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Vid: the most brutal sentinel


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Speed helps fit the content. Fights are so long in this game, they don't fit with the progressive song as they are. The only other option is to play a song in the background with no sync with the fights - that's lame 4 me.


1v1 fights are good names, geared, hard to kill.

I didn't put any no names there, which I kill in 5 secs, and finish at 98%. Those make the 1vzerg fights.

Edited by muradi
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I watched it long enough to understand you are a good player, watch the keys fire and etc.



It's hard to enjoy though 'because' of the speed. Like you can't tell if you are good, or great, because it's sped up. Like, you can't guage your reaction time and etc.


Still though, you hvae forum cred if that's what you seek. You should post your spec on here and let peoplez ask you questions.

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Spec is usual watchman. The difference is I have 0 meter charge, 1 point in phantom, 2 in dw mastery and 1 in jedi crusader. I don't have forced pursuit.


I agree with the speed not showing off what should be highlighted.


What makes a good mara sent though, think about it:

- Using the 6 cds without mistake (rebuke, saber ward, gbtf, pacify, cloak, resolute)

I forgot to use Pacify in many fights, makes me cringe.

- Positioning; getting their back to get dmged less (applies to every melee).

- Interrupting the right abilities at the right time; ex. not being baited to deflectable white dmg or weak heals when healer's at high hp.

- Using Leap, Awe and Stasis at the right place and time (and not always for interrupt)

- Maximizing Cauterize/Rupture use (I need work on this, I'm thinking of a weave box so I see the main 4 cd moves somewhere in the middle of the screen)


I think enough is shown to judge the above criteria. The rest is fluff, I'd rather speed through and fit in more content and try to sync more with the music. It's really a choice between 2 negatives, what is less worse imo is what I did. Still it feels I got greedy in some parts to fit in more than I should. Could have taken out some stuff and made some stuff slower. Choices...

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Nice fights.


On tank + healer combos like the first one I think it can be useful to swap to shii-shoo after 30 centering and then using zen for 6 slashes hitting 2 targets and 6 focus to be immediately spent before stancing back to juyo.

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Speed is to fast to gauge if you know what your doing as you say since some of the fights kinda drag on, but first glance says your a good sent as you are using your defensive properly to last as long as you did fpr the most part. I didn't see anyone who seemed like they were really good fighting you though.


Do you play on a Role playing server by chance? Either way it wouldn't be your fault they are bad but You cant tell me that they are not no name's though because if that's the case.... well half of them backpedal and keyboard turn., IE why i asked if you are on a RP server ;P



Keep up the good work, i know how much work goes into putting these together and aside from the speed //length it was nice =)

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Speeded up video to make it look cooler... not worth to watch.


Even at that speed, I can say, that is not the most brutal sentinel.



Sorry, if it sounds rude but when you present yourself as the most brutal, I expect to see the MOST brutal. What I saw there was a bunch of panic attacks and a some shining moments. At some points, you're key mashing your binds 3 to 4 seconds in advance...



Consistency is what makes a very good sentinel. You're a good Sentinel none the less but presenting as the cream of the cream, sorry man. Not just yet but soon.

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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Wonder if you can kill my scoundrel on that sentinel.:cool:


Considering we're talking about jackalbad, I wouldn't doubt it.



Music was terrible... Didn't think people still listened to it. Brb playing Whitney Houston music for my montage


Whitney Houston music has its moments.


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