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Why Swtor should have a Bounty Board.


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sound like a great idea, i loved how you could be a true BH in galaxies. I was thinkin with the shadows/assassins they could be used to track/tail/mark the target or even be used as silent security. for example, someone takes a bounty and hires you to find the person then ur given a planet and forced to stealth around a 2-300m radius of the target to find them but can't break stealth (maybe for 30-40% of the bounty and an upfront fee of 5%). or if its a silent protection role, once the BH gets to the planet the mark is on, you're given a heads up on exact coords (or even a fast travel/teleport) of the mark and need to protect them without letting the BH attack first (could be used for knights/warriors, but they don't have stealth so theyre pretty easy to notice). not exactly sure how you would stop people from just shouting who their mark/protection is, but i like the idea of having BH's in the game somehow.
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Update: I withdraw my hatred of bounty boards. However, I would only like to see somebody allowed to post a bounty on somebody who killed them in open world. Note, not in a wz. I don't want my friends to be able to post one against me for laughs. The only reason you should be able to post it is that I just beat you down on a planet and you are angry.
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  • 3 weeks later...
That was the reason i played SWG so long. Bounty hunting was the best part of that game. I hope it comes to SWTOR. In galaxies you had to be a jedi using your force powers in front of other players to get on the terminals and you lost experience after dieing. Made the game really fun, still would be if they didn't ruin it. Edited by seJLeFrew
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  • 1 month later...

This idea is like ore, GOLD ore. It's valuable, malleable, and has potential. But it's crude, unrefined. With some tweaking here and there, it could be a nice update. As much as I hate people trying to turn this into SWG, this is something I can get onboard with.



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  • 1 month later...
I agree with your post and think this is a great idea. I would, however like to see some of the iconic class activities attributed to those classes. The BH is just a pistol trooper atm, and the Smuggler doesn't smuggle anything. It's a long term thing, but each class (there are only 8) should have activities like this, even if they are only relevant in PvE or some othe non affective mode.


Absolutely needs to happen! I like the diverse acitvities involved and would actually be on my knee's bowing at BW if they were able to integrate all of those side activities with eachother in a pvp sense.


For example: There is a bounty on a smuggler who's trying to smuggle, but a capable Jedi is given the mission to save this smuggler yet he is countered by Imperial Ops who have disabled the Jedi's ship acting as a mission support etc, etc. I dig.

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There is enough people already screaming on PvE servers that PvP can still happen. Adding something that would allow PvP will only cause more termoil. I think this is just to much of an issue for them to spend the amount of time needed just to put it in game for only PvP servers.


/not signed


hay if some idiot can running around flaged pvp on a planet then hes gonna get attacked they know the risks and shouldnt cry about it.


as for a player Bh system it has the potential for abuse, a class hunter board that give out hard npc kills for players to take down would work better IMO.

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listen every time someone, anyone, has a truly innovative and well thought-out idea it's bound to be met with derision by the horde of envious, close-minded f-heads which populate these forums. Not only is bounty hunting a fantastic idea, it's one of the things necessary for this game's survival. Class choices should mean something. In other words, Imperial Agents should be spying on the opposite faction in disguise, Smugglers should be Smuggling, Jedi Knights should be Mentoring, Jedi Consulars should have access to some kind of mini-game involving diplomacy, etc... etc...


and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I actually have an idea I'm laying out regarding how all of these features could interpenetrate each other in a seamless manner, though I'm sure when I share it there'll be plenty of people dissing it.

Edited by mourasantos
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i played for 3 years in 3 servers, BH system wasnt so popular as u want to believe

most ppl ask from a guildy BH to kill them to release them from BHunting points

and many many ppl hate it so much

not to mention that most guilds didnt aloud same faction BHunting and they remove players from their guilds for doing so.

the BH system had create so much hate from many situations

Edited by Kissakias
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The bounty board idea has one major flaw that seems to always get missed.. What to do for the other classes in the game.. Just because SWG had one, isn't a reason to have one here.. I could guarantee that if Bioware put bounty boards in this game and did nothing for the other classes this game would die.. This issue came up in the beta and the reasoning above is why we don't have them.. What to do about the other classes??


Not to mention all of the various other PVP issues that may come up.. Especially on a PVE server.. A bounty board against other players is just asking for problems.. How does one get on the bounty board?? How does one get off the bounty board?? How can one opt out of doing it all together?? Can someone Opt out?? Where can someone be attacked or not be attacked?? Are they safe on the fleet, city, or base?? Can these be between faction or all the same faction??


This was all dicussed in the beta.. There are no agreeable answers to all when it comes to these questions.. Some believe that being on a PVP server is permission to be killed any time.. Others do not believe that.. Call them hardcore or carebear is irrelevent.. Just an FYI.. If you have to call someone names in attempt to belittle their standing to make your point.. Then you simply have no point to make..


Just saying..

Edited by MajikMyst
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This would be such a great metagame, "Fluff," that would really involve the server community!


A suggestion on how to track your target. What if you have the droid that gives you possible locations on plantes requiring you to check out the planet. Each space port has some sort of cargo inspecting droid (Customs) and even front desks like at airports. They even have huge signs hanging out in the main lobby area. BW could actually implement that so people can interact with these items and it will give clues as to sightings and registration that the the bounty had to have tripped to enter. Then to further narrow down the location, the Bounty Hunter could question the taxi services to find the target. This way tracking becomes a little bit of a process that should add to the excitment.


Another suggestion to possibly help with oppossing faction territory. NPCs could be disabled from attacking someone who has accepted a bounty. So you can pass freely through any territory. However, start trouble and you can be attacked. To avoid the Bounty Hunter running into actual opposing faction members. There could be a Temporary Title attached to the characters name and PvP cannot be initiated by the opposing member only by the Bounty Hunter.


Just some suggestions. If they have already been mentioned, I apologize, I did not read throught the 11 pages of suggestions and comments in this thread.

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  • 10 months later...

I would be absolutely excited about the idea of a bounty board. Either in the implementation on a PVP server where you pay credits to place a bounty on another players head, and that player then has an icon appear over their head marking them as a fair bounty. With the reward coming directly afterwards like a mission complete. Although for this option you have to give people the option to opt out of bounties, and rewards for bounties.


For PVE worlds. With the addition of reputation you can hunt named mob's within the range of your character for rep, credits, gear, etc.


This can be extended to other classes. IE Consular can do escort mission. Smuggler can deliver a package/ stealth spy on a target. Warriors can do some sort of protection/ assassination/ destroy a target missions.

Space missions could be included, like deliver an Envoy to a planet, avoid being hijacked until you can jump to hyperspace to escape.


The boards should probably be in the cantinas or spaceports for the sake of a more realistic story implementation.

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best and most likely way of this happening.


A large rp guild, or a few, set a fellow player as a target one day a week at a certain time and they have to find/hunt him down challenge to a single player dual and defeat to win?


its something

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I would be absolutely excited about the idea of a bounty board. Either in the implementation on a PVP server where you pay credits to place a bounty on another players head, and that player then has an icon appear over their head marking them as a fair bounty. With the reward coming directly afterwards like a mission complete. Although for this option you have to give people the option to opt out of bounties, and rewards for bounties.


For PVE worlds. With the addition of reputation you can hunt named mob's within the range of your character for rep, credits, gear, etc.


This can be extended to other classes. IE Consular can do escort mission. Smuggler can deliver a package/ stealth spy on a target. Warriors can do some sort of protection/ assassination/ destroy a target missions.

Space missions could be included, like deliver an Envoy to a planet, avoid being hijacked until you can jump to hyperspace to escape.


The boards should probably be in the cantinas or spaceports for the sake of a more realistic story implementation.


Still doesn't change or address the fact that Players of the same side cannot openly attack each other outside of a couple occasions. So Player Bounty Hunters would be unable to hunt other Imperial Players, which means that Imperial Players would be unable to have Bounties on their "heads". Therefore any Bounty Board that gets added, at this moment, would be in PvE only.

Edited by Altyrell
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The idea sounds cool and it would be cool IF I can choose not to take part in this, I have experienced this system in SWG in the past and I always got killed by a player I had absolutely no chance at defeating, so I just either stood there and waited to die or just ALT-F4 out of the game.


It would be cool if there were NPC bounty hunters hunting me down, that on random occurances could spawn during phased areas (ie. class quest areas or general quest phases) it could add in the 'I wonder If anything happens' to even the player that's done the area multiple times before.


pvp bounties? I hope not, when it comes to pvp, players will always go for the easiest win, they say playing against other players makes it more challenging, but majority of them avoid anything that doesn't promise a 100% chance of winning, there are some that love the challenge and attack regardless of their chances, but most are just in it to win and avoids it all if they can't win the fight.

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I'd love to see this idea happen, for the amount of safe zones or faction zones you could mix it with faction defections (visits).


Read alot of good ideas in this thread to make this happen too, without forcing any "non - PVP'er" to participate in it.

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  • 3 months later...
I love this idea and I think it can be implemented both in the PVP server and the PVE realm. PVP goes without saying, if you didn't want to PVP, you shouldn't have chosen that server. In the PVE server, make it optional, but add incentives to participate as well as certain additional safeguards for the players. For example, bounties can only be placed on players if they have interacted with the employer in the last week or so e.g. both in the same flashpoint or warzone e.t.c. You can also make it so that there are rewards for the bountee, such as titles or rare mounts, fun things so that people would want to play. Perhaps the bountee can earn these gifts if they manage to defeat/evade the bounty hunters for a week, wherein they get the protection buff as well as a small cut of the money posted for their heads. This idea has been mentioned several times in threads like this.
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