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Huttball Interceptions


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What it seems to me:


-If they're stunned, and you're in the circle, you intercept.

-If no-one is stunned, and you're "In front" of them, you intercept.

-I really don't know because latency/desynch make it pretty hard to tell exactly who is positioned where, and when exactly the ball starts to be "thrown"/arrives to be "caught."

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I honestly have no clue. There was a circle of 5 republics and 1 imp and the imp got it. That has happened to me on countless occasions. The only way for a rep to get it is if they're alone. At least, in my experiences.
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Interceptions seem pretty random because I've failed to intercept when I'm clearly closer to the center than the enemy. Generally speaking you don't want to throw the ball unless there are no defenders on your receiver because it's just too risky, unless you got no choice.
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In my experience it's just whoever is closest to where the ball lands (center of the huttball target on ground)


This ^^


There is 2 circles the Outer circle which is the area you have to be in if you are the only one to be in it. And the Inner circle which is the very middle of the circle, if you are in this you will get the ball everytime, if no one is in it, the closest to the very center will get it.

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What dictates who catches the ball when two opposing team members are inside of the pass icon? I keep trying to intercept passes and never seem to get it, yet my passes get intercepted on a regular basis.


Assuming you're the person trying to get the ball and you know they're up for the pass standing on the edge like a troll, it helps to attack them relentlessly and to keep in stride with them and stun; if you push them back out of range you won't have the chance to intercept (because the person wont throw the ball). Being in front is good. If you're the person trying to receive the ball from a team member you want to be able to generate controlled separation; there really usually is only 1-2 ppl around a potential receiver because they're not all going to stand where they could be used as a carrier-magnet for the leap up (and most people go after the ball carrier).


If you're the person trying to pass the ball try to follow your target's trajectoy and pass ahead around 5 meters.

Edited by Comfterbilly
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