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1.2 - New Rakata Itemization


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Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller

Hey, some answers.



3. If you have modified your gear, it will retain any changes you have made. Any mods you didn't change out will update.


4. Restoring the original mods into the item, before 1.2, will cause them to upgrade at the time of the patch.




Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller

Same type.


I just want to know where the new expertise stat will be updated. If it is the armoring on the BM gear, then I don´t care. I could not switch that anyway, since it is looked currently.


every other change, I don´t care, as long as I get the additional 300 expertise

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I understand what Bioware is asking us to do but what I don't understand is why they can't modify mods/enhancements on a piece by piece bases. If we pulled a mod out of a piece of rakata and placed it in our bank then why does THAT mod not get upgraded? If you simply upgrade the mod and enhancement themselves does this not resolve the stat issue? We can then look at the new stats on the mod/enhancement and place them back in the rakata gear if our current mods/enhancements are not better.


Basically what I am saying is do mods, enhancements, armoring, hilts, and crystals not have their own individual item number? When I see advanced cunning mod 25 vs advanced cunning mod 25A does this not distinguish between those mods? Lets assume advanced cunning mod 25 is currently in the rakata piece why not just change THAT particular mod. This will not affect advanced cunning mod 25A in any way which is what people may have swapped in for the crappy version.

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Ok stop with the ********.


The real reason is the player may have sold their Rakata mods, and you never know. You can easily code it so it upgrades the mods independantly from the damn gear. But you won't because there isn't enough time.


Truth would be nice.


Can you explain what to do about people that have swapped mods so many times that we don't know what goes with what now?


Perhaps a "free" mod switch day before the patch and a list of which mods go into which gear would solve 75% of the problem here.. you will still screw the other 25% that don't read the forums, can't login to the game the day before.


this is an epic fail.


go to the vendor, look at the mods in the piece and then change yours to match.

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go to the vendor, look at the mods in the piece and then change yours to match.


This is what I plan to do but based on their extreme failure with this I could see other issues. For example what if my leg mod and chest mod are the exact same and I accidentally put my leg mod in my chest piece? One would think this wouldn't be an issue since the mods are exactly the same but if they were exactly the same wouldn't they just modify the mod and not the piece of armor?

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This is what I plan to do but based on their extreme failure with this I could see other issues. For example what if my leg mod and chest mod are the exact same and I accidentally put my leg mod in my chest piece? One would think this wouldn't be an issue since the mods are exactly the same but if they were exactly the same wouldn't they just modify the mod and not the piece of armor?


This is what I'm thinking about as well. hahaha. It might be read as "MODDED" gear xD

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This is what I plan to do but based on their extreme failure with this I could see other issues. For example what if my leg mod and chest mod are the exact same and I accidentally put my leg mod in my chest piece? One would think this wouldn't be an issue since the mods are exactly the same but if they were exactly the same wouldn't they just modify the mod and not the piece of armor?


Just to informe you, enhancements can have the same stats, but are different ones.


you need to look at torhead.com for every piece.


for example:




enhancement legs = finesse




enhancement cheast = (acute)


both 100% same stats, both BM 58 enhancements. Many will have the problems, even if you redo the enhancements and mods. check torhead for detailed information about your gear to get it 100% right.

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Its very simple,

Intent Now : We want the Battlemaster gear upgraded to Warhero automatically.

Intent back then : Overcome HORRIBLE Bioware itemization issues. Nobody is gonna remove mods from Top Tier PvP gear like Battlemaster if they were not so horribly itemized. If you guys had warned players to save the Accuracy enhancements with your " other advise above " then we would have done so. Don't punish us for this ....



Originally Posted by Anbokr

Just allow us to have the choice to trade our old BM set for the new. I changed out my mods to min/max and didn't bother saving 20+ worthless accuracy mods/enhancements and wasting over a million credits.

Implement this.



Above is what I wrote and mentioned Implement this in regards to Anbokr suggestion





Below is what you have selectively cut and pasted Implement this and quoted out of context



Originally Posted by Stovokor


Its very simple,

Intent Now : We want the Battlemaster gear upgraded to Warhero automatically.


Implement this.



You are kidding, right?


"Automatically " was a bad choice of word to use on my part. I mean it in the context of BM gear getting upgraded to Warhero via ( old BM + ranked comms ). It should apply to ALL current BM gear irrespective of enhancements being swapped. Players intent was to have the best PvP gear ... in this instance we followed Bioware's instruction to swap out the mods. Now we are blindsided by a new method of acquiring gear which requires the earlier tier to be in original condition. None of this would be happening if the itemization was fine in the first place.

Edited by Stovokor
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Bioware, why are you stacking the Jugg Rakata War Leader with 400 absorb and no shield? No mods other than absorb? Not even allowing us the option of changing stats? Please inform me this is a change in progress.


Bioware this is the current consensus among jugg/guard tanks. We're all figuring out ways to NOT have our gear modified. Please give us an update or a calming message about this stat change.


Again, my point is comming from a full rakata jugg tank who has to offtank because our exact same geared assasin carries almost 4k more hp, better shield def and absorb ratings, and even better armor ratings. The proposed stat changes as reflected in this screenshot ( http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/warleaderrakata.jpg) is going to force the jugg into an even harder gear position. Our base stats are not strong enough for a forced push into absorb. If you want us to priorotize shield over def, there are many ways to accomplish this without essentially destorying our gear. Why no surge? Has there been a change to game mechanics where my surge rating no longer affect healing crits?


With even the current gear, every raid I must make a choice between nearly 3000 hp *from 20300 to 18400* or nearly 8% def, 10% shield, and a negligible asbord boost when using rakate pieces compared to lvl 49 crafted items. This current gear set will not even allow for "mod customization" because all the gems are virtually identical.


If this stat change is intentional, all I ask for is some sort of reason, and perhaps you'd be willing to relook at it.


Just for fun, my stats in full rakata minus implants (veracity aug w/ end) and relics (immaterial)


Unbuffed w sorusu stance

20340 hp

7647 armor

47.45 dmg red

22.99 def chance (414 def *120 from veracity implants* )

34.11 shield chance (179 shield *80 from veracity implants)

36.82 shield absorb (180 absorb)


(essentially I'm dodging 1 in 4.5 attacks with my def chance and I'm negating in 6 attacks from my shield. By stacking aborb, you're nerfing us. Plain and simple. Nerfing the hardest, worst geared class in the game.)


Not to mention the new exotic relic "experimental shield overcharger" INCREASES ABSORB WHEN PROCED and it's pretty good! But now w dimishing returns and the decreased likelyhood of shielding an attack I will be better off going back to a rakata relic with a manual 380 def boost (yaawn) and great another F key to bind.


I mean yes I feel we should have more hp but thats a different fight. Why are you going to drop it to approx this?


66 def (maybe 15%?)

95 shield (maybe 25%)

350 absorb (maybe 45%)


(So now I'm dodging 1 in 6 and negating one in 8?!? My healers already hate me.)


Absorb is nothing without shield, and shield is nothing without def. If you're intentionally making the healers jobs more difficult and my repair bills higher you are on steady ground.


Can I bring attention to this point again? This whole thread is full of folks WANTING their gear to be changed and I am begging you not to touch mine. Why are warrior class tanks being nerfed so badly?

Edited by corkymcgee
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i just want them to get rid of all the damned accuracy, replace it with defence or shield rating.


as for "shield is nothing without defence" i actually disagree... the higher your defence chance, the less active your shield is. avoidance is always better than mitigation. the reason absorb is nothing without shield, is because you have to shield to absorb... but every time an attack is avoided through defence, that's one less chance for your shield to even need to proc.

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This is so stupid. Leave it to Bioware to screw people over for min-maxing. It would be one thing if they told us to save the mods but no, they didn't say anything. This, along with forcing people to craft to get BiS, is pissing me off a lot. Edited by dschlan
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The problem, of course, is that if you hand modified your gear, we ultimately have no way of knowing what your intention was. Maybe you wanted to use the mod you removed somewhere else, maybe you just wanted to replace it. We cannot make any assumption as to the intention of individual users when modding the item, preventing us from upgrading already modified items post fact.


I love how you admitted that your itemization sucks, and told us we should probably swap out enhancements. Now if we followed your suggestion because you guys don't know how to itemize the gear in your own game, we're basically penalized for it. Hahahaha.


I didn't save crappy enhancements. I bought OPERATIVE gear for my Powertech, and replaced garbage enhancements with good ones. I didn't take the useless ones out just in case you guys got a freaking clue. Ugh, Bioware is so bad.

Edited by Sevvy
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i just want them to get rid of all the damned accuracy, replace it with defence or shield rating.


as for "shield is nothing without defence" i actually disagree... the higher your defence chance, the less active your shield is. avoidance is always better than mitigation. the reason absorb is nothing without shield, is because you have to shield to absorb... but every time an attack is avoided through defence, that's one less chance for your shield to even need to proc.


my point exactly. Without the dodges from def, we're just absorbing more and more damage, no matter how much absorb they stack.

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Well I don't see a big change here at least for snipers. We getting the field tech rakata set with more endurance than cunning, and again we are going to need to swap itemmods from the enforcer set :S... Thats what I did and now I dont know if i should regret or not, cuz theres no difference...
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So, what the 'fantastic' devs at this game are telling us.


"We're too lazy to do anything properly, and you'll only get low-budget crap from us from the day we released this game, until the day it hits the $5 bin at wal-mart, right next to a copy of rift"


1. Player A with half a brain knows that the stats that came on their gear are straight trash-garbo-bad-terrible.

2. Player Z with Herp'n'Derp'n stamped on his forhead has no clue you can even replace the mods in his gear keeps the same mods off the vendor because he doesn't know any better.


<Patch 1,2 hits>


Player A now has 480 less expertise than Player Z because Player A's mods/enhancements didn't update, because bioware is far too lazy to create a simple system that adds expertise to any mod or enhancement in a piece of PvP gear.


Solution, Hire me for 30 minutes to do the work for you.


This better be an April Fools joke, otherwise your company just has alot of fools named April.

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The big change for Marauders at least is that there is no change. The stats on our Rakata gear on the test server are exactly the same as those on Live. Is it intended for us to be drowned in accuracy rating or are the developers still working out the changes for us? Time will tell.
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The big change for Marauders at least is that there is no change. The stats on our Rakata gear on the test server are exactly the same as those on Live. Is it intended for us to be drowned in accuracy rating or are the developers still working out the changes for us? Time will tell.


Accuracy is an important stat for the dual wielding classes

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Accuracy is an important stat for the dual wielding classes


Offhand damage for dual wielding classes isn't a large source of DPS. Consistent and a nice bonus? Yes, but not a great source of damage. We'd be better off if they replaced SOME of that accuracy with surge rating. Yes, we need our share of accuracy but we don't need it on EVERY piece. I don't care, I'll just continue to min/max my mods but it's a bit shameful when players know more about how to gear their class than the people who made the game.

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^^ THIS.


It's rewarding people that just got their rakatta gear, didn't even look at the mods / caps, and giving those that actually said "Well that lvl 56 mod is clearly better than the 58 that comes with rakatta).


It's giving serious players a big big shaft. (And no I didn't save my 58 accuracy mods I'm way over cap anyway. So BW answer is "ok sorry you have to get the whole item again"




I optimized my own mods as Mr. Zoeller suggested to help with my stats. I have spent hundreds of thousaunds of credits modding out my gear. There is absolutely no way that I can switch all these mods back to their original state to get my upgrades that I am entitled to. If you cannot upgrade all rakata drops then imo upgrade NONE. I would be very upset to see that people too lazy to optimize their gear now end up with better gear starting 1.2 because they had all the original mods.
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Short question: If i replace only the enhancement of e.g. my Rakata Jacket will the Mod and Armoring be changed and the Enhancement stays as it is? Or will the complete Item handled as "customized" and all slots stay as they were before 1.2?
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Secondly, the Battlemaster Mods/Enhancements have the same stat budgets as Rakatas, but with +expertise. So, it feels like you can just grind WZ commendations, pull out the BM mods, and slot them in and get Rakata-level/equal stats +expertise. Is this intended? Or do the devs intend to reduce the secondary stat budgets on the BM gear because of the added expertise on the mods/enhancements?


Well, if people want to grind for battlemaster be my guest. First you have to reach Valor rank 60, then you have to get 1000 mercenary and 1000 warzone per piece. Not a problem imo :)

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