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Op healers 1.2


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I can heal just fine and know a lot about operative healing. This makes healing much easier to manage than in its current state on live. We currently are a powerful healing class, but it takes more work than say a Sorc or Bounty Hunter.


I am disappointed in the developers choice of changes, given the numerous other outstanding ideas submitted by the community here on these forums. The changes they chose will benefit our class and improve our healing capabilities, but I feel they took the easy way out instead of being creative while still keeping healing a challenge.


I agree mostly. They were fine before without these buffs. I heal operations fine and also do well in pvp. Having a 50 of each healing class...I also share the opinion that operative/scoundrel healing takes a bit more effort. While these changes are great...I do fear it will be a lot easier. It is upsetting to see so many people saying they expected more. It is my opinion operative healing is fine without the buff but will be nice with it also. I mean...just today I got 759k healing in a voidstar. So they can do well. Be crazy what they can do after the buff.

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I agree mostly. They were fine before without these buffs. I heal operations fine and also do well in pvp. Having a 50 of each healing class...I also share the opinion that operative/scoundrel healing takes a bit more effort. While these changes are great...I do fear it will be a lot easier. It is upsetting to see so many people saying they expected more. It is my opinion operative healing is fine without the buff but will be nice with it also. I mean...just today I got 759k healing in a voidstar. So they can do well. Be crazy what they can do after the buff.


Yes, I agree. I haven't done any nightmare modes yet (we are starting NM EV next week), but I've completed hard mode EV (including Soa) as well as hard mode KP, and I never had any trouble with it or felt that my class was inadequate in any way. The only thing that sucks is that healing the falling damage on the platforms in Soa can be a big energy drain.....but even then I was able to single heal it on normal mode with 2 BH DPS guys helping me with their little heals.


I'm also roughly valor rank 70 and do very well in PvP. Reading the changes on paper, I predict that people are going to cry about us in PvP after 1.2, which will only lead to us getting nerfed at some point in the fairly near future.


If they would just buff TA for healing ops so that it lasts a few more seconds and maybe make RN a "smart" heal, I think that'd really be all the help we need, to be honest. As it is now, I'm taking a nerf to my crit (losing 3% crit with these changes -- not happy about it) in exchange for a bunch of "buffs" that I don't really even need.


It blows my mind that people are actually complaining that they didn't get buffed enough. Seriously? We are fine the way we are right now. After 1.2 I'm worried that we will be OP.

Edited by belialle
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But what has changed?


RN has been buffed a bit, yes, but the Sorc/Sage version is still leagues better. Everything else is a QoL issue that doesn't really improve the class or solve any major issues.


Seriously, does anyone see a raid or operations ditching their Sage spot(s) to pick up an Ops? If you do, please tell me why, because I don't see it.

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Im actually disappoined in RN change.


12 second to 15 second CD = can be used 25% less often but only 10% increase in overall healing?


Sure it will help because of the faster ticks, but overall its a decrease...



***Although I do like the idea of talents increasing TA stack count by 1 and timer by up to 6 seconds. And the boost to DS by the talent now making it cast in 2 seconds instead of 3 with the full effect for energy regen capability.


We are also going to see a huge gear stat improvement and the changes to stats could add substantial increased performance of those stats at higher levels.


Of course that means an orange gear grind with augment slots + swapping everything over to actualize.


3 TA's also makes SP a much better emergency heal PvE or PvP. Especially as with a 16 second duration we'll be able to stack to it and maintain pretty easily.

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The 3 stack TA change gives infusion a bit of a boost, in that it becomes easier to TA-dump during super-high burst damage like foreman frenzy.


It also becomes easier to maintain some level of TA, as you have more stacks to burn through before you run out: meaning that you are at less of a risk of burning your last one and losing the healing bonus.


You are also given more breathing room when using sub-30 surgicals, as you can accidentally burn more TA stacks due to above-30% before you lose it.

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I found that healing NM operations as an OP was reallly fun and balanced.


What i think was and still is lacking alot, is pvp survival. This patch won't fix that.


3 stacks of TA absolutely helps a lot in PvP survival. So will the new RN.

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I found that healing NM operations as an OP was reallly fun and balanced.


What i think was and still is lacking alot, is pvp survival. This patch won't fix that.


In my point of view our pvp survival is fine. This was never our major problem.

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In my point of view our pvp survival is fine. This was never our major problem.

Truth. We didn't have the peel off moves like push or whatever, but we had survivability depending on how you specced.

I have to agree that we might be OP in healing after 1.2 especially given the changes to expertise that changes the diminishing returns over 600. A high expertise operative is going to be a bear to kill if they know how to stay mobile.

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I think the biggest thing that should of been changed or fixed is the fact if our main heal is interrupted in pvp we do not have another strong heal to use. Other healers do.



Since our 2nd heal takes energy and a TA and it is kind of weak barely higher then the probe I never use it. I don't know if anyone uses it.


That heal should of had the TA requirement removed so that we just had a smaller faster heal to use after an interrupt. Their is no reason it takes energy and a TA. With both of these requirements you would think it could heal for more or add a secondary effect like a hot or plus healing to next heal on target.

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I think the biggest thing that should of been changed or fixed is the fact if our main heal is interrupted in pvp we do not have another strong heal to use. Other healers do.


Since our 2nd heal takes energy and a TA and it is kind of weak barely higher then the probe I never use it. I don't know if anyone uses it.


That heal should of had the TA requirement removed so that we just had a smaller faster heal to use after an interrupt. Their is no reason it takes energy and a TA. With both of these requirements you would think it could heal for more or add a secondary effect like a hot or plus healing to next heal on target.


With the change to the number and duration of TAs, we will often have them available. I already use Infusion when my big heal gets inteupted and the target is +30%, and this will be even more viable in 1.2. Infusion, especially with the bonus crit talent, is actually pretty powerful -- much more powerful than the Sorc quick heal.

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Medical Consult now also increases the duration of Tactical Advantage by 2 seconds per point.

Completely pointless, if you cant keep 1 TA up and refresh it in 10seconds, thats pathetic, since we span KInjection and always have Probes out.


Medical Therapy now additionally reduces the Energy cost of Recuperative Nanotech by 2 per point.

Ok, would rather get a boost to stim boost regen somewhere like the other 2 trees do.


Patient Studies now additionally increases the speed at which Diagnostic Scan channels by 15% per point.

Um, really? How bout making it heal for more than nothing?


Recuperative Nanotech has been rebalanced. It now has a 15-second cooldown, heals over 6 seconds, and heals for approximately 10% more than before.

Rn was fine before. They should have made alacrity reduce HoT duration.


Surgical Precision now additionally increases the maximum stack limit of Tactical Advantage by 1.

Really? I mean really? This + the extra 6 seconds on TA duration makes our class a joke to heal now.


Its sad to see of all the ideas people put out that these are the BEST changes we could get. I am sad that they made our class so easy to heal now. We used to have to at least pretend to manage energy and TAs. These decisions plus all the others, the fact that some of things even made it 1.2 on test makes me loose faith in the people that determine how this game plays.


Back to my Assassin.


Maybe you haven't noticed that aspect of KP TA proc which says it can only happen every 6 seconds even at 30%+ crit rate with KP on 4 targets you will find this 6 second exclusion means you only get 1 round of ticks to have the opportunity to refresh a 10 second stack. As a result you'll see TA phase in and out(I run huttball staging area spray paint tests and this games RNG system makes it common). Now it's true if you are also refreshing with Kinj the dynamic changes. What this change accomplishes is with a KP on a single target over 16 seconds you get a proc refresh chance at 9 seconds 12 seconds and 15 seconds. Equivalent to the current chance of stacking on 3 people over the life of a TA. That's a big plus. TA got easier to maintain while moving in particular.


Carrying an Extra TA makes SP a much more flexible emergency heal not just sub 30% and facilitates cross healing a bit.


Also carrying to 3 and easier maintenance decreases the individual value of each TA which may lead to casting more infusions (skeptical but I'll see).

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Overall I am definitly thrilled with the changes.


Sure I had an easier time healing on my sorc, but I didnt feel I was gimped any way on my OP.


Saying that any addition is a postive. RN is getting a great fix IMO. I would have been ok if they dropped down the cost by 10 energy and left it slow, but fast is even better imo.


DS I still something I do not use without making a point to incorporate it. 30% faster ehh cant hurt.


Extra TA and Longer TA...very good ideed.


I guess my only complaint. LEAVE MY GIGGLE ALONE!

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Great changes.


My only concern is that the new RN doesn't seem to smartly target the lowest HP allies in the area. I'm a little worried that even though it's buffed, half the healing is going to be wasted on overheal whenever I use it.


This is the #1 priority change for our class, IMO.

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As a sorc healer on my main with an op alt, I really like the way they balanced out all 3 healers. I don't look at this as a nerf or buff to any one class so much as making a level playing field, which should have existed at launch given the massive amount of testing pre-release. Here's to a better synergy between classes.
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Yes, I'm sad that the giggle is being nerfed, too. However, I am more sad that my crit is being nerfed. I'm not happy about losing 3% crit.


I'm guessing the moved stat diminsihing returns upwards to account for the gear stat expansion. So we'll get that back somewhere over 300 in the specific stat with more growth potential before soft cap.


Just a hunch. WHich if true means we still end up better off.

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Yes, I'm sad that the giggle is being nerfed, too. However, I am more sad that my crit is being nerfed. I'm not happy about losing 3% crit.


This seems to be a universal change across class (those with similar talents). Just think of it as a global scaling issue and likely to combat end game stat inflation. Overall it doesn't impact anything as the metrics for the entire end game are balanced around it.

Edited by Tamanous
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These changes address the design issues with op healing. Infusion still could use a secondary effect and we need a bit more utility but this is a great step in the right direction. No more losing our TA procs from KP while casting injection and RN will not be awful now.


Other than the whole "limiting a healer's survivability because the AC has a glass cannon melee stealth spec" design issue. :rolleyes:

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Every class talent that had a large crit bonus was lowered. Its fine.


No, I know it's no big deal. I'm just saying that if I were to think of something not to like about the patch, that would come first. It's true that the loss of the giggle might be a bigger blow in the long run. Hopefully they'll let us toggle it on for ourselves at some point.

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Sad about the loss of our giggle. I still remember people saying, "What the heck? Where is that laughter coming from?" But, I guess you can never recapture the magic of the earlier WZs. Sigh.


3 Stacks of TA = Ballin'

16 sec TA expiration = Totally Boss

RN being useful = WTFBBQRESPEC

2.1 sec talented DS channel = Awesome + 5


With 10% alacrity (easy enough to achieve), you would get the DS cast time down to 1.8 sec. This will make casting DS more attractive. However, it will still get most of its use by being interrupt bait in PvP.

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Imo not a perfect change, but a good one.


One of the many big drawbacks of op healing was the management of our secondary resource - that will become much easier with 1.2 . Overall we are pushed towards sustained healing and that perfectly suits our resource mechanic, so i consider it a good design direction. Another style / design direction that got pushed in the patch is the HoT and mobility concept. RN got a plain buff, KP procs are now wasted much less often and we can stack more TAs for SP. This means that all our mobile heals are now more viable. KI+SP remains the standard mo, but we are now better than before if we have to be mobile due to fight mechanics. This even resembles some synergy - finally.


DS might even be usefull now, boosting our sustained healing.


I think this more than balances the 3% crit loss from the off tree talent.



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