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Healers be happy - No nerf in pvp


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Apparently you can't comprehend what I said, so I will put it in easier terms.


A quick heal with a guaranteed chance to crit is better than a nuke heal with a ~37% chance to crit. The math has been done and proven.


Unless you've never done any serious pvp, then you might think that sorcs get beat all the time, but a sorc healer who tries will never get beat, especially outside of huttball. You might light armor, but you have also get damage reduction and a bubble with a quick recast, that you can cast on whoever you want. You get focus fired because you have the highest healing output, which isn't the case anymore, because Op healers got a buff, and you lost some sustain with your resource pool.


Don't even try to talk about how bad your CC is. I mean really, don't even start to talk. My main is an Op healer hybrid, and I dream about getting an AoE knockback, a ranged stun, 2 ranged slows, a ranged interupt, and force speed. So really, just forget any argument about how bad your CC/utility is, because you lost that battle before you even started to type a response.


As a healer, you're not supposed to just burn down other classes, thats common sense, and if you think otherwise, then you fail and conceptualization.

In your current hybrid spec you have the highest damage output in pvp right now. I hear stories and see screenshots of sorc doing over 1 million damage when no other class that I have ever seen can even break 800k. So, EL OH EL if you think your damage output is 'low.'


Actually it's not. If my crit depends on a force inefficient hot first and the CRIT hits for 80% of a standard big heal at a fairly sizably increased force cost, it's bad for healers, whether in PvP or PvE.


We have nice utility, and that's what we're going to be relegated to. In addition, once it become apparent that our healing output is insufficient, particularly in pugs, we're going to see the "guard" taken down from sorc/sage and put on other healers. It only makes sense. Which means time-to-rez will be shorter and shorter. Utility can get us only so far.


Your class jealousy serves you poorly. I hope the scoundrel/commando players are going to be up to the task of primary healing, because sages are going to run out of force faster than before, which means that energy regen users will be optimal. Better a known regen rate than regen that depends on a) being totally out of combat or b) killing oneself in the process.


This was a poorly thought out move on BW's part.

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Except your instant hot gives your quick heal an effective crit chance of 100%.


Thus for a sorc:


1.2 Resurgence->DH will heal for more on average than 1.1.5 REsurgence->DI while taking the same amount of time to cast, and consuming less of your force resource.


You're chance for a 'critted burst' goes away, but your average healing goes up.


The only real loss thats sorc healers suffered was the fix to double-tapping DI, which was needed, and now consumption will take your health every time, which was needed.


But then again, Sorcs feel that maybe their QQing can make their class OP again, just like QQing got these changes.


I know you keep saying this, and I respect your opinion, but I just don't see it.


After reading your earlier posts from a few days ago I played a Voidstar match wherein I used benevolence (dark heal) as my primary heal. The highest crit I saw on benevolence was 3k and that was on a full BM gunslinger (and I am in full BM force mystic gear). Thus I can expect a max Rejuvenate (Resurgence) + Benevolence (dark heal) combo to equal 4.6k together over 3.4 seconds (3k from Benevolence + 1.6k from Rejuvenate) except for those in War Hero gear, where it will be slightly higher (and that will take time).


I was also incorrect as to my average rejuvenate + 1.4s deliverance (dark infusion) combo total. It really is around 5.8k but often crits to 8k or higher.


Thus it looks as though I will be losing at least 1.2k over these 3.4 seconds we're discussing.


I didn't lose much force when using the rejuvenate + benevolence combo because of the current force reduction benefit to benevolence from conveyance (force bending) but that too, it seems, is going away as all benefits to conveyance are being replaced by the crit increase to benevolence and the 30% force reduction to deliverance.


I should also mention that the enemy caught on quite quickly and rarely allowed me to do back-to-back benevolence casts. The second one was routinely interrupted (rare is the match where multiple enemies are not assigned to me) while the first was only sometimes interrupted.


All this combined with the noble sacrifice (consumption) change means that healing will truly decrease for sorcs/sages and probably by a significant amount.

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You're argument assumes that the dps on your team is just standing there twiddling his thumbs. By the time that you actually die, your dps friend will have already killed one of the two dps that is beating on you and will have severly injured the other one. Meaning if you let yourself die, he will win, or if you let him die, you can kill the other opponent before he kills you.


Why do you think that? It will be a 1v1 for him, for all practical purposes. I can be shut down by a single dps if my heals take too long or have too many dependencies. In addition, of course, to the force-inefficiency of the healing rotation I will be locked into.


My guess is that I will lose 50% of the fights on a 2v2. And if that's the case, what's the point in healing?

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The following math assumes Trauma is taken into account. I also am not logged in so don't have exact numbers, but it's in the right ballpark. This is also in full Battlemaster except for a Rakata belt. (This is relevant because spell coefficients come in to play).


Dark heal

1.5s cast. Heals for 1.2k regular -> Crit with 75% surge -> 2100 healed.


Dark Infusion

2.5s cast. Heals for 2700 -> Crith with 75% surge -> 4725 healed.


Do I need to finish the analysis? I guess I should.


Resurgence buff currently gives:

-1s cast time to Dark Infusion meaning a 1.5s cast for 2700 healing

Less mana cost on Dark Heal (I want to say 60%).


Currently, with an assumed 35% crit chance:

Dark Infusion of 2700 critting 35% of the time for 4725 = (0.35*4725) + (0.65*2700) = 3409 Expected healing in 1.5s.


After patch, again with assumed 35% crit chance, and now using Dark Heal instead of Dark Infusion:

Dark Heal of 1200 critting 35%+60% of the time for 2100 = (0.95*2100) + (0.05*1200) = 2055.


2055/3409 = 60%.


Yep, that means the burst heal provided by the resurgence proc after patch 1.2 is now only 60% of the current amount. Whoever did your math, I suspect, was using base heal amounts which didn't take +heal and coefficients into account.






(Mostly) pointless scoreboard fluffy is (mostly) pointless.


I think you should check your numbers. The lesser heal ends up costing more over time than the larger heal. The larger heal is much more mana effficient than the smaller one, particularly on any extended encounter.


Try it for yourself before 1.2. Spam the small heal to your heart's content and watch the numbers - in order to heal for as much, you have to heal a lot more often.

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My guess is that I will lose 50% of the fights on a 2v2. And if that's the case, what's the point in healing?


Winning and losing 50% of 2 on 2 fights would actually be... balanced very well.


Between two pairs of equally skilled and geared players there should be an even chance of winning any particular encounter. Being a healer doesn't give you a right to win more than 50% of balanced encounters...


(I'll be swapping to Sawbones for 1.2, for the record, due to Scrapper becoming even worse and being needed to heal for PVE due to the Combat Medic changes.)

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Winning and losing 50% of 2 on 2 fights would actually be... balanced very well.


Between two pairs of equally skilled and geared players there should be an even chance of winning any particular encounter. Being a healer doesn't give you a right to win more than 50% of balanced encounters...


(I'll be swapping to Sawbones for 1.2, for the record, due to Scrapper becoming even worse and being needed to heal for PVE due to the Combat Medic changes.)


Honestly, 2v2, combinations with more diverse roles should always win.


H= Healer

T = Tank









Post-Patch (my prediction):


Edited by Dzhokhar
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I would appreciate that, because I sure could use some heals in WZs.


BWAHAHA! You're going to say that healers are OP and then ask for a healer to save you????


GET. LOST. With 1.2, every sorc healer like me is going to spend the whole of a warzone just trying to stay alive with a depleted force pool. You can kiss your free extricate points good bye. I'll be in the corner getting my DIs interuppted all day becasue you thought I was OPd.


See you in the respawn room.

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Apparently you can't comprehend what I said, so I will put it in easier terms.


A quick heal with a guaranteed chance to crit is better than a nuke heal with a ~37% chance to crit. The math has been done and proven.


Unless you've never done any serious pvp, then you might think that sorcs get beat all the time, but a sorc healer who tries will never get beat, especially outside of huttball. You might light armor, but you have also get damage reduction and a bubble with a quick recast, that you can cast on whoever you want. You get focus fired because you have the highest healing output, which isn't the case anymore, because Op healers got a buff, and you lost some sustain with your resource pool.


Don't even try to talk about how bad your CC is. I mean really, don't even start to talk. My main is an Op healer hybrid, and I dream about getting an AoE knockback, a ranged stun, 2 ranged slows, a ranged interupt, and force speed. So really, just forget any argument about how bad your CC/utility is, because you lost that battle before you even started to type a response.


As a healer, you're not supposed to just burn down other classes, thats common sense, and if you think otherwise, then you fail and conceptualization.

In your current hybrid spec you have the highest damage output in pvp right now. I hear stories and see screenshots of sorc doing over 1 million damage when no other class that I have ever seen can even break 800k. So, EL OH EL if you think your damage output is 'low.'


Your main is an OP healer hybrid and OP healers got a buff while sorc healers got a nerf. Well now...I guess we know where you're coming from claiming this is all just dandy.


I'm plenty serious about my pvp and was intending to bother with the ranked crap...but with these nerf, I seriously doubt it's worth it.


As for math...link it or do it...don't jsut claim it. I'm not buying your argument otherwis and I don't have time to do it right now myself. DH was proven 6 ways to sunday to be horrible in terms of force cost to heal ratio and I can't imagine that the changes they've made have somehow magically reversed that, particularly since expertise applies across the baord to DI and Innervate as well.


And stories of people breaking 1Million? I call BS. Total BS. Stories indeed. Hacks maybe. 1M healing? In a full 15 minute Huttball match that would be the equivalent of 1,111 HPS constant for the entire time without dying and without downtime or going OOF or even having to move to put people in range for heals, right from the start of the match to the end. Factor in any of that and cast times and you'd have to find yourself at 2,222 HPS for half the match with the other half sacrificed to deaths, running to the ball or teamates, stunned, OOF and working back your force with consumption, etc., and even that doesn't factor in cast times and the fact that you're not guaranteed to crit on sp[ells that have a chance to go over 5K if yuo crit. Soooooo...NO. Not without hacks or an exploit. Video or I don't buy it. I've seen 500K from a full BM sage with mixed rakata and hit 460K myself while still in champ gear and that was healing my a** off CONSTANTLY throughout the match...and those were both in voidstar where we can goose our numbers with our AoE heal right at the doorways over and over....but 1M ain't happening unless something funky is going on. I don't care what they're wearing cuz the jump from champ to BM isn't that big and full rakata gear would have them dead pretty quick unless it was a total scrub team on the other side.

Edited by Blotter
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Honestly, 2v2, combinations with more diverse roles should always win.


H= Healer

T = Tank









Post-Patch (my prediction):



Very untrue. Currently, HT is not tops. Any two people with a brain just obliterate the healer first while the tank does barely any dmg to them and can be stunned. If you ask me, equally geared DD wins out right now overall, especially with all the stuns and knockbacks they have available and how squishy some of he healers are.

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Very untrue. Currently, HT is not tops. Any two people with a brain just obliterate the healer first while the tank does barely any dmg to them and can be stunned. If you ask me, equally geared DD wins out right now overall, especially with all the stuns and knockbacks they have available and how squishy some of he healers are.


I think your tank needs to learn to guard+taunt. Also, most Tank specs currently have 90% of the DPS of pure DPS specs with guard, taunt, and much greater mitigation to (over)compensate.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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The following math assumes Trauma is taken into account. I also am not logged in so don't have exact numbers, but it's in the right ballpark. This is also in full Battlemaster except for a Rakata belt. (This is relevant because spell coefficients come in to play).


Dark heal

1.5s cast. Heals for 1.2k regular -> Crit with 75% surge -> 2100 healed.


Dark Infusion

2.5s cast. Heals for 2700 -> Crith with 75% surge -> 4725 healed.


Do I need to finish the analysis? I guess I should.


Resurgence buff currently gives:

-1s cast time to Dark Infusion meaning a 1.5s cast for 2700 healing

Less mana cost on Dark Heal (I want to say 60%).


Currently, with an assumed 35% crit chance:

Dark Infusion of 2700 critting 35% of the time for 4725 = (0.35*4725) + (0.65*2700) = 3409 Expected healing in 1.5s.


After patch, again with assumed 35% crit chance, and now using Dark Heal instead of Dark Infusion:

Dark Heal of 1200 critting 35%+60% of the time for 2100 = (0.95*2100) + (0.05*1200) = 2055.


2055/3409 = 60%.


Yep, that means the burst heal provided by the resurgence proc after patch 1.2 is now only 60% of the current amount. Whoever did your math, I suspect, was using base heal amounts which didn't take +heal and coefficients into account.






(Mostly) pointless scoreboard fluffy is (mostly) pointless.


Like I said in previous threads my sorc is far from BM gear, but In my current gear, DH crits heal for more than DI regular heals and my math is based on this assumption. A supposed BM geared sorc told me this was the case in BM gear as well.


While I find it far fetched that DI would increase so much from the increase in gear, and DH would not, I guesss I will trust your numbers as you actually have the gear, and I do not.

Edited by Sir_Toothless
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BWAHAHA! You're going to say that healers are OP and then ask for a healer to save you????


GET. LOST. With 1.2, every sorc healer like me is going to spend the whole of a warzone just trying to stay alive with a depleted force pool. You can kiss your free extricate points good bye. I'll be in the corner getting my DIs interuppted all day becasue you thought I was OPd.


See you in the respawn room.


ROFL...and so true. I'm lucky my main toon has Social X because we're all going to be spending a lot of time under my disco ball in the respawn area.


And seriously, I PROMISE that everyone's "I can't kill people because of healers" complaint will quickly turn into "I actually want to be able to kill people because I'm always in the respawn room" complaint.


People can also say goodbye to their unbeatable/invincible/immortal announcements too in tough matches because my new main little princess 2.8k heal isn't going to give you but 3 seconds.

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I am wondering why people are assuming that there will be a HEAL for every damage taken? that isnt an absolute. People overlooking the fact that healers will be OOM and deal with way more interrupts (therefore less effectiveness in healing). With the nerf changes in mana consumption and tech trees, healers are nerfed. On another note, healers (esp sorcs/sages) will just have to better manage their mana and ACTUALLY look at their regeneration rate. FYI - keeping mana above 50% keeps your regeneration fast versus <50% dropping it substantially.


This is the big opint that people are missing for sure and I've posted it myself elsewhere. Without effectiev means of regenerating force (using a sorc as examlpe), it's over. Don't expect heals. We will be focus-fired and forced to OOF ourselves to survive it, then stuck without any force and you'll have no heals. As I've said in other posts, just focus-fire the sorcs, don't kill them, force them to go OOF with low health and then leave them alone and useless. Don't actually kill them beacuse that's a free force bar reset.

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Your main is an OP healer hybrid and OP healers got a buff while sorc healers got a nerf. Well now...I guess we know where you're coming from claiming this is all just dandy.


I'm plenty serious about my pvp and was intending to bother with the ranked crap...but with these nerf, I seriously doubt it's worth it.


As for math...link it or do it...don't jsut claim it. I'm not buying your argument otherwis and I don't have time to do it right now myself. DH was proven 6 ways to sunday to be horrible in terms of force cost to heal ratio and I can't imagine that the changes they've made have somehow magically reversed that, particularly since expertise applies across the baord to DI and Innervate as well.


And stories of people breaking 1Million? I call BS. Total BS. Stories indeed. Hacks maybe. 1M healing? In a full 15 minute Huttball match that would be the equivalent of 1,111 HPS constant for the entire time without dying and without downtime or going OOF or even having to move to put people in range for heals, right from the start of the match to the end. Factor in any of that and cast times and you'd have to find yourself at 2,222 HPS for half the match with the other half sacrificed to deaths, running to the ball or teamates, stunned, OOF and working back your force with consumption, etc., and even that doesn't factor in cast times and the fact that you're not guaranteed to crit on sp[ells that have a chance to go over 5K if yuo crit. Soooooo...NO. Not without hacks or an exploit. Video or I don't buy it. I've seen 500K from a full BM sage with mixed rakata and hit 460K myself while still in champ gear and that was healing my a** off CONSTANTLY throughout the match...and those were both in voidstar where we can goose our numbers with our AoE heal right at the doorways over and over....but 1M ain't happening unless something funky is going on. I don't care what they're wearing cuz the jump from champ to BM isn't that big and full rakata gear would have them dead pretty quick unless it was a total scrub team on the other side.


1 - I can understand why you would be mad about my class getting a buff, and yours getting a nerf. But unforunately for you, the next patch puts the 3 healers on pretty much equal ground, and each with a different roll. Sorc are large sustained group healers, Ops are sustain single target with a burstyish HoT group heal, and mercs are bursty single target with a minor instant group heal.


2 - Someone who started another one of these "the 1.2 patch is going to kill sorc" theads claims to have broken 1.1mil damage multiple times. Take it up with her. As far as healing, I've seen 1/2 champ - 1/2 BM sorcs break 800k heals on voidstar multiple times.

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This is the big opint that people are missing for sure and I've posted it myself elsewhere. Without effectiev means of regenerating force (using a sorc as examlpe), it's over. Don't expect heals. We will be focus-fired and forced to OOF ourselves to survive it, then stuck without any force and you'll have no heals. As I've said in other posts, just focus-fire the sorcs, don't kill them, force them to go OOF with low health and then leave them alone and useless. Don't actually kill them beacuse that's a free force bar reset.


So, bring more than one healer, derp.


Have a merc/op heal the sorc when the sorc starts getting focused. Also, save your bubble for when you get focused, and not for when you decide to poke your head out.


Having one of each healer is probably the best way to run now, as each healer fills a specific role.

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So, bring more than one healer, derp.


Have a merc/op heal the sorc when the sorc starts getting focused. Also, save your bubble for when you get focused, and not for when you decide to poke your head out.


Having one of each healer is probably the best way to run now, as each healer fills a specific role.


There's no derp there, buddy. Me standing around picking my a** waiting for the other healer(s) to heal me up to where I can blow all my health getting my force back via consumption and then waiting for them, hoping for them to heal me to full again a second time is RIDICULOUS. Of course there's more than one healer. That you would think it is a viable game design or PvP strategy to expect them to spend their time focused on healing each other, rather than independently healing themselves as necessary while healing the tanks and dps...that is insane. Yuo don't win WZs by creating a healing feedback loop that ignores the people who do the dmg and carrythe ball.


As for the bubble, give it a rest. That thing absorbs all of ONE hit. That's IT. ONE freeby. It's gone instantaneously at the beginning of getting focused or even in a 1v1 situation.


Anyone claiming 1.1M is full of it. I'm guessing it was someone being a turdwad and pretending to comlpain about the "nerf" while bragging about something that would clearly justify the nerf to the Nth degree. Never happened IRL. They're being sarcastic and trying to make it sound liek sorcs do 1.1M healing on a regular basis but are such overpowered babies that they're complaining about being nerfed anyway. It's simply not true.

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And stories of people breaking 1Million? I call BS. Total BS. Stories indeed. Hacks maybe. 1M healing?....I've seen 500K from a full BM sage with mixed rakata and hit 460K myself while still in champ gear and that was healing my a** off CONSTANTLY throughout the match.


Even though I agree with you in your other posts, I've seen one 810k on my server from a fellow Sage but the Empire literally allowed my friend to heal in a corner unopposed the entire time. He died once.


My best is 640k (yes Voidstar) but my average Voidstar is easily over 500k if not 550k. I just take advantage of all Conveyance (force bending) can give me to get these numbers (but that's going away).


However, big healing numbers are NOT just relegated to Sorcs/Sages. This Scoundrel did 817k in their Civil War match:

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There's no derp there, buddy. Me standing around picking my a** waiting for the other healer(s) to heal me up to where I can blow all my health getting my force back via consumption and then waiting for them, hoping for them to heal me to full again a second time is RIDICULOUS. Of course there's more than one healer. That you would think it is a viable game design or PvP strategy to expect them to spend their time focused on healing each other, rather than independently healing themselves as necessary while healing the tanks and dps...that is insane. Yuo don't win WZs by creating a healing feedback loop that ignores the people who do the dmg and carrythe ball.


As for the bubble, give it a rest. That thing absorbs all of ONE hit. That's IT. ONE freeby. It's gone instantaneously at the beginning of getting focused or even in a 1v1 situation.


Anyone claiming 1.1M is full of it. I'm guessing it was someone being a turdwad and pretending to comlpain about the "nerf" while bragging about something that would clearly justify the nerf to the Nth degree. Never happened IRL. They're being sarcastic and trying to make it sound liek sorcs do 1.1M healing on a regular basis but are such overpowered babies that they're complaining about being nerfed anyway. It's simply not true.


1: If you expect a single healer to keep themselves alive through focus fire, then you haven't done pvp oustide of this game.


A single healer should be able to keep themselves alive against one single target, but not against the focus of multiple targets. End of story.


The bubble absorbs ~5k of damage, which is most often MORE than 1 hit.


And about the person in the other thread - nah, she was a legit QQer, go look it up.


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Very untrue. Currently, HT is not tops. Any two people with a brain just obliterate the healer first while the tank does barely any dmg to them and can be stunned. If you ask me, equally geared DD wins out right now overall, especially with all the stuns and knockbacks they have available and how squishy some of he healers are.


Rofl... so wrong. First guy had it right.

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Obviously you guys are not that good at math, aint you ? If a dps with 25% damage increase hit someone with 25% damage decrease it does NOT cancel out.

The result is 93.5% of the normal damage.


Why is that ? Imagine an attack that should deal 1k damage. With 25% of augmentation it goes up to 1250. But the target receive only 75% of this 1250 damage. 1250*0.75=935


And for the hundredth time in my life I explained that percentages CANNOT be additionned.


I heard you have 3 castable heals on top of an AoE heal and an instant cast HoT, as well as a shield and CCs, while interrupts only lock out one spell for 4 seconds.



Interrupts does more than only lock out one spell, it also does interrupt it ! If you cs someone just because you see an incantation bar, then you are bad. If you wait for the healer to be about to finish a 2.5 seconds incantation cast and then cancel it, then you'll kill him.


Counterspell cancel the benefit of the ongoing heal. A well placed cs on me is often more damageable than a 4k+ hit. That's huge.


Ohh. I almost never achieve a cast of more than 2s incant in pvp. It is just not possible to have reflexes bad enough to miss it.


However, big healing numbers are NOT just relegated to Sorcs/Sages. This Scoundrel did 817k in their Civil War match:


This bg was awfully long because no one never captured the middle and it is quite more easy to heal with a tank's shield.

Doesn't really means anything. I did 953k heal as a sorcer in the exact same configuration.

Do you have a video of a scoundrel doing more than 800k heal at voidstar ?

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The bubble absorbs ~5k of damage, which is most often MORE than 1 hit.


This is not true.


Bubble absorbs 2.5k-3.5k~ depending on gear, and if you are spec'd for extra absorption. (Admittedly, most Sorcs are). It's generally safe to assume a bubble will absorb 3.2-3.5k.


I'll check he numbers I gave in a previous post when I get a chance to login. I could be losing my mind - who knows - but I don't think that's the case. What I posted should be right unless I'm having some kind of silly memory issue.

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Like I said in previous threads my sorc is far from BM gear, but In my current gear, DH crits heal for more than DI regular heals and my math is based on this assumption. A supposed BM geared sorc told me this was the case in BM gear as well.


While I find it far fetched that DI would increase so much from the increase in gear, and DH would not, I guesss I will trust your numbers as you actually have the gear, and I do not.


Just checked - my numbers are essentially right. I simply forgot to take into account the corruption talent that increases healing done to myself by 8%.


Heals on companion:

Dark heal average was around 1450 without trauma. Dark infusion heals for around 2820 average without trauma. You can multiply by 0.7 to find the values with trauma, and then by adding 12.04% (my expertise) you get around 1140 for dark heal, and 2210 with Dark infusion. For whatever reason my memory wasn't great for DI, but it's close enough that the result isn't much different: pre-patch DI for 1.5s with a 35% crit chance has an expected value of about 2800. DH would have an expected value (with 1.5s cast and 95% crit post patch) of 1950.


1950/2800 is 70%~


So the quick 1 cast burst heal of a Sorc post patch is only 70% of what it is pre-1.2


This is damned significant.

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Just checked - my numbers are essentially right. I simply forgot to take into account the corruption talent that increases healing done to myself by 8%.


Heals on companion:

Dark heal average was around 1450 without trauma. Dark infusion heals for around 2820 average without trauma. You can multiply by 0.7 to find the values with trauma, and then by adding 12.04% (my expertise) you get around 1140 for dark heal, and 2210 with Dark infusion. For whatever reason my memory wasn't great for DI, but it's close enough that the result isn't much different: pre-patch DI for 1.5s with a 35% crit chance has an expected value of about 2800. DH would have an expected value (with 1.5s cast and 95% crit post patch) of 1950.


1950/2800 is 70%~


So the quick 1 cast burst heal of a Sorc post patch is only 70% of what it is pre-1.2


This is damned significant.


I still find that value for DH to be unbelieveably low compared to DI, as on my sorc, a crit DH heals for more than a non-crit DI. But again, my sorc isn't anywhere near high end gear.


As far as the bubble, 3.2k-3.5k is still more than 1 average hit...

Edited by Sir_Toothless
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