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rage v anni v carnage pvp 1.2


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Not quite on the rage and carnage side


Things that help Carnage


Carnage supposedly gets a damage buff to ataru (testing pending on this one)


Ravage is now uninteruptable base tied with the carnage talent it is both a root and uninteruptable making it unstopabble if you are at full resolve


Ravage now has a talent that buffs it's damage


Force camo now reduces 50% damage across all specs and anni loses the damage reduction on phantom


The useless erupting fury is replaced by a talent that makes charge root


short fuse has been moved to T1 of anni making it awesome for all specs this was one of the best reasons to be anni


Predation now affects all ppl in an op and ferocity's speed buff to pred is moved to unbound in the carnage tree


Things that help rage


Berserk will give full stacks of shockwave


we get juggs decimate


Short fuse


We get an ability that if we crit on vslash we have a chance to get 2 rage back combined with the 1 refunded from anni tree this has the potential to give us free fury sometimes


obliterate is now a 1 sec root as well


With short fuse and berserk it should be possible to hit 2 smashes of doom in the same blood thirst window (build bt up naturally, smash, wait for cd, pop frenzy, pop zerk and smash again).




Now these things may or may not change your mind but I can say they are enough to make me hit some dummies and parse come live.


I hear ya...but im just not convinced th arturu buff is going to be enough to counter any defensive gains in anni via their heals (didnt factoer force camo in since the the changes)..also with rage they already get a great burst mechanic with rage and they get a passive dmg reduction skill.


I love hearing that a lot of the shortfall with ravage are going to be addressed in carnage, but again, like force choke, it takes us out of the battle for the duration, and unless ravage is getting a dmg boost, you seem** to get better dps doing other things than letting ravage play out, i still see ravage as very situational



Other than the above mentioned skeptism that carnage will be good enough DPS wise to overcome the other trees survivability...everythings looking good. Theres already a good amount of marauders, i see more in the 50 bracket (and sents) than i see sorcs. This games going to be PACKED with marauders come 1.2 i suspect.


Now...if only they could...make pvp gear look good on them...so ugly at 50...so very ugly

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I'm going carnage for rated for the pure simple reason that predation buff switched over there.

It got buffed inmensely [ Now applies to all operation members], and in every single WZ, people that get to the node first always get an advantage(especially in the new WZ)

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I've been playing Carnage for a few days now (I didn't really give it a second look after level 40), it's very enjoyable to play, the burst is really good, but it sucks on survivability. Prior to Carnage I played Rage. Not because I think Rage is better, but because it's easier (I know, I'm a baddie, blah blah). I honestly have trouble keeping annihilator up in PvP, and I panic when folks don't die quick enough. Annihilation feels clunky to me in WZ's.


By far, Anni is the best spec imo atm. They are the hardest for me to duel, and I respect those who are good enough to play it. Who knows, maybe when I can see the procs, I'll be better at playing it XD. Right now my buff icons are about the size of a pea on my 32" screen.

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I've been playing Carnage for a few days now (I didn't really give it a second look after level 40), it's very enjoyable to play, the burst is really good, but it sucks on survivability. Prior to Carnage I played Rage. Not because I think Rage is better, but because it's easier (I know, I'm a baddie, blah blah). I honestly have trouble keeping annihilator up in PvP, and I panic when folks don't die quick enough. Annihilation feels clunky to me in WZ's.


By far, Anni is the best spec imo atm. They are the hardest for me to duel, and I respect those who are good enough to play it. Who knows, maybe when I can see the procs, I'll be better at playing it XD. Right now my buff icons are about the size of a pea on my 32" screen.


Rage isnt easier than Annihilation. It's a matter of practice.


I've been playing annihilation since a long long time. it's like riding a bicycle for me now playing this spec.


I cant say the same for RAGE as I dont use it enough since weeks. I simply lack the practice with it.

Edited by atreyuz
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Rage isnt easier than Annihilation. It's a matter of practice.


I've been playing annihilation since a long long time. it's like riding a bicycle for me now playing this spec.


I cant say the same for RAGE as I dont use it enough since weeks. I simply lack the practice with it.


I guess it's preference. I think watching procs/debuffs is more difficult than 1,2,3, SMASH! lol Rage is definitely the easiest tree for me.

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phantom no longer grants 100% damage reduction


ferocity replaced with a weak talent and moved to carnage


oh the humanity




since I considered anyone who picked up 2/2 Phantom pre-patch an idiot.


are you serious? 100% damage reduction is huge in huttball which pops constantly

Edited by HBninjaX
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What do you do if the marauder force cloaks your gore? Ragequit? Carnage isnt viable right now.. its got good burst when gores up and sucks when its down. That's common knowledge for the most part lol i'd like to see some of these duels. Maybe record yourself beating a BM anni marauder and post it ^^


since when did duels matter? on ilum once in a blue moon?

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I play as rage now on my Mara and i love it. I did tryt anni for awhile but Rage is my play style. I also find i do more in WZ's now than i did with Anni... just my opinion but i think im sticking with Rage even in 1.2 I know lots will go rage or carni now but eh thats how it is i guess..
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2/2 phantom will be sorely missed.


I suspect it was nerfed more for PVE reasons than for PVP, as it was pretty much OP in PVE. (1% NMM bonethrasher solo kill thanks to being able to phantom a swipe and UR :p)


I will miss it for PVP as it negated having to pick up defensive roll and allowed me to put those 2 talent points elsewhere.



I'm VERY dissapointed that they left gore the way it is..that really is carnages biggest issue..I don't see why they can't just remove the damage the abliity does and take it off the GCD (ala Deadly saber), such an easy change would go a long ways to making carnage viable for both PVE and PVP.

Edited by Foxcolt
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are you serious? 100% damage reduction is huge in huttball which pops constantly


1/2 already gives you 50%, plus whatever Cloak of Pain or Defensive Roll you have going.


The last 20-30% damage reduction is superfluous.


Also, Camo gives you 100% damage reduction to targeted direct attacks as a baseline. It also gives you a good chance to dodge AOEs with the run speed bonus.


Stop wasting talent points giving yourself 157287482x safety nets you don't need.

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Pyrotech: As stated, Obfuscate destroys Pyrotech. If you don't use Obfuscate versus a Pyro, reroll an easier class. It's like an auto-win button, especially at the start of the fight when the Pyro dumps a lot of attacks to burst.


The only threat a Pyro really has is if they burst Rail Shots on you before you press a defensive cooldown because you got cocky.


You should be using Obfuscate on every melee-range, single-pistol, blapp-sfx BH. Even if they're not attacking you. One button cripples them harder than it does another Marauder.


Shield Tech: Make sure you rotate your defensive cooldowns slowly, and Berserk every time it's up. Self heals > tank spec. A Shield Tech PT is like a tank assassin that can't heal themselves. E.g. /zzz.

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1/2 already gives you 50%, plus whatever Cloak of Pain or Defensive Roll you have going.


The last 20-30% damage reduction is superfluous.


Also, Camo gives you 100% damage reduction to targeted direct attacks as a baseline. It also gives you a good chance to dodge AOEs with the run speed bonus.


Stop wasting talent points giving yourself 157287482x safety nets you don't need.


wasting talent points? what a laugh. 100% damage reduction in huttball is insanely useful.

Edited by HBninjaX
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it is that simple... that's the sad thing.






I'd still much rather play annihilation and shut down a healer. There's enough people out there that want to straight LOLDMGURFASE...



I do like the short fuse change and how it's opened up carnage to be much more competitive now. Always felt lacking in the Fury department there.


The sad thing is, you have no idea what your talking about, massacre is your key ability in carnage smart guy, oh and even now I wreck anih maras 1v1, when 1.2 hits the GOOD mauraders will switch between both, carnage is better for hutball, 1v1, anih is better for solo killimg healers, and small heals from dots, rage is just for bads, period.

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The sad thing is, you have no idea what your talking about, massacre is your key ability in carnage smart guy, oh and even now I wreck anih maras 1v1, when 1.2 hits the GOOD mauraders will switch between both, carnage is better for hutball, 1v1, anih is better for solo killimg healers, and small heals from dots, rage is just for bads, period.


Even in theory carnage can't be better than anni 1v1, pick a proper anni marauder for wrecking.


At 1.2 Carnage will boosted quite much, still, it would be nearly impossible to kill good healer 1v1 due to lack of interruption.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love Carnage above all other specs, it just feels right for Marauders. So with my Love for Carnage freely expressed here's what I am finding in PvP;


Gore simply isn't long enough and there is too much dependency on the ability because without Gore the Carnage tree would fail. Its debuff needs to be 9+ seconds to get anything out of it. You have got to time your Gore/Ravage combo's with perfection - if you dont this is what happens in the GCD between Gore and Ravage;


Stun & Run , Knockback, Stun, Knockback & Run, Stun & Run, Stun, Stun & Run, Knockback, Stun, Knockback & Run, ad-nauseum....


Players are smart. They know if you are Carnage and even if they don't they know you are a bursty Marauder so need to get away from you fast. This is what they are doing in PvP so it has an added detrimental effect on Carnage players. Ravage cannot be interrupted, but in my experience it is interrupted more from stuns and knockbacks. This kinda of borks any PvP effectiveness (not viability). Carnage, whilst extremely fun and satisfying when it does work in PvP, doesn't work often enough to be of any effective use in my opinion at this stage of game developement.


One of two things needs to happen - when Ravage is used make the player imune to stuns and knockbacks. Its just three seconds and would not be OP as players can use their "trinket" ability to get out of the root every 2 mins and if tyhey dont they should have enough hp and expertise to survive if they are not already heavily wounded. Or, make Gore's debuff last much longer - 9 to 12 seconds. When you take into account those long painful global cooldowns 6 seconds is just not long enough, period.


Its sad but the changes to Anni with the auto snare on Rupture now make the tree the overall best tree for general, non-warzone specific PvP in my opinion.

Edited by Malanoth
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  • 1 month later...
so whats the recommended pvp spec theese days then?


Depends on what you're trying to do. If you solo queue, Annihilation is still the best. If you want to up your game for Ranked, the other 2 specs are more favourable IMO.


Carnage provides the best control/Predation (makes it excellent for healer-peeling), and peak burst as well as decent assist-training. Rage provides strong burst more often than the other specs to provide the best assisting overall and creates immense AOE pressure (can break heavy guard-comps) as well as being the most durable in organized play. Annihilation is a solo-star. You're almost godly in unorganized play. It's an all-around Rambo. Those benefits fall off in high-level coordinated play. It's best use is for breaking down anything that raw focus-fired burst can't (very little in this game falls into that category). It's "healer-killing" abilities aren't so prevalent unless you're the only one on the healer (shouldn't be the case).

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