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Operatives - prepare for another nerf!


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You know what pisses me off most?

You wont giggle when you get tactical advantage.

Who the **** does that hurt?

It makes the class subjectively funner and doesn't affect balance at all.

Do they want to nerf fun just for ***** and giggles?


Dammit, I want that giggle back !!

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What energy issues. I never have energy issues in pvp as concealment. Stealth can get you into a fight, but once your knockedback(seemes every class but us has one) we have no real GAP CLOSER to get back in the fight. You get snared and kited to death.


No one said we should kill anything easily. However, we are supposed to be a from stealth burst class yet ourburst was already cut down. No one is being killed in one knockdown anymore. We wanted more sustained dps to offset the lack of burst. Even warriors can hit harder then ops. Instead BW is cutting our sustained dps by putting a longer cooldown on backstab and lower damage on lacerate. Thses are just uncalled for.


Ops have no group utility. We have no push pul knockback or any use whatsoever for battlegrounds. We lost the burst needed to take out super strong healers. Now they cut our out of stealth dps as well.


For rated warzones why bring an operative at all. You will be better off with another maurader or sin.



You cant design a class to be purely based on burst then take that away. It neuters the class.


Apparently you can...and the proceede to wonder why its least played class rofl


And then nerf it some more just for the kicks of it :D

Edited by GrandMike
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For someone who talks a lot about having the chance to react to stealthers, there is apparently no attempt to use stealth detection methods. As a PT/Vanguard you have a talentable stealth detect that you can drop, in the shared tree there's a stealth defense box, and in general you can aoe around you. I don't know the vanguard equivalent, or the pt name, but my but I will do the spinning jump with flames every once in awhile if the stealth detect is on cd or I want to check a different area (usually while defending on Aldy). I've been caught unawares by stealthers a few times, but usually it was due to cool down or my own non-use of my abilities. At any rate, with a mix of champ and cent gear, I'm fine, 1v2 in that situation.


If you or your team are not smart / skilled enough to use the tools at your disposal, then don't whine to me about not being able to react. Reaction is normally weaker than action. Take some. Or get your own stealthies who serve as the upper hand, so to speak. Nothing pisses 2 stealthers off more than 1)me detecting and stunning them w/ my stealth detect, 2) dropping dots on them so they can't vanish, 3) they stun me and think they're going to win, 4) operative/assassin pops out and stun locks them instead.

Edited by redheadedtim
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Don't forget about other talents...


3% less crit from lethality

2% less hp from inclement conditioning

3% less total damage .5 less energy regen with stim boost if you used culling. reworked in to 2 different tiers


This is just completely unnecessary

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Then why do shadows needs pull and force speed in addition to stealth?


And your logic is just as faulty as his. You can not just pick comparisons between two classes. Otherwise I could easily point out that you have an AE CC, on demand dispels/healing and superior ranged abilities as a counter.


Now I am not saying that just because you have stealth that you don't need a gap closing ability but your statement does nothing to prove you need one either.

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Funny, last time i looked "the unstoppable 2-second force sprint" can be rooted, and therefore stopped.


Now, explain what force shroud does?


Metrics > Forum trolls.


Assuming Bioware HAS metrics...


Shadows Have 1 Defensive CD, and 1 in combat stealth.


Lies, Dark Ward, Force Shroud, Force Speed, Deflection...


Dammit, I want that giggle back !!


Me too.


As a person that plays both Sentinel and Scoundrel, I say the changes are completely *** backwards.


I know, I was htinking the same thing. They nerf a bunch of classes that were mediocre, then buff the king.


ROFL Bioware, you want ppl to play more Rift I guess. Seriously, they released SWTOR in a state that should have been closed beta. Then charge 15$ a month to flush out all the bugs they missed all the while spitting in your face by changing classes while smoking crack...

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so its ok for a class that has 2 minute cooldowns and spends 40% of his time stealthing around excessive pools of aoe which make him useless or being stun locked or locked into pissing on ppl with a pistol .. by the ridiculous abundance of stuns roots and snares to be nerfed because a few stupid tracer / lightning spammers who can't figure out how to stand in aoe or how to pre-bubble themselves or not run around in the middle of nowhere ... got butthurt?


but it's not ok to nerf tracer / lightning spammers?


May can't come fast enough.

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so an op has to wait 7.5 seconds to use his 2nd hidden dagger skill? same result, just gives the opponent a chance to heal themselves if they want.


the original combo is way too powerful in it's current implementation.

Funnily it really doesn't. I will drop out of stealth with Acid+HS->Shiv->Debilitate->Backstab->Laceration at which HS will be ready again once I have dropped back into stealth. Only noobs go HS->Stealth->HS and those would be weeded out anyway as they won't do any harm at all to anyone worth their salt.


What irks me is the change to Backstab, it makes a complex rotation even more complex (keeping acid up will be a chore due to cooldown clipping) and energy management will be so much harder. Plus a net damage loss as well even with the 5% stronger backstab.


But sure Bioware, kick on the least popular class that already lies down.

Edited by danatharia
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Funnily it really doesn't. I will drop out of stealth with Acid+HS->Shiv->Debilitate->Backstab->Laceration at which HS will be ready again once I have dropped back into stealth. Only noobs go HS->Stealth->HS and those would be weeded out anyway as they won't do any harm at all to anyone worth their salt.


What irks me is the change to Backstab, it makes a complex rotation even more complex (keeping acid up will be a chore due to cooldown clipping) and energy management will be so much harder. Plus a net damage loss as well even with the 5% stronger backstab.


But sure Bioware, kick on the least popular class that already lies down.


exactly. ive never : Shoot First > Stealth > Shoot First. That's just a waste of a stealth. The real problem (if it even is a problem) still remains which is the ability to shoot first a second time .. which is necessary from a strategic standpoint.


it really doesnt matter than you cant shoot first twice in 3 seconds. that really doesnt change anything. Even if you stealth early, in a 1v1 they still have no chance.


but this game isn't balanced around 1v1, right? RIGHT? yea right.


if they are going to leave 1 guy at a node .. I really dont see the problem. or just leave a maurader. problem solved.


the fact is this move is impractical at best in actual group pvp with every other spell being cast breaking stealth and the need to be able to stealth to recuperate as energy is way more important than a second shoot first. which is the real problem with this class along with energy consumption being just ridiculous.

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