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Request: Lemme redo my ugly mug.


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So on my server, my Trooper's name is Sandwich.

While the nickname sticks with me in real life, it's fairly popular and I joined during the massive population boom so I rushed to complete my character.


I'm super happy with the name, my legacy name, my class and my in game choices, but my Character is ugly as hell.


I was hoping for cosmetic upgrades that'd be available thru the legacy system so you'd kinda get this massive outcry of "NEW STUFF MUST ADD TO MY MAIN" so I could quietly just ride the storm of facial reconstruction, but alas, nothing has been announced.


So I'd really like to put in a request to allow me a one time redo of my character customization so I can look like a pretty man-ham.



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Yeah, that's something I hate about games that have face customization. I want to dive in and start playing without spending hours working on the face of a character I might not even like playing, so I rush through character generation. But there's never an option to go back in and tweak your appearance so I'm stuck with whatever random appearance I got. :/ Edited by CitizenFry
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i want to customize my character after creation as well.


I did some searching the other day and found a post with a quote from an interview with developers, here is the quote -


C: That’s definitely stuff we talk about often. We haven’t really announced any formal plans, but it’s very important to us to allow players to fullfill their own personal Star Wars fantasy and along with that we want them to be able to customize their character the way they want, so it’s something we’re currently taking feedback on and we’re making plans on how to address in the future.


so it sounds like they have no plans at all yet but are thinking about it for the "future"....which makes me sad, because it doesnt sound like its coming anytime soon

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To profound disappointment, despair and many liters of wine I've found it in my heart to thank them for addressing this issue on the last Q&A.


On a positive note I'm no longer living in the uncertainty of how soon I'll be able to recustomize my character.


The negative is that they believe it's a low priority+high resource endeavor and that, while they want to do it, it won't be anytime soon. I suspect that either there's some bizarre under the hood system they use to store your character's appearance (doubtful) or they plan to make it a bug brouhaha so they have something to fill a big future update keeping the illusion of constant updates (possibly) or they want to set it up in a way you have to pay cash for it and do so happily (most likely).


Personally I've already reached that point. I'll pay you extra to allow me to recustomize my character! You heard that BioWare? You win! I relent! FFS please allow me recustomize my toon!


Personally, I would be more than happy to make do with some options from the last page of character creation. Like haircut, facial hair, skin tone, makeup and complexion, tattoos. I may not be able to change bodysize but I'd be able to look at my character's face with satisfaction instead of disappointment.

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I'd like to be able you change things like hair, beard, eye color, skin tone and scares. Just to show changes over time.


If I make a young looking padawan, I don't want that character looking the same way as a Master on the Jedi Council. And I'd rather customize my own sith corruption. I absolutely hate the zombie with herpe rashes around the mouth look all the sith in this game seem to sport. Their mouths look like they were bruised trying to fit a large "sausage" in their throat. Where did they get that from? Is this resident evil or Star Wars?

Edited by Dayshadow
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I always take my time in character creation making sure to look at every option available for every species cause I know from playing MMO's that there's usually never any going back, especially if the MMO in question is fighting as hard as Hell as this one not to have anything at all to do with anything even remotely sandbox. A Barbershop or Tailor feature, that's straight up a sandbox feature, what place does it have in SWTOR? :p


Still, I only spent like 10 minutes making any of my TOR characters, the too few options in character creation are abysmal.


Good request tho & it's something BioWare has said they want to do in the future but right now it's just too low priority for them.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Short answer: No!


Not quite as short answer: Why?


I mean you picked the character, you chose the way he/she looks...


Yeah, okay, I can hear the 'it had to go fast' excuse in the OP's posting... but see, to me that is a rather sad excuse:


So, he 'needed' his name more than having a 'good' looking character?


Well, I think both parts are equally important... and not counting on a game's (eventual/potential) option to modify either I rather put the energy (and yes, hope) into character creation to get the best character possible (for what I'm looking to create).


Yes, this may mean having to go for a different name (though not yet in SWTOR) but that is an opportunity from my point of view as it just means adding another name to my list of possible 'me's.


and having more than one 'me' is what BW has build SWTOR on!


So, aside from 'Sandwich' you may have also found 'Burger', 'Cheese'n'ham', 'Foot'long' as potential name to add to your list ;-)


But even more: why the heck didn't you just try to reserve your name?


See, what I mean by 'reserve' is this: you created a character using your favorite name, and yes some fugly mug, and then you may even played him...


rather quickly it became obvious that BW doesn't go with a 'once used it's gone' policy for names: if you delete your character now, it seems that that very same second your name becomes available again.


So, instead of powering your character up thru the level, you could just have figured out the right way for your character to look, even tested his looks in real (server) life, and once satisfied you could just have deleted your old one and created a new one in seconds using the looks you had settled on as well as the name. I sincerely doubt that anybody would have stolen your name in those 5 secs it takes from deleting an old character to setting up a new one...


I'm sorry, but whenever I hear someone asking for a chance to re-do the looks of his high level character, I can only assume that this is a case of 'having gone out of style' where people suddenly no longer like that piercing or that tattoo, no other reason.

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Short answer: No!


Not quite as short answer: Why?


I mean you picked the character, you chose the way he/she looks...


Yeah, okay, I can hear the 'it had to go fast' excuse in the OP's posting... but see, to me that is a rather sad excuse:


So, he 'needed' his name more than having a 'good' looking character?


Well, I think both parts are equally important... and not counting on a game's (eventual/potential) option to modify either I rather put the energy (and yes, hope) into character creation to get the best character possible (for what I'm looking to create).


Yes, this may mean having to go for a different name (though not yet in SWTOR) but that is an opportunity from my point of view as it just means adding another name to my list of possible 'me's.


and having more than one 'me' is what BW has build SWTOR on!


So, aside from 'Sandwich' you may have also found 'Burger', 'Cheese'n'ham', 'Foot'long' as potential name to add to your list ;-)


But even more: why the heck didn't you just try to reserve your name?


See, what I mean by 'reserve' is this: you created a character using your favorite name, and yes some fugly mug, and then you may even played him...


rather quickly it became obvious that BW doesn't go with a 'once used it's gone' policy for names: if you delete your character now, it seems that that very same second your name becomes available again.


So, instead of powering your character up thru the level, you could just have figured out the right way for your character to look, even tested his looks in real (server) life, and once satisfied you could just have deleted your old one and created a new one in seconds using the looks you had settled on as well as the name. I sincerely doubt that anybody would have stolen your name in those 5 secs it takes from deleting an old character to setting up a new one...


I'm sorry, but whenever I hear someone asking for a chance to re-do the looks of his high level character, I can only assume that this is a case of 'having gone out of style' where people suddenly no longer like that piercing or that tattoo, no other reason.


Go on any high population server and try to get the name Sandwich.


Believe it or not, Sandwichman, Or Sandwich, legacy name Man in SWTOR is important to me. It's a name I got in high school, and its a title I've carried with me for 7 years.


The name Sandwich is synonymous with me in real life.


When I first started Rift at launch, I had to try 3 different servers because I couldn't be Sandwich. So no, I can't add Burger, Cheese'n'ham or whatever else. Those words aren't as important to me individually as Sandwich. Especially for my main, my tank, my trooper.


And I know other people want to be Sandwich too, but look. They may be a Sandwich.

But they aren't the Sandwich man, man. So when I rolled SWToR, I knew I had to be swift.


First server, name was taken, and I'd taken my time to be a pretty boy, feeling bummed I flip over to this next server, pop in the name, random once, big fat black dude. Didn't work for me, hit random again, get this OK looking medium sized white dude.

That'll have to do.


Well I've levelled exactly 49 times + some legacy change as this unfathomably ugly trooper.

I've pretty well self inserted myself into the limited choice making I get to make, and that was awesome.


But I'm fairly attractive as a person, and so when I see some cyber chick hitting on my troll looking motherf* I can't help but say "Does she like me, or is she in it for my loot?"


I'm no RPer, but lets be honest, I'm not working with no gold digger.


And yeah, I get it Elara, I'm the reason you're respected, I've saved your life more times than I've mercilessly shot down sith lords, but jeez lady, stop telling me you love me.

But what is up with your face? And why are you so annoying?


Anyway, to your point.


You're one of those people, and don't bother denying it, that thinks "Because I like it, its RIGHT!"


You know who else thinks like that? Dictators.


You know whose parodying dictators? Sacha Baron Cohen.


Dude, don't get parodied by Sacha Baron Cohen.


Be a bro, support the movement.



Edited by Sandwichism
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Short answer: No!


Not quite as short answer: Why?


I mean you picked the character, you chose the way he/she looks...


Yeah, okay, I can hear the 'it had to go fast' excuse in the OP's posting... but see, to me that is a rather sad excuse:


So, he 'needed' his name more than having a 'good' looking character?


Well, I think both parts are equally important... and not counting on a game's (eventual/potential) option to modify either I rather put the energy (and yes, hope) into character creation to get the best character possible (for what I'm looking to create).


Yes, this may mean having to go for a different name (though not yet in SWTOR) but that is an opportunity from my point of view as it just means adding another name to my list of possible 'me's.


and having more than one 'me' is what BW has build SWTOR on!


So, aside from 'Sandwich' you may have also found 'Burger', 'Cheese'n'ham', 'Foot'long' as potential name to add to your list ;-)


But even more: why the heck didn't you just try to reserve your name?


See, what I mean by 'reserve' is this: you created a character using your favorite name, and yes some fugly mug, and then you may even played him...


rather quickly it became obvious that BW doesn't go with a 'once used it's gone' policy for names: if you delete your character now, it seems that that very same second your name becomes available again.


So, instead of powering your character up thru the level, you could just have figured out the right way for your character to look, even tested his looks in real (server) life, and once satisfied you could just have deleted your old one and created a new one in seconds using the looks you had settled on as well as the name. I sincerely doubt that anybody would have stolen your name in those 5 secs it takes from deleting an old character to setting up a new one...


I'm sorry, but whenever I hear someone asking for a chance to re-do the looks of his high level character, I can only assume that this is a case of 'having gone out of style' where people suddenly no longer like that piercing or that tattoo, no other reason.


And what's wrong with that?


I just want to change my haircut.


I went with the Prince Valiant look on the advice of a friend, but though he likes it, I have come to despise it. It's too late for me to reroll now. Is it too much to ask that they put a Hair Boutique in the game?


After all Leia and Amidala both went through a number of hairdos in the films. I think we should have the freedom to do the same in-game. Don't you think?



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