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All good Pvp'ers are ###ed.


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Almost valor 60 on live... lol...


You have to admit making valor 60 and then having the gear be free for new 50's ... whew... that's painfull, but ok... Im down...


just why me... why always me...


it's a good change but, why DID I HAVE TO SUFFER...


I do have to say after making the grind to 60... it was pretty easy


Now it's easier... whatever.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Seriasx, you keep spouting the *same* thing over and over, as if repeating your opinion of what PvP should be makes it law. 1) It doesn't 2) It isn't law, not even close.


If you want "equal" pvp on all fronts; go play CS or a FPS; there's your equality for you. But even FPS games now have progression. You have levels and perks and all that ********.


You going to come back to me and say "Well it's not fair that this guy played more hours then me and got to Elite Rank 60 and unlocked these cool and useful perks, I want to be able to unlock the perks NOW! WAAAAAH QQ"


No, you aren't. You nut up, you play the games to get to whatever silly level system is in place and then you unlock your perk.


Now translate that to MMO's. I don't know if you have forgotten but the full name is MMO-RPG. RPG's have gear progression. Just because PvP has become some necessity that people clamor for doesn't mean PvP should change the face of how MMO's should deal with gear.


Again; I like even fights, but at the same time I don't like people hitting 50, and then not having to work for their gear. There's no sense of accomplishment if you get free gear just HANDED to you. Welfare Epics is all this is. You can hide behind any excuse or white-knight statement about "We want an even playing field" all you want. I don't buy it.


You want to know why I don't buy it? Because those dedicated to playing PvP will still continue to play, they'll get their gear regardless of any grind necessary to get it, and once they get their gear they will continue to play PvP. Making it easy to get Battlemaster will only do one thing, it will cause people to grind PvP to get gear so they have cool/useful gear for PvE. As someone else said in a previous post; this is a bad move. All this will do is encourage PvE's who have no desire to PvP to play just enough to get their gear, and then they will leave.


Either extreme in acquiring gear in pvp is bad. You make it too hard; and there's no sense of accomplishment because it becomes tedious. You make it too easy, and you trivialize the gear, you destroy PvE gear progression already in place, and you cause artifical inflation in the low-mid skilled PvP populace.


And you know what happens when you artificially inflate the population of PvPers who are going for their gear because it's easy to acquire? You don't get your "even playing field"; you get non-skilled PvE players who are pvping for easy gear. So your entire argument is fallacious, because the end-result you want is the complete opposite direction 1.2 will do.


Edit: Also this...




Pretty much my thoughts in a nutshell. Gear progression causes competition in a friendly environment. Only those who think gear makes a person good are the ones who want the changes in 1.2 to go through. You can put everyone in Battlemaster gear, it still won't change the fact you Seriasx don't know how to pvp. And that is why you lose. It's never been about "equal gear", you just don't know how to pvp, so you clamor for welfare epics; thinking that this will allow you to do well. *News Flash* It won't.

so I am not alone lol, but its a lost battle my freind.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


and why are good pvp'ers now f*****ed? i do not see any relation to pvp here, especially not to good pvp'ers.

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"All good PvPers"


Speak for yourself.


Valor 72, full battlemaster "the hard way" and I welcome the changes. Player vs player should be just that .. not player vs gear.


Good PvP players will love the even playing field to really shine, bad PvPer's will be show up to be gear whoring muppets.


I hate gear grinds in PvP, heck I'm not found of gear grinds in PvE either. Cosmetic *looks cool* stuff should be the rewards for rank / progression. Not stat points. IMO.


I've just skipped the entire thread, this is the winner.

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Losing a warzone will not yield many commendations anymore in 1.2. So it will take longer to get 1000 wz commendations for a scrandom ;)



WHAAAAAATTTTT!?!?!?! So now those of us that actually participate in objectives and try our best to be team players will get less commendations because numbnutz on our team want to run around death matching?


WONDERFUL. :rolleyes:

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BM gear is gonna be obsolete with WH gear anyway. I highly doubt WH will be 1000 comms per piece.


As for gear progression, l2gearup? IDK, every "real" BM and WH has been through the grind (yours truly included) and I have to say it didn't really take much effort, just 3+ hours to finish the dailies (Heroic2 and Heroic4 included). If you think that's too much time to trade for better gear maybe you can start pvping at lvl 1-49 and then quit PVP at 50.

Edited by ocping
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