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Game Update 1.2: Legacy is on the Public Test Sever!


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A month too late - subscription expires tomorrow. If these changes were made in March instead of April - most likely I'd subscribe for +2 months. See you in F2P SWTOR! Or in D3 or GW2.


Guys, something huge just hit the press!!!


/end sarcasm


We care? :)

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Very excited about this patch. Still wish there were different sized characters and species because even though the current ones names are alien they all have human faces and bodies... w t f comon!! Edited by cookywooky
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How are we expected to test 95% of this patch when we start at level 1 on a test server knowing that it is all getting wiped anyways...




THIS IS WHY... every update that is more than fixing a couple of lines of text is followed by 3 more updates that week correcting things that slipped by the public test server... it's because we can't test it.


PS if a dev IS reading this.. .goodjob fixing that abuse of the Ilum bug for battlemaster and valor, way to lie about that.


Oh and the free weekend, how's that make you guys feel? How many people actually tried the game out? Because a friend of mine said he saw roughly 4 people outside of the fleet the whole weekend. Fail again.

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How are we expected to test 95% of this patch when we start at level 1 on a test server knowing that it is all getting wiped anyways...




THIS IS WHY... every update that is more than fixing a couple of lines of text is followed by 3 more updates that week correcting things that slipped by the public test server... it's because we can't test it.


PS if a dev IS reading this.. .goodjob fixing that abuse of the Ilum bug for battlemaster and valor, way to lie about that.


Oh and the free weekend, how's that make you guys feel? How many people actually tried the game out? Because a friend of mine said he saw roughly 4 people outside of the fleet the whole weekend. Fail again.


bah...all i hear is whining.

and you're not alone. what is it with you people? nobody's forcing you to play.

if the game upsets you this much, i suggest you find something else to do.


Comparing a 4 month old MMO to the ones that has been on the market for 2-3 years +, makes no sense.

Imagine if SWTOR was to keep expanding for the next 5-6 years. It would eventually be huge. And it probably will be.

Or not.

Time will show. But to spend this much time and energy whining about stuff being ADDED, i just acting like spoiled brats.


I think i speak for more than myself when i say:

cry me a river.

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Ok, so i'm an all out altaholic, i'm not content with having one character, I want to experience all sides. I waited until my Sorc was at 50 before digging into the republic alts, and unfortunately i'm forced to deal with a horrible lack of credits. It would be nice if people could mail credits (not items) to all their legacy bound characters. My primary reason for this is speeders, I can operate fine outside of that, but once I hit 25, it's a nightmare of 1k credits at all times.
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I tried out the PTS a couple of nights ago, and I was really pleased. In addition to the UI customisation (which is really addictive), the FPS rate was up dramatically. 93-101 people on Tython, and where I'd been getting 20-25fps with the settings all on low and off, at 1600x900, I was getting an average of 60-65fps with everything except shadows on high, at 1920x1080. It was awesome.


As far as having a Sith smuggler, why not? Or a Chiss Jedi? I like the idea of playing a rogue Chiss or Sith who's taken up with the republic. It would be nice if there was a stigma to playing those races on the republic side, or the Miralukans on the other, but I'm content. It seems pretty cool to me.


I'm also in this game for the story stuff, with the occasional PvP encounter to enjoy now and then, so I'm not worried about mods and armour and being TEH WINNAZ. I'll just enjoy the game as is, and if they keep making it better (with patches and updates like this one), I'm happy.

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How are we expected to test 95% of this patch when we start at level 1 on a test server knowing that it is all getting wiped anyways...

Characters on the PTS are persistent, apparently. So although you can't import your characters across from your main server, you can keep a character going from 1.0.1 through to x.x and beyond on the PTS.

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First thing I noticed last night on PTS Tython was 100+ peple in the zone. Guess this patch is getting a lot of interest!


I set all the graphics options to high including the new settings, and I was really surprised at how well it runs. With the better textures (texture atlasing) turned on, and shadows on high, I was getting consistent 60fps in most areas, and around the jedi temple where there were a lot of players it dropped to mid 40s. This is a massive improvement vs Live where I ultimately turned shadows to Low to get a steady framerate.


Quite surprised with the performance improvement. I can only guess they must have made some optimizations under the hood, it would explain why they are finally willing to add texture atlasing for regular gameplay.

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First thing I noticed last night on PTS Tython was 100+ peple in the zone. Guess this patch is getting a lot of interest!


I set all the graphics options to high including the new settings, and I was really surprised at how well it runs. With the better textures (texture atlasing) turned on, and shadows on high, I was getting consistent 60fps in most areas, and around the jedi temple where there were a lot of players it dropped to mid 40s. This is a massive improvement vs Live where I ultimately turned shadows to Low to get a steady framerate.


Quite surprised with the performance improvement. I can only guess they must have made some optimizations under the hood, it would explain why they are finally willing to add texture atlasing for regular gameplay.


How? haha I can barely run it on low and my laptop is only 3 years old.... :mad:

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Lol laptops :p. seriously tho maybe u need a better graphics card or w/e?


3 years isnt even that old, if the laptop was brand new then ... did you tell the laptop, it is allowed to run in high performance mode? these little bastards try to conserve power in whatever way they can

Edited by Patros
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Will this patch fix the disparity of crafted items?


I can craft a Commando Armor 15 at level 31 for example that I can't use until I'm level 33 for some reason, yet i can use commendations to get Commando Armor 16 that i can use immediately from the Commendations Mod vendor and buy Commando Armor 15 that I can use immediately from the Commendations vendor that takes credits?


Aren't they the same armor pieces?


The level limited ones don't have any special attributes?



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There is a lot to be liked and disliked in this patch, like any other patch in any other game. That said, why exactly would you get rid of vendors in warzones? I really like being able to repair, and dump trash items in the 2 minutes I wait for the WZ to start.

I am humbly asking you to reconsider this move. Thank you.


P.S. I am also begging for cross server warzones!

Edited by Gonzofever
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Well golly, a nice patch is coming out. I wish I was able to fully enjoy it on my low population server. Waited a mere 6 hours on Sunday for one warzone... it never happened. how about you fix that before coming out with more content.


they are making cross-server warzones.

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one more person complain, I'm gonna find them and slap them. God aren't we all spoiled brats. " I want this, I want that "


Do you know what my grandmother used to tell me. " Want in one hand and Poop in the other, see one which fills first "


Seems noone these days can be happy unless something is specifically tailored to them.



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BioWare should really start giving us the Patch notes prior to the actual patch day so we can prepare ourselves what is to come.... it's annoying to get a vague video that tells us nothing specific about class balancing, how about we feed the actual notes into an ongoing post like Camelotherald does for DAoC .... im just saying you're wasting your time and you're wasting your players, more and more players drops every day because they dont know if you're about to salvage the sinking ship or whether you are just going to let the game crash and burn....more info ....PRIOR to the release of a patch thx


I do so hate people who hate on things just to be hating. They do post detailed notes, i just guess your not looking for them hard enough since they are easy to find. Another person who wants to hate on SWTOR yet has no true reason to hate them. This game isn't dying, crashing or such. Its player base is still large, just spread between alot of servers. Why they don't condense? Because its only been a few months and people will return who started this game but didn't like it because it had a few bugs. No this game won't kill ..... stops rant before he become as bad as those he dislikes:P

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As another posted, alot of whining going on. It's somewhat shocking but I guess it shouldn't be, I mean these same idiots are the ones that expect a game on launch week should be as good as a game thats been out 5+ years.


I have a theory about these whiners, and if your a whiner and this doesn't apply to you, than don't worry about it:P My view is simple people who are whining are the people who would normally be making a killing on selling gold, items and other stuff on other MMO's. Its possible to do here but not nearly as lucrative here. So stop whining, go back to Wow or another mmo that lets ya run amok! Leave us SWTOR fans alone.

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Game Update 1.2 for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will be released for public download soon! Entitled Legacy, this latest update to the game will allow players to experience brand new in-game content, including a new Flashpoint, a new PvP Warzone and a new Operation. All of this new content is now live on the Public Test Server so if you’re currently a player, we encourage you to check it out and give us your feedback! Be sure to visit the Star Wars: The Old Republic Test Center to learn more, and you can also take a look at many of the new features coming in Game Update 1.2 in our New Features video.


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let peopel copy or your testing isnt a test for anything but low level new players

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Good luck to you with your patch and all. im not getting my hopes up. It looks more like a pvp garbage pack than a true update. I hope Bioware wakes up soon and sees that they are slowly loosing players.


I really think this update could have added better crafting where each of your companions could have did armor and the second companion could have did weapons. Space could have been improved as well like in sto or swg.


But who am i kidding bioware is just killing off a game that could be great and also forcing every one to join a group do pvp whether or not you do them or not. this pure B.S and like i said if it happens then say good night Bioware for it will die just like galaxies did


Who said anything about forcing pvp, if you have an issue thats what pve servers are for my friend

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happy about most of the contents of 1.2. NOT happy about the nerfs across the board of all classes


A bad side effect of the WoW PvP model unfortunately :(


For copying that god awful model I give SWTOR a big minus


Endless balancing/nerfs to your class regardless of whether or not you play PvP

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