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Operatives - prepare for another nerf!


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My group are normally organised too. Sage/Vanguard/Commando/Assassin aswell as the other players. We can co-ordinate well enough between us to deal with anything we can SEE coming. But even with guard up, they will drop the sage before I see them coming.


The element of surprise gives Operatives a huge advantage.

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My group are normally organised too. Sage/Vanguard/Commando/Assassin aswell as the other players. We can co-ordinate well enough between us to deal with anything we can SEE coming. But even with guard up, they will drop the sage before I see them coming.


The element of surprise gives Operatives a huge advantage.


And 4 assassins will just /pet your sage.




Please, just stop posting lol.

Edited by GrandMike
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My group are normally organised too. Sage/Vanguard/Commando/Assassin aswell as the other players. We can co-ordinate well enough between us to deal with anything we can SEE coming. But even with guard up, they will drop the sage before I see them coming.


The element of surprise gives Operatives a huge advantage.


Then you are DOING IT WRONG. Commando have stealth detector on wide range and low cooldown. Also you ALL have AOE. More to that - some Sage (assasing in rep ? *** ?) if I remember can AOE around him ANY TIME. Also once "unstealth" Operatives are WIDE OPEN. Place DoT on them and start stealth detector and they are not going ANYWHERE.


And if they focus fire on you then sorry - EVERY CLASS that focus fire on 1 target will kill it.


You are trolling do you ?

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That's why I said stealth in general.


But honestly, as an operative do you not get bored of stab stab stab? I said, it would be good to see them do more. Maybe atleast change the animations, so they don't all look the same.


But a smuggler friend of mine, said he literally uses 2 buttons for 90% of the time.


How many buttons do you actually use? How many actually use the same stab animation?

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That's why I said stealth in general.


But honestly, as an operative do you not get bored of stab stab stab? I said, it would be good to see them do more. Maybe atleast change the animations, so they don't all look the same.


But a smuggler friend of mine, said he literally uses 2 buttons for 90% of the time.


How many buttons do you actually use? How many actually use the same stab animation?


If he use 2 buttons then HE have NO IDEA what he is doing. Just like you have no idea what you are saing. And smuggler don't stab. Sorry. Same I could ask every class.

~ why Warrior / JK swing that sword all the time ? isn't that boring ?

~ same with all that lightning or dirt from force users

~ or why trooper just send blue clouds all the time

~ or why bh send rockets all the time...


Seriously, stop posting. You are troll or you have no idea what you talking about.

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My group are normally organised too. Sage/Vanguard/Commando/Assassin aswell as the other players. We can co-ordinate well enough between us to deal with anything we can SEE coming. But even with guard up, they will drop the sage before I see them coming.


The element of surprise gives Operatives a huge advantage.



I still dont see how will you avoid 4 people.


You said:

It's easy enough to avoid 4 of any other class as you can see them coming, only one you can't are Shadows/Assassins.


4 Maradures/Juggs jumped on you. Your moves.


4 PT grappled you and unloading. Your moves.

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Then instead of trolling back at me, tell me what you do or how many different abilities you actually use?


Yes Mercs/Commando's are dull to watch, atleast the ones who just grav/tracer spam all day long.


On my Vanguard I use about 12 different buttons in a rotation, my Sentinel is pretty much every quickbar full.

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Says the shadow with unstoppable force sprint.


On the upside healers will be EASY as hell to kill. they will run out of force/heat in no time....




Way to completely fail out of the gate bioware. Id love to see the excuse for no warzones with more than 16 people...


Funny, last time i looked "the unstoppable 2-second force sprint" can be rooted, and therefore stopped.

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Then instead of trolling back at me, tell me what you do or how many different abilities you actually use?





1. Acid blade in opener, and for backstab in later fight.


2. Hidded strike.


3. Shiv


4. Backstab


4 Stim boost


5. Toxic scan to remove poisons and burning effects


6. Sever Tendon to deny forse runners or brek distance in some situations


7. Shield Probe - to avoid damage


8. Flash Bang


9. Overload shot (to finish someone at moderate distance)


10. Debilitate


11. Corrosive dart to preven restealthing for som baddies or just to throw my 5 cent into a murder.

12. Grenade


13. Cloacking screen - to vanish


14. Sleep dart - to sleep someone from stealth.


15. Infiltrate - to give team a surprise effect sometimes


16. Laceration


17. Evasion - to remove dots (especially effective aganst dots maras when they burns their CDs)


18 Distraction - Alpha and omega of Tracer spammers humiliation and preventing healers from big heals.


19. Adrenaline probe -to fill energy.


20. Crouch - sometimes.


21. Snipe - sometimes to finish someone low hp at distance


22. Rifle shot


23. Revive.


24. Heals, dpending on situation. Effective while pillar dancing


I dont konw how your friend uses only 2 buttons....

Edited by Maxkardinal
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Thank you for taking the time to set me straight. How many of them share the same animation?


I'm not trying to be a troll, but unless I either roll the class or people in these type of threads actually give "factual" info rather than just trolling each other nothing get's resolved.


I do still feel, that it's much easier to deal with the classes I can see coming as it allows me to get into position better. I guess I just need to drop Stealth detection everytime I can around my Sage. Will try that and see how it goes.

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How many of them share the same animation?


Shiv, Backstab and Laceration. But they are not same ( as i remember, didnt pay alot attention), agent uses both arms to implae target with knifes. Its actuaaly looks pretty cool, especially when collateral strike procs.

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You don't have to "avoid" them, but prevent them from killing, whilst killing them,


My vanguard will obviously guard whoever they are on. I have a PBAE stun, Sage has knockback, commando has knockback, I have single tuant, AE taunt, PBAE debuff. Sage has AE heal. Against Marauders you just have to keep moving out of their AE range. Learn what abilties they do to ramp up then knock them back.


Honestly, I've defended a node with me + sage against 4/5 people for about 30 seconds until we got reinforcements. I can show you a screenshot of me with 239499 protection, 0 deaths and 3 healers on my team with over 350k heals each. I have 33 kills on voidstar.


But it's much easier to plan for things you can see coming. It's not like they sneak up on you then they are right on top of you. This isn't taking into consideration everyone else in our team.

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You don't have to "avoid" them, but prevent them from killing, whilst killing them,


My vanguard will obviously guard whoever they are on. I have a PBAE stun, Sage has knockback, commando has knockback, I have single tuant, AE taunt, PBAE debuff. Sage has AE heal. Against Marauders you just have to keep moving out of their AE range. Learn what abilties they do to ramp up then knock them back.


Honestly, I've defended a node with me + sage against 4/5 people for about 30 seconds until we got reinforcements. I can show you a screenshot of me with 239499 protection, 0 deaths and 3 healers on my team with over 350k heals each. I have 33 kills on voidstar.


But it's much easier to plan for things you can see coming. It's not like they sneak up on you then they are right on top of you. This isn't taking into consideration everyone else in our team.


Please stick to PvE, possibly with all addons so you have big flashy sign to see things coming.


When did PvE terribads start dictating how PvP should be?

Edited by GrandMike
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Mike you do make me laugh mate. The PvE in this game is worse than the PvP. Yeah, lets do the same thing time after time. My entire gaming background is about PvP.


You clearly don't get the point I was trying to make. Or you play an operative and like the cowardly role they take. Stealth in, things go pear shape, stealth away. It was much like the Stealth Zerg's DAOC had. 30+ stealthers grouping up on a bridge waiting for 1 or 2 people to kill, often ignoring anything close to a fair fight.


I just dislike the fact there is little you can do to react when they all stealth up and drop targets as quick as they can do. Atleast you have chance to react against other classes.

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So the least played class is getting nerfed again , they buff mara/sentinels.


Please for all that defend and understand this class dont answer to idiots that simply enjoy without any clue this nerf or try to justify it.


I wil keep playing this game and same class (scoundrel dps) till next game , i m extremly disapointed about developers but hey life will go on, with bitter taste.

Edited by Alexdaphnis
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Which is why I'm waiting for April to pre-order GW2. This game bores me, grinding for gear etc.


As for stealthing, my previous experience showed it to be cowardly. Sneak in, get the kill, stealth away. I much prefer playing visible classes, feels like more of a challenge. Reaching the target, keeping up with them etc.

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You don't have to "avoid" them, but prevent them from killing, whilst killing them,


My vanguard will obviously guard whoever they are on. I have a PBAE stun, Sage has knockback, commando has knockback, I have single tuant, AE taunt, PBAE debuff. Sage has AE heal. Against Marauders you just have to keep moving out of their AE range. Learn what abilties they do to ramp up then knock them back.


Honestly, I've defended a node with me + sage against 4/5 people for about 30 seconds until we got reinforcements. I can show you a screenshot of me with 239499 protection, 0 deaths and 3 healers on my team with over 350k heals each. I have 33 kills on voidstar.


But it's much easier to plan for things you can see coming. It's not like they sneak up on you then they are right on top of you. This isn't taking into consideration everyone else in our team.


Tank cane SNARE (and he can spam that). So you just snare and make distance. How hard that can be ? :p So you can basiclly stay out of their range ALL THE TIME if you are smart enough.



Which is why I'm waiting for April to pre-order GW2. This game bores me, grinding for gear etc.


As for stealthing, my previous experience showed it to be cowardly. Sneak in, get the kill, stealth away. I much prefer playing visible classes, feels like more of a challenge. Reaching the target, keeping up with them etc.


Having 2 lvl 50 character didn't teach you ANYTHING. Operatives have NO GAP CLOSER. So you can pop up shield for protection, snare them and get on distance. Or just waste them because they are in large disadvantage against tanks (low dmg because of heavy armor, lower on defensive stance etc while tanks have greater damage burst and larg HP pool).

Any range class devatate Operatives. Same with most mele classess curently.


And NO Operative abilities share animation. Backstat, Laceration, Shiv and Delibirate have different animations despite being knife attacks.


Seriously. Learn to play, grow up and be serious - so stop trolling please.

Edited by DariuszPol
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Which is why I'm waiting for April to pre-order GW2. This game bores me, grinding for gear etc.


As for stealthing, my previous experience showed it to be cowardly. Sneak in, get the kill, stealth away. I much prefer playing visible classes, feels like more of a challenge. Reaching the target, keeping up with them etc.



Made few false statements, dint back it up, and sliked from toppic of discussion. Bravo!

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