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Most OP


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Stop worrying about which class is the most OP and play the class you enjoy the most in terms of story, mechanics, and playstyle. Anything else will lead to your eventual exit.




although the exit is usually not the case, it just ends up in rolling the next FOTM to be able to utilize bad skills to look better from what I have witnessed in other games

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I am looking for the most OP class. I heard sage when I first started, and I got to level 41. Problem is, now everyone is saying that was just a bunch of hype...so what is really the most OP class for PvP?


I am looking for the most OP troll. Can anyone tell me which one it is?

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Classes will change from pass to pass, there will never be 1 class on top for over a few months. I've always found that going with the "assassin" or "warrior" archetypes in MMOs usually guarantees a spot in the decent---->strong group.


Good players will always find a way to maximize their spec, unless your an operative of course--concealment ops are just dead lol.

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Stop worrying about which class is the most OP and play the class you enjoy the most in terms of story, mechanics, and playstyle. Anything else will lead to your eventual exit.


Sorry, No.


Playstyle: Kiting, CC, expected non-high dps, not smashing just a few buttons mindlessly, and making ppl QQ 'cause of mind $#!@ing.


Hope: Mesmer in GW2 being close to Mesmer in GW1.

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I am looking for the most OP troll. Can anyone tell me which one it is?


I am not a troll. I am 100% serious. Every game has its frost mage.


operatives are BY FAR the most op evarrr. roll an operative :p



I have been watching some Sorcs/Sages in the 1.2 PTS and they have been doing just fine in pvp


That sounds sarcastic, so I am not going to do that.


I am a healer on my sage, and perspective <<< math.

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I never understand the desire to play the OP class or the FOTM. The only fathomable reason is the desire to play a broken class so you can destroy those lower level or dominate classes that aren't up on that level. Eventually, your "OP" class will be nerfed or other classes will be brought up. Then you will have to re-roll another class, re-learn how to play, probably fail at doing so and turn a possible new "OP" class into a pathetic example of someone trying to play the FOTM and become a laughing stock.


Do yourself a favor and play something you enjoy, not something that is overpowered.

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I never understand the desire to play the OP class or the FOTM. The only fathomable reason is the desire to play a broken class so you can destroy those lower level or dominate classes that aren't up on that level. Eventually, your "OP" class will be nerfed or other classes will be brought up. Then you will have to re-roll another class, re-learn how to play, probably fail at doing so and turn a possible new "OP" class into a pathetic example of someone trying to play the FOTM and become a laughing stock.


Do yourself a favor and play something you enjoy, not something that is overpowered.


Because what people don't understand, is that if you find the right class you are FoTM all year round.


Look at frost mage in WoW. That class has excelled in PvP from day 1.

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I am looking for the most OP class. I heard sage when I first started, and I got to level 41. Problem is, now everyone is saying that was just a bunch of hype...so what is really the most OP class for PvP?


People like you are the reason game companies nerf things when not needed.

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I'll attempt to answer your question if you're honestly wanting a reply.


Marauder/Sentinel will probably be the strongest after 1.2 (they're already very powerful now). That is, if you learn how to play the AC correctly. Also don't listen to all the QQ about sages/sorcs they will still be very strong in warzones, their utility alone will be an asset to any team.

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All the OP classes are now underpowered. However, there was a hard to play class that was already OP (Had an OP spec, really), and they buffed it because most players couldn't learn to play


It's the Sage, by the way.





Shadow / Assassin.



Most OP - immune to class nerfs. Tis what the developers play.



Snipers are also immune to class nerfs and come in with: Built in leap immunity (To make the marauders cry), CC-immunity on demand low cd (To make the Sages cry, since CC is their only hope of killing anyone now), and heavy ranged/kenetic damage (To make the Sages cry even harder that they're burned in two seconds, and the Maraders are pretty squishy as well).


So yeah they only guys sniper proof are heavy armors -- Guardians and Troopers. Commando damage is garbage now since 90% of them rerolled for mindless Gravity non-plausible crap. Vangaurds are pro, though (OP class as well... *cough* cannot miss or be mitigated, whereas sniper DOES miss and IS mitigated *cough*), ahem.


So yar Snpier is nurf proof because the nerfbat is white damage and cover makes you immune

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