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The issue isn't really any perceived imbalance...


The issue is this (assuming these changes go live):


No new piece of gear will ever actually be seen on a character in game unless it has augment slots (because old crafter crit oranges have augments) right now, PvP and raid gear don't have those slots.


This. A hundred times this.

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I'm sorry did I miss the screenshots of the war hero gear vs a fully modded orange piece and can we also see the new gear that drops in the new operation as well


Until you see this and compare the whole topic is mute



I personally and I could certainly be wrong. Is expertise will stay on the gear, so modding an orange piece will have no expertise, which will make is useless in pvp.


I still fully believe that the war hero gear will be the best pvp gear, new op gear will be the best raiding gear, and orange modded gear will be for people who want nice gear but do not raid or pvp


Obviously in the very beginning the orange modded will be nice to do the new op.


We will have to see. I'm not on pts so I cannot provide screenshots

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Until you see this and compare the whole topic is mute

*moot point

I personally and I could certainly be wrong. Is expertise will stay on the gear, so modding an orange piece will have no expertise, which will make is useless in pvp.


I still fully believe that the war hero gear will be the best pvp gear, new op gear will be the best raiding gear, and orange modded gear will be for people who want nice gear but do not raid or pvp

According to everything known at this point you are in fact wrong. Armoring on all gear will be removable and expertise and set bonuses will be attached to that.


If you can't be bothered to look at patch notes or even read some of the thread you are posting in why even comment when you are utterly clueless about the issue?

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The problem is that a lower level look will then take over from the setpiece look at a certain point, which is really annoying for people who actually liked the look they got after hard work towards raiding / pvping.



with few exceptions most of the end gear stuff is pretty awful looking and thats the stuff currently live the new stuff omg theres a pve sets that look ok the rest and all the pvp gear looks dreadful and I am pretty sure most of the other players will thing so I have heard very few possitives


on the other hand the legacy alt gear looks pretty good


and I honestly don't care about look it has almost no importance to me so I am sure the guy's that do care going to be up in arms about the look

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The point is that the gear that PvPers will earn will not be worn but simply used for the mods (which costs an arm and a leg to pull out)


The costs are laughable, single mod piece is less than 30k so whole item would cost less than 100k to remod.




And to the main topic, i've read all 18 pages and here is what I think:


the only problem right now is that the war hero/rated war hero can't have the augment slot which makes those who min-max sad.


however some people wrote that they can be REd and afterwards crit crafted.


if that is true and they are BoE - then those who earned war hero/rated war hero can buy empty (but with augment slot) orange war hero/rated war hero set and put the mods from real war hero into the orange one.


the only drawback here is that someone who got regular war hero would be able to get orange rated war hero and put the mods there and as a result - having rated war hero look with the same stat power.



if those oranges are however BoP then the pvp guy has to pick up a craft and get lucky with RE on all slots, which essentially makes it a hell of a grind





therefore - i like the idea that someone posted: that you should be able to try to make an augment slot in an existing piece of armor/weapon (ideally: some kind of utility item that armortech/syntweaver/armstech/artificer could make - depending on the item you want to slot for augment)

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As someone else pointed out, I don't think this is an issue until you see the actual stats of the rated gear. It's quite possible that they've beefed up the stats to make up for the lack of an augment slot, not to mention the set bonus you'll receive.


True, it's not the same as customizing your most desired stat with an augment... but I don't think it's as game breaking as many of the posters here are making it out to be.

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As someone else pointed out, I don't think this is an issue until you see the actual stats of the rated gear. It's quite possible that they've beefed up the stats to make up for the lack of an augment slot, not to mention the set bonus you'll receive.


True, it's not the same as customizing your most desired stat with an augment... but I don't think it's as game breaking as many of the posters here are making it out to be.

Those stats will be transferable to to orange gear as are the set bonuses so that accomplishes nothing.


Why is 2/3 of this thread people who refuse to read the 2-3 paragraphs required to fully comprehend the issue?

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Seriously, this.

I wholeheartedly agree, but this isn't one of those things.


This is an obvious oversight that people are trying to point out to BW because it will be bad for the game we are all enjoying if it goes live.


It isn't a huge deal, it won't lead to massive imbalance or anything but it would be awful game design and it would ruin a major part of progression (gear changes).


Do you actually want to see this go live or do you just not care? I don't really see why anyone would be "for" this change.

Edited by MinguesDew
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Those stats will be transferable to to orange gear as are the set bonuses so that accomplishes nothing.


Why is 2/3 of this thread people who refuse to read the 2-3 paragraphs required to fully comprehend the issue?


I read the posts.


Some gear pieces contain stats that are applied directly to the piece itself, and not the mods on the gear. If you've ever seen an epic prototype piece with only a Mod and Armor slot removable, then you know what I'm talking about.


You're coming into this with an assumption that every single stat on the piece will be removable. If you have direct evidence of that, then I withdraw my argument. Otherwise you're jumping to conclusions and throwing a tantrum for something you think might happen.


So, all I'm saying is show me the gear.

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The costs are laughable, single mod piece is less than 30k so whole item would cost less than 100k to remod.




And to the main topic, i've read all 18 pages and here is what I think:


the only problem right now is that the war hero/rated war hero can't have the augment slot which makes those who min-max sad.


however some people wrote that they can be REd and afterwards crit crafted.


if that is true and they are BoE - then those who earned war hero/rated war hero can buy empty (but with augment slot) orange war hero/rated war hero set and put the mods from real war hero into the orange one.


the only drawback here is that someone who got regular war hero would be able to get orange rated war hero and put the mods there and as a result - having rated war hero look with the same stat power.



if those oranges are however BoP then the pvp guy has to pick up a craft and get lucky with RE on all slots, which essentially makes it a hell of a grind





therefore - i like the idea that someone posted: that you should be able to try to make an augment slot in an existing piece of armor/weapon (ideally: some kind of utility item that armortech/syntweaver/armstech/artificer could make - depending on the item you want to slot for augment)




If War Hero and End Game Gear is BOE after you learn it then people can just buy their end game gear SHELL on the Trade Center. It would be pretty laughable seeing everyone running around in the RANKED RATED WARZONE ARMOR after just hitting 50 or barely ever playing pvp

Edited by Icysunx
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If War Hero and End Game Gear is BOE after you learn it then people can just buy their end game gear SHELL on the Trade Center. It would be pretty laughable seeing everyone running around in the RANKED RATED WARZONE ARMOR after just hitting 50 or barely ever playing pvp


Agreed that would be stupid. Actually reading through the patch notes I caught the following:


"Players may now reverse engineer many endgame items to research schematics for items and mods. Tier 2 (new) endgame items can be reverse engineered, and players have a chance to learn how to craft these items up on reverse engineering them. Set Armorings do not provide schematics for crafters."


Also, I just read the part of the patch notes that I missed, and now agree 100% with this topic.

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Let me ask, in theory, if they didn't make this change to crit-crafted gear, and instead just added another tier of gear that provided the same marginal stat boost, would you still have an issue?


All it does is make you spend your time grinding credits / leveling a craft vs. spending your time grinding gear. Either way your going to be doing a repetitive task to try and min / max your character. I personally feel it adds another dimension to the game (making crafting worth something) and breaks up the same old gear grind.


That being said, i agree that not being able to wear your Rated WH gear because it'd be a stat loss is an oversight. But if not being able to look the way you want (which is the current state of the game) is your biggest complaint then i don't think this thread deserves its "OFFICIAL GAME BREAKING" title


Edit: just realized my statement about credit grind / craft leveling vs. gear grind was erroneous. i should have stated that it is in addition to the gear grind

Edited by volkfang
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Let me ask, in theory, if they didn't make this change to crit-crafted gear, and instead just added another tier of gear that provided the same marginal stat boost, would you still have an issue?


All it does is make you spend your time grinding credits / leveling a craft vs. spending your time grinding gear. Either way your going to be doing a repetitive task to try and min / max your character. I personally feel it adds another dimension to the game (making crafting worth something) and breaks up the same old gear grind.


That being said, i agree that not being able to wear your Rated WH gear because it'd be a stat loss is an oversight. But if not being able to look the way you want (which is the current state of the game) is your biggest complaint then i don't think this thread deserves its "OFFICIAL GAME BREAKING" title


The issue is that they made craftable items better not equal to end game raid gear and end game pvp gear. The problem with this is that we are thus very limited to what we can and cannot wear. The vast majority of players will now be wearing the dirt cheap crit craftable gear and just transfering mods over because of the cost of wearing the high end gear. This also means that any orange gear you had saved up to be able to wear later on is now worthless because like end game gear it will not be as good as the crit crafted gear. This means that you can try and rengineer it but if you fail you lose the gear never to be had again if it happened to drop off a quest etc. Had they of made the new high end raid gear with augments slots or given crafters the ability to add augment slots this whole issue would have been avoided and people could then wear whatever gear they want.

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I really hope they also put augmentation slots in the other high end gear.


But one way to solve the "look" problem for those that like specific sets of armor would be to adopt one more idea from WoW, transmogrification, let players transform any bound piece of armor to look like any other bound piece of armor they own. I really liked this feature in WoW, my Warlock is sporting his BC tier set, love the Bat Wings :D

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I thought it would be cool to roll around with my WH mods in some random "orange" set. I was all for this.


BUT... I didn't take the crit (augment slot) aspect into mind. Now people who are serious about BIS, whether it be PVE or PVP, will have to get crit crafted armor.


I /cosign what the majority are saying here. We shouldn't have to earn endgame gear THEN tear it apart and buy crafted items to have the best set up.

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Did you even read what he wrote? read again.


There's no point in getting a higher rated war hero gear (the one that looks different) when everyone's gonna be using crifted crafted gears anyways.


you need the armor mods from that war hero gear. Cybertech and RE the mods not the armor.


So you grind the armor remove the mods buy the orange gear place mods in orange gear to get the augment slot.


You don't get to bypass getting the gear because you can only get the armor mod that way.

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I am completely against this horrendously stupid system. Why would you implement min/max progression in an RNG based borefest that nobody enjoys. You reward players for skill, for beating nightmare, for attaining high ranks in PvP. You don't stick your end game progression in something like crafting, crafting should supplement your pvp/pve gear, NEVER replace them. How hard would it have been to make craftable augment slots for a few armor slots? This facilitates player interaction and fuels the economy MINUS the RNG.


I laugh everytime Bioware said they are making mods/armoring removable for customization, yet this very system DESTROYS customization. If I think my Battlemaster gear is super amazing looking, but I have three crit crafted level 14 orange bathrobes and tights, I'm probably going to go with the bathrobes for a free 100 main stat or 100 power. Don't mention, "bu bu bu u can RE pve and pvp gear." Do you know how stupid that sounds? Who the hell is going to delete their hard earned gear for a 1/10 chance of getting an orange schematic, then proceed to craft said pieces over and over again in the hope of a crit slot.


This system is dreadfully stupid, and undermines all of patch 1.2, especially the so called "customization" that the patch introduces. This DEMOTIVATES customization and places value on crit crafts whether they look awful or not.


Ditch the crit slot RNG borefest model, allow certain crafters to create augment buckles that can fit in a maximum of 2-3 armor slots. This prevents stat inflation, values customization, and creates an economic/crafting system free of boring RNG that enhances the PvP and PvE endgame progression, and doesn't replace/hinder it.


I Agree 100%, Well said.

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If War Hero and End Game Gear is BOE after you learn it then people can just buy their end game gear SHELL on the Trade Center. It would be pretty laughable seeing everyone running around in the RANKED RATED WARZONE ARMOR after just hitting 50 or barely ever playing pvp


Not sure if you got right what I wrote but it certainly is confusing for the poster above you.


If by SHELL you mean the empty orange (which is what i was talking about) then they can only buy end game costume on the auction house, the actual mods will have to be earned the normal way anyway...

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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what's funny to me is how much you think this matters in the grand scheme of things. pvp is worthless regardless if gear is balanced or not. the core of the pvp in this game is flawed.

what's funny is that the same issue exists in raiding and every other aspect of upgrading your character in game but you're too busy trying to $ hit on a part of the game you don't enjoy to realize this.

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