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BH Need An Interupt !


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I would like to see an interrupt added to the mercenary advanced class. All other classes have our damage and survival capabilities and this would greatly help keep us on a level playing field. Most of the classes already have this, we are just missing out because we heavy armor, 10% dmg reduction as arsenal, and a bunch of other stuff. Now that most of this is cut in 1.2, I am afraid we will need either a pvp sprint/leap/pull or an interrupt. Edited by DkSharktooth
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I did Battle of Ilum HM last night with a Jug, Assassin, and Operative healer. I'm Arsenal. At least 2 of the boss fights depended on interrupting the bosses casts. The tank was generally busy holding aggro and constantly getting stunned/knocked back. The assassin was often trying to avoid taking aggro and sometimes missing interrupts.


In both fights, I just had to sit there stealth scanning and/or DPS'ing and watching the AOE of DOOM casting bar fill up without any ability for me to interrupt/stop it. We spent like 100k in repairs. I don't think that many of our wipes would have happened if I had the ability to interrupt boss NPC casting just like every other class.


It seems like those HM fights are designed especially with ranged interrupt classes in mind. Since we didn't have one, it seemed to make them a lot tougher. Maybe the group would have cleared things smoothly with a Sniper instead of a Merc DPS?


Just because you don't have an interrupt doesn't make it your fault that your squad is wiping. With both an assassin and a jug, you should've had more than enough interrupts for those fights. Could've even had the operative on backup interrupts.

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Oh for the love of....


My main is a Merc DPS BH, so I will say two things to address this thread:


PvE/Solo/Group - I just read that Zoeller quote and it makes me :mad:. If he won't add an interupt because the raid/PvE content doesn't require it, I just don't understand that at all. As others have mentioned, there are NPC's that can heal ridiculously pre-50 and there are certain heroics that require interupts. Raids also suffer based on group composition. I raid with a group of friends and 2 of our DPS are Arsenal BH's. Why does the raid suffer because 2 of us wanted to play a Merc BH? Makes no sense


PvP - This is the more valid argument that we need one. If he says we will have too much "combat utility" if we get an interupt... oh my lord... So we have 1 knockback, 1 melee 4m knockback, 1 stun, and 1 CC. Our knockback is inferior to say, Sorc, because there's has an insta root effect and not just a slow. Our melee knockback is laughable because if they have resolve it doesn't do anything to interupt. Our 1 stun ability is laughable as others have noted because if they have resolve, it doesn't interupt anything either. And our 1 CC ability... bleh its very situational and every class has a CC-breaker.


The pure fact that every single AC in this game EXCEPT for Merc's gets an interupt ability (correct me if I'm wrong) is beyond ridiculous.


/end rant


I do ops with my guild and in the last run we had 3 mercs. We cleared the op without any problems. The fact that you're having trouble means either your group doesn't have the skill to run ops yet or they aren't geared for it yet. Also could be problem with your strats, idk you'll have to figure that out on your own. Point being you should have no trouble running an op with 2 or more Mercs, given that they are geared and know what they are doing.


As for PvP... thanks for going over how resolve works and making sure everyone knows about their CC-breaker.

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31 point in pyro should be an interupt.


In fact all classes should have a 31 point skill that their class needs badly and if making sense should be found in their less optimal tree. We would see a lot more diversity then and the "less optimal" tree might not be considered that badly.


Fact is commando/bh with an interupt would be awesome but an arsenal/gunn specd BH would be a bit too much of a destroyer of all other casters if they had an interupt. I sed to destroy stuff on my commando without the need for an interupt. Yes i did want one to make life easy but i didnt actually need one.

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Regardless of what Zoeller says (he plays a sorcerer), we DO need an interrupt. That one-eyed dude on Voss for example, you need to interrupt his casts or he'll take half your health off but I managed to kill him by kiting around the pillars constantly and healing myself, it was a long *** fight too (on my Powertech, he was stupidly easy that he died in less than a minute). There were those mobs of 3 cross healers that I couldn't kill at all so I just ran away, not even mako's "hold" stun helped.


As for pvp, interrupt helps as well, nevermind the stupid rocket punch kb and such, they don't add a 4 second cooldown to the interrupted ability like interrupt does.

Edited by Sookster
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Now I usually wouldnt post about charcters abilites and what not but this is not a compilant its a need. Its really sad to see that our only interupt is on a 1Min cooldown. I literally sat at a fight for 30 min trying to kill and NPC that was able to heal constanly. Serious give us a real interupt.


I think we have plenty of interrupts, if you don't believe me watch my video blew as a Tank Hybird with low Dps CCing and killing healers.


What we do really need is more survivability CDs like Marauder/sentinels that come with 4 incredible survivability abilities: 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds, Vanish for 4 seconds and 100% damage reduction ( if Speced ), Reubuke: 20% damage reduction lasting for 30 seconds! you need to be hit every 6 seconds for the skill to refresh automatically, which is nothing to worry about considering dots can refresh that ability and finally, Deflection 25% damage reduction + 50% chance do deflect all range and melee for about 12-15 seconds if I'm not mistaken.


We could also point out that Jaugs/Knights get Deflection as well which is 25% damage reduction and 50% chance to deflect and as well as 40% damage reduction skill if Speced, also AoE CC for 6 seconds to escape combat.


Assassins/Shadows get Immunity to Force/Tech for 3-5seconds! and also get Deflection 25% damage reduction and 50% deflection further more having Vanish and sprint to escape combat.



Lets see what BHs/Troopers get for Defensive CDs 25% damage reduction for 12 seconds.


Your Thoughts on this and thank you.

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