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What do you think the canon story lines will be?


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So eventualy there will end up being canon versions of the class storys, so what do you think they will be?


Personly for the JK, JC, SW and SI I think it will be the following:


Jedi Knight:

Male, Light side (like it was ever going to be dark), married to Kira (not officaly but Satile probably finds out, possiably the rest of the council as well).


Jedi Concular:

Female, Light- a shining exsample of what a jedi should be, no romantic relasionship, ends up on the jedi council (if they did not already, bit weak on their story).


Sith Warrior:

Male (the main reason I am going with this is Quinns betraly happens no matter what and it would be a bit silly for that to happen if it was a female sw who could then marry him), Gray/dark- dark but not the kind of sadisticly evil sith we have a lot of, married to a Dark side Jessa.


Sith Inquisitor:

Female, Dark as dark can be (lets the unwilling ghosts go though as it looks to be the wiser of the options), kills off Thantons followers at the end, has a relasionship with Andronikos but its more "attending to her physical wants" rather than any sort of romance, puts down a couple of attempts to un-seat her from the council.


I have done these more as a vague overview as there are so many options I don't even want to guess at I felt it more suited.

Edited by Arivael
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You can't avoid being sadistic and evil if you are married to Jaesa bro... So either Vette instead of Jaesa (which I personally think is more interesting and more likely relationship) or SW won't have an easy life with his maniac, psycho wife. :p
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Sith Warrior, Pure Evil. I have no doubts about that, it's just clearly set up to make you want to pick evil based on just how ****** the Warrior is while taking the options (And the frequency in which you can choose them). Vette just seems very unlikely to ever be concidered a canon romance, at least to me.


I also personally see the Bounty Hunter coming out as Neutral leaning towards Dark, while the Smuggler is Neutral leaning towards Light. The agent I also see being canon dark-ish or at least very patriotic in his ways.

Edited by Limitsky
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Trooper- I'd say that a light side, male trooper would be canon. A lot of the decisions to be made are tactical, logical as well as moral decisions. The light side decisions tend to be more tactically sane as well as moral.


Smuggler- Grey-Dark Male, just because I don't want the canon smuggler to be married to Corso Riggs. I imagine that the Smuggler archetype of the self-preserving type, as well as their story, two chapters at least, are also personal vendettas.

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I actually think JK might end up being female canonically, if any of ToR's player characters ever become canon like that. The trailer showed a female JK after all. If I had to guess I'd say the genders shown in the trailers would be canon. Male Consular as well then.


I think the biggest question is the agent, since his story can end drastically differently based on your choices. I suppose the canon ending will be the one where you stay with the new imperial intelligence. So male agent, loves the empire, not very big on Sith, no serious romances, and manages to save imperial intelligence. But well, we'll see what happens when the story continues.

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OP: Vector is an imperial agent companion. I believe you meant Andronikos?


Anyway, I'm against official canon story lines becoming anything too detailed. I hope as the story line expands, they keep in mind the "choose your own adventure" flavor the game has. (For the most part...)

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Well, once the storylines expand, it's almost certain they'll continue in such a way that any choices made in the previous story be nullified.


So while the Consular's story could include the deaths of characters like



Yuon Par, Lord Vivicar, and Syo Bakarn



it's almost certain the storyline of the next expansion, or even of a patch that continues class stories, will not include those characters in any meaningful way, beyond a cameo appearance or a bonus scene.


Similarly, while the Agent's story can end with



serving the Empire loyally, defecting to serve as a double agent for the Republic, working as an independent agent, or possibly another ending (not sure if there were more),



it's sure that the next chapters of the Agent's story will have him performing secret missions and such for the Empire, only the contexts of the missions will change.

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OP: Vector is an imperial agent companion. I believe you meant Andronikos?


Anyway, I'm against official canon story lines becoming anything too detailed. I hope as the story line expands, they keep in mind the "choose your own adventure" flavor the game has. (For the most part...)


To the first part yes I meant Andronikos, I have got to stop making post when half asleep.


As to the view on how much detial the canon versions of the story lines should have I would agree that the detial should be very limited, after all the Kotor 1 cannon (by that I mean the game only) is no more detialed than; Male Reven, Light side and married to Basitila.



As to the Sith warrior, I understand that when you make Jessa dark side she really goes off the deep end with it and I think that the limitations of the game design should be ignored when writing the SW canon line and that Jessa should be turned down to be Dark gray alinmant like the warrior, the main reason for going with that alinmant are: Too dark means a vegtable Miss... sorry Vetta and again there is no way you could argue that Quinn was kept alive after that "incident" with a full dark Sith (unless you want to ignore the game here and kill him off), and a light side sith serving as the Emperors personal Exacutioner and enforecer of will is a bit off.


As to a female JK, I didn't go with this for two reason:

1. I hate Doc

2. I think a male with a Kira romance makes for much more in the way of story possibilitys.

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You know what would be cool? If bioware did the not-completely-generic thing when it comes to star wars, and make the jedi knight/ or consular darkside, and the sith warrior/ or inquis lightside. But it wont happen, which is a damn shame since its much more interesting that way Edited by angry-broom
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You know what would be cool? If bioware did the not-completely-generic thing when it comes to star wars, and make the jedi knight/ or consular darkside, and the sith warrior/ or inquis lightside. But it wont happen, which is a damn shame since its much more interesting that way


I imagine that they could make the SW Lightside, JC Darkside, JK Lightside, and SI Darkside. (I cannot see the Inquisitor as lightside, sorry mate. Not sure about JC) But why wouldn't they? The fact that they were willing to let Jedi go dark and Sith go light (especially the latter, since lore is lacking in lightside Sith as it is) implies that they are open to the possibility.

Edited by Guildrum
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Personally, I find the idea of having certain approved storylines becoming canon to be offensive. In exactly the same way I find canonizing elements of KotOR offensive. If a developer is going to sell you a product based on the illusion that player choice matters, I believe they have an obligation to carry that promise over to things outside that specific game.


It would have been trivially easy to leave the events of KotOR 1 & 2 shrouded in half truths and unknowns in regards to the canon outside those two games. Hell you can kinda see it in SWTOR, like when the Revanites on Dromand Kaas tell you that they don't know if Revan was a man or a woman. That way nobodies experiences with the earlier games gets shat on. But no, they had to ruin that to provide people with a mid-level dungeon and a horrible tie-in novel. It retroactively degrades KotOR 1 & 2 unless you specifically played the version of the story that was canonized.


The same thing will happen when they decide to canonize certain paths in this game for yet more tie-in novels and probably for expansions too. $20 on all Republic classes being pure Light Side and all Imperial classes being pure Dark Side.



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It would be relatively easy to just... push the stories forward. You don't necessarily need to highlight that unless you killed so-and-so that you wouldn't have blah blah blahd. Just take the stand that, alright, this happened. EVERYONE was supposed to have this happen, so it did, now lets introduce a new section on something related, but otherwise totally not being affected by previous choices.


Give a few nods of what you've done int he past sure. Like instead of a quest giver being some new fancy head of whatever, he'll instead be that guy you helped promote somewhere.

Or instead of having to worry about some up and coming new villain... he could be revealed as a relative of a dead person (that you killed) or *dun dun dun* that person you let free instead of killed.


It's not so much *focusing* on your latest accomplishments... but rather that these basic things happened, let's see what opportunities there are to showcase it.


As far as making some of this stuff into novels and such.... I think it will really depend on the writer, since a lot of this is character-centric and not completely about LS/DS.

A bad to the bone inquisitor can make as interesting story as a merciful inquisitor, if written right.

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It would be relatively easy to just... push the stories forward. You don't necessarily need to highlight that unless you killed so-and-so that you wouldn't have blah blah blahd. Just take the stand that, alright, this happened. EVERYONE was supposed to have this happen, so it did, now lets introduce a new section on something related, but otherwise totally not being affected by previous choices.


Give a few nods of what you've done int he past sure. Like instead of a quest giver being some new fancy head of whatever, he'll instead be that guy you helped promote somewhere.

Or instead of having to worry about some up and coming new villain... he could be revealed as a relative of a dead person (that you killed) or *dun dun dun* that person you let free instead of killed.


It's not so much *focusing* on your latest accomplishments... but rather that these basic things happened, let's see what opportunities there are to showcase it.

So you mean they should do the exact same thing that they did with Mass Effect. Where, in a game that totes your ability to, "be the hero of your own Star Wars™ saga," as one of it's main selling points, nothing you do matters come the end of the game? Yeah that sounds like a recipe for a long and successful game.


As far as making some of this stuff into novels and such.... I think it will really depend on the writer, since a lot of this is character-centric and not completely about LS/DS.

A bad to the bone inquisitor can make as interesting story as a merciful inquisitor, if written right.

Maybe, but I would prefer that they not write about the Inquisitor at all because doing so would completely invalidate every single thing that I, or anyone else, has done with their Inquisitor. Telling people that their choices matter and then not providing many meaningful choices is one thing, but doing that and then saying that "No, this is what really happened! And you'll have to pay me to find out what it is!" is just rubbing your arsehole in your customers faces for kicks.

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As with everything in Star Wars light side canon for every story. It is Star Wars and almost every game in the Star Wars universe that has been considered canon has had the light side the true ending. You can play the dark side if you want, but Star Wars is about hope and overcoming evil against impossible odds. The dark endings offer no hope and work better in other universes other than Star Wars. There is a reason why ROTJ ended the way it did.


I am one who can not stand sad, depressing, or dark endings in most forms of entertainment.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I feel like the SW is going to be LS, if only because the story is MUCH more interesting that way. (Seriously, the whole, "choking every person you see" thing gets old VERY quickly.)


That is nothing when compared to the SI's "3. (Shock Him)" in every second conversation.

Edited by JeffrenBrek
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As with everything in Star Wars light side canon for every story. It is Star Wars and almost every game in the Star Wars universe that has been considered canon has had the light side the true ending. You can play the dark side if you want, but Star Wars is about hope and overcoming evil against impossible odds. The dark endings offer no hope and work better in other universes other than Star Wars. There is a reason why ROTJ ended the way it did.


I am one who can not stand sad, depressing, or dark endings in most forms of entertainment.


Unless you are talking exclusively about the overall galactic story, I disagree. The light side endings for the Empire as canon,specifically the Sith classes, would just be jarring and odd. The BH and IA would make some sense as light side canon, but the SW and SI stories would make less sense.


I wouldn't worry too much about what is canon and where the class stories will go and if the writers have painted themselves into a corner with some of the classes and the choices made. I think it was James Ohlen that said a while back that they have at least 10 years worth of rough outlines of class story and galactic story content and the writing team is currently hard at work developing these.

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I imagine that they could make the SW Lightside, JC Darkside, JK Lightside, and SI Darkside. (I cannot see the Inquisitor as lightside, sorry mate. Not sure about JC) But why wouldn't they? The fact that they were willing to let Jedi go dark and Sith go light (especially the latter, since lore is lacking in lightside Sith as it is) implies that they are open to the possibility.


really? i think SI would have to be lightside. darkside you're just another generic powerhungry sith. theres no major reason for thanaton to go after you, its not really a big deal. but as lightside you have a new philosophy on the sith code, and how to change the empire for the better. thus you're seen as a big threat to the big traditionalist thanaton. can't allow those new ideas to spread now can he? the story just makes so much more sense from the perspective of a lightside SI, theres actually motivations and goals other than "lol i wanna be powerful", making the story much more indepth and epic feeling.


i completely agree with the other guy you quoted who i missed his name. they should make the jedi knight and consular darkside, and both of the sith lightside. all four of the stories are vastly more deep and interesting that way. it allows for more depth to the stories and how they play out.


with the characters being reverse of what they're "supposed" to be it shows that the sith are more than over-the-top cartoon sociopath villains and shows that the jedi aren't goody-good saints. making BOTH sides vastly more interesting. keeping them on their respective extremes kinda keeps them harder to connect with as characters.

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I see the Inq. being being Female fully dark.


I see the JK being male LS (Kira is a big character in his story to not be married to her).


SW DS/honor bound (Not LS, because LS would want to over throw the emperor I'm sure.)


JC- Not sure because I know nothing about it!

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I see the Inq. being being Female fully dark.


I see the JK being male LS (Kira is a big character in his story to not be married to her).


SW DS/honor bound (Not LS, because LS would want to over throw the emperor I'm sure.)


JC- Not sure because I know nothing about it!


JK can be darkside and marry kira.


I'd see JK being male DS or grey, as many lightside options in JK story are just plain stupid or impractical

SI could go eitherway I guess, not too sure

SW I have a feeling would be light

JC I'd imagine as a LS


But it wont happen, we will be stuck with generic all sith classes = dark, and all republic = light

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As an SI i think the


SI storyline would be light side

The Jedi Knight would be Ligh tside

The Sith Warrior would be dark

The Consular would be dark


i don;t know enough about the other classes to know, at the same time, with such a long time between swtor and what happens after- it might not be much of an issue at all- not needing to be mentioned

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I'm assuming that they will all be lightside, without exception. That is a Lucas Arts standard that has applied across the board until now, and I have no reason to believe it will change. Sure it would make more sense if some classes, especially imperials, were dark side canon... but that isn't a guarantee of anything. I'm hoping to be wrong, but I'd put my money on a 100% lightside canon.
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