


The Bad: class retuning; old gear won't be moddable; the Legacy System (see sig); no more credits from WZs (forcing PVPers to PVE to earn credits)


I've said it before, this credit take-away is going to show up as an increase in credit seller spam. It's a bad move. Also, people will have to choose while leveling if they want gear, gear for alts, or to craft, because the pvp income is being stripped away. Remember, level 40 speeder is 218K credits. For me, pvp was a way to relax after questing, and to make up some of the credits for all the crafting missions I did that day.


Can't wait to see the QQ over credit spam mail coming up.


And some people say that it is offset by the GTN. Tell that to the people on servers where 40-50 ppl is peak. Nothing sells. I left behind a level 14 legacy group and jumped servers about a month ago because crafting doesn't matter when there isn't anyone to buy anything.

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