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The Republic story


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As much as I am enjoying this game, I keep noticing an annoying trend, at least as the Jedi sentinel is concerned: All the missions revolve around The Republic sucking, IE unable to protect all of their Weapons of Mass Destruction, thus allowing the Empire to take all of their cool gagdets. Then I show up to save the day.


And secondly, in the majority of missions, I will save the day only to have my allies come in right afer. Both of these wouldn't be so annoying if they didn't happen ALL THE TIME... it would be nice to do missions where the NPC's actually assist you. It's not like they would have to do mass amounts of damage: Just at least show them fighting!!!


Edit: Oh, and the Republic always sound like a bunch of panzies.

Edited by Kmansp
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Yah JK story is kinda meh



I finished Chapter 1 recently and here are my observations


-General Var Suthra is incompetent, him and all his subordinates should have been replaced once all these infiltrations came to light. Or at least fire him and put him in an advisors role.


-The JK is the galaxies only hope...would rather just be some above average Jedi that goes to planet X to resolve a trade dispute only to find something more to it :p


-General Var Suthra is still in charge...and probably still incompetent.





I heard in patch 1.3 they are putting in a conversation option that allows you to Force Choke Var Suthra for 100 light side points.

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Yah JK story is kinda meh



I finished Chapter 1 recently and here are my observations


-General Var Suthra is incompetent, him and all his subordinates should have been replaced once all these infiltrations came to light. Or at least fire him and put him in an advisors role.


-The JK is the galaxies only hope...would rather just be some above average Jedi that goes to planet X to resolve a trade dispute only to find something more to it :p


-General Var Suthra is still in charge...and probably still incompetent.





I heard in patch 1.3 they are putting in a conversation option that allows you to Force Choke Var Suthra for 100 light side points.


It gets better. In fact, it gets downright Epic later on. Keep playing, and you'll see what I mean. :)

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I'm with you, OP. I'm just sticking it out because I like Kira and I like taking a break from being a space Nazi every once in a while.


Although I can't wait for the end of Chapter I, I'm sure something cool will happen then. So far there have been awesome plot twists for every class at the end of the chapter.

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Well I'm level 38 now, and just got to Hoth. Should I keep holding my breath for something epic? So far I've run in to the typical Republic panzies... <sigh>


End of chapter 2 is where it gets really interesting. Then after that, it gets downright insane. Oh, and your wish earlier about actually having allies help with a boss fight DOES get answered. You'll see it when it happens.

Belsavis, final class mission there.



If you don't want the spoiler, don't hit the button. (standard disclaimer)

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I'm with you, OP. I'm just sticking it out because I like Kira and I like taking a break from being a space Nazi every once in a while.


Although I can't wait for the end of Chapter I, I'm sure something cool will happen then. So far there have been awesome plot twists for every class at the end of the chapter.


That's another thing that bothers me. I love playing with Kira, but she always gets her *** beat now. If I don't take Doc it seems like every fight is a close one, or death. But Doc is just... annoying. :(

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That's another thing that bothers me. I love playing with Kira, but she always gets her *** beat now. If I don't take Doc it seems like every fight is a close one, or death. But Doc is just... annoying. :(


I ran my toon as a Guardian, and used Kira for added DPS. It was kind of a pain to keep all her equipment current and better than the garbage they give out as mission rewards for Companion gear.


Had no problem except during certain boss fights, though.

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That's another thing that bothers me. I love playing with Kira, but she always gets her *** beat now. If I don't take Doc it seems like every fight is a close one, or death. But Doc is just... annoying. :(


This happened to me too on my Marauder...i ran with ranged/melee dps all the time, but when i got to Belsavis the pulls just got harder (packs had an extra mob or two now, and were more spread out). I nerd raged and didnt play my Mar for about a month and came back. Spec'd into the middle tree (ataru w/e) and got my healer geared up. My Marauder is now at 47 in Voss, and still using my healer, but got bored again so she is just getting rested XP.

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Basically, if you don't play as healer yourself you generally want to use a healer companion on ALL characters, that is why it sucks that the empire gets all the cool healers aside from Guss...


I mean, on my Marauder I get a healer at the third planet you go to who's totally ******, on my JK I get to wait most of the game and finally get one that's mediocre in every way...

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I'd take the overall Republic story over the overall Imperial story any day. I mean, I have killed more Sith than Jedi (as a matter of fact, I am on Tatooine, and I have not killed a Jedi yet save for one heroic on Nar Shadaa.) on my Inquisitor. And the Jedi do not kill each other, so I am pretty sure that the Empire will find themselves running low on Sith if the constant succession conflicts and rivalries continue.
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Basically, if you don't play as healer yourself you generally want to use a healer companion on ALL characters, that is why it sucks that the empire gets all the cool healers aside from Guss...


I mean, on my Marauder I get a healer at the third planet you go to who's totally ******, on my JK I get to wait most of the game and finally get one that's mediocre in every way...


Trooper healer girl is awesome, loved her!

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Basically, if you don't play as healer yourself you generally want to use a healer companion on ALL characters, that is why it sucks that the empire gets all the cool healers aside from Guss...


I mean, on my Marauder I get a healer at the third planet you go to who's totally ******, on my JK I get to wait most of the game and finally get one that's mediocre in every way...


Doc is annoying, and he needs to be upgraded right away through the Fleet GTM, but look at it this way....


Both the SW and JK get their healers at the end of Balmorra. :p

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Tell me about it! The Trooper story is somewhat the same. Havoc Squad is the best of the special forces, but it's not the ONLY special forces unit out there. I can understand the size of the war, but for somebody's sake, deploy other friggin' spec ops once in a while.
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Tell me about it! The Trooper story is somewhat the same. Havoc Squad is the best of the special forces, but it's not the ONLY special forces unit out there. I can understand the size of the war, but for somebody's sake, deploy other friggin' spec ops once in a while.


They do. They just send Havoc Squad on the most important ones. :p


"Go kill this important leader of the Empire who's fate may determine the outcome of the war? There are OTHER Jedi in the galaxy!"

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Plot armor will prevent the Reppies from losing the war. It has since the OT. lol


Actually no! :p Mace Windu: "The Sith Will never rule the Galaxy AGAIN."


Plo Kun: "We have not seen this much action since the times of the old republic"


Death Watch Leader: "This is an ancient Lightsaber that from the times of the Old Republic."


All of these were mentioned DURING the clone wars DURING what we normally know as the "Old Republic", meaning there was an "Older" Republic.


Which right now there hasn't been except for the one you are playing now. Does this mean that the Empire will not fade, and fall? Hell no it will eventually, BUT your republic loses the war before that, and is dismantled in the process!



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Actually no! :p Mace Windu: "The Sith Will never rule the Galaxy AGAIN."


Plo Kun: "We have not seen this much action since the times of the old republic"


Death Watch Leader: "This is an ancient Lightsaber that from the times of the Old Republic."


All of these were mentioned DURING the clone wars DURING what we normally know as the "Old Republic", meaning there was an "Older" Republic.


Which right now there hasn't been except for the one you are playing now. Does this mean that the Empire will not fade, and fall? Hell no it will eventually, BUT your republic loses the war before that, and is dismantled in the process!




Ok, the Old Republic is from before Episode III. The Old Republic wasn't technically defeated. In fact, the Old Republic "won" Pally's fake war, and was then restructured as the Galactic Empire. Starting in the OT, the Republic was referred to as the Old Republic. The same Republic that became Pally's Galactic Empire Pizza Shoppe. :p


Also, during the dark times before TOR, the Sith Empire DID rule a huge chunk of the galaxy for quite a while. But the Republic never fell. That is probably what Windu was referring to.

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Ok, the Old Republic is from before Episode III. The Old Republic wasn't technically defeated. In fact, the Old Republic "won" Pally's fake war, and was then restructured as the Galactic Empire. Starting in the OT, the Republic was referred to as the Old Republic. The same Republic that became Pally's Galactic Empire Pizza Shoppe. :p


Also, during the dark times before TOR, the Sith Empire DID rule a huge chunk of the galaxy for quite a while. But the Republic never fell. That is probably what Windu was referring to.


Thats what Im saying...


"Old Republic" = Clone Wars Republic


The fact that people IN the clone wars referred to an "Old republic" (BEFORE the Galactic Empire) Means that a prior republic had to exist. AKA you :D




Sorry its not my fault my Bounty Hunter and the Empire totally rocks! Ok maybe its my fault...

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Thats what Im saying...


"Old Republic" = Clone Wars Republic


The fact that people IN the clone wars referred to an "Old republic" (BEFORE the Galactic Empire) Means that a prior republic had to exist. AKA you :D




Sorry its not my fault my Bounty Hunter and the Empire totally rocks! Ok maybe its my fault...


Or... and here's a scary thought... The Old Republic had been around so long that EVERYONE called it the Old Republic! :eek: Seriously, 10 millenia is a fairly long time for a standing government to be in power. At least I think it is. :D

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Or... and here's a scary thought... The Old Republic had been around so long that EVERYONE called it the Old Republic! :eek: Seriously, 10 millenia is a fairly long time for a standing government to be in power. At least I think it is. :D


HELL NO! My aunt molly has been around almost as much she doesnt call herself old!

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Thats what Im saying...


"Old Republic" = Clone Wars Republic


The fact that people IN the clone wars referred to an "Old republic" (BEFORE the Galactic Empire) Means that a prior republic had to exist. AKA you :D




Sorry its not my fault my Bounty Hunter and the Empire totally rocks! Ok maybe its my fault...


Or maybe, there was a Republic before THIS Republic, :o

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