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Feedback request from James Ohlen: PvP


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The PVP is great just like it is. The only problem is the lack of people queuing. If we had global queuing across servers then there would be more people and the cue would be shorter. Also it would increase the chances of getting Alderan and Voidstar. As it stands the server populations are preventing those from popping up often and the result is too much hutt ball. I love hutt ball don't get me wrong but I would like to play the others just as often.


Also, it would be nice to be able to choose the war-zone I want to queue for instead of random draw. This of course would go hand in hand with global queuing because there would always be enough participants to make that happen.

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However, I don't see a reason for why I would participate in something that is essentially a grind for a different type of gear.


It is for the fun of the PvP, it shouldn't really have an effect on the PvE game. A shift in focus from PvP-only reasons to ANY PvE reasons is a bad system that will come back to bite them.


PvP may not always need to be about combat..


It should ALWAYS be about combat. That is the problem with some games' PvP (like LOTRO, which I played PvP in for years). If there is not a reason to fight the other team, it isn't PvP anymore.


I understand some servers have lopsided populations, however, % of participation as opposed to shear number may be able to mitigate some issues.


This is very true, the imbalance needs to be curbed.


Kill a world boss, complete dailies, craft x item all for the greater good of the Alliance/Sith.


No, a million times no. PvE for PvP's sake is simply PvE. PvP'ers should NEVER be required to PvE to remain competitive in PvP. That is what literally destroyed PvP in LOTRO. That is actually the reason entire guilds left for SWTOR.


The reward for this? control over space, planets, a faction wide buff. I'd like to support my faction with something more benign and with something I already participate in without having to grind through yet another set of items in order to be viable.


This would be really cool, the only issue is when you get people who PvP only long enough to get the leveling or faction buff, then they go PvE or level with that buff. You talk about imbalance. This will just make it worse.

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Similar to what is in Warhammer, I would love for PvP "lakes" on each planet, most especially to add some open world PvP dynamics for PvE servers. Some of the best open world PvP I've experienced in my MMO gaming has been on a core server in WAR, hunting other players down in the PvP lakes.


Indeed. Warhammer i just simply loved the PvP and RvR, and on the universe of the SWTOR this can be even better, because you have a whole of planets to put some world pvp...

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Have a Spell reflect mechanic for melee tanks or give us the hability to deflect dodge and shield force attacks


and if non of that can happen.


Make melee attacks actually melee, i hate beeing stabed to dead or punched or kicked and feel that my tank is fast enough to deflect a blasterbolt but not fast enough to dodge a kick or a punch.

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Real world PvP like GW2 will have with WvW real siege battles with npc's and a boss that must be defeated before players can take over the base.And make it in the open and not inside bunkers and hallways like in voidstar.And make a third "faction" a mercenary renagade faction anyone can join to balance things out when there is faction imbalance.

And make it rewarding in the long run with uniqe speeders and social items and gear.

And dont give out rewards to easy.


And sometime spawn in world bosses in these areas you need large groups of people to take down.That drops uniqe rare rewards.World bosses like this should not spawn more then once every two weeks.If 100 players of both faction takes down the boss there should be around 5 uniqe rare drops.And make am random and make new rewards that drop now and then, making players always wanna group up for them and come back.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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remove expertise, or at least change the way it works now,pvp in it's current formt feels like showing up pays off more than doing anything because you are useless for most of the gear grind anyways


It's such a viable way to level as well.. not only are you just fodder, but your not even invested in the outcome other than ending it quick and reaping the reward of easy flow of xp.


expertise should be moved to a social, valor, light/dark type of stat.. and make it similar to the WEI rating that is like 7.9 currently, but eventually will be at 8.5, 11.2, etc..


Put a cap on the expertise bar.. don't make it scalable to the next "season"/tier. force people to continue to earn it. gives vets who play often and well a reward, vets who don't and newbies can catchup before the season.. the more skilled you are the quicker you'll earn those points. if you don't participate you don't get it. if you're new vs old it makes it more clear that you need to be a seasoned vet to go toe to toe with someone. it won't matter that he's a full time employee and you're a kid in high school with an infinite amount of time to play compared to his "seasoned" character build.


if you can somehow then incorporate the sway between being consistently successful to gain points or getting consistently beat or consistently not participating as a way to lose points.. It'll keep everyone honest. This way the old vet who gets lazy will be over thrown by a new guy working hard and putting in the efforts.

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One change... I'd say never implement cross-server pvp... but since that doesn't exist, its not a change to be made ;)


So, I would say, enough of the gear wars, and make it more based on actual player skill with their class. That means eliminate expertise.

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I would have someone randomly watching over the pop warzones to at least attempt to catch those that cheat. By cheat I am talking about jedi using force choke and running while channeling the pebble throw both of which I thought was supposed to be impossible. Members of my guild have also run into this issue I belive some even have screenshots of these things happening
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The ammount of content in which to progress at end game. More Warzones, specifically more Hutball style games, think American Gladiator.


Also Ilum to have an objective. Shrink the size of the map and add a Timed Que (Every few hours) with some type of capture/reward system.

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The one thing in pvp that bugs me the most. is the amount of AOE knock backs. this inter-ups the flow of PVP so much that the pvp isn't enjoyable at times. not to mention the resolve bar system needs some serious tweaking. The other thing i don't like is the upcoming War hero gear and the rated war hero gear. why did BW think it wise to make 2 sets of gear one that has a ratting attached to it and not have any stat differences at all? what are endgame pvpers working towards? cosmetic options? why would we want that. reward people for there hard work. Edited by Balthazarr
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The z-axis range/distance of merc/commando knockbacks especially in relation to other classes is extreme. I have been knocked up a ramp completely over it's current level and down into a pit below in huttball on occasions.


As in giving something back with taking it back being the glass cannons they are. Their next ability with cast time can be done while moving with a 5 sec window of availabilty.

Edited by cardynalsyn
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I would have someone randomly watching over the pop warzones to at least attempt to catch those that cheat. By cheat I am talking about jedi using force choke and running while channeling the pebble throw both of which I thought was supposed to be impossible. Members of my guild have also run into this issue I belive some even have screenshots of these things happening


You mean Stasis Mastery in the Defense tree for Guardians? That's not cheating, its a skill.

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Have multiple spots on multiple worlds that can be controlled. The more of the spots your alliance controls, the more benefits you get from it. Also, the more you control the greater the benefit becomes. Benefits that gain you things like lower cost of some things, maybe a buff that you can get from a merchant in a controlled area that lasts all day. That is my general idea.
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No, a million times no. PvE for PvP's sake is simply PvE. PvP'ers should NEVER be required to PvE to remain competitive in PvP. That is what literally destroyed PvP in LOTRO. That is actually the reason entire guilds left for SWTOR..


Loved your notes, just keep in mind.. I'm talking about adding another layer of PvP participants. I'm not trying to rebuild the system to make current PvPers participate in PvE. I'm just saying, why not count all participation in the game to some form of PvP overall objective. So for people like me who aren't totally sold on the current system can still participate.


I get that pure PvPers frown upon PvErs getting involved in their day, but this game and mmos in general, i feel, should involve everyone in the fight. Make it clear that participation in the game is a mass-multiplayer event. It's not just you doing some bogus quest, you're also helping the greater good and pushing the war effort forward.


I think a tie in is necessary, especially when PvP has it's own stat. Why not get the other people in the game in to the battle, per say. Give your side cause to continue to grind away at their chosen efforts, PvP or PvE, and tie it all together with a visible change in the persistent world.

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By cheat I am talking about jedi using force choke and running while channeling the pebble throw both of which I thought was supposed to be impossible.


Tank spec'd juggernauts/guardians have a talent which allows them to channel force choke/stasis without actually channeling it. The CAST TELEKINETIC THROW/ FORCE LIGHTNING WHILE MOVING BWAHAHAHAHHAA was an exploit that was fixed in 1.1.5: they made cancelling it respect the GCD so you couldn't mash the button while moving and do ridiculous damage at the cost of ridiculous force (by having the first tick constantly hitting).

Edited by Diviciacus
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