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1.2 Mara buffed, Operatives nerfed... Absolutely baffling.


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look honestly who cares, i play sentinel, powertech, sage, scoundrel and jugg so far....


i dominate with all of them, doesnt really matter imo, itst he players, nerf one, nerf the other....i dont give a fuuuuu, IM GOING TO DOMINATE !!!!


people need to stop complaining and start practicing, learn every class.......there is a reason i attempt to play every AC in an MMO.....ITS THE BEST WAY TO LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT AC's !!!!


play your opponent, stop playing the way YOU want to play......take your strentghs and apply them to the battle, you should already know what to do in every situation, you shouldnt be reacting, you should already have executed the proper abilities to win the battle

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Marauder - the strongest DPS in the game and arguably most powerful PvP class in organized PvP get massive buffs.


Operative - the weakest sustained DPS in the game has sustained DPS nerfed while keeping high burst.


This should confirm to everyone how clueless Bioware is when it comes to class balance. I've lost all hope. I hate to say it but this puts the nail in the coffin for me. I don't see bioware suddenly having an epiphany and understanding class balance any time in the near future. Do you?




This is ridiculous....


A sentinel is a straight up DPS machine designed to kill players in a 1v1 scenario. An Operative has to use his skills and environment. If a Operative thinks he should be able to run straight at a Sentinel and win then you do not understand class balance.


You have stealth for a reason, if you don't use it you will die. If you do then the Sentinel will die, or at least its an even fight. Currently when an operative comes out of the shadows and hits anyone the fight is over in 5 to 10 seconds. That is not balanced.


Sentinels and Marauders are stand in the open, take on all comers players. Operatives work from the shadows and must use surprise as a major part of your combat strategy.


As others have said L2P!!

Edited by DosPeros
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look honestly who cares, i play sentinel, powertech, sage, scoundrel and jugg so far....


i dominate with all of them, doesnt really matter imo, itst he players, nerf one, nerf the other....i dont give a fuuuuu, IM GOING TO DOMINATE !!!!


people need to stop complaining and start practicing, learn every class.......there is a reason i attempt to play every AC in an MMO.....ITS THE BEST WAY TO LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT AC's !!!!


play your opponent, stop playing the way YOU want to play......take your strentghs and apply them to the battle, you should already know what to do in every situation, you shouldnt be reacting, you should already have executed the proper abilities to win the battle


We get it, you are an awesome player ;). But please tell me what would happen if everyone did what you suggested?

All players would be about equally skilled and the balance issues between the different classes would be just as obvious as they are now - just on a higher level.


Bottom line: I find it slightly annoying when people abuse game-discussion-threads to tell everyone how great they are.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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This is ridiculous....


A sentinel is a straight up DPS machine designed to kill players in a 1v1 scenario. An Operative has to use his skills and environment. If a Operative thinks he should be able to run straight at a Sentinel and win then you do not understand class balance.


You have stealth for a reason, if you don't use it you will die. If you do then the Sentinel will die, or at least its an even fight. Currently when an operative comes out of the shadows and hits anyone the fight is over in 5 to 10 seconds. That is not balanced.


Sentinels and Marauders are stand in the open, take on all comers players. Operatives work from the shadows and must use surprise as a major part of your combat strategy.


As others have said L2P!!




This is a ridiculous take on class balance I have ever seen.



brb, operatives should be useless out of stealth and marauders should be able to face roll anyone 1v1.



Most of operatives fighting occurs OUT of stealth.

Edited by GeoLager
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You have stealth for a reason, if you don't use it you will die. If you do then the Sentinel will die, or at least its an even fight. Currently when an operative comes out of the shadows and hits anyone the fight is over in 5 to 10 seconds. That is not balanced.


As others have said L2P!!


It's time for the good old "Why play an Operative if you can also use stealth as an Assassin and have better burst, better survivability and better utility at the same time?" question.

Noone has been able to give me an answer to that question so you can be the first!



Also the part about "the fight being over within 5 to 10 seconds" is just a myth. If that happens to you regularly you are either undergeared or making mistakes. No matter which class you are playing.

Edited by Ich_Bin
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We get it, you are an awesome player ;). But please tell me what would happen if everyone did what you suggested?

All players would be about equally skilled and the balance issues between the different classes would be just as obvious as they are now - just on a higher level.


what balance? there will never be balance........balance is an illusion or an excuse for people who suck........


Class A will beat Class B in X amount of situations........but that doesnt mean Class B cant beat Class A in the situations that favor him.......it comes down to the players END OF STORY.....it doesnt matter how much you nerf my scoundrel, i will still pick off weak opponents who get lured out of the larger battles, i will still sneak up and gank healers who i watch use all of there cooldowns to survive another teammates attack.... I WILL PICK AND CHOOSE THE SITUATIONS MY CLASS EXCELS AT !!!! i will stay away from situations that arent mathematically possible for victory......this has nothing to do with the class. Just cuz a bunch of OP's and scoundrels wanna run around and blow stuff up doesnt mean that is what the stealth class is for.....play the class, and if you dont like it then play a diffrent one

Edited by Vegathegreat
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what balance? there will never be balance........balance is an illusion or an excuse for people who suck........


Class A will beat Class B in X amount of situations........but that doesnt mean Class B cant beat Class A in the situations that favor him.......it comes down to the players END OF STORY.....it doesnt matter how much you nerf my scoundrel, i will still pick off weak opponents who get lured out of the larger battles, i will still sneak up and gank healers who i watch use all of there cooldowns to survive another teammates attack.... I WILL PICK AND CHOOSE THE SITUATIONS MY CLASS EXCELS AT !!!! i will stay away from situations that arent mathematically possible for victory......this has nothing to do with the class. Just cuz a bunch of OP's and scoundrels wanna run around and blow **** up doesnt mean that is what the stealth class is for.....play the class, and if you dont like it then play a diffrent one


Operatives only excel at killing snipers and other operatives.



There is a reason why operatives are pissed about these changes because classes that they drew even with is putting them at a severe disadvantage.

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This is a ridiculous take on class balance I have ever seen.



brb, operatives should be useless out of stealth and marauders should be able to face roll anyone 1v1.



Most of operatives fighting occurs OUT of stealth.


ummm your doing it wrong, stealth classes should be staying away from large battles, you should be picking off people in 1v1's away from the larger battles, you should be annoying for the other team......3 people spawn after dying in huttball you should be finding a way to pick off 1 or 2 f them so they cant help the rest of the team else where.....once your done ganking you re-stealth and rinse repeat, if this is not your play style then a stealth class is not for you........

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ummm your doing it wrong, stealth classes should be staying away from large battles, you should be picking off people in 1v1's away from the larger battles, you should be annoying for the other team......3 people spawn after dying in huttball you should be finding a way to pick off 1 or 2 f them so they cant help the rest of the team else where.....once your done ganking you re-stealth and rinse repeat, if this is not your play style then a stealth class is not for you........


lulz at the contradiction



brb, operatives should be not in big battles picking people off 1v1 but marauder should be king 1v1


brb, operatives should not be in big battles but picking people off 1v1, but we need to nerf your 1v1 because you might kill someone

Edited by GeoLager
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ummm your doing it wrong, stealth classes should be staying away from large battles, you should be picking off people in 1v1's away from the larger battles, you should be annoying for the other team......3 people spawn after dying in huttball you should be finding a way to pick off 1 or 2 f them so they cant help the rest of the team else where.....once your done ganking you re-stealth and rinse repeat, if this is not your play style then a stealth class is not for you........


I'll quote myself:

It's time for the good old "Why play an Operative if you can also use stealth as an Assassin and have better burst, better survivability and better utility at the same time?" question.

Noone has been able to give me an answer to that question so you can be the first!

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I wanted to post in this thread, but all of your posts are so disagreeable that I'm afraid I can't address any one of them and feel like I'm doing it justice.


This patch is great. Your reading comprehension and basic thought skills leave much to be desired. Does the patch address everything? No. What patch does? All moves are in the right direction.

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So, they're going to simply fix those two specs and then nerf concealment to be less attractive. This is terribly short sighted, because if concealment is as attractive as medicine and lethality, then the class as a whole will have lost any selling points. Compromising sh*t is still sh*t.


Well, problem is that the nerfs apply to Lethality, as well. Lethality also depends on backstab, shiv, and hidden strike (HS to a lesser degree, but it's still a nerf to them, as well as concealment.).


And the two buffs (correction - 1 buff, and 1 fix) they gave Lethality, are pathetic, and do nothing to address its major PvP problems, and its usefulness in high end PvP.


I think the few Operatives you'll see in 1.2, are going to be healers.

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lulz at the contradiction



brb, operatives should be not in big battles picking people off 1v1 but marauder should be king 1v1


brb, operatives should not be in big battles but picking people off 1v1, but we need to nerf your 1v1 because you might kill someone


guess i wasnt clear, YOU GET TO PICK AND CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES......just make sure you always pick a winning battle, before you use your opener make sure you have already calculated how much time you need to defeat that opponent, if you can defeat that opponent, how long it would take for an enemy to get to your location to aid your opponent, all of these are factors you can calculate on the fly while stealthed free of getting harrased by ranged or focused by melee........if you cant solo the opponent laid before you then wait, maybe a ranged teammate will harrass him to 50% in which case you can just use and opener / kill / restealth in seconds.....its that simple really, STOP TRYING TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO, START DOING WHAT YOU NEED TO DO

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ummm your doing it wrong, stealth classes should be staying away from large battles, you should be picking off people in 1v1's away from the larger battles, you should be annoying for the other team......3 people spawn after dying in huttball you should be finding a way to pick off 1 or 2 f them so they cant help the rest of the team else where.....once your done ganking you re-stealth and rinse repeat, if this is not your play style then a stealth class is not for you........


Except it's too hard to get back into stealth.


I love how I hear people say how they get destroyed by an Operative "if my stun break is down." Well, what if the Operative doesn't have Vanish up? Or what if he is not in stealth? Or what if you stun him while HIS stun break is down?


And let's not forget that the Operative has to waste a huge amount of time getting back into stealth and picking out a target.


People just tend to notice those few seconds where an Operative caught them off guard and wailed on them. What they failed to see was what happened to that Operative the rest of the battle.

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guess i wasnt clear, YOU GET TO PICK AND CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES......just make sure you always pick a winning battle, before you use your opener make sure you have already calculated how much time you need to defeat that opponent, if you can defeat that opponent, how long it would take for an enemy to get to your location to aid your opponent, all of these are factors you can calculate on the fly while stealthed free of getting harrased by ranged or focused by melee........if you cant solo the opponent laid before you then wait, maybe a ranged teammate will harrass him to 50% in which case you can just use and opener / kill / restealth in seconds.....its that simple really, STOP TRYING TO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO, START DOING WHAT YOU NEED TO DO


Why don't you roll an operative and just see how many battles you get to pick and choose.

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Why don't you roll an operative and just see how many battles you get to pick and choose.


i already stated in an earlier post i have a scoundrel..... I pick and choose my battles, within the first 15 seconds of any battle i have already identified my pref targets out of the 8 opponents and then begin to stalk them....waiting for the correct moment to strike.....


am i gonna go after the jugg with the huttball? of course not...am i gonna go after his healer? probably not way to risky, ill let the sentinel handle the healer, oh wait....there is my primary target, the idiot turret dps standing alone, BINGO !!

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i already stated in an earlier post i have a scoundrel..... I pick and choose my battles, within the first 15 seconds of any battle i have already identified my pref targets out of the 8 opponents and then begin to stalk them....waiting for the correct moment to strike.....


am i gonna go after the jugg with the huttball? of course not...am i gonna go after his healer? probably not way to risky, ill let the sentinel handle the healer, oh wait....there is my primary target, the idiot turret dps standing alone, BINGO !!


So you just admitted how useless operatives are in organized pvp play.


Congrats on your break through.


Have fun queueing with pugs that get facerolled.

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So you just admitted how useless operatives are in organized pvp play.


Congrats on your break through.


Have fun queueing with pugs that get facerolled.


think about how OP the class becomes if you make it so i can just attack whoever i want whenever i want out of stealth without fear of my surroundings.........i mean come on, its a stealth class, designed for ganking, its more of a solo world pvp thing, wanting it to be a big factor in organized pvp is also asking for it to be stupid insane in the 1v1 situations


fast flowing pvp is always gonna be annoying for a stealth class.....either deal with it and do what you can do to help the team by still using your strentghs or roll another class......

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think about how OP the class becomes if you make it so i can just attack whoever i want whenever i want out of stealth without fear of my surroundings.........i mean come on, its a stealth class, designed for ganking, its more of a solo world pvp thing, wanting it to be a big factor in organized pvp is also asking for it to be stupid insane in the 1v1 situations


fast flowing pvp is always gonna be annoying for a stealth class.....either deal with it and do what you can do to help the team by still using your strentghs or roll another class......



You admitted that the class is only good for attacking someone running off while the opposing team runs up the score on you.



That makes you useless in organized pvp. I wouldn't want you on my team.

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You admitted that the class is only good for attacking someone running off while the opposing team runs up the score on you.



That makes you useless in organized pvp. I wouldn't want you on my team.


xept i constantly keep opponents from getting back to battles....my team always has a # advantage cuz i cut of reinforcements from the main battle......even if its only a mezz delay, i position myself strategically for throws since the opponents cant see me in there endzone, there are plenty of ways to contribute to organized pvp.....

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They basically made Marauders have a choice how they play instead of forced Annihilation.


I wish all classes received THAT treatment.


I mean; I hear bounty hunters only have relevance for DPS as Pyrotech.

Which; is also a SHARED tree. Which makes no sense.


HAD relevance for DPS as a pyrotech. They not only nerfed it, but they broke the AC in 1.2


Not enough screaming going on about it because it's the least played class.

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Laceration now costs 10 Energy (down from 15) and deals approximately 10% less damage.


This is a nerf plain and simple. Reducing energy cost by 5 vs. the damage was reduced 10%. Laceration is one of my rotation burst dmg abilities. This not only counters the backstab increase but is 5% more of a dmg nerf.


Now if you can explain to me how a 5% dmg nerf is an increase, by all means go ahead.


Wouldn't a 33% reduction in Energy Cost mean you could 'technically' use it more often in your rotation? Increasing the overall damage caused by it? Wouldn't that be larger increase overall despite the 10% damage reduction?

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Wouldn't a 33% reduction in Energy Cost mean you could 'technically' use it more often in your rotation? Increasing the overall damage caused by it? Wouldn't that be larger increase overall despite the 10% damage reduction?


Laceration is restricted not by energy but tactical advantage.


The only time energy becomes a concern when using lacerate is when you use 3 of them back to back, which is a rare case of you not paying attention to your tactical advantages.



You cannot use lacerate unless you have a tactical advantage, which comes from the use of shiv (6 second cooldown) or a talented tactical opprotunity (which has a 10 second internal cooldown and requires the target to be poisoned).

Edited by GeoLager
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