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i need a new sci-fi show. now.


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now i just want to know what sci-fi show would fit me the best. im a a very over the top star wars fan. but ive watched all the clone wars series and need a new one.


just so you know what kind of series i like/hate:

like the clone wars(cause its star wars)

hate star trek(its... lame and boring)

love farscape(its sci-fi and its funny as hell)

hate battlestar(wayyyy too much politics)

love stargate sg1 and atlantis(dont like universe)


so. any of you know a series i havent watched that might intertain me till they start making an old republic series?

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This ^


Firefly was the best series of its time. FOX cancelled it without even giving it a chance. Ratings were always decent, but they first threw it into a garbage time slot, then cancelled it altogether. Not to mention the numerous pre-emptions for other programming. Joss Whedon is a genius, and the movie Serenity that takes place after Firefly is a great movie in and of itself. I do recommend watching the series first, though. Just good stuff, man. :)

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Terra Nova was a decent show. It has potential if they can just drop the cheesy lines it has on occasion, and it developed a pretty good story to work with.


The Outer Limits is a good show that has small stories that can span across a few episodes or just single episodes completely self contained.


Depending on how you classify it, Lost could be considered a sci fi show, though I personally consider borderline for that. Still, it is a great show if you haven't seen it.


If you are willing to cross over into the sci fi/fantasy realm, The Lost World was pretty good. Typically I find myself skipping the first few episodes simply because the actors are (for the most part) not into their characters just yet. The CGI was cheap in the first season, but that is reasonable since it wasn't expected to do well. Unfortunately, it leaves you with a cliff hanger ending because even though it was projected to go up to 5 seasons, it only made it through the third before it was cancelled. It's still a pretty good show though.


The same can be said for the Beastmaster series. It is (very) loosely based on the novel and movies, and again the first few episodes have some bad acting, with the exception of Steven Grives. It does get much better and has some very good episodes. The story it develops turns out pretty good.


If you don't mind anime, then I would highly suggest Code Geass. It has perhaps the best story I have ever seen, and it has just enough humor to give you that laugh you need occasionally, but it also can get kind of dark. Along the same lines, Death Note is a good show as well with some similarities to Code Geass.


If you want something funny (and assuming you aren't already a fan of it), Futurama is a great show simply for its satire on modern day problems transferred into a futuristic setting.


Really, based on what I am seeing from your list, you simply want action sci fi shows, and unfortunately there aren't that many unless you sit your T.V. on the Syfy channel. Fortunately though, Syfy is good at making series, but absolutely horrible at making a decent movie. Still, I'd recommend giving us more details on what you don't want or what you want in a show so we can give more fitting recommendations.

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Firefly was an awesome show with such a unique style, I wish it would of kept going for all of its secrets to unravel like why did the preacher know so much about the alliance high command and the truth about the blue sun corporation, I great great great show. watch it now.


Dr. Who was also a great show.


It pains me that you don't like star trek, as you can tell by my toons names I love star trek, and I love star wars, I was never big into the whoke trekkie vs fanboy rivalry I loved both for two completely didn't reasons, star wars for its mysticism and heroics and grandiose setting and battles and star trek for its depiction of humanity and the way it functions in the future.


Oh and if you like anime watch cowboy bebop its my favorite series of all time, may not be sci fi but it is set in the late 21st century and in outerspace

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Terra Nova was a decent show. It has potential if they can just drop the cheesy lines it has on occasion, and it developed a pretty good story to work with.


The Outer Limits is a good show that has small stories that can span across a few episodes or just single episodes completely self contained.


Depending on how you classify it, Lost could be considered a sci fi show, though I personally consider borderline for that. Still, it is a great show if you haven't seen it.


If you are willing to cross over into the sci fi/fantasy realm, The Lost World was pretty good. Typically I find myself skipping the first few episodes simply because the actors are (for the most part) not into their characters just yet. The CGI was cheap in the first season, but that is reasonable since it wasn't expected to do well. Unfortunately, it leaves you with a cliff hanger ending because even though it was projected to go up to 5 seasons, it only made it through the third before it was cancelled. It's still a pretty good show though.


The same can be said for the Beastmaster series. It is (very) loosely based on the novel and movies, and again the first few episodes have some bad acting, with the exception of Steven Grives. It does get much better and has some very good episodes. The story it develops turns out pretty good.


If you don't mind anime, then I would highly suggest Code Geass. It has perhaps the best story I have ever seen, and it has just enough humor to give you that laugh you need occasionally, but it also can get kind of dark. Along the same lines, Death Note is a good show as well with some similarities to Code Geass.


If you want something funny (and assuming you aren't already a fan of it), Futurama is a great show simply for its satire on modern day problems transferred into a futuristic setting.


Really, based on what I am seeing from your list, you simply want action sci fi shows, and unfortunately there aren't that many unless you sit your T.V. on the Syfy channel. Fortunately though, Syfy is good at making series, but absolutely horrible at making a decent movie. Still, I'd recommend giving us more details on what you don't want or what you want in a show so we can give more fitting recommendations.


first off: thanks for putting so much thought into helping me :)


to answer your last question: im looking for something along the lines of the stargate series and the farscape series. the way they put small stories in that can fit in 1-2 episodes(3 at most). just as the early series of stargate.


still. all those laughs in between are all important. thats what i dont really get when watching battlestar and star trek. it just gets dull. i dont care about a bigger meaning or realitation or anything. i just want entertainment :)


at last. the plot dosent have to be perfect. just as it isnt in any of the series i really like. it just has to have both interesting stories and interesting "not trying to be funny but really are" characters. ecsept for those little comments you so often hear from jack o neill and john chricton. they're funny as hell :D

Edited by jannickj
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first off: thanks for putting so much thought into helping me :)


to answer your last question: im looking for something along the lines of the stargate series and the farscape series. the way they put small stories in that can fit in 1-2 episodes(3 at most). just as the early series of stargate.


still. all those laughs in between are all important. thats what i dont really get when watching battlestar and star trek. it just gets dull. i dont care about a bigger meaning or realitation or anything. i just want entertainment :)


at last. the plot dosent have to be perfect. just as it isnt in any of the series i really like. it just has to have both interesting stories and interesting "not trying to be funny but really are" characters. ecsept for those little comments you so often hear from jack o neill and john chricton. they're funny as hell :D


Well, in that case I would definitely recommend The Lost World and The Beastmaster, as neither of them have a big plot that develops over several episodes, most of it is just confined to single episodes. Like I said, you can skip the first few episodes of both and just read on what they were about to give yourself some background on them. However, both have some funny moments and I love the characters in them. If you can, watch the first episodes just because you can never get all of the story from just reading summaries, but just keep in mind that the actors all get much much better after the first few. Be forewarned though, The Lost World sits on the border between fantasy and sci fi, as it has themes from both (in my opinion), and The Beastmaster is pretty much flat out fantasy, but it's still a great show.


If you haven't seen them already, the Angel and Buffy shows are great. As people have already implied with Firefly, Joss Whedon is a genius. Both are pretty much just single episode stories with a general season long story behind each one, and they have some damn funny moments.


Other than that, like I said, you can park your T.V. on the Syfy channel when they have their series on as most of them are pretty good. You can usually find some of them on Hulu as well to watch, and YouTube does host some as well. As for the shows I mentioned, I can't tell you of any websites that host them, but I think I can safely say that Google could help you find them.

Edited by ACLucius
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first off: thanks for putting so much thought into helping me :)


to answer your last question: im looking for something along the lines of the stargate series and the farscape series. the way they put small stories in that can fit in 1-2 episodes(3 at most). just as the early series of stargate.


still. all those laughs in between are all important. thats what i dont really get when watching battlestar and star trek. it just gets dull. i dont care about a bigger meaning or realitation or anything. i just want entertainment :)


at last. the plot dosent have to be perfect. just as it isnt in any of the series i really like. it just has to have both interesting stories and interesting "not trying to be funny but really are" characters. ecsept for those little comments you so often hear from jack o neill and john chricton. they're funny as hell :D


If you like Crichton and O'Neill, then that's even more reason to watch Firefly. :D Short series, but well worth it. All episodes are in one DVD collection. Then Serenity. Now, also hoping that Joss Whedon brings the show back, but if he does, he probably won't be able to get Captain Reynolds back until Castle is over. Same with Jayne now being on the show Chuck and doing a lot of voice work for games. Most notably, Dutch in Halo ODST and Kal'reegar in Mass Effect 2. Tbh, Adam Baldwin would have been perfect to do the male Trooper voice, imho. lol

Edited by Captain_Zone
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just started to watch the first episode of the lost world. i see what you mean by actors not fitting in yet. but from what ive seen so far i think ill stick around for a couple of episodes and see where it goes. thanks :)


if anyone have any other suggestions ill still be happy to see what i might also be interested in :)

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If you like Crichton and O'Neill, then that's even more reason to watch Firefly. :D Short series, but well worth it. All episodes are in one DVD collection. Then Serenity. Now, also hoping that Joss Whedon brings the show back, but if he does, he probably won't be able to get Captain Reynolds back until Castle is over. Same with Jayne now being on the show Chuck and doing a lot of voice work for games. Most notably, Dutch in Halo ODST and Kal'reegar in Mass Effect 2. Tbh, Adam Baldwin would have been perfect to the male Trooepr voice, imho. lol


always stayed away from firefly cause its such a short one. but if it really is that close to what crichton and o neill does for their series i might give it a try anyway.

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If you're asking what Firefly is with that... I don't think we can be friends anymore.


No I know what firefly is lol, I meant as in 'Maybe Firefly?' I've been an avid fan of Joss Whedon's shows since Buffy first aired.


Book ftw.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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If you like Crichton and O'Neill, then that's even more reason to watch Firefly. :D Short series, but well worth it. All episodes are in one DVD collection. Then Serenity. Now, also hoping that Joss Whedon brings the show back, but if he does, he probably won't be able to get Captain Reynolds back until Castle is over. Same with Jayne now being on the show Chuck and doing a lot of voice work for games. Most notably, Dutch in Halo ODST and Kal'reegar in Mass Effect 2. Tbh, Adam Baldwin would have been perfect to do the male Trooper voice, imho. lol


Firefly makes me angry. I get to the end, and then I'm just mad that there's nothing else after it.


Damn you, Fox.


Did you try Stargate: Universe? It's got the documentary style like BSG, but without the political BS. And it actually feels like they're living on the edge of survival. Try Eureka? It's got a lot of sciency fiction stuff without overloading you with the "science". Campy, fun, and you can drop right in without knowing what went on previously and be just fine. Decent effects, too.


And I'd say Adam would have made a better Bounty Hunter.

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No I know what firefly is lol, I meant as in 'Maybe Firefly?' I've been an avid fan of Joss Whedon's shows since Buffy first aired.


Book ftw.


Oh Book, you silly old man.


"River, sweetie, the hair is gone now"


"Its still there, waiting."

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I was practically dying from laughter watching that, what a 'fro.


I think my all time favorite part of the whole series/movie was when he told Simon that Kalie (Kaily?) was dead.

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