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BioWare, will you please address universal hatred of your SWTOR armor?


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This is not really a problem that if ignored will go away, y'know. I just don't understand why you refuse to officially comment on this nearly universal total & utter hatred of your endgame gear.


A simple acknowledgment that you've heard our whining & that you're trying to do something about it would be sufficient I think. We're speaking to you BioWare, VERY LOUDLY! Can you hear us now? Ok then.


Please respond, please make this a 2-way conversation cause pretending to be a brick wall & ignoring talking about the looks of your gear does not suit you.


Give us a blog on your philosophy for designing armor & clothing in SWTOR, do something to address the issue at hand, man. Just don't ignore it anymore & stop acting so smug by pretending that you think the gear you created looks great & we, the customer's are wrong.


Seeing people wear the gear ingame does not make you right. We wear it cause we HAVE to, not cause we WANT to. We're wearing it for the stats & you'll see the change as the whole SWTOR community across all the servers will all rip out the mods of all your ugly gear in SWTOR & probably just utterly destroy/trash that ugly gear forever once 1.2 hits on the live servers.


On that day, bring in your armor & clothing designers, every one of them that created a piece of gear for SWTOR, have those people do nothing but watch us playing the game as we show you how much we hate the gear they designed for us. Make sure to have alot of tissues. Then fire every one of thoise guys & request help from Lucasfilm & LucasArts to send you new art designers from their huge crop of Star Wars comic book artists.


Speak up!

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They can't fix it for this teir that's why. It takes a long time to design and render new models. They'll probably just try to take a better swing at it next teir.


I do agree they need a blog or something though so they can at least attempt to explain what their crack addled designers were thinking with the PVP sets (and some of the PVE sets)

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I like the armor for my sith Assasin but the Republic armor, or rather to be more precise, the Jedi armor is... um... well... Boring.



Also I thought it was Startrack that every one wore spandex full body outfits. How come EVERY ONE in SWTOR is sporting spandex?

Edited by TheRainstater
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I remember the 1st screenshots shown for this game that I saw way back in 2009, I wasn't registered here on the forums then but I was shown concept art for SWTOR by someone at theforce.net's forums & we had a long running 50+ page thread over there talking about how ridiculous this Sith Inquisitor looked, even back then we were telling you that SWTOR's gear is weird looking & needed to be redesigned before you even launch the game.


If anything, since you probably won't respond here either BioWare, well at least thanks for allowing me another chance to rant about your silly gear.

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The trooper and bh are ok, but the rest are just bad. The JC got it the worst. They look like they should be peeling grapes for a pharaoh. The JK just looks like the head grape peeler. And tell me the IA gear doesn't look like it was ripped out of the 80's GI Joe cartoons. To many issues with failed attempts at flair to name.
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I don't see a "universal" hatred.


I for one like all of the new armor models.


When I said "NEARLY" universal hatred, I had people like you in mind. I'm glad you like the new 1.2 gear, but you do realize that you are a very rare exception to the rule because YOU actually said you like all of the new armor models. Or you're maybe just a huge supporter of BioWare, I don't know. More power to you. :p

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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You don't speak for everyone. I like the armor. You don't = everyone sorry.


That is a good point. Can't speak for everyone. I saw a guy walking down the street in an orange plaid shirt and black parachute pants the other day. Clearly he liked what he was wearing.

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That is a good point. Can't speak for everyone. I saw a guy walking down the street in an orange plaid shirt and black parachute pants the other day. Clearly he liked what he was wearing.


That's a smart look, sort of a farmhouse meets MC Hammer thing

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Since I don't take part of your Universe - by definition making it incomplete, the hatred you are attempting to convey should be labeled "broad, generalized, near-universal."


Leave me out of it, buddeh.


Noted & I said as much in the OP for this thread. I know I can't include absoltely everyone in the hatred, but that's not the point of the thread anyways. This "broad, generalized, near-universal" hatred of endgame gear should be talked about from BioWare's point of view. It's time to hear them respond to the hypothetical number I'm inventing that states that some 88% of all SWTOR players hate the looks of endgame gear, while it's just you & Monkeygryphon that compromise the other percent that love it. :p

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I don't see a "universal" hatred.


I for one like all of the new armor models. Art is subjective. It sounds a bit utopian to say everyone likes or dislikes something.


They think it makes their point more valid if they pretend everyone is in agreement with their gripe.

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I remember the 1st screenshots shown for this game that I saw way back in 2009, I wasn't registered here on the forums then but I was shown concept art for SWTOR by someone at theforce.net's forums & we had a long running 50+ page thread over there talking about how ridiculous this Sith Inquisitor looked, even back then we were telling you that SWTOR's gear is weird looking & needed to be redesigned before you even launch the game.


If anything, since you probably won't respond here either BioWare, well at least thanks for allowing me another chance to rant about your silly gear.


I think that set looks pretty cool but the pve gear looks absolutely ridiculous. what the hell were they thinking with those helmets?

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To the OP, might I suggest the next time you start a thread, choose better words or find yourself being the target and not your intent.


Universal? No. Next time use words like "some", "many", "considerable" or "a lot" whatever. It prevents people from focusing on that one word and ignoring your concern. I found that out the hard way on many other forums I visit that it doesn't give the opposition (whoever they are) an easy way to derail your thread and troll you.

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Please respond, please make this a 2-way conversation cause pretending to be a brick wall & ignoring talking about the looks of your gear does not suit you.


Give us a blog on your philosophy for designing armor & clothing in SWTOR, do something to address the issue at hand, man. Just don't ignore it anymore & stop acting so smug by pretending that you think the gear you created looks great & we, the customer's are wrong.


I have no problem with the armor, I think it looks fine. One thing about MMOs is they will always be adding new models. So whose feedback should they be taking yours or mine? We are both paying customers but have different opinions.


So if you don't like it then that is fine, and you are entitled to your opinion. However it is not constructive to tell them to scrap the many hours they put into the current models, to go back to the drawing board to make something only 'YOU' like.


With 1.2 will be able to move mods freely and with a later patch hopefully put augments on anything as well, then we will have the freedom to wear what we do find appealing at all times. So give your feedback, thumbs up or down, on new models but don't tell them what to do with their time, just because you have some illusion you are entitled to it.

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