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Sorcs have LIGHT ARMOR. I'll say it again, so that maybe they'll notice: LIGHT ARMOR.






We die so quickly. We have to HOLD STILL to cast half our spells. Also, you can generally FOLLOW our pretty (and now ineffective) Christmas lights back to our positions! Now you've nerfed us even further?


I haven't a clue how other Sorcs were getting 450k damage per warzone. I'm a friggin War Hero, and my BEST damage in a WZ was around 230k. You know why? Because I'm wearing LIGHT ARMOR. I throw down some good spells, a close-combat player comes by and PWNs me, I respawn, and have to figure out field position anew before I can resume healing/dps.


Maybe maybe maybe MAYBE the players complaining about sorcs dealing too much damage are just morons who don't realize how easily we die? We last about as long as a dry leaf dangling over a burning candle in a straight-up fight.


My skill-tree is/was spread evenly; I only had one lvl4 ability: WRATH. Now it's useless because it no longer includes Chain Lightning. I tried playing several warzones tonight, and I'm simply ineffective, now. :mad:


Can you folks at Bioware acknowledge that there HAVE to be DPS advantages to a class that, typically speaking, can't win a one-on-one fight??? :eek:


I'd LOVE to be able to win a 1:1 fight, but I can't. My lightsaber is about as usefull as a wuffle ball bat. And again: LIGHT ARMOR. Light, hideous, armor. :confused: My Sorc was fun. WAS fun. Now it's just, well...


I don't feel like playing anymore. :(

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Had a lot of fun playing my sorc healer... put all of my time into that character and it just isn't fun to play anymore.


Gonna try rolling something else, but I really don't feel like leveling something again.


This may be the patch that moves me to another game.

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Sorcs always had a hard time against Sentinels/Marauders.


A good marauder will usually **** you in a 1vs1, they even did prepatch.


Do you use Warzone Adrenals + Medpacks (35% Heal ***!)?


Dot them, slow them (they cant dispell themselves), shield yourself, break LoS, throw in flasheals (do you notice that I usually pull off 75k+ healing), Force Speed around corners when you know their Leap is on cooldown. And lastly, hope for aid from your teammates.


The good thing is, you got a lot of instants so use it to your advantage and break LoS alot.


Oh, I heal myself a lot. It's part of the reason the repubs think I'm a healer. Yes, I use medpacs and adrenals. Yes, I also stim.


I know the good sentinels/maras would still wreck us 1v1 one pre-patch. I have a repub sentinel friend who got great joy out of it (he liked recording it and putting it on youtube too). However, now even the mediocre ones are wrecking me. I do try to LoS, but I've found it to be really lacking given the fact that I have no burst to go along with it. It's really hard to LoS any melee (except assassins). Losing p-techs just means a lovely grapple and horrific slows. Losing a merc or operative means they heal up too and that isn't going to get me anywhere. If I actually go through the class list, there are only two classes that I can reliably 1v1 (I can kite a sniper the vast majority of the time and I can go toe to toe with other sorcs). The other classes just wreck me, even when the players are mediocre.


I understand we still do damage, but I can't even kill healers anymore given my "burst" consists of about 4.5k damage (and that takes 2 GCDs). At some point I begin to question the class design. We're the only class that can't abuse resources for more burst. We hit for the smallest amount. And we have the lowest armor.


How do you comp for that? Using your allies as shield while you pad your damage (with stuff that isn't nearly as threatening) just doesn't sit well with me because it's not really helping them. They'd be far better off with another merc instead. It's really getting rather depressing.

Edited by Dosvidaniya
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i gotta say i have totally different experiences than what im reading here.


i dont find my 1v1 potential bad and can usually either kill or if not kill delay and hold off the player till i can escape or get reinforcements. are there exceptions? of course if i get jumped by a well geared melee or allow myself to get trapped and focused i go down like a cheap whore but tbh i feel i should. i rarely die and feel like it wasnt deserved. i usally just isolate the target, annoy them enough to chase me (if melee) and then back peddle like a pro while chipping away at them, interupting and stunning as needed. its funny what people are syaing about healers also. if you interupt their first attempt at a heal and then electrocute them on their second, its amazing how many just straight up run away lol.


im not well geared, mix of old cent and champ and have been playing a fair bit of WZs before and most of last night after the patch. im having a good time, getting a slew of medals each match win or lose etc. i dont say this to pimp myself out at all, im just saying my experience is different.


i find positioning to be everything, hanging round the absolutle limits of a fights, always ready to run and readjust if you get attention etc. make anyone who comes for you to do at the risk of over extending themselves etc. i do a **** load of back peddling too, thankfully we have quite a few instant abilities so staying mobile is nps and can quickly take its toll on a chaser.


anyway i do die of course, there are days i feel like im imprisoned with bubba and a bar of soap but most of the time im happy. my dmg isnt spectacular but its easy over 300k each match and putting me in the top slice of the board and i get my share of kills, not just spamming dmg all over to pad my dmg, but actual kills where i finish ppl off.


the loss of chain lightning upsets me no end, but my rotation has got simpler, i now press less buttons and seem to do either more or the same as before.


im sure you guys know all these things but i just wanted to offer a different view, im pretty happy tbh with ya, again i say this not wanting to bait anyone but it just doesnt look as bad in practise as it sounds on the forums, but then again, when is it?


rocking 29/12 mad/light

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i gotta say i have totally different experiences than what im reading here.


i dont find my 1v1 potential bad and can usually either kill or if not kill delay and hold off the player till i can escape or get reinforcements. are there exceptions? of course if i get jumped by a well geared melee or allow myself to get trapped and focused i go down like a cheap whore but tbh i feel i should. i rarely die and feel like it wasnt deserved. i usally just isolate the target, annoy them enough to chase me (if melee) and then back peddle like a pro while chipping away at them, interupting and stunning as needed. its funny what people are syaing about healers also. if you interupt their first attempt at a heal and then electrocute them on their second, its amazing how many just straight up run away lol.


im not well geared, mix of old cent and champ and have been playing a fair bit of WZs before and most of last night after the patch. im having a good time, getting a slew of medals each match win or lose etc. i dont say this to pimp myself out at all, im just saying my experience is different.


i find positioning to be everything, hanging round the absolutle limits of a fights, always ready to run and readjust if you get attention etc. make anyone who comes for you to do at the risk of over extending themselves etc. i do a **** load of back peddling too, thankfully we have quite a few instant abilities so staying mobile is nps and can quickly take its toll on a chaser.


anyway i do die of course, there are days i feel like im imprisoned with bubba and a bar of soap but most of the time im happy. my dmg isnt spectacular but its easy over 300k each match and putting me in the top slice of the board and i get my share of kills, not just spamming dmg all over to pad my dmg, but actual kills where i finish ppl off.


the loss of chain lightning upsets me no end, but my rotation has got simpler, i now press less buttons and seem to do either more or the same as before.


im sure you guys know all these things but i just wanted to offer a different view, im pretty happy tbh with ya, again i say this not wanting to bait anyone but it just doesnt look as bad in practise as it sounds on the forums, but then again, when is it?


rocking 29/12 mad/light


First off, very good post. I've been militant about the WRATH change because of my style of play, which I guess I have to specify.


I'm spread evenly in my Sorc skill tree: 11/14/16. I do this because, like many Imperial players, there aren't that many Republic players anymore in WZ's. I play a lot of Hutball.


In Hutball, I consider myself a "mid-fielder". I pull up the slack wherever it is:

1) If we have possession, I try to hold mid. I heal/support others holding mid if there aren't healers, I DPS enemies in my zone. Get the ball, pass to better field position.

2) If we have possession, I guard my ball carrier. Throw up static barrier, heal, stun/engage attackers

3) If we don't have possession, I'm engaging (a) their ball carrier, or (b) potential passers.

4) If we don't have possession, I'm trying to get mid back (cuz we probably don't have it).


I do not try to score. I do not farm damage. I do not find a perch and heal. I move around, do what's necessary to win, try to not get bogged down in skirmishes. I DIE A LOT. All the time. I'm a mid-fielder, it's my job. I sling spells, then I die. I'm a mid-fielder, I need even specs to be semi-effective. Hence, 11/14/16. To me, field position is more important than farming damage & healing medals.


My only decent offensive weapon with mobs of enemies who, in close-combat, will own me? Chain lightning. That's the only reason I have 16 points in Madness. WRATH: 30% of the time, instant activation. Was that really too often? Is that not what balances my Sorc against classes with stronger armor, better weapons, and higher endurance? Keep in mind, 70% of the time, chain lighting isn't instant: it takes 2.5 seconds to warm up, which is plenty of time to die horribly. Believe me, I know. And for those unaware, no, you can't move during those 2.5 seconds.


Yes, sprinting is good and I rely on those slow-ticking damage spells to whiddle down my opponent while I back-pedal (as much as I realistically can run away in a Warzone), but honestly, I usually die faster if I run away, and so do the teammates I'm no longer supporting. And let's be real: affliction isn't going to do a lot against a marauder with 20k HP who can leap to your position.


We die all the time and have to put up with the indignity of it to support our team. Now my character is ineffective at that, too. My cannon is gone. Keep in mind that AFTER we die, we have to respawn and run all the way back to where we will do the most good. I accepted that because hey, I liked my play-style despite my mortality rate, despite the fact that there are players who, in lvl50 pvp, are virtually unkillable one-on-one BEFORE 1.2...


This is a terrible metaphor, but I'll use it anyway. I'd consider situation in which a teenager fought an eight-year-old child a "fair-fight" if you give that kid a taser! Well, you just nerfed our tasers and we still have no hope of hitting adolescence.

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Wow you guys are posting novels here, short and simple.


We suck at 1 vs 1, single target dps, our aoe got nerfed, and our survivability is low.


However, I can still pull 400k damage as dps, 500k as heals.


Also my guild killed hard mode 8m Zorn and Toth tonight with 2 sorc healers, 2 sorc dps, 2 sin tanks, 1 merc, 1 mara.


The sorcs were topping the dps charts with a new build I gave them.


We went from super strong to decent, and now maras and juggs are the overpowered classes and will eventually get nerfed. If you guys love sorcs so much, learn to play it now that it is a bit more challenging, and quit whining.

Edited by Garricus
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Sorc DPS in PvP hasn't been affected that much to be honest. There weren't that many changes made to the sorcerer dps trees except the removal of the hybrid builds.


I think if you have to stand in one place for a long period of time to do damage, you're asking to get killed. This isn't a problem with the patch persay, but a problem between the chair and keyboard. I believe Aristotle once said "lrn2play"

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Wow you guys are posting novels here, short and simple.


We suck at 1 vs 1, single target dps, our aoe got nerfed, and our survivability is low.


However, I can still pull 400k damage as dps, 500k as heals.


Also my guild killed hard mode 8m Zorn and Toth tonight with 2 sorc healers, 2 sorc dps, 2 sin tanks, 1 merc, 1 mara.


The sorcs were topping the dps charts with a new build I gave them.


We went from super strong to decent, and now maras and juggs are the overpowered classes and will eventually get nerfed. If you guys love sorcs so much, learn to play it now that it is a bit more challenging, and quit whining.


message me your build. I'm very curious. :)

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First off, very good post. I've been militant about the WRATH change because of my style of play, which I guess I have to specify.


I'm spread evenly in my Sorc skill tree: 11/14/16. I do this because, like many Imperial players, there aren't that many Republic players anymore in WZ's. I play a lot of Hutball.


In Hutball, I consider myself a "mid-fielder". I pull up the slack wherever it is:

1) If we have possession, I try to hold mid. I heal/support others holding mid if there aren't healers, I DPS enemies in my zone. Get the ball, pass to better field position.

2) If we have possession, I guard my ball carrier. Throw up static barrier, heal, stun/engage attackers

3) If we don't have possession, I'm engaging (a) their ball carrier, or (b) potential passers.

4) If we don't have possession, I'm trying to get mid back (cuz we probably don't have it).


I do not try to score. I do not farm damage. I do not find a perch and heal. I move around, do what's necessary to win, try to not get bogged down in skirmishes. I DIE A LOT. All the time. I'm a mid-fielder, it's my job. I sling spells, then I die. I'm a mid-fielder, I need even specs to be semi-effective. Hence, 11/14/16. To me, field position is more important than farming damage & healing medals.


My only decent offensive weapon with mobs of enemies who, in close-combat, will own me? Chain lightning. That's the only reason I have 16 points in Madness. WRATH: 30% of the time, instant activation. Was that really too often? Is that not what balances my Sorc against classes with stronger armor, better weapons, and higher endurance? Keep in mind, 70% of the time, chain lighting isn't instant: it takes 2.5 seconds to warm up, which is plenty of time to die horribly. Believe me, I know. And for those unaware, no, you can't move during those 2.5 seconds.


Yes, sprinting is good and I rely on those slow-ticking damage spells to whiddle down my opponent while I back-pedal (as much as I realistically can run away in a Warzone), but honestly, I usually die faster if I run away, and so do the teammates I'm no longer supporting. And let's be real: affliction isn't going to do a lot against a marauder with 20k HP who can leap to your position.


We die all the time and have to put up with the indignity of it to support our team. Now my character is ineffective at that, too. My cannon is gone. Keep in mind that AFTER we die, we have to respawn and run all the way back to where we will do the most good. I accepted that because hey, I liked my play-style despite my mortality rate, despite the fact that there are players who, in lvl50 pvp, are virtually unkillable one-on-one BEFORE 1.2...


This is a terrible metaphor, but I'll use it anyway. I'd consider situation in which a teenager fought an eight-year-old child a "fair-fight" if you give that kid a taser! Well, you just nerfed our tasers and we still have no hope of hitting adolescence.


I agree with you, yet I disagree with you. I think you should re-evaluate how awesome Death Field can be. Yes we die a lot sometimes, but I've found that playing with a team of at least 4 moving like a swarm always produces better results than playing zone offense/defense. Having a tank, melee dps, range dps, and a healer can make you completely over powered. It usually requires a pre-made with a clear leader so everyone's on the same page. Just always go after either the focus target's target or the one that has the least amount of health. In PvE, it's all about how much damage you do, but in PvP, it's all about winning the match. Who cares if Lebron James scored 30 points if the Heat lose the game?

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I actually don't mind the new patch changes. My Sorc is still pounding out the dps, its just more one on one.


Once wrath is active > Madness > Electrocute > Shock > Affliction > Lightning...


Whilst my bubble is active, and my force speed is on hot-dial. Most people are half-dead before they get anywhere near me. Then...


> Sticky Overload (With a runaway Death Field) and then > Shock > Lightning... etc etc


Has been working very well for me one on one, no matter who I am fighting. So bring it on. Still rank highly on the pvp matches. As for saying the class is OBSOLETE. Well thats just ridiculous. Maybe you need some practice.


Name is Kilaar, btw. Come find me in Nightmare Lands if you care to challenge.

Edited by apexmachine
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Whining about light armor sorcs? You really think heavy armor helps? :D Alright we can survive 0.1 sec more then you. That's pretty much it.

You on the other hand have force speed = escape nearly 80% of time. So many times you slipped from my garsp, because every CC was on cooldown :rolleyes:

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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HAHA at the guys who made first post here.

Yd in voidstar I did 617k dmg and 107k healing was first on dmg with 31 madness spec. After 1.2 in every wz i'm in top2 dps.

I also thought that 1.2 is nerf but tbh its a buff to dps sorcs. Before 1.2 in hybrid spce (wrath+CL) my max dmg was 450k think about that. Haven't test dps in PvE on nar shaada boss but before 1.2 i did 1215 dps on him on 2 min timer. I bet that now even lightning spec can deal 1300+

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Well, the positive part of the patch is that we got less focused, which allows still topping damage on war zones. 31 Madness seems most valuable at the moment (I am running (3/7/31).


To be most efficient in WZ you should stay grouped avoiding 1vs1. In group without being focused you can provide continuous DPS with limitless resources which many other bursting classes cant.

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Sorcs have LIGHT ARMOR. I'll say it again, so that maybe they'll notice: LIGHT ARMOR.






We die so quickly. We have to HOLD STILL to cast half our spells. Also, you can generally FOLLOW our pretty (and now ineffective) Christmas lights back to our positions! Now you've nerfed us even further?


I haven't a clue how other Sorcs were getting 450k damage per warzone. I'm a friggin War Hero, and my BEST damage in a WZ was around 230k. You know why? Because I'm wearing LIGHT ARMOR. I throw down some good spells, a close-combat player comes by and PWNs me, I respawn, and have to figure out field position anew before I can resume healing/dps.


Maybe maybe maybe MAYBE the players complaining about sorcs dealing too much damage are just morons who don't realize how easily we die? We last about as long as a dry leaf dangling over a burning candle in a straight-up fight.


My skill-tree is/was spread evenly; I only had one lvl4 ability: WRATH. Now it's useless because it no longer includes Chain Lightning. I tried playing several warzones tonight, and I'm simply ineffective, now. :mad:


Can you folks at Bioware acknowledge that there HAVE to be DPS advantages to a class that, typically speaking, can't win a one-on-one fight??? :eek:


I'd LOVE to be able to win a 1:1 fight, but I can't. My lightsaber is about as usefull as a wuffle ball bat. And again: LIGHT ARMOR. Light, hideous, armor. :confused: My Sorc was fun. WAS fun. Now it's just, well...


I don't feel like playing anymore. :(


Pre 1.2 My alt sorc in Orange Daily purple mod gear and Purple auction house mods and implants

Did 398.000 damage 58k heal so i guess you are doing something wrong

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I have a 50 Sorc specced for DPS to start, then moved to heal and I have one thing to say...





REALLY guys? I mean, really? You didn't see a nerf coming a mile away? Really?



This is why BW acts so smug when talking about nerfing classes that don't need it. The Sorc community crying the sky is falling makes all of us look like idiots who don't know what's up for each class.




50 Sorc here, still going strong.


Oh, PS: The PTS numbers (The same numbers on live today) showed Sorc heals to still be the strongest. PvP was a hard nerf to those who can't fake cast, to others it was just mild.

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I am a 3/7/31 SORC and I am not full BM geared, in fact I have maybe only 2 or 3 pieces. Although I logged in yesterday, played arround 9 warzones and felt that nothing changed. I have a very high kill vs death rate so I die arround 0-4 times in the worse case. I don't cap dps because I'm not full geared but I get easily 10-13 medals so I don't really know what are you complaining about guys. :S
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its really weird that they would nerf the sorc, befor the patch i had a pretty decent sorcerer i could actually win over same level mobs, now a singel same level mob brings me down to 1/3 of my health, i had to be lvl 48 for a lvl 46 misson and i almost didnt survive it.
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I see were still split on our nerf. Ive looked at many builds but i think the real problem is that no dps tree really works on its own which is why we all try so many mad builds. BW just look at all the suggested builds and note that pretty much none go heavily into 1 tree only, ask yourselves why. Id suggest that its because they dont work properly. If you fix that im sure we will all be happier.
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Fedillan sry but i need to tell you that u are noob. I'm lvl 50 from 2. january. I did with my sorc planets that were ment to be 3 lvl above my lvl (aka went to corellia when i was lvl 45). Sorc never had any problems with mobs. Lvling with sorc is in my experience far easier then with orther classes except assasin or operative (stealth). And i have beside my sorc powerteh, sniper and sentinel lvl 50
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1.2 - The patch that has separated the good from the bad.


I honestly think there has been an overpopulated of sorcs on my server, so I'm hoping the bad's do reroll.


Actually, what I think has happened is that the bads do so little burst that they are actually ignored until their team is dead. Then they get killed. Then they come here and post all their awesome "numbers" and think they are pro.


I'd love for you guys to show me how to stop being a noob with this spec. By all means, I'd love to see a fraps guide where you demonstrate how to 1v1 a competent player of the other classes. I'd love to see a screenshot of your team winning against a team that has competent dps.


From my experience, LoS kiting an operative or merc just means that they heal themselves too. Given the difference in damage, I typically lose now (unless I catch the operative out of stealth with no CDs). And trying to do the same against melee doesn't work. P-techs get grapple, slows, and a stun which do wonders to stop me from going anywhere (plus they get ranged to still hit you). Maras get leap, interrupts, slows, and force cammo if you do finally get away. Jugs get leaps, knock backs, interrupts, and slows; they are slightly easier to kite. Assassins, I can actually kite to some extent. Snipers, sure.


Honestly though; I can't 1v1 the majority of people anymore. I can just 1v1 the bad. Maybe I am bad; I'd love to hear how you counter them. I'd love to see a video guide on it. (Though if they are in pve gear and have no idea what they are doing, it really doesn't count). For all of you that say "the class is great," could you give me detailed advice as to how to counter the other classes? I'd love to be proven a noob.

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But you see now its about personal attacks and ego... ffs.


Mate, chill out. There are others having problems as well. It was essentially a re-spec, with new rotations. Stop worrying because you are out of your comfort zone.


Work it out! I had to. Fighting Timur (My marauder buddy from the guild) constantly in duels to get the training.


Do you duel often? Don't just say you do. DO YOU? If not, find a Marauder, a good one, and start dueling him. Utilising everything in your arsenal.


Dueling is how I managed to work it out. Lots of practice, and alternating.


I can BET YOU ANY MONEY in the world, that you use the same thing for every class you fight. And that, kind sir... is your first problem.


Duel > Train > Fight > WIN. Simples.

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the dmg nerf isant that big of a deal and the ehaling nerf now just requires you to think about how you heal instead of just rolling your face on the number keys, the class is too easy to play and has little challnge atm in 1.2 to keep dps up or heal properly it wil ltake more than rolling our face's across the keys.


Let me guess, you couldn't kill the sorcerer and they rest of his team shredded you. Oh the socerer probably laugh emoted at you for not figuring how easy you could have stopped him\her causing you to have emo rage outburst.


Seriously, if you don't play a sorcerer as your main you have no idea. No matter how a Sorcerer adapts and the good ones will adapt it's impossible to play the class in any efficient way. Every Sorcerer will hit a wall now in 1.2 sure the best might put a couple of cracks in it but the class is contained, limited.


I don't think this situation will be resolved without the developer stepping in and fixing this. The problem is 1.2 brought a lot of curious people back to the game, though in a month I'd wager they'd lose more then twice the amount that returned to the game. But right now they are riding the high, they think they can get by with the "traditional" developer responses.


Because this is Star Wars, they think the fans stay tuned no matter what. The problem is for a Star Wars game given the world wide fanbase the subscription numbers are low. The reason that other mmo did so well in the beginning is; They served their fanbase and went against what all the other mmo's were doing.


If you follow the pack your still in last place.

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This is my honest opinion on this whole shenanigan. Keep in mind I don't play a sorcerer or a sage, I play a scrapper and am currently working on a sniper. It happens in most mmo's where a class is only good for one thing. I'll list a few examples below.



The point I'm trying to make is that classes with fluctuate. The only way pre 1.2 anyone would take my scrapper into a raid or wz group was if I was healing, and that forced many scrappers to play heals. Now it seems that day has come for sorcerers and sages, where it'll take a bit more work and a lot more elbow grease to play effectively. If you truly love your class, which I'll always love my scrapper, then you'll find your way through and still have a good time. Whether your role is now a healer, or whatever it may be, try to learn to adapt and make the best out of it. Your class is (in my opinion) never unplayable, but rather now a more challenging class to play.


See it in this perspective, remember the sayings from a few weeks/months ago: "A well played guardian/jugg is brutal." The same was said about snipers and gunslingers, they were hard classes to play, and still are, but when you learn the ropes and apply what you've learned, you'll still be unstoppable. They may have nerfed the Sorcerer class, but they can NEVER nerf your skill. Hang in there guys, and it'll be even better when you still end up beating people who mostly assume your class is "Dead." when you get beat by a "dead" class, it's much more of a slap in the face because you assume no sorcerer can beat you. Learn your class, perfect it, and you will be highly respected, I promise you that. Don't quit, sorcs, we all truly do enjoy playing with AND against you. :D


So your saying you want to keep playing this tradition of flavor of the month ? I don't. Give me something to work with then aside from small tweaks leave it alone unless something game breaking pops up. I have no desire to be overpowered but I want a reliable class(s) to play with or I move on. It's as simple as that.

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