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Romance with Jaesa


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Ok I have gotten her affection to 10 thousand points, I am level 50, and have finished with my story mode. The last conversation we had ended with me encouraging her to have kids, and that I would train and protect them. I have not had the option to talk to her since. Why is it not allowing me to finally have my way with her lol? I am lightside, but I thought you could romance her either way... I know, Iknow. I should have went dark side, but I had originally thought it would affect her, but more importantly affect the color of lightsaber I could use. I am very fond of green and blue sabers so I wanted one. I didnt find out til recently that it didnt matter bc u could buy one from the geologist vendor on the fleet. Anyways, I thought Id read somewhere on another thread that you could romance her either way due to a fix. Is this fix another one of those "working as intended?"
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Sorry buddy. Jedi's are for all intents and purposes Space Monks. If Jaesa remained lightside there's no romance. Ashara Zavros is just SO incredibly dumb that she's not even aware what being a jedi entails so she's an exception. She can't even put makeup on properly (which is why she looks clownish).


For what is worth, you are not missing anything nice from not romancing Dark Jaesa. Dark Jaesa is like that insane ex who reads your emails, sends threatening letters to your female friends, engages in theft and drug use, swears like a sailor and makes racist comments. And believes Jerry Springer is real. And sends bags filled with poo to your boss as a practical joke - signed as if it came from you.


Really. I'm not making that crap up. Dark Jaesa is just like that. Go Vette.

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Still would have rather went dark for the simple fact that the cut scenes of Sith Warrior killing everyone are great. There was one where he lifted up two guys choking them, broke their necks in mid air, then slammed them together and immediately force jumped and stabbed his saber through another guy. Pretty awesome. Im sure I missed some cool ones by being such a good guy. I made sure to choose the bad one for ole Darth Baras at the end though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok I have gotten her affection to 10 thousand points, I am level 50, and have finished with my story mode. The last conversation we had ended with me encouraging her to have kids, and that I would train and protect them. I have not had the option to talk to her since. Why is it not allowing me to finally have my way with her lol? I am lightside, but I thought you could romance her either way...


I too have light-sided Jaesa. Jaesa is only romanceable from the Dark Side. From other readings I have heard that you can propose "procreation" with her which from the tone of the last companion quest seemed to be leading up to that (it sounded like a "feeling out" exchange to me). However, I have finished my class story line (and have Jaesa's affection at 10K) and nothing. I opened up a ticket to find out if there was in fact a "procreate" quest (or if I somehow missed that option in the last exchange) but got a generic response about not revealing content. So I have no idea if there's some quest on some planet that I skipped just waiting to trigger another conversation with her or if I have truly reached the end of the story. Since I can't see any kids coming from a marriage with Vette, it seems like Jaesa is the option that should be available. I would appreciate anyone who has had the "procreate" option to weigh in.

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DS Jaesa is one freaky chick, that's for sure! Not only would she be down with a threesome with you and Vette, but she actually looks like she totally WANTS IT! I mean DAMN!


LS Jaesa is about the most prudish female ever. Only time my LS Juggernaut had a chance to flirt with her, I lost Aff with both her and Vette. Never gave me another Flirt prompt for the rest of the playthrough.

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LS Jaesa is about the most prudish female ever. Only time my LS Juggernaut had a chance to flirt with her, I lost Aff with both her and Vette. Never gave me another Flirt prompt for the rest of the playthrough.


Yup. You only get two flirts TOTAL with light Jaesa. I believe this to be an oversight. The first flirt is very blunt. "Perhaps you'd be more comfortable in my room, Jaesa?" She shoots you down. The second flirt "You're right, better to do it when we're alone.." actually gives you affection from her, and she sorta catches on.


Afterwards, it's nothing but the same 8 conversations you'd get if you were a female Light-side Warrior. I wrote a long post about why Light Jaesa not being a romance had to have been a mistake. It's a decent read, if you're a firm believer.

Edited by DarthGile
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Yup. You only get two flirts TOTAL with light Jaesa. I believe this to be an oversight. The first flirt is very blunt. "Perhaps you'd be more comfortable in my room, Jaesa?" She shoots you down. The second flirt "You're right, better to do it when we're alone.." actually gives you affection from her, and she sorta catches on.


Afterwards, it's nothing but the same 8 conversations you'd get if you were a female Light-side Warrior. I wrote a long post about why Light Jaesa not being a romance had to have been a mistake. It's a decent read, if you're a firm believer.


Actually, looking at it now, Vette is more of a match for my Juggernaut than Jaesa. We both like being smart***es and we share a fondness for trolling Baras and highfiving Darth Vowrawn because he's a BOSS of comedy, not to mention a stand up joe for a Dark Council member. :D

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  • 2 years later...
Actually, looking at it now, Vette is more of a match for my Juggernaut than Jaesa. We both like being smart***es and we share a fondness for trolling Baras and highfiving Darth Vowrawn because he's a BOSS of comedy, not to mention a stand up joe for a Dark Council member. :D


Vowrawn... My Fem Warrior wants to have his babies...


ANYWAY, DS Jaesa is hilarious, even if you're Light 5. Better convos than "Holy Jedi, Batman, we gotta go save every f*cking youngling in the galaxy!"

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