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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Tera is a boring Korean Grindfest I cancelled my pre-order'

GW2 is a facebook game Stomping on Frost Worms and helping farmers gather food; the voice acting is simply atrocious and the story is laughably bad. If you say different you have not played it.

Diablo III rotflmao....most folks are waiting for Torchlight II



Bottom line; the games that are coming out really won't be that much competition for TOR yeah the Locust will leave like they always leave when something new comes along...but it won't effect the core base of this game.


Wonder how you people keep calling it a Korean grindfest when you have no basis, closed beta hasnt been out that long and I imagine you don't have any experience in the game. SWTOR is a major grindfest if you ask me, I didn't want to suffer through any of the horrible side missions, kill x amount of ... go this this location... come back to questgiver.. sorry but swtor is a grindfest too! TERA has extremely better looking dungeons and bosses with better mechanics. The game is more polished this SWTOR 3 months after release.

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This isn't the kind of "hardcore" most people are interested in...


I imagine tera's player base will look a lot like the guys you see on "to catch a predator"


what's really funny is when they try to defend this with "lore". yeah, your hundred year old fairies look and act like sexualized prepubescent little girls in panties. sorry, no one buys it. they're even voiced to sound like little girls.




Its just a game man.. if you see the little girls "which by the way could be 100 years old for all you know.. its fantasy and a different race.. you shouldnt even be thinking about them in that way I didnt.. i thought they were cool and unique because bioware made an mmo where all the races look exactly the same.. all humanoid.. all same body types.. just to please their engine.. that is NOT what star wars is all about. Tera has many different races that ALL look crazy unique and different.

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Tera is the same ol thing. Lore, classes, races....yawn.

GW2 looks and plays like poo doo. F2P though so good for the welfare crowd.

SWtOR is the best MMORPG on the market and will only get better.


Whats so good about SWTOR? I'm not understanding.. there isnt anything special after completing your main storyline. Not much customization, not much armor to choose from, not many weapons.. go into pvp or pve and you will stand next to 2-4 people who look exactly like you do.. that is not immersion.

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What do we expect? I'd love to hear it. I know what I expect anyway.


Cool unique classes, awesome customization, awesome looking armor/weapons.. the best graphics i've seen in an mmo, the best combat gameplay I've felt in any MMO.. quality superb animations.. pvp is just wow! Main quest has voice acting.. animal mounts.. guild bank, guild quest, guild logos..Bosses look insane and mechanics are unique for each boss. There is even politician type roles "mayor like" where everyone gets to elect an official and this real player can make decisions for you territory. So what am I missing here? What don't you like about tera?

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If you can't speak facts, don't post. You and most others on here probably never played it. Those who did play the beta and say they hate it..well they have no skill. The game is awesome. There is nothing grindy about it unless you call questing a korean grindfest. All the casuals will stay here and all the players who need a challenge will go to Tera. Skill over stats means baddies can't hide. I'm sorry if you are not able to do everything on your own. Tera is all about some hardcore. Everything from the crafting to the PvP and PvE is impressive. PvP is *drool*. When you can kill anyone at any given time around you and visa versa thats exciting. No factions and death penalties.


100% agreed

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


Players or whiners?


I'm hoping that the same people that constantly complain about this game will go try the new games and spend their days complaining about how those will be ftp in a month so that we can cease having to wade through the mountains of hyperbole, conjecture and misinformation they are splattering all over these boards. ;p


For me, I'm not going anywhere. I've found a great game, got in on the ground floor, and am ready for the new content patch to be released this month.

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Wonder how you people keep calling it a Korean grindfest when you have no basis, closed beta hasnt been out that long and I imagine you don't have any experience in the game. SWTOR is a major grindfest if you ask me, I didn't want to suffer through any of the horrible side missions, kill x amount of ... go this this location... come back to questgiver.. sorry but swtor is a grindfest too! TERA has extremely better looking dungeons and bosses with better mechanics. The game is more polished this SWTOR 3 months after release.


Well this person is in beta ergo






Also I keep waiting for Chris Hanson to show up..... As for polish; since I personally have never had one (aside from Ilum and that is just an idea that went wrong) issue with TOR; this game is very polished to me I also Ran Tera very well but heard plenty of people complain about performance.

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Wonder how you people keep calling it a Korean grindfest when you have no basis, closed beta hasnt been out that long and I imagine you don't have any experience in the game. SWTOR is a major grindfest if you ask me, I didn't want to suffer through any of the horrible side missions, kill x amount of ... go this this location... come back to questgiver.. sorry but swtor is a grindfest too! TERA has extremely better looking dungeons and bosses with better mechanics. The game is more polished this SWTOR 3 months after release.


If you are calling this game a "grind fest", then I have to believe that you've never played an MMORPG. If you are complaining that you had to "suffer" through side quests, then I have to believe you have no understanding to the gist of the game, and see leveling not as an enjoyable adventure and story of its own, but something to get through in order to max out.


If you play a game wrong, its not the developer's fault.

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Its just a game man.. if you see the little girls "which by the way could be 100 years old for all you know.. its fantasy and a different race.. you shouldnt even be thinking about them in that way I didnt.. i thought they were cool and unique because bioware made an mmo where all the races look exactly the same.. all humanoid.. all same body types.. just to please their engine.. that is NOT what star wars is all about. Tera has many different races that ALL look crazy unique and different.


whatever helps you sleep at night. if tera keeps its target audience busy and far away from elementary schools and playgrounds then I suppose it's not all bad...

Edited by iceperson
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Whats so good about SWTOR? I'm not understanding.. there isnt anything special after completing your main storyline. Not much customization, not much armor to choose from, not many weapons.. go into pvp or pve and you will stand next to 2-4 people who look exactly like you do.. that is not immersion.



Once again, someone creating an illusion and then utilizing that as a basis for their complaints.


The reality here is that for a launch, this game has done exceptionally well. One cannot blame the developers for racing ahead of the game. One cannot, and it is rather short sighted, to judge a MMORPG as complete in the first month or two of release.


As many of us have been trying to tell people, these games release with a shell, then grow and expand over a period of 5 to 10 years. The assumption with these games is that the first end game content will be released at about 3 months. We are just over two months in. They are right on the bubble....especially for those of us that played the game correctly and did not rush to 50 in the first week or two. ;p

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If you are calling this game a "grind fest", then I have to believe that you've never played an MMORPG. If you are complaining that you had to "suffer" through side quests, then I have to believe you have no understanding to the gist of the game, and see leveling not as an enjoyable adventure and story of its own, but something to get through in order to max out.


If you play a game wrong, its not the developer's fault.


Here we go with the assumptions.. Dude i've been playing MMO's since EQ.. I played SWG, EVE, MO, RIFT, LOTR, AION, AC.. i know how mmo's work. SWTOR is only supreme in the main quest line which is sometimes only 2-5 quest per planet.. all the side quest are basicly a voice-over lackluster grind as many people develop the spacebar syndrome rather quick, and instead of have a skip all feature, bioware wants to you suffer with spacebar and listening too the same old quest over and over again. Thats pretty lame. The models are recycled and slapped with different colored textures instead of new art design.. some of the art design for most classes are just plain horrendous.. warriors for example.. sorcs... the list goes on and on. Think outside the box, its all i ask.

Edited by Saereth_Darklighter
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GW2's isn't really an mmo, its a multiplayer with some cool options. That said it appeals to a different market. Also, GW's is pretty much a short life span game, the pvp multiplayers hang out but the mmo players usually end up leaving or putting on the back up to play when finances require them to play a free to play game.


Tera seems to be gunning for a different market than the usual Western MMO market, it has an anime flavor to it and again, that sort of mmo appeals to a much smaller audience in the West than Star Wars, whos audience is global not regional.

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Once again, someone creating an illusion and then utilizing that as a basis for their complaints.


The reality here is that for a launch, this game has done exceptionally well. One cannot blame the developers for racing ahead of the game. One cannot, and it is rather short sighted, to judge a MMORPG as complete in the first month or two of release.


As many of us have been trying to tell people, these games release with a shell, then grow and expand over a period of 5 to 10 years. The assumption with these games is that the first end game content will be released at about 3 months. We are just over two months in. They are right on the bubble....especially for those of us that played the game correctly and did not rush to 50 in the first week or two. ;p


Thats NOT an excuse anymore.. its 2012 you spent millions into the creation of this game where you spent half the money on voice actors instead of what really matters.. CONTENT, ARMOR, WEAPONS, CUSTOMIZATION, GUILD FEATURES... Yet you only have 1 endgame model thats ugly for each of the classes and not including the advanced classes which are different.. my SM shouldnt look like a Juggernaught tank lol

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GW2's isn't really an mmo, its a multiplayer with some cool options. That said it appeals to a different market. Also, GW's is pretty much a short life span game, the pvp multiplayers hang out but the mmo players usually end up leaving or putting on the back up to play when finances require them to play a free to play game.




It really is to me more of a Facebook game with a co-op RPG tacked on than a MMO; you stomp Frost worms you help farmers with their crops...just tons of busy work and every so often you get a cut scene with really bad voice acting.

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Here we go with the assumptions.. Dude i've been playing MMO's since EQ.. I played SWG, EVE, MO, RIFT, LOTR, AION, AC.. i know how mmo's work. SWTOR is only supreme in the main quest line which is sometimes only 2-5 quest per planet.. all the side quest are basicly a voice-over lackluster grind as many people develop the spacebar syndrome rather quick, and instead of have a skip all feature, bioware wants to you suffer with spacebar and listening too the same old quest over and over again. Thats pretty lame. The models are recycled and slapped with different colored textures instead of new art design.. some of the art design for most classes are just plain horrendous.. warriors for example.. sorcs... the list goes on and on. Think outside the box, its all i ask.


You see what your doing here is confusing class/ zone story quests with side quests, side quests in this game are bonus quests.


The rest that your complaining about is asthetics and that you dont have a text page that you can simply ignore then click accept, and then go do it or as the vast majority of people do which is to accept then wander about aimlesly for 30 mins then complain in chat that they have no idea where the quest is and that the game has no story ( which is what they missed when they didnt bother to read the quest log ).

Edited by Shingara
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The reality here is that for a launch, this game has done exceptionally well. One cannot blame the developers for racing ahead of the game. One cannot, and it is rather short sighted, to judge a MMORPG as complete in the first month or two of release.


As many of us have been trying to tell people, these games release with a shell, then grow and expand over a period of 5 to 10 years. The assumption with these games is that the first end game content will be released at about 3 months. We are just over two months in. They are right on the bubble....especially for those of us that played the game correctly and did not rush to 50 in the first week or two. ;p


I just can not agree with that, there are games currently in beta stage with way more gaming- and core features, so this argument simply does not stand. SWTOR has been rushed out, anyone who denies that has a very skewed view of reality.


Ok, the voice overs were a huge amount of work for sure, and they are top notch, but story writers and recording studios do a different job than programmers and game designers, they do parallel work.

You can´t tell me that simple things like customizable UI, guild banks and modern character creation are not just basic features which have to be there in any beta or 1.0 version.


Also I payed a "complete" price for the game and not just a fraction of the cost because of the games incompleteness.

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Here we go with the assumptions.. Dude i've been playing MMO's since EQ.. I played SWG, EVE, MO, RIFT, LOTR, AION, AC..


And you have still not figured it out? ;p


I am assuming nothing. I am answering your statement. That is not assumption. Assumption is what you were doing, and continue to do. It lends to the understanding that you're expectations and understanding of this game are very skewed.


i know how mmo's work. SWTOR is only supreme in the main quest line which is sometimes only 2-5 quest per planet.. all the side quest are basicly a voice-over lackluster grind as many people develop the spacebar syndrome rather quick, and instead of have a skip all feature, bioware wants to you suffer with spacebar and listening too the same old quest over and over again. Thats pretty lame. The models are recycled and slapped with different colored textures instead of new art design.. some of the art design for most classes are just plain horrendous.. warriors for example.. sorcs... the list goes on and on. Think outside the box, its all i ask.


If this is your contention, then I would have to argue that you do not know how games of this nature work. I would further ask you to demonstrate which storyline, or even planet quest line consists of 2 quests to the point that this assumption would be presented as an example of standard game play?


As I've stated, your argument is purely conjecture, based on your personal opinion of what an MMORPG is suppose to be, what is important in them, and how they should proceed. I find none of that to be either valid, or important to the success or enjoyment of the game, especially those arguments that tend to be more fabrication and hyperbole then reality.

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I have zero desire to play an asian grind fest RPG. At least I can put SWTOR down for a few days and pick it back up without feeling like I'm behind schedule too much.


I also love the scenery and feel in this game. I've been looking for a space based RPG for a while.


I also have zero desire to get into GW2. I love PvP but I did enough competitive PvP and such in WoW that now I just want a game I can jump in and play and get back out. GW2 reminds me too much of my WoW days and I really don't care to do that again.


I reserve my competitive PvP and such for games that require twitch skills, like BF3.

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I just can not agree with that, there are games currently in beta stage with way more gaming- and core features, so this argument simply does not stand. SWTOR has been rushed out, anyone who denies that has a very skewed view of reality.


Ok, the voice overs were a huge amount of work for sure, and they are top notch, but story writers and recording studios do a different job than programmers and game designers, they do parallel work.

You can´t tell me that simple things like customizable UI, guild banks and modern character creation are not just basic features which have to be there in any beta or 1.0 version.


Also I payed a "complete" price for the game and not just a fraction of the cost because of the games incompleteness.


You do realize all the parts you are "voting" for are available in other games. Why don't you just go play something else?

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I just can not agree with that, there are games currently in beta stage with way more gaming- and core features, so this argument simply does not stand. SWTOR has been rushed out, anyone who denies that has a very skewed view of reality.


What are the games and what is the "better content?". To simply state such as an absolute tells us nothing. Without you listing your expectations and demonstrating the games that fill your expectations, are released with either greater or finished content, fall under the category of MMORPG there is nothing to discuss here, nothing to sink our teeth into as a matter of debate.


I can say that this model has been followed by every major release from UO, to EQ, to DAoC, and on down the line.



You can´t tell me that simple things like customizable UI, guild banks and modern character creation are not just basic features which have to be there in any beta or 1.0 version.


I can and I will. ;p


Those items are never in at release. No MMORPG has ever released with an abundance of content. If some had some of those features, they would be missing others. That is the nature of the genre. They are usually brought in within the first six months. They are in the patch notes for this game now, and will be released ahead of the curve.


Also I payed a "complete" price for the game and not just a fraction of the cost because of the games incompleteness.


This is a logical fallacy, "I believe, therefore it is". You paid nothing of the sort. You paid for access to the game. That is clearly noted and you had to agree to that in order to play. This, once again, is conjecture used as a basis for argument against the game, but is simply not the case.


This is an MMORPG, not a shooter like, "Call of Duty". The game releases with a shell. It then expands and grows over a period of 5 to 10 years. To expect an MMORPG to be complete at release is to expect it to be a totally different game that is outside its genre.

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