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1.2 Crafted gear is the new highend pvp gear.


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This sounds like 1.2, The Aion Patch.


This thread is seriously put me in line to unsub yet again. Seriously, most of your guy's comments were constructive and I appreciate the info.


At least on my server (swiftsure) Ilum was a blast up until this last patch, now it's dead. They removed the only RvR in the game, and there was already too little keeping pvpers around as it was. Going backwards from what we had was a huge mistake.


Introducing rated warzones? Just because the wow pvp playerbase asked for it, only tells me they agree they need to somehow enhance the Huttball pvp end game experience. What is so Star Wars about Huttball? What is my WARS bro. It tells me they have admitted behind closed doors they don't get mmorpg pvp. I don't hate bioware because they never bragged about being good at it like mythic did. I guess swtor is just another mmo people are playing in 'replacable mmo' mode, harboring a huge rvr base that seems like is always waiting for the next best thing. the next daoc or wow.


I'm at the point I'm going to try the new game of thrones browser mmo when it comes out just cause it sounds like a daoc 2. /siiiiiiigggggh

Edited by Mezira
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They are adding a ton of new orange crafted items into the game...


And if I'm remembering correctly, PvP/PvE end-game gear can be re-engineering to get the schematics.


SERIOUSLY?! cos i LOVE the look of some parts of my battlemaster armor.

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I like that they are making it possible to PvP in orange gear, but I wish they wouldn't add the extra slots thing. The only way I can see this as being a good idea, is if they made it possible to add a slot to existing armor.


But I will take this change over not being able to PvP in orange gear!

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In well done PvP games (by my definition) any gear that's necessary is part of the player economy. In a mainstream modern MMO (ie loot grind) this isn't really feasible as people need to have their carrots to chase so this is the hybrid. Personally I think its a great way to support player interaction, crafting and economy while requiring players to participate in end game PvE or PvP to get the best gear.


A+ on this one imo Bioware.

Edited by SWImara
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I'm at the point I'm going to try the new game of thrones browser mmo when it comes out just cause it sounds like a daoc 2. /siiiiiiigggggh

.... seriously this is about a bagillion times more interesting than GW2 to me, how have I never heard of this?!

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I agree. It sounds stupid. I am more along the lines of: I want to login, queue up. I just now started doing crew skills for my alt, and my main doesn't even have a crafting skill. I want to play the game, not worry about how my stats are, what I need to do to make myself viable compared to the competition.


When I used to PVE (not SWTOR), I cared about that. I wanted the best gear to do my best. However, in PVP I don't wish to have to worry about spreadsheets, what gear I need to craft and place mods in. It's bad enough that in PVP your main goal is to know what other character and classes can do and to know their counters.


I don't mind gear progression, but it being removed didn't matter to me. But I don't want to have to do this to be competitive. It just adds a layer of boring procedures.

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I like this idea because it makes crafting more useful. But they need to keep the credits per WZ the same. I dont make any money unless its from WZ so I will never be able to afford crit-crafted gear with the new system.
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Excuse my ignorance, but which exactly are the crafted gear sets you are refering to?

I'm aware of critically crafted armor pieces which got an additional slot for an augment and are labeled with [Mastercraft] or something alike. But I have yet to see those on orange gear.

Can anyone clarify this for my please.

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Excuse my ignorance, but which exactly are the crafted gear sets you are refering to?

I'm aware of critically crafted armor pieces which got an additional slot for an augment and are labeled with [Mastercraft] or something alike. But I have yet to see those on orange gear.

Can anyone clarify this for my please.


1.2 makes it possible to critical on orange gear

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Actually this just means that to be the best in PVP or PVP you need:


1. Fully crafted moddable gear that all possesses an augment slot.

(This means you need a high end crafter.)


2. Mods from the highest end PVP/PVE armor and weapons.

(This means you need to raid/PVP.)


This doesn't replace raiding/PVP'ing for gear, this simply adds to it.


This seems like a good thing to me. Not being able to get everything all by yourself! Is BW figuring out this is not a single player game?

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This change baffles me. Why bother wasting time designing these new sets when no one will wear them? Might as well allow you to purchase the armorings/mods/enhancements with pvp tokens so you don't have to wasted the thousands of credits it takes to rip the stuff out.


There really needs to either be a way to put in an augment slot in gear or the high end stuff should drop with an augment slot all ready in it.

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Newsflash, not everyone likes PVE. I know battlemasters who never even got their ships, never got their 2nd companion, never even set foot on the 2nd planet. Guess what, their damn good PVPr's, what they signed up to do, kill Jedi, they didn't buy the game to play arts and crafts or discuss ethics with npcs.


And your analogy sucks, its more akin to a baseball player saying they don't want to play football. Their both sports, but nothing alike, and people who enjoy one probably aren't going to enjoy the other.


People like this need to get off this game! PVP is a MINI GAME not the point of an MMO. PVE is the whole point of everything. Get off this game and go back to Call of Duty. I can not believe that somebody would only play this great game for only the PVP. Terrible....

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