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Arsenal Mercs...why?

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What are you all crying about? Merc/Commandos are definitely extremely strong and easily made into a Dps Hybrid. Tracer Missile/Grav round can easily decimate any class out there. Alot of you are looking from a 1 vs 1 perspective, but in a team they're way to deadly. Don't believe me, go face a Commando squad of 4-5 dps/heal hybrids and tell me that wasn't just unfair. (Fyi, this is 75% percent of the warzones I play in.)


We needed a nerf, and we're extremely durable. Thank goodness Bioware isn't listening to the waves of angry Q.Q'ers over these nerfs that are... Around the Board!


1.2 patch notes aren't set in stone, they're on the test server for a reason. Good chances are... alot of you are gonna look like morons when the official 1.2 rolls out with softened nerfs and all classes are still powerful in their own way.


Ps. I'm a 50 merc healer, and one of the few Merc healers on my server. I can hold a turret from a team of 5 enemies for over 40 seconds, long enough for support to arrive. That's OP. When I was heal/dps hybrid, I could heal my squad, and then quickly switch to Tracer Missile and demolish the Sin/Warrior sent to harras me.

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What are you all crying about? Merc/Commandos are definitely extremely strong and easily made into a Dps Hybrid. Tracer Missile/Grav round can easily decimate any class out there. Alot of you are looking from a 1 vs 1 perspective, but in a team they're way to deadly. Don't believe me, go face a Commando squad of 4-5 dps/heal hybrids and tell me that wasn't just unfair. (Fyi, this is 75% percent of the warzones I play in.)


We needed a nerf, and we're extremely durable. Thank goodness Bioware isn't listening to the waves of angry Q.Q'ers over these nerfs that are... Around the Board!


1.2 patch notes aren't set in stone, they're on the test server for a reason. Good chances are... alot of you are gonna look like morons when the official 1.2 rolls out with softened nerfs and all classes are still powerful in their own way.


Ps. I'm a 50 merc healer, and one of the few Merc healers on my server. I can hold a turret from a team of 5 enemies for over 40 seconds, long enough for support to arrive. That's OP. When I was heal/dps hybrid, I could heal my squad, and then quickly switch to Tracer Missile and demolish the Sin/Warrior sent to harras me.




I think it just seems OP because people don't know how to handle mercenaries defensive capabilities. The 5 players you mentioned could have easily stunlocked you and capped. A good DPS with an interrupt can **** a mercenary. Emphasis is on the word good, because lets face it, there's a lot of bad pvp players out there.

I do feel that they made tracer missile too good. Stacking that debuff up just allows you to obliterate most enemies.

Edited by Ehlin
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Incorrect. While there is a widespread assumption that Force attacks ignore armor, this is untrue. Only attacks that deal Internal or Elemental damage bypass armor. The overwhelming majority of Force attacks (and tech attacks, for that matter) deal either Kinetic or Energy. For example, all of a Sorc's lightning attacks deal energy damage and therefore are mitigated by armor. The only effects a Sorc has that bypass armor are Affliction, Creeping Terror, Death Field, and Thundering Blast. All of them are mitigated either by being DoTs or possessing a 9-15 second cooldown (or both), and TB is mutually exclusive with CT and DF. All other damage effects from a Sorc are Energy or Kinetic. This same pattern exists in most classes, so your armor at least is far more beneficial than you seem to think.


White versus Yellow signifies whether the attack can be defended and shielded against or not, nothing more. Read the article I wrote on it here for a more thorough explanation.


On a side note, I'm not sure if it's been posted around these forums yet or not, but the current PTS game files are showing a 30% buff to Heatseeker Missiles, rather than the 10% buff stated in the patch notes. To be specific, the formula for HsM in 1.1.5 is:


[273.7 to 370.3] + 200% Bonus Damage


The one currently present in the 1.2 PTS files is:


[338.1 to 499.1] + 260% Bonus Damage


Update to this, by the way. The TM nerf was more than a 10% nerf as well:


1.1.5: [289.8 to 386.4] + 211% Bonus


1.2: [210.91 to 339.71] + 171% Bonus


Approximately an 18.75% nerf to damage, contrary to the 10% stated in the patch notes.

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Update to this, by the way. The TM nerf was more than a 10% nerf as well:


1.1.5: [289.8 to 386.4] + 211% Bonus


1.2: [210.91 to 339.71] + 171% Bonus


Approximately an 18.75% nerf to damage, contrary to the 10% stated in the patch notes.


they adjusted crit and surge and power as well, so that is where the extra is coming from, it is across the board so in pvp not an issue but in pve enrage timers will probably have to be adjusted

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they adjusted crit and surge and power as well, so that is where the extra is coming from, it is across the board so in pvp not an issue but in pve enrage timers will probably have to be adjusted


Negative, those are the base formulae, changes to power, crit, and surge have no effect on them. In addition, though they stated they adjusted crit, surge, and power, no adjustments to them are present in the game files as of yet (the only stat with a change to it's conversion formula thus far is Expertise).

Edited by Daellia
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What are you all crying about? Merc/Commandos are definitely extremely strong and easily made into a Dps Hybrid. Tracer Missile/Grav round can easily decimate any class out there. Alot of you are looking from a 1 vs 1 perspective, but in a team they're way to deadly. Don't believe me, go face a Commando squad of 4-5 dps/heal hybrids and tell me that wasn't just unfair. (Fyi, this is 75% percent of the warzones I play in.)


We needed a nerf, and we're extremely durable. Thank goodness Bioware isn't listening to the waves of angry Q.Q'ers over these nerfs that are... Around the Board!


1.2 patch notes aren't set in stone, they're on the test server for a reason. Good chances are... alot of you are gonna look like morons when the official 1.2 rolls out with softened nerfs and all classes are still powerful in their own way.


Ps. I'm a 50 merc healer, and one of the few Merc healers on my server. I can hold a turret from a team of 5 enemies for over 40 seconds, long enough for support to arrive. That's OP. When I was heal/dps hybrid, I could heal my squad, and then quickly switch to Tracer Missile and demolish the Sin/Warrior sent to harras me.


I am going to point out that if TM decimated ANYONE, they deserved it. Even a clicker can push W A S or D and move out of range or LOS of a TM. An electro dart is not enough time to nuke someone from a Tracer either.


So, please, stow that "TM decimated people" BS. It decimated those that didn't know how to move and that is it. Not saying stacking debuffs into one ability is OK and that's not even the argument. I am just sick of hearing "OMG TM spammers are ruining everything with their one shotting people left and right", it's old, it's bulls*** and it needs to go away.


Hell, I am pyro and I am sick of hearing about it.

Edited by Ortof
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both in full rakata gear I popped two whole rotations on a friend operative healing himself, then stacked my relics and adrenals and popped stun and another full rotation.


I was overheated and he was jumping around healing himself. :) around 35% hp


rotation is 3TM-unload-HSM-2TM-railshot

Edited by Wisz_Rethon
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both in full rakata gear I popped two whole rotations on a friend operative healing himself, then stacked my relics and adrenals and popped stun and another full rotation.


I was overheated and he was jumping around healing himself. :) around 35% hp


rotation is 3TM-unload-HSM-2TM-railshot


unless the buff for railshot dmg between 2 and 5 stacks is considerable larger in 1.2, rs after hsm and get it on cd. also, 2x tm and get the other abilites on cd.


3 consecutive tm and you aggro a team.

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Did you guys also realize that our Power Barrier damage reduction is going from 10% down to 5% at the max stack of 5.


Hooray for taking 5% more damage while doing less at the same time.


The crystal mortar is becoming a glass potato gun.

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Negative, those are the base formulae, changes to power, crit, and surge have no effect on them. In addition, though they stated they adjusted crit, surge, and power, no adjustments to them are present in the game files as of yet (the only stat with a change to it's conversion formula thus far is Expertise).


you have + bonus damage in your post, that is including power and aim, not just base... or was that misleading to me somehow?

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both in full rakata gear I popped two whole rotations on a friend operative healing himself, then stacked my relics and adrenals and popped stun and another full rotation.


I was overheated and he was jumping around healing himself. :) around 35% hp


rotation is 3TM-unload-HSM-2TM-railshot


what this says to me is the old rotation is not viable, you are calling out the pve never overheat rotation there fyi...


so rotations have to change.


fyi IMO if a healer vs dps and healer JUST HEALS, one dps should NOT be able to bring him down ... again that is an IMO thing based on playing mmo's for 14 years

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im a level 19 merc so i dont even have tracer yet. BUT i have power shot, which is replaced by tracer.


i hardly ever use it in a pvp setting. maybe when tracer is unlocked i'll use that equivalent a little more but the whole stationary 1.5 second cast time usually spells doom for me. which is weird because it didnt bother me when i was playing my gunslinger. . ..




ive got 7 screenshots of me currently as top dps for both teams.


in fact, ive played 4 pvp matches as of writing this and i havent used power shot once.

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you have + bonus damage in your post, that is including power and aim, not just base... or was that misleading to me somehow?


Ah, wait, so you were implying that their 10% quotes included the changes to stats as well? My mistake, I thought you meant that the formulae themselves would change due to stat changes (which isn't the case, since the stat changes would just affect the conversation rate of Power/Aim to Damage Bonus).


I don't think they would have been that comprehensive in their quotes, to be perfectly honest. In addition, that would make their quotes only accurate for a very specific subset of gear.


Let's say they increase the conversion rate for Aim and Power by 15%. If you had 750 Tech Bonus previously, now you have 862.5. If you had 400 Damage bonus previously, you now have 460. With the above TM formula change, this would be a 10.2% nerf if you had 400 Tech Bonus in 1.1.5 (and therefore now have 460 in 1.2), while it would be only an 8.9% nerf if you had 750 (and therefore now have 862.5). If we're including crit changes and such in there as well, any even larger disparity over gear level exists.


Honestly, I think they just didn't really look at the numbers properly. It wouldn't be the first time, either. Assassins and Shadows have a spec ability that states their Shock/Project spell does 25% more damage, but it's only actually been an ~18.5% increase in damage since closed Beta.

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