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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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I think TOR will do fine against the coming games.


I checked out Tera, and it was the basic Korean grindfest. Not really my cup of tea.


Guild Wars 2 doesn't look all that interesting to me. I am tired of the generic fantasy elves/dwarves setting. Even though the PvP looks promising, I won't really care if I can't get into the setting.


Think about it like this: A game comes out that (for argument's sake only) has the best PvP ever conceived by man. The developers listen to their constituents, releases patches weekly, and the gameplay is absolutely perfect in everyone's eyes. Then you learn that it is based off the Twilight IP using music from Justin Beiber. I wouldn't play it.

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Hope it does but with BW forum *****es deleting my threads that expose there flaws and ask questions relating to how are they gonna handle many unsubs.




Considering that the forum is full of threads criticize the game and point out bugs, flaws, and suggestions for improvements that do not get deleted or locked (and in fact, BW moderators direct people to comment in those threads), perhaps you need to ask yourself why yours are so special that they warrant deletion.

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It should be illegal to post such ridiculous garbage


I agree....GW1 was a HORRIBLE game. Simply atrocious. And SWOTOR isn't going anywhere.


Everyone who is complaining about people leaving servers....well that is probably true but they are not quitting the game. They are going to the populated servers (where the game ROCKS). I suggest you go there too. You have no clue what you are missing. Roll an alt. Go to a populated server and don't look back.


The server I play on NEVER, has pvp que times (it's almost instantaneous) and has roughly 100-200 people on fleet at almost all hours of the day (260+ at peak hours) on Empire side. I also just read an article (not gonna search for it but it was on PCgamer.com) that revealed that SWOTOR is the fastest growing MMO in history. Remember that WOW didnt really take off for about 3 years.


So like I said...it's not going anywhere. It's well funded and has a huge player base. It is only going to get better. Watch it in 6 months. It will be #2 behind WOW

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From your statement it shows that you're either a biodrone or you just do not know enough about GW2. There are plenty of PvE as well as PvP content. Please do a little research before you make such a statement.


Seriously. Look at my post history. You're going to see that I'm absolutely not a Biodrone and GW2 holds no interest for me either for the very same reasons as the guy you quoted. I think you just hit a divide by zero error.

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But right now, after playing NWN2 again, I've realised that there can be perhaps more depth found in other multiplayer games (e.g. Diablo 3) than in SWTOR. At the moment, I only log into SWTOR to join in on an FP every other night.


Definately a sad world when a non-mmo like D3 is more of a massive multiplayer game than a true mmo.


I've felt this way for a long long time.

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I think TOR will do fine against the coming games.


I checked out Tera, and it was the basic Korean grindfest. Not really my cup of tea.


Guild Wars 2 doesn't look all that interesting to me. I am tired of the generic fantasy elves/dwarves setting. Even though the PvP looks promising, I won't really care if I can't get into the setting.


Think about it like this: A game comes out that (for argument's sake only) has the best PvP ever conceived by man. The developers listen to their constituents, releases patches weekly, and the gameplay is absolutely perfect in everyone's eyes. Then you learn that it is based off the Twilight IP using music from Justin Beiber. I wouldn't play it.


Funny thing is, Guild Wars 2 has neither Elves nor Dwarves. Also not generic fantasy as it utilizes Steam Punk (Char and Engineers) as well as Magitek (Asura), though it still does have a healthy amount of high fantasy to top off though.


Anyhow, I'll stick to the 'generic fantasy' as I hate Sci-Fi and only played this because I still liked Bioware when I first got it and I'm a fan of Star Wars since it is just as much fantasy as it is Sci-Fi.

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


TERA should "look" polished, it's been out over a YEAR and it's just another Korean grindfest ie. AION... GW2 Dec? Where you get this info? Closed beta has been going for months and open is next month per their 2-day sign ups. I would stick GW2 in Q2 2012 not Q4!


That being said, GW2 is a PVP game which this game has disappointed and lost most of that population already.

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TERA should "look" polished, it's been out over a YEAR and it's just another Korean grindfest ie. AION... GW2 Dec? Where you get this info? Closed beta has been going for months and open is next month per their 2-day sign ups. I would stick GW2 in Q2 2012 not Q4!


That being said, GW2 is a PVP game which this game has disappointed and lost most of that population already.


I agree that PVP will be a big part of it, but I see the game more as a catering to somebody like me, who prefers exploration with friends and learning more about the world rather than getting to endgame and sitting in a city talking to my guildies while dancing on <insert random world object here>.

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Definately a sad world when a non-mmo like D3 is more of a massive multiplayer game than a true mmo.


I've felt this way for a long long time.


Sorry, but that is just a hyperbolistic and ridiculously misunderstood definition of Massive Multiplayer. Diablo 3 doesnt have more than 4 players in the same game. Massively doesnt mean sitting in a random BNet chat channel. Because at the very least, Fleet is a 200+ player chat channel with stuff to run around in.


If, of course, Diablo 3 feels MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER to you because there are so many mobs you kill effortlessly in such a short timeframe, I am afraid you are in the wrong genre anyways.


Diablo 3 may be a lot of things, but its not even remotely MMO. Its a 4 player cooperative Multiplayer hack-n-slash game, with a RL money auctionhouse to it. There will be no PvP (at least at start, and I have my doubts its going to come within a short timeframe), no more than 4 players interacting, and given Diablos gamestyle, its actually barely cooperative. Its a competitive non-interaction solo game with an online platform.


Tbh, I grow tired of reading on EVERY message board of games I play, be it Shooters, MOBAS, MMORPGs, even strategy games, that Diablo 3 is much more (insert genre) than the current game, and will replace it. It ll be a disappointment, much like every overhyped game. Duke Nukem Forever, Age of Conan, StarCraft 2 and many others will attest to that.

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Agreed... Most developers who tout there game as wow killers have all been hype machines showing very little gamplay. This game did that with thir "heroic combat" tag line amongst other things.


However.... The press are touting guild wars 2 the wow killer AFTER playing the game. This is good news. I never want wow to die... But I'm glad that GW2 has good reviews after the game has been played. And unlike SWTOR... These reviews weren't bought as everyone in the press got invited.


Swtor wasn't terrible for me... But I'm not a blind fanboy who thinks this game will have 2 million subs by year end. And it's obvious guild wars 2 already has a bigger following. Check out game trailers top 10 for users videos. Game trailers ranked it 10.... The users ranked it 2nd. Already shows it has a huge following.



The thing I'm lookin forward to other then PVP.... Vibrant worlds (defiantly not generic like someone stated here) ... Full of life... Actual music when playing...Check out the norn asura theme. By Jeremy soule.





Arena net is passionate about there game and it defiantly shows from the GAMEPLAY footage we have seen



Edited by dalehitchy
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I am not claiming Guild Wars 2 doesnt look to be shapeing up to be a good game. But so is SWTOR. And I believe you are MASSIVELY deluding yourself believing that GW2 will be anywhere near the numbers of SWTOR.

GW2 is a gamers game. SWTOR is a mainstream entertainment product , built on a strong license. These games are not about the core gamer numbers as much as they are about mass appeal, and GW2 is NOT going to catch that, and never intended to.


Its too complex, it holds too much potential frustration for the unskilled player, and it ventures far too far off the beaten path in terms of itemization, lack of incentives and so on. People will play it and move on, similar to a single-player game. Even though these things are good for the health of a game, they do not capture audiences as efficiently as the item/level treadmill does.


I believe we will see MASSIVE problems with design decisions in GW2, just as with SWTOR, when a large part of the playerbase realizes this is , once more, not everything that was promised, and its not made for them.


Of course, due to its no-subscription model, GW2 numbers will never be able to be compared to any subscription MMO. So we ll never see.


But I do not for one second doubt that the very same *****torm we have seen in every MMO forum for 6 years is going to be present in GW2 too. Just different problems.

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I am not claiming Guild Wars 2 doesnt look to be shapeing up to be a good game. But so is SWTOR. And I believe you are MASSIVELY deluding yourself believing that GW2 will be anywhere near the numbers of SWTOR.

GW2 is a gamers game. SWTOR is a mainstream entertainment product , built on a strong license. These games are not about the core gamer numbers as much as they are about mass appeal, and GW2 is NOT going to catch that, and never intended to.


Its too complex, it holds too much potential frustration for the unskilled player, and it ventures far too far off the beaten path in terms of itemization, lack of incentives and so on. People will play it and move on, similar to a single-player game. Even though these things are good for the health of a game, they do not capture audiences as efficiently as the item/level treadmill does.


I believe we will see MASSIVE problems with design decisions in GW2, just as with SWTOR, when a large part of the playerbase realizes this is , once more, not everything that was promised, and its not made for them.


Of course, due to its no-subscription model, GW2 numbers will never be able to be compared to any subscription MMO. So we ll never see.


But I do not for one second doubt that the very same *****torm we have seen in every MMO forum for 6 years is going to be present in GW2 too. Just different problems.


While Guild Wars 2 may be a pretty good threat to SWTOR they are different marketing strategies, so it really is a moot point either way. No the real crusher in this fight is when big daddy (WoW) decides it is time to teach the upstart a lesson on making MMO's. After the press conference, Big Daddy flexed, and it's obvious that he's been working out.

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I am not claiming Guild Wars 2 doesnt look to be shapeing up to be a good game. But so is SWTOR. And I believe you are MASSIVELY deluding yourself believing that GW2 will be anywhere near the numbers of SWTOR.

GW2 is a gamers game. SWTOR is a mainstream entertainment product , built on a strong license. These games are not about the core gamer numbers as much as they are about mass appeal, and GW2 is NOT going to catch that, and never intended to.


Its too complex, it holds too much potential frustration for the unskilled player, and it ventures far too far off the beaten path in terms of itemization, lack of incentives and so on. People will play it and move on, similar to a single-player game. Even though these things are good for the health of a game, they do not capture audiences as efficiently as the item/level treadmill does.


I believe we will see MASSIVE problems with design decisions in GW2, just as with SWTOR, when a large part of the playerbase realizes this is , once more, not everything that was promised, and its not made for them.


Of course, due to its no-subscription model, GW2 numbers will never be able to be compared to any subscription MMO. So we ll never see.


But I do not for one second doubt that the very same *****torm we have seen in every MMO forum for 6 years is going to be present in GW2 too. Just different problems.



Sorry but I really do have to disagree with you on pretty much everything there. GW2 will be very accessible.. Even more so then star wars. It has scalable content... Not dependant on gear... Don't have to faff around with LFG for simple quests. Pve content within world PVP. Small tool bar.


This game has something for everyone. And from what I've seen does it all well. Being a buy to play game it's obvious it will far exceed swtor player base (Proft is a different story).

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Sorry but I really do have to disagree with you on pretty much everything there. GW2 will be very accessible.. Even more so then star wars. It has scalable content... Not dependant on gear... Don't have to faff around with LFG for simple quests. Pve content within world PVP. Small tool bar.


This game has something for everyone. And from what I've seen does it all well. Being a buy to play game it's obvious it will far exceed swtor player base (Proft is a different story).


Something for everyone has been a losing proposition for quite a while though, because it inevitably turns into "too little for anyone". Thus, I sincerely hope ArenaNet are not dumb enough to repeat the mistakes that other games, like LotRO and partially SWTOR made, and release a game that holds a ton of players.... for 2 months.


In the end, I dont think they do. I believe they ll cater to the competitive PvP crowd first, the competitive PvE crowd who does it for the fame and achievement second, and the mainstream MMO crowd last, because that crowd will not be able to live with a system with no progress in terms of personal character power and loot.


And in regards to "Big Daddy" WoW: Nobody is ever going to threaten WoW, but itself. Was the same with EverQuest 1 really: As long as it reigned, nobody could touch it. When it fell, though, others were there to take its place.

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I keep hearing of players that are complaining about the game due to their servers low population. some of these even have quit the game because they felt that there are no players currently playing due to how many players are one their server at their play times. i can honestly say that if you play on a low pop server and complain i feel it is partially your fault. when i started playing i chose to play on a a very high pop server and am loving the game so far. there are always players willing to play with you and great guilds running all sorts of content. so basically if you complain about the game sucking due to low pop on your server it is mostly your fault for continually playing on a low pop server and not trying the game on a very high or full server.
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It's funny how ArenaNet fans can accuse SWTOR of lack of innovation, when ArenaNet gives us things like the Asura in GW2, which are just thinly veiled gnomes from WoW... GW2 will be just a RIFT-type, "dynamic", refurbished light WoW for late 2012.
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It's funny how ArenaNet fans can accuse SWTOR of lack of innovation, when ArenaNet gives us things like the Asura in GW2, which are just thinly veiled gnomes from WoW... GW2 will be just a RIFT-type, "dynamic", refurbished light WoW for late 2012.


you dissin the Asura, bro?

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you dissin the Asura, bro?


As an example of ArenaNet "innovation", yes. They are copying WoW very closely at a time when these forums are full of under bridge dwelling persons running amok and accusing SWTOR of being WoW in space and declaring GW2 to be the great Messiah that shall redeem the MMO genre.


I will love their tears when they realize that GW2 is just a very thinly veiled light WoW. :D

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i can honestly say that if you play on a low pop server and complain i feel it is partially your fault. when i started playing i chose to play on a a very high pop server.


So did I, in fact I played on the high population server Bioware told our guild to play on. Was fine but now the bottom has dropped out of it. Guess its my fault. I should re roll but you know, for me and others that doesnt appeal. I did do that on wow...this game just doesnt have enough to make me want to do it again.


As for GW2. If its massive world v world v world actually works and can function with lots of players in each of the four massive interlinked maps with all the keeps and town objectives not being broken and so on...well I think I could play that for a very long time regardless of all the other features. Its looks like a pvp dream sure, that dream could turn into the turgid soulless reality of Ilum #2 but lets hope not.

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As for GW2. If its massive world v world v world actually works and can function with lots of players in each of the four massive interlinked maps with all the keeps and town objectives not being broken and so on...well I think I could play that for a very long time regardless of all the other features. Its looks like a pvp dream sure, that dream could turn into the turgid soulless reality of Ilum #2 but lets hope not.


I very much hope that it's a massive disappointment and GW2 will be the "Heaven's Gate" for MMOs. :p


Not that the ArenaNet devs would be a collective embodiment of all evil, but because their fans are a real nuisance and hyping that game like there would be no reason to do or play any other MMOs after it launches.


Personally I hope that the broke THQ will get a sugar daddy to help it finish DMO and I put my non-instanced, large-scale (not just zones, like Ilum) PvP hopes on that. I could play SWTOR and a good DMO for the end of my days... :D

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?

Tera will fall because the lack of content.


GW2 will fall because of the dumbed down combat system.


But both is still better than SWTOR. If SWTOR would have been released back in 2005 it would have had a fighting chance. But I don't see that happening until they fix the grouping problem, PVP balance issues and most of all the delay in combat.


So my guess is that in a year from now its either free to play or it will be around the same scale as Warhammer Online and Daoc with its few dedicated players.

And on top of that we will see games like Tera, and above Tera we will probably see GW2 together with Diablo 3 and Rift. And on top of that we will see Path of Exile and on the top World of Warcraft.

I know Diablo 3 and Path of Exile is no MMOs. But they will probably fall under that category considering they are group based online games.


EDIT: And the only thing I will miss from SWTOR when moving on to the next fail mmo is the voice overs. That is something they did right. Only problem is that the voice acting does not make up for the poorly designed game.

Edited by Marmerus
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Everyone is talking about TERA. It looks good, and if it delivers on Soul Caliberlike PvP it will be a hit im sure. What i'm watching is "Secret World" tho. It's theme and content look compelling for the MMO genre. I think it will be a sleeper hit like WoW was ages ago.
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