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Guild advertising


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Is it just me or is the guild advertising really bad? I feel like a troll sometimes just posting a recruitment comment on, then just watching everyone else use that to advertise there own guild.. What i was thinking how would you guys like Guild advertiseing improved? Personally i think Guild noticeboards should be on major planets where you can register your guild and blurb. So then people looking for guilds can apply or see how to apply for the guilds through the notices.
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A guild notice board seems like a really nice feature.


I've seen guild search options in other games, I don't know if that's available or implemented in SWTOR or not, but if it is, I've missed it.


I'm still strongly of the opinion that the best guild ad is to play the game. Picking up people and helping them in flash points or heroics, or having open public rp events where you welcome and include other people who are not guilded is the best way to get people to feel like they are welcomed, wanted, and interested in being a stronger part of things.

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Is it just me or is the guild advertising really bad? I feel like a troll sometimes just posting a recruitment comment on, then just watching everyone else use that to advertise there own guild.. What i was thinking how would you guys like Guild advertiseing improved? Personally i think Guild noticeboards should be on major planets where you can register your guild and blurb. So then people looking for guilds can apply or see how to apply for the guilds through the notices.


Guild spamming is horrible, both in game on on the forums.


Bioware most assuredly needs a Guide Recruitment tool in world. Either a Guild Board on the respective Fleet or in the /Who section.


Then once they have a Guild Recruitment tool in place, they need to start passing out 3 day suspensions to anyone who spams the forums or in world General Chat.

Edited by JessieColt
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They do not seem to care about the community in this game. Server forums would have been nice for guilds. Their grouping of the servers was another fail in a long list of fails.


I can't disagree with you on this. It boils down to features that are standard in almost all MMO's at launch which are missing or completely ignored by this development team. I know they talk an awful lot about how much they love gaming, but how could they miss such basic, fundamental things needed for guilds and communities? They completely ignore or shut down so many integral features.


However, let's be fair, most of the stuff we're looking for was not intended to be cut out, but was buggy and no available yet. There will be many guild tools implemented in the 1.2 patch. Because I'm not a guild leader, I didn't personally read every detail listed in the patch notes for it, and don't know anything outside of the guild bank feature, but the fact that they're getting these issues bug-fixed and rolled out as patches still keep me here and willing to give them a chance to make it right.


So, until we get those separate server forums, I still say, simply playing the game and attracting members by meeting them and interacting with them in game in such a way that they want to be a part of your group is the best way to go about it. That's how my guild got me! They were around in large groups during RP events and I liked their style and asked to learn more.


You don't need a macro by the way. First of all, in game, hit Enter+Uparrow keys and it will re-type what you just last typed, and you can even cycle through about the last 10 posts or so by keeping down the enter key and releasing then hitting the uparrow key.


Also, you can cut and paste into the game. I've typed things in notepad outside the game, copied, and pasted it in say channels before.

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After reading everything in the 1.2 patch notes, its looks like we will be waiting for guilds to stop spamming as they are only implementing guild banks. i may actually make my guild event 'open' and post on chat that people can come along, and join if they want to. thanks for the advice guys.. lets just hope a dev reads this and see theres a few people who like the Guild noticeboard idea.
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I think a guild advert board on major planets would be a great idea. I am currently looking for a guild that I and a friend of mine can join on Krayiss Obelisk and can't get any other response other than advise to switch servers. Well, that would be okay but I can't transfer my characters and I have put too much work into them to start over from the beginning. I have seen requests that our server be merged with another underpopulated server but there seem to be quiet a few decent sized guilds for the Imperial side and I just want to join. Having a friend or two to do small missions with is fine but heroics are much easier to do when you have a group that knows how to work together.
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I'm surprised by the amount of people who join ANY guild who advertises in general chat. There is no way I'm going to spam general for members. Our guild's been around for 10 years now, and the people in our group are people I've met in game, and/or people I've met through the forums.


I can't imagine just wanting to join a chat spammer guild. That can't be what most people want in a guild, can it?

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I cant see the problem with a Guild Recruitment Chat channel. Has worked in EVE online for years.


The only reason I suggested it is, I am a new player to TOR and it seems very difficult to find guilds to join that are recruiting and suit my playstyle.

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real good guilds dont need to find players... good and willing players will make an effort in finding them, by either contacting members, or searching for the guilds website.


The better guilds dont want 'guildhoppers'.

Edited by syncronius
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I cant see the problem with a Guild Recruitment Chat channel. Has worked in EVE online for years.


The only reason I suggested it is, I am a new player to TOR and it seems very difficult to find guilds to join that are recruiting and suit my playstyle.



Try the Guild Quiz. IT's a pretty cool tool.

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real good guilds dont need to find players... good and willing players will make an effort in finding them, by either contacting members, or searching for the guilds website.


The better guilds dont want 'guildhoppers'.


So I get 1 hour a day to play, maybe I don't want to spend hours a day looking through the web to find a guild that is A) on my server B) suits my social play style C) a good guild, they all claim to be good! and lastly guild recruitment spamming is filling up the world general chat channel as thats the only place they can put it, forcing EVERYBODY to look at it which is clearly annoying a lot of people.


Small guilds will always spam chat channels, at least they would have somewhere they could put it

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real good guilds dont need to find players... good and willing players will make an effort in finding them, by either contacting members, or searching for the guilds website.


The better guilds dont want 'guildhoppers'.


I am that way. I will level to 50 without a guild rather than join random guild #1290 that spams invites or general with 'we are friendly and helpful and do lots of stuff hit me up for invite plz'. Then again, I'm looking for a smaller guild of mature players focused on end-game operations, not a guild that is basically a 100+ person glorified chat room.


But it is somewhat tough to find the right guild for me in SWTOR as no server only forums exist on this site (though some groups seems to have tried to build their own), no progression sites exist showing guilds by server and their progression (along with their recruiting / web information), and with the game still being fairly new many servers are in flux (my first one is shrinking fast) and many guilds seem to be less than stable.

Edited by DawnAskham
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So this would be for my own personal information and since this thread is based on guild advertising, i couldn't think of a better place to ask. When i come back to the states this Saturday, I had planned on starting up a new guild. I have a couple friends that wanted to try out the game so I will be hooking the 3 of them with the free trials from which I will be creating the guild. There really only doing the free trail to help me out with the creation of the guild and to putz around the game for the trial period.


Now, I know how annoying spamming can be as all of you have voiced your opinions on the guilds that spam advertise. The other thing i have noticed over the years is the random toss of invites to players. I hated it when i was in wow and I've had a couple random spams myself while I was leveling. What I end up doing with these random spam invites is just toss them aside to never think twice about joining.


What I wanted to ask is for a brand new guild just starting out with just myself doing the recruiting, how would you go about advertising your guild without the common use of spamming and random toss invites?


What I had in mind was to just hit up the starter area and spend a couple hours in there helping out others with quests and just chatting with the players just starting out with their first character. Do you think this would be a viable way to do the recruiting or should I make a different approach?

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Passive Recruitment: Recruiting on the forums is perhaps the least invasive option available to us at this time, however it is also the least effective, and quite simply if you don't want to see it, then don't go into that thread. Posting a thread complaining about someone else's thread seems kinda like something that is against the rules for me to call people.


Active Recruitment: Using General chat, while annoying is needed to get people who just play the game, and don't go to the forums.


Until such time as we are able to get a guild search option then using General chat and the forums will continue to be used, oh yeah and even after that because it's still done in WOW which has a guild search feature now.


Also according to BIOWARE CSR's (you can verify this by reporting someone for spam) Spam in chat is considered sending the same exact message in less then 30 seconds. Therefore sending a guild recruitment message is not Spam unless the sender is sending it once ever 29 seconds or less, myself, I normally send mine every time I turn in quests, not to be confused with every time I turn in a quest. Being as unobtrusive and non-derogatory as possible fosters a better community. I do my part by sending my guild ads as little as possible while maintaining my obligation to my guild to increase the amount of people in it by actively recruiting. Please do your part by not talking bad about people who are trying to fulfill obligations to their guild by actively recruiting people.

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I by no means "spam" in general chat, but I certainly do not have a problem throwing up a little message of specific classes we're looking for in our Operations groups.


Until Bioware decides to pull their head's out of their asses & give us actual server forums. I have a recruitment thread w/ over 700+ views, I'm sure the majority of people viewing it aren't even on my server.

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I'm surprised by the amount of people who join ANY guild who advertises in general chat. There is no way I'm going to spam general for members. Our guild's been around for 10 years now, and the people in our group are people I've met in game, and/or people I've met through the forums.


I can't imagine just wanting to join a chat spammer guild. That can't be what most people want in a guild, can it?


I completely agree. Why anyone would want complete strangers in their guild or want to join a guild that takes any old schmoe (we welcome all levels and all playstyles!) is beyond me. However there are many people who are like that. C'est la vie.


This is probably why my guild has remained small. :D

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I completely agree. Why anyone would want complete strangers in their guild or want to join a guild that takes any old schmoe (we welcome all levels and all playstyles!) is beyond me. However there are many people who are like that. C'est la vie.


This is probably why my guild has remained small. :D


So in other words you couldn't be bothered with making new friends and helping them become better at the game?


Thanks that is more people that will join my guild then, so that I can help them go from average to above average.

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So in other words you couldn't be bothered with making new friends and helping them become better at the game?


Thanks that is more people that will join my guild then, so that I can help them go from average to above average.


I'm as helpful as they get (been known to chase after newbies to buff/heal, for example). Doesn't mean everyone I help is someone I'd invite into the guild. All of us in the guild are quite picky. The guild is our escape from the masses you find in general chat. Why would we want to bring general chat into the guild?


That's great you enjoy that sort of thing. More power to you.


Also, didn't you know... you can make friends and actually not have them in your guild. Maybe they're already in one of their own that they're happy with. Imagine that. :o

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We will definitely take all levels and stuff, and generally I don't care if you have raided before, have experience, etc-- and I'm definitely for meeting new people and stuff- but I kind of feel like we are the only people who still 'interview' potentials for membership in our guild.


I've always felt like you can pretty much teach anyone how to avoid sucking at game play, but it's really hard to teach someone to be a decent human being, if they aren't one. And generally, I can pick out a douchecanoe pretty quickly.

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I am currently guild hunting right now, and I think a guild recruitment/advertisement/discussion channel would be an excellent idea! Maybe a guild notice board where people can put up a little "brochure" of their guild, their values, ideas, requirements to join, and maybe it can be updated with upcoming events and the like.
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