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Balance by Jurugar


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It's definitely tough to get used to, but I imagine it'd be even tougher to go back to infiltration after experiencing having so much range and utility.


You can't go back. I respecced for 1 WZ to inf to do the whirling staff, but in rest was a frustration as you NEED melee range to do anything, even interrupting a cap. And the dmg outside of force potency to force the crits, is really not that great. It feels more like operative / scoundrel when everything chain crits, you're like a god, when not everything crits, or nothing crits, you're a mousquito that can't even annoy whoever you were nuking.

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It's definitely tough to get used to, but I imagine it'd be even tougher to go back to infiltration after experiencing having so much range and utility.
It's refreshing. Only spec I have hard time playing anymore is 31/0/10. It's just so boring. :)
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Another Shadow on my server was suggesting I try out balance over my normal 31/0/10 spec for PvP, so far he hasn't given me a valid reason to change!


Nice write-up though.


Well kinetic is 10 different kinds of OP right now, so if you're used to that level of power anything less will feel gimped.

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Just tried Balance now from being a Kinetic Combat spec for 30+ levels..



All I have to say is HOLY CRAP!


Fun Factor: +10000000000000000000000

Damage Factor: Off the charts.


Even though survivabilty dropped a bunch, I feel this is exactly HOW the Shadow should be played. Sneaky, bursty, cunning and strategic. Not a mindless tank drone that spams 2-3 abilties in hope of a proc.. (man that was so boring).


I'm only 2 games deep right now in PvP, but I'm already not looking back.


The fun factor is what makes the difference, but the damage ontop of that just seals the deal.


Edit: Thanks for the great post/guide man. I've honestly never gave Balance a try and without this guide, I probably wouldn't have ever tried it.. and MAN was I getting bored of KC.

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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It's not overpowered. Our DPS specs are just gimped.


+1. People need to realize this. The only change I could see being valid for KC is -5% force damage with the -5% melee damage. -5% melee damage does next to nothing to a KC as most of our damage is force.

Edited by LessQQMorePewPew
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Hello! Great guide, I chose Balance as my spec and I love it SO much, it's amazing! I do feel very squishy, but I guess that only means I should chose my battles more carefully.


I do have a question, though. Should I go with +critical rating or +power? When our DoTs crit we get some self-healing (up to 4% of our max health when specced, iirc), but having a steady damage may be better... what do you guys think?

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Hello! Great guide, I chose Balance as my spec and I love it SO much, it's amazing! I do feel very squishy, but I guess that only means I should chose my battles more carefully.


I do have a question, though. Should I go with +critical rating or +power? When our DoTs crit we get some self-healing (up to 4% of our max health when specced, iirc), but having a steady damage may be better... what do you guys think?


I've heard good rule of thumb is: Willpower -> Power -> Crit -> Expertise -> Surge. That is PvP of course.

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I've heard good rule of thumb is: Willpower -> Power -> Crit -> Expertise -> Surge. That is PvP of course.


I usually do PvP, anyway :p Currently my gear has a lot of +crit chance, I will give Power a try and see how it goes.

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Hello! Great guide, I chose Balance as my spec and I love it SO much, it's amazing! I do feel very squishy, but I guess that only means I should chose my battles more carefully.


I do have a question, though. Should I go with +critical rating or +power? When our DoTs crit we get some self-healing (up to 4% of our max health when specced, iirc), but having a steady damage may be better... what do you guys think?


Power is usually the way to go, if only because the BM gear already has so much crit on it to begin with (especially if you use the BM lightsaber).


Crit used to be much more valuable, as only crit melee abilities procced mind crush instead of just any melee ability, and surge used to be better point for point. Now, however, I'd say anything above ~300 crit rating is starting to push the DR.


As for pure willpower, it's fairly close. I'd say that on a 1:1 ratio willpower is better than power, but higher willpower always comes in higher-endurance mods, meaning you end up wasting itemization to get more of it.


Oh, and expertise is definitely the #1 stat. Never roll into a wz without at least 400, and ~500 is a good number to stay at; right now I'm using full BM except my trinkets and MH/OH, though my rakata MH does have an expertise crystal in it (which is great if you dont like the crit on the BM saber).


Also, focused insight only heals you for 2% of your HP, up from 1% without the upper-tier talent psychic absorption (assuming 2 points in each).

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No, no, no, for Balance it's crit > power until you hit extreme DR. Since our attacks go off so frequently, crit isn't a bursty stat for us. If you're doing one or two hits per GCD, crit is bursty. You can go five GCDs without a crit and do no damage, or get two in a row and do a ton. But we average 3-4 DoT ticks every 2s on a single target, and far more than that for multiple targets. We get crits frequently enough that they provide reliable damage.


Also, all of our rotation skills have large critical multipliers. DoTs and FiB have a base crit multiplier of 80%, and Double Strike has a base multiplier of 100% (double damage!). When you factor in the self-heals on DoT crits, which account for a large amount of our survivability, it's definitely worth it to get crit rating.


Obviously you shouldn't go for crit exclusively and no power, but my goal right now is to hit 30% base (Force) crit rate. After that, I'll go for more power/health.

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I see there are lots of opinions about the subject. Since I am leveling and don't have the luxury of a lvl 50 PvP gear (lvl 36 right now, just 14 levels to go!) I will try to have some of each stat ^^"
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I stopped reading the opening post after the introductory chest beating.


I leveled to 50 in balance starting in December. You certaintly didnt invent the spec.


Good luck with your chest beating. I hope you are not in my guild.

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Switch the two points put into decreasing damage from periodic effects into insta-force lift.


I like Mind Ward vs marauders and sorcs esp considering post 1.2 every sorc is going to be balance for pvp. The point of switching from my previous balance spec to this one was for increased survivability and to try and be less squish.

Edited by LessQQMorePewPew
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I stopped reading the opening post after the introductory chest beating.


I leveled to 50 in balance starting in December. You certaintly didnt invent the spec.


Good luck with your chest beating. I hope you are not in my guild.


Yes, but do you have your own guide? No? I didnt think so.



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