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1.2 Marauder PvP-Gear (i can haz sreens?)


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The Agent looks stupid almost as bad as their beer hat pvp one they have now, Warrior looks terrible looks like Vader visited japan and got hooked on power rangers, Inquisitor doesn't look too terrible and jedi knight is a joke. The two best looking classes has to be Trooper and BH, BH pvp looks great love that shoulder mounted cannon.
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Ok, for marauders....its an improvement. Still incredibly ugly.


The current centurion-BM marauder gear looks incredibly terrible on a small body style, and still looks like some kind of robot-juggernaught hybrid when applied to a larger body style.



Eventhough i look like a red spartan in my orange-mod-gear from belsavis-voss-corelia...at least i get a skirt and cape...which reminds me of both star wars and roman/greek mythology (not good) but still much better than the "am i a robot now?" centurion-champ-BM gear that looks god aweful on small body styles....i really think they expect all marauders to choose the large muscular body types (wish i had gone fat tbh)

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Thought this was Star Wars .....


My thoughts exactly. I mean I don't know a ton about the EU but why would you make a Star Wars game and go out of your way to make it look NOTHING like ANYTHING that was seen in the movies? Isn't that what the average gamer would relate to the best? Why make this game look like some weird fantasy game when it's STAR WARS?

Edited by getdownsb
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Looks like they crossed WoW with Final Fantasy.


Oh well, new armor is new armor. I think I saw something on the release/sneak peak video about coloring the armor? If so, then that'll make it less painful.


Will probably end up staying with basic end-game PVP armor and trying NOT to get this....




Just the cape.


I want a cape.

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Guess I'm one of the few who actually likes the chestpiece compared to our current raid tier. Not a fan of the helm however. Probably going to keep my inquisitor robe + karagga cap either way. Edited by Nessirin
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They should fired the designers for this kind of work, at this rate customers will quit and run away swtor.


And don't "pretend/act" to be "shocked" my dear designers, not just here ppl are give bad comments about the now armor design but also in youtube, gamefaqs, IGN...etc.


For the love of god plz redesign the armor again from scratch before 1.2 is out, the concept alone is terrible.


If you guys are going to pretend my post is invisible, fine by all means it's your own grave.

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