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1.2 Mara buffed, Operatives nerfed... Absolutely baffling.


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Hard to tell if there are really these many bad operatives, or they are simply trolling for sympathy.


Bad players are not specific to operatives. Many bad players, other than operatives, come on here and whine all the time.

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As a 50 HighEndGame PvE'er and (pre-firstnerfbat) PvP (3/5 BM~ish) I agree with OP.


First nerf bat sucked, but we (operatives) all took it like SWTOR junkies and kept'a trucking.


True we lost DPS with Acid blade, and made Concealment a pretty ****** PvE spec. Also hurt the "anti-mage" effect in PvP (hence why I don't really PvP anymore).


I just wish BW would make up it's mind, and rename Marau/Sents to the GodClass, and Operatives/Scoundrel's to something pathetic.


I play Lethality, since, concealment is garbage in PvE, and I can top Dmg charts in PvP, but I really DO nothing, I just hurt everyone and a maw'fkin Jugg/Guard/Sin/Shadow short've just brushes it off and walks over the line (huttball) or the like.


I hardly get many kills, 25+ maybe, with 500k dmg, but other than that, I feel mega useless.


I love my Operative, so I play her all the time still, but I can't find the drive to do anything but do Ops with her, and I even enjoy the PvP, just not on her.


And yeah... my sentinel is just gross, and is about to get more gross... so :notsureifBioWareistroll: or they just lurrve 2x Lightsabers...



My 2 bits.


I miss being able to lock down a healer with a Concealment Operative.



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You have a gun and grenades. we don't. We get only one attack at 30 m almost all of our damage must be dealt with in 4 m.


Well an Operatives main gun ability is 10 yards. Their base attack hits for around 300 twice and the grenade damage is low to the point where it is not worth the huge energy cost unless used as an AoE on a group of 5 or more players.

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Clearly has never played an op/scoundrel


No he hasn't.


First of all, rifle shot is useless for an Operative except as an absolute last resort when you're out of energy, and the fight is down to who can keep up the attack no matter how week it may be. Rifle shot is therefore useful in those really close fights.


I have my rifle shot on my right quick bar, bound to SHIFT+4. When things are that close, sure, I'll tap SHIFT+4 and start spamming 1111111111, but otherwise it is completely useless.


Now, snipe... LOL... requires crouch. You can't just snipe on the move, you have to tap F and crouch in place. See, this is how I know this guy has never played an Operative or Scoundrel, because Agents and Smugglers use the cover mechanic. We have "cover only" abilities, and in fact have an extra cover bar that overlays our main bar when we go into cover. Snipe, Explosive Probe, Grenade, all require you to be stationary.


So, yeah, keep telling us we have rifles and grenades. You have Force Charge.

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Ive said it once and I'll say it again. Combat isn't bad, you just need to know how to play it. I am semi champion geared and I get highest dmg for melee classes 70-80% of the time.


Moving on


I don't think that Sents/Maras need a buff or a nerf they need a REBALANCE. Don't just focus straight onto one thing. You cant just make little changes here and there, they need to all work in unison to make a viable class.


Now onto the people WHINNING THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT OPS. It is OBVIOUS why BW nerfed Ops. They nerfed Ops because they were the only class that required no skill (in pvp) to play. If any class can come up to you without you expecting it and take you down below 50% without you being able to fight back they are OP, thats just the way things are. Ops have always been little girls who hide in the shadows and unfairly take down an opponent without them having a chance to fight back. This is no different then say claymores or martyrdom in CoD. It is an activity that requires very limited skill because you dont have to worry about the reaction of the other player. It was unfair and had to be nerfed. The only change that was made is that now the victim has a chance to fight back. HOLD ON. WHAT IS THIS BS (Says the Operative). PEOPLE HAVE A CHANCE TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST ME NOW!?!?!?! *** MAN!?!?


Ops keep talking about 2 things that are completely inaccurate, both of which tie into each other. 1. They constantly flame players who say they get them from 100 to 0 in one burst. This is a misdirection of an exaggeration. What these players generally mean to say is that in a split second the Op can get another player from 100 to between 50-30 within about 2 seconds (about when the victim is allowed to stand up again). This is by no means an instant kill, but really, what is the point of fighting back when you have already clearly lost to such a cheap shot. The answer here is to run away, if you can. 2. Ops constantly say that if only their victim had more skill they could easily fight them off. Tell me, in RL if someone runs up behind you and kicks you square in the balls, no matter how many years you have been doing kickboxing or hoe long you have been teaching karate or anything else, will you be able to fight them off with any success? If the answer is yes you are clearly Chuck Norris

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If you had read these forums at all you would probably know that most Operative players don't even LIKE to do that sneaky stealth thing that much.

That is the reason why noone has been asking for more burst but for things like better utility, better sustained damage, better survivability to become less stealth dependant.


Assassins are a stealth class, too. But they have the big advantage that they are functional even when they are out of stealth. Unstealthed Operatives on the other hand are incredibly weak. The game is designed in such a way that it FORCES Operatives to get into stealth as often as possible.




I cannot say that Operatives require less skill than other classes, it is only a different kind of skill. I have both an Assassin and an Operative and I can tell you that the Operative is way harder to play. But the reason for that are not the game mechanics but the fact that the Operative is far weaker than the Assassin. Playing a warzone with the Op is like dancing on a razor edge. Every mistake that you make will have severe consequences.

If I make a mistake on my Assassin often times it doesn't even matter because the class has got plenty of tools to compensate for that.

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The state of marauders/sentinels has been an INSULT to every(some more some less) other ac/spec in the game.


And with 1.2 changes they not only remain top of the food chain, other classes get nerfed for no apparent reason, It's a complete mockery. They're the most nerf-deserving ac of them all and they get away with a pat on the back and some minor buffs.


I find marauders who say "we had no choice but annihlation spec" rather amusing, really. Should people feel sorry for you that you have been forced to, and still can in 1.2, spec in a ridiculously op spec that outperforms every other damage dealer in the game by about 50+% while also having ridiculous survivability/utilities for all this time?


I mean, REALLY?


If you currently spec something that isn't annihilation you're a fool because that's the op spec, sure, but it's not like the other 2 specs are bad eh.. they're just in line with what other characters can do. By speccing annihi you just spec godmode, the only difference being other chars don't even get to choose if they want to spec godmode or not because they don't have it.

Edited by AzKnc
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The state of marauders/sentinels has been an INSULT to every(some more some less) other ac/spec in the game.


And with 1.2 changes they not only remain top of the food chain, other classes get nerfed for no apparent reason, It's a complete mockery. They're the most nerf-deserving ac of them all and they get away with a pat on the back and some minor buffs.


I find marauders who say "we had no choice but annihlation spec" rather amusing, really. Should people feel sorry for you that you have been forced to, and still can in 1.2, spec in a ridiculously op spec that outperforms every other damage dealer in the game by about 50+% while also having ridiculous survivability/utilities for all this time?


I mean, REALLY?


If you currently spec something that isn't annihilation you're a fool because that's the op spec, sure, but it's not like the other 2 specs are bad eh.. they're just in line with what other characters can do. By speccing annihi you just spec godmode, the only difference being other chars don't even get to choose if they want to spec godmode or not because they don't have it.


Umad brah u mad..Mad because the big bad marauder gives u nightmares.

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Umad brah u mad..Mad because the big bad marauder gives u nightmares.


No, it screws with balance and thats not good for PvP. And the way BW deals with is revealing - they dont have a clue - QQ metrics rofl


But i know you wouldnt know anything about that.

Edited by GrandMike
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Combat was a good leveling spec, but it can't compare it watchman. The DPS increase and survivability increase in watchman is too damn good. Focus is alright with a lot of passive mitigation and a short CD on guarded by the force. You can't chain interrupt with focus though and the force camo damage immunity in watchman is huge even in PVE. Operative?..... You can still take a person down from 100 to 30 - 20 percent health with little to no effort while moving faster than anyone else despite slows on you.
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No, it screws with balance and thats not good for PvP. And the way BW deals with is revealing - they dont have a clue - QQ metrics rofl


But i know you wouldnt know anything about that.


If you are an Operative/Scoundrel, you know a lot about it, sadly.

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Wouldn't a fix to these Ops nerfs be to simply remove the CD on Shiv (even if they had to reduce the damage slightly) and give Ops a reasonable gap closer?


They are not going to fix ops. They are going to continue nerfing them so there will be none. Problem solved.

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If we started seeing teams of only marauders eating the opposition alive in every WZ that would maybe be an issue. As it is now I see maybe one or two in every WZ.


And yet people complain it is the FOTM class?


I started playing sent/mara when inquisitors were still FOTM.

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They are not going to fix ops. They are going to continue nerfing them so there will be none. Problem solved.


healing agents are pretty dam powerful. It usually take 2-3 people to bring them down and that only happens when vanish isn't up.

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Umad brah u mad..Mad because the big bad marauder gives u nightmares.


No but it seems acting like a 5yr old is the new thing....


OT: Mara's other specs are just falling inline with the rest period, stop complaining about it already...

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healing agents are pretty dam powerful. It usually take 2-3 people to bring them down and that only happens when vanish isn't up.


Operatives can be easily locked down by one person (especially Mara). Inturrupt Kolto Injection and they are done.


Not to mention they are squishier than both Mercs and Sorcs.

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No but it seems acting like a 5yr old is the new thing....


OT: Mara's other specs are just falling inline with the rest period, stop complaining about it already...


Yes, other specs are just as OP (or a bit less) now.


Great news...not

Edited by GrandMike
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