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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So you want us to test....


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lol, moved to suggestion forum where it will never get looked at again by another living soul.


Thanks, BW, we appreciate you listening to our concerns about not being able to actually test your patch in a meaningful manner.


I'm sure that 1.2 will be EVERY BIT as thoroughly-tested as the previous patches w/ class changes. Heh.

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Those of us that got copied are testing end game. I submitted close to twenty bug reports yesterday.


We cannot test Legacy right now as our copies did not include legacy levels. So that's on all of you who play the PTS regularly. You say you don't have time to level to 50? I don't have time to clear Act 1 on a separate character to open legacy on PTS.


Do your part. Stop whining. Help make this update better and stop creating these crap threads that have nothing to do with problems in the build. We started a thread yesterday and within minutes it was on page three, drowned out by all the complaint posts by players who aren't even on the PTS.


Some of us have different priorities, different things we care about, etc.


We would like to test those things.


For me, my primary interest is in the efficacy of the various healer classes, and their respective strengths, weaknesses, and balance.


I want to play a level 50 Sage, Scoundrel, and Commando. I want to heal Ops on all 3. I want to parse combat logs from all 3. I want to run theory on their respective balance, rotations, etc. That is what I care about, and what I want to test.


It is absolutely impossible for me to level 3 50s before this goes live.

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Those of us that got copied are testing end game. I submitted close to twenty bug reports yesterday.


We cannot test Legacy right now as our copies did not include legacy levels. So that's on all of you who play the PTS regularly. You say you don't have time to level to 50? I don't have time to clear Act 1 on a separate character to open legacy on PTS.


Do your part. Stop whining. Help make this update better and stop creating these crap threads that have nothing to do with problems in the build. We started a thread yesterday and within minutes it was on page three, drowned out by all the complaint posts by players who aren't even on the PTS.


That's nice for those of you who got copied.


It's a shame that you are just random guilds selected for various reasons and not me, so I can't really trust that you will test anything that I'm concerned about.


You don't have time to level to level 20, and you're disparaging people who don't have the time to level to 50? Seriously?


You seem to be missing the point entirely, that the majority of the changes on the PTS effect endgame, and only a select few will be able to test those changes. They need to be more rigorously and openly tested than just a few handpicked guilds.

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Yeah because everyone has time to level a mirror of their live character(s) on a test server. If they want more people testing (and they've said they do) then they need to make it easier for people to help.


I can see they might be worried about the PTS becoming flooded, so the solution is to limit the amount of copied characters you can have active (two would seem reasonable) and put a cooldown on the service to prevent it being flooded with people copying too frequently.



Could you share your impression of the class changes ?

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They have the tech and capabilites to easily give premade 50s to the testers.


They did it in a Closed Beta test.


I don't understand why they'd want us to test leveling up, for a patch that is pretty much exclusively about end game.


Early Game has been tested to death Bioware... Your class balancing at END GAME is what really needs to be tested.. lvl 10-20s isn't going to give you the proper metrics to make any necessary changes.


And the select few you chose to copy over... isn't going to give you enough metrics either.



Help us help you. C'mon.

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maybe just flag the account if you log on a lv50 char

on test flagged AC classes can talk to a npc who grants lv50 exp+some credits


so players can not use the pts to test out classes they do not have on live servers,but are able to test the ones they have.(less hard to do as char copy)


even 1 class only lv50 on pts would realy help testing

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Heck even Warhammer Online had maxlevel templates you could choose or char-copy in order to test stuff on the PTS.


Templates and leveling NPCs probably wouldn't completely work. To get your ship, you are required to do your class story. Sure a 50 could blow through the two starter planets but you would -still- be required to do so, to get your ship. Add in the fact you would not have a single companion for crew missions or to help do solo content.


Templates and leveling NPCs on the homeworld would allow players to get to Fleet and test FPs and Operations.

Edited by Brightglade
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Personally I believe when you hit level 50 on live they should just go ahead and copy all level 50 live toons that have logged on in the past week to the test server during maintenance cycles. And send them an in game mail letting them know they were copied.
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ya i read that also unreal how he had the nerve to say that his mindset seems to be so far off from how mmo players think.A ptr needs a char copy at the very least a npc or sumthing to test especially when the patch on the ptr is by far mostly lvl 50 players and no1 wants to lvl from 1.


Some people would want to level. Because yes, I agree a char copy or "Blue Frog" is needed, however people NEED to test the lower level stuff as well.


I'm level 16 on PTS and have already found several bugs that probably would of been missed at 50.


Like getting stuck in the BT Flashpoint (minor stuck and could of easily got out) instant killed, appears it does /stuck automatically.


My Companion in BT kept getting put away every time I went to a new area that needed to load.


And many more things would be missed.


But a char copy or blue frog needs to be put in place because once 1.2 is on live, PTS will go pretty quiet again so getting into Warzones will be impossible again.

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I would be happy with SOUND.....


It's so hard to play PVP games with no AUDIO. Most of the cutscenes have limited audio - It's like watching a SILENT film without dialouge cards. The mouths don't move.


BASIC audio files are missing or something. That's ridiculous.


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