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warzones at lvl50 are less fun


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At lvl40-49 I like warzones I even could get up to 4 medals. (75k, killing blow, 10kill, 25kills)


But now at level 50 it is just no fun anyomore. I get killed by all classes in about 3 seconds in 1vs1. Also the most medals I ever got since I dinged 50 was 1 (10 kills). So is there any reason to keep playing PvP once you reach 50?

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10-49 warzones are awful.


So many people don't know what they are doing. Classes/abilities are not balanced. Very few people heal in this bracket (cause no-one levels as a healer). Everyone crumbles in seconds.


10-49 pvp is a big death zerg.


As a fresh 50 it will be rough for a few days but then when you have some gear it will be so much more fun than it was in the 10-49 bracket.

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Umm yah. To get the gear so you can compete like you did in the 10-49 bracket again.


10-49could I did with quest gear. Now I need 1000's of mercenary and warzone tokens. To het 1000 mercenary tokens I need 30.000 warzone tokens. So those 31.000 total of warzone tokens will come very slow when I get 0 or 1 medal each battle. But when I do have them I get maybe 1 or 2 pieces of gear form the tokens I get from opening champion bags.


When I dinged 50 I opened 6 bags. Those bags gave me enough tokens to buy 1 centurion item.


Last 2 days I did the 30 warzones daily without getting a single win.

Edited by Gformutorila
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Now I need 1000's of mercenary and warzone tokens. To het 1000 mercenary tokens I need 30.000 warzone tokens. So those 31.000 total of warzone tokens will come very slow


You change Warzone to Mercenary in a 3:1 ratio.

Thats 4000 Warzone commendations not 31000 to buy one Battlemaster token.


And the Dailies/Weeklies on top of that.

A Centurion/Champ Mix is very fast and easy to get and already competitive.


the most medals I ever got since I dinged 50 was 1


Doing the dirty work in Alderaan and guarding left gives already 2 medals.


May i ask which class you play?

I can enter a Warzone at level 14 and get more medals than you ever got in the 1-49 bracket.

You are doing something seriously wrong.

Edited by Sabredance
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You are right about that. I play sniper. In the lvl50 bracket I have not seen a crit for over 2.3k.


Something is wrong with you rotation then, serious.


Please explain cause I can throw down the exact rotation for all three builds, and I put a million credits you will hit over 4k unless they are a Tank with a shield up, or some other defensive proc is up.


You going to tell me you don't crit a light armor Sage/Sorc for 4k at level 50?


I am in shock.

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3 Weeks ago I hit 50. Today I just hit 60 valor and have my first piece of BM gear (not including Implants and Ear piece)


From Valor 50 to 53 (first weekend), I had a 60% win ratio, and was starting to get MVP votes by the end of the Weekend.


Hitting 50 was not painful at all for me, even solo queing.


With that said, this morning I kept seeing some very good imp teams that kept rolling our team. Normally I only eat a few deaths as a Sawbones, but I was getting trounced repeatedly this morning. I only recognized maybe 1 other player on my team each game, and most of the same Imps from game to game. I am guessing it was a mixture of a very experienced Imp teams vs less experienced Pub teams. I don't think our teams were severely under geared compared to teams I normally play with, just not as coordinated.


I think you may just be on a server where your faction is just at a disadvantage skill/experience/gear wise in the 50 bracket. If the other side has a ton of good players/premades, you will lose a lot until your faction can skill/gear up.

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Something is wrong with you rotation then, serious.


Please explain cause I can throw down the exact rotation for all three builds, and I put a million credits you will hit over 4k unless they are a Tank with a shield up, or some other defensive proc is up.


You going to tell me you don't crit a light armor Sage/Sorc for 4k at level 50?


I am in shock.


Well in most cases sage sorc will have a shield up. My stats are:

Damage 5705-6335

bonus damage 287.5

crit chance 32.84%

crit multiplier 54.28%


When I crit sage/sorc I do between 1.8k and 2.3k damage. When I have the time I open with Ambush, the n explosive probe + laz snipe then follow through. That will do about 2-4k damage in total if I do not get any deflect/doge/absorb etc. In most cases some damage will be nullified in one way or an other due to defensive capabilities.

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10-49 WZs are full of terrible players and horribly unbalanced.


Also it's ridiculously easy to get competitive gear in this game, it takes maybe 4-5 days to get full Cent/Champ gear.

Suck it up, get some gear and you'll see how much better 50 WZs are.

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Don't enter a WZ again until you've done enough dailies to have 126-rating armorings and barrels in every slot you don't already have Centurion for.


Save Champ commos until you can afford a Champ rifle. It's huge. Also offhand...

Edited by flem
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At lvl40-49 I like warzones I even could get up to 4 medals. (75k, killing blow, 10kill, 25kills)


But now at level 50 it is just no fun anyomore. I get killed by all classes in about 3 seconds in 1vs1. Also the most medals I ever got since I dinged 50 was 1 (10 kills). So is there any reason to keep playing PvP once you reach 50?


Play for a day, get your centurion and the game is transformed, you wont be king of the heap but you will be cometitive. 50 pvp is generally a much closer game than the lower levels.


Or just wait till 1.2 when you can buy the entry pvp gear for credits


regardless its still the same thing over and over again, this game needed 9-12 different warzones at launch

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Don't enter a WZ again until you've done enough dailies to have 126-rating armorings and barrels in every slot you don't already have Centurion for.


Save Champ commos until you can afford a Champ rifle. It's huge. Also offhand...


Thats rubbish although it was admittedly my intention. I got bored on my vanguard and ground out 30 warzones in a day and was in cent/champ mix.


The dailies are irrelevent and not worth the bother

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Don't enter a WZ again until you've done enough dailies to have 126-rating armorings and barrels in every slot you don't already have Centurion for.


Save Champ commos until you can afford a Champ rifle. It's huge. Also offhand...


How can I get the 126 gear if I cannot enter war zones to do my daily quests?

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  • 2 weeks later...
PvE dailies on Belsavis and Ilum.


I am doing the normal quests on Belsavis now, I have not found dailies there yet, are they solo or group dailies. Never been to Ilum might go there once I'm finish the quests on Belsavis or Imight go to Vos first to do the quests there.

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Getting tired of people implying SWTOR is 100% gear based pvp at level 50.


Yes...You get slaughtered in your level 40 quest greens in a level 50 bracket. Is that really surprising? Make some effort to upgrade yourself as much as possible through crafting and the GTN. All you need to compete against the top PVP geared players is Centurion gear...And you can pretty much get 1 piece of Cent gear PER DAY if you do the daily quests. In 1 week you can get a total of...13 pieces of Centurion gear not even counting spending your commendations on champ bags...


Honestly anyone that talks like PVP is impossible to progress at level 50 is just brainwashed from every other mmo on the market where that's the case. SWTOR is completely different. They basically THROW the first tier of PVP gear at you. It's just up to YOU to actually work towards it.


But yeah, a good Cent geared player can easily beat a good Battlemaster geared player. People are just making excuses for being bad when they lose.


It was exactly the same with Hard Mode Flashpoints back near launch. So many bad players were insisting hard modes were way too hard meanwhile they were all wearing level 40 quest greens with level 30 mods in them. People seem to think that the moment you ding level 50 you're ready to kick *** in hard modes and pvp. No...You arent. Do what every other decent player did and optimize your gear as much as possible through crafting and the GTN. If you're going into level 50 PVP without lvl 50 purple mods in EVERY armor/weapon slot then complaining about how hard it is, you're doing it way wrong. You can get like 3-4 level 50 purple mods PER DAY just doing Ilum and Belsavis daily quests. So there's ZERO excuse to go into hard modes and 50 PVP brackets completely undergeared.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Getting tired of people implying SWTOR is 100% gear based pvp at level 50.


Yes...You get slaughtered in your level 40 quest greens in a level 50 bracket. Is that really surprising? Make some effort to upgrade yourself as much as possible through crafting and the GTN. All you need to compete against the top PVP geared players is Centurion gear...And you can pretty much get 1 piece of Cent gear PER DAY if you do the daily quests. In 1 week you can get a total of...13 pieces of Centurion gear not even counting spending your commendations on champ bags...


Honestly anyone that talks like PVP is impossible to progress at level 50 is just brainwashed from every other mmo on the market where that's the case. SWTOR is completely different. They basically THROW the first tier of PVP gear at you. It's just up to YOU to actually work towards it.


But yeah, a good Cent geared player can easily beat a good Battlemaster geared player. People are just making excuses for being bad when they lose.


It was exactly the same with Hard Mode Flashpoints back near launch. So many bad players were insisting hard modes were way too hard meanwhile they were all wearing level 40 quest greens with level 30 mods in them. People seem to think that the moment you ding level 50 you're ready to kick *** in hard modes and pvp. No...You arent. Do what every other decent player did and optimize your gear as much as possible through crafting and the GTN. If you're going into level 50 PVP without lvl 50 purple mods in EVERY armor/weapon slot then complaining about how hard it is, you're doing it way wrong. You can get like 3-4 level 50 purple mods PER DAY just doing Ilum and Belsavis daily quests. So there's ZERO excuse to go into hard modes and 50 PVP brackets completely undergeared.


Getting the 3 daily wins took me 4 days, I finnished my weekly warzones played by that time.

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I am doing the normal quests on Belsavis now, I have not found dailies there yet, are they solo or group dailies. Never been to Ilum might go there once I'm finish the quests on Belsavis or Imight go to Vos first to do the quests there.


You need to finish your story quest in order to unlock all the daily quests that grant daily commendations.


Once you finish your story quest you will get a new quest that leads you to the Ilum dailies. Then to start the Belsavis daily quests the chain starts on the Belsavis space port.

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Getting the 3 daily wins took me 4 days, I finnished my weekly warzones played by that time.


Then it sounds like your faction is really bad more so than you are undergeared.


All a warzone needs is a good group of 4 players and they can carry everyone else to victory. So you seem to be getting teamed up with a bunch of baddies. In that case I feel your pain. But it's still definitely NOT a gear issue.

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You need to finish your story quest in order to unlock all the daily quests that grant daily commendations.


Once you finish your story quest you will get a new quest that leads you to the Ilum dailies. Then to start the Belsavis daily quests the chain starts on the Belsavis space port.


Tnx, I do have a quest to go to Ilum but never went there. Sometimes I'm an idiot and want to finish all the non heroic quests on a planet. Thus I sometimes keep on doing gray quests.

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At lvl40-49 I like warzones I even could get up to 4 medals. (75k, killing blow, 10kill, 25kills)


But now at level 50 it is just no fun anyomore. I get killed by all classes in about 3 seconds in 1vs1. Also the most medals I ever got since I dinged 50 was 1 (10 kills). So is there any reason to keep playing PvP once you reach 50?


If what you say here is true you should really just /uninstall. Up to 4 medals, lol? I get 6+ every match at lvl 20.


Please do yourself and anyone unlucky enough to end up in a WZ witgh you a favor.

Edited by Ruuprect
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If what you say here is true you should really just /uninstall. Up to 4 medals, lol? I get 6+ every match at lvl 20.


Please do yourself and anyone unlucky enough to end up in a WZ witgh you a favor.


They came in looking for help, no need to pile on.


It truly is a gear issue more than anything, you simply have to take your lumps as a fresh 50 and acquire some gear before you are competitive. Before you have around 300 expertise you are at a huge disadvantage in both damage done and damage taken.


Save up for your champ weapon as priority since you are a pure DPS class this will make the most difference in your ability to contribute damage.

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